#!/usr/bin/env pwsh #region Classes class ParamBase : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo { [bool]$IsDynamic [System.Object]$Value [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[string]]$Aliases [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Attribute]]$Attributes [System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable[System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData]]$CustomAttributes ParamBase([string]$Name) { [void]$this.Create($Name, [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter], $null) } ParamBase([string]$Name, [type]$Type) { [void]$this.Create($Name, $Type, $null) } ParamBase([string]$Name, [System.Object]$value) { [void]$this.Create($Name, ($value.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -as 'Type'), $value) } ParamBase([string]$Name, [type]$Type, [System.Object]$value) { [void]$this.create($Name, $Type, $value) } ParamBase([System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]$ParameterMetadata, [System.Object]$value) { [void]$this.Create($ParameterMetadata, $value) } hidden [ParamBase] Create([string]$Name, [type]$Type, [System.Object]$value) { return $this.Create([System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]::new($Name, $Type), $value) } hidden [ParamBase] Create([System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata]$ParameterMetadata, [System.Object]$value) { $Name = $ParameterMetadata.Name; if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ParameterMetadata.Name)) { throw [System.ArgumentNullException]::new('Name') } $PType = $ParameterMetadata.ParameterType; [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][type]$PType = $PType; if ($null -ne $value) { try { $this.Value = $value -as $PType; } catch { $InnrEx = [System.Exception]::new() $InnrEx = if ($null -ne $this.Value) { if ([Type]$this.Value.PsObject.TypeNames[0] -ne $PType) { [System.InvalidOperationException]::New('Operation is not valid due to ambigious parameter types') }else { $innrEx } } else { $innrEx } throw [System.Management.Automation.SetValueException]::new("Unable to set value for $($this.ToString()) parameter.", $InnrEx) } }; $this.Aliases = $ParameterMetadata.Aliases; $this.IsDynamic = $ParameterMetadata.IsDynamic; $this.Attributes = $ParameterMetadata.Attributes; $[psscriptproperty]::new('Name', [scriptblock]::Create("return '$Name'"), { throw "'Name' is a ReadOnly property." })); $[psscriptproperty]::new('IsSwitch', [scriptblock]::Create("return [bool]$([int]$ParameterMetadata.SwitchParameter)"), { throw "'IsSwitch' is a ReadOnly property." })); $[psscriptproperty]::new('ParameterType', [scriptblock]::Create("return [Type]'$PType'"), { throw "'ParameterType' is a ReadOnly property." })); $[psscriptproperty]::new('DefaultValue', [scriptblock]::Create('return $(switch ($this.ParameterType) { ([bool]) { $false } ([string]) { [string]::Empty } ([array]) { @() } ([hashtable]) { @{} } Default { $null } }) -as $this.ParameterType'), { throw "'DefaultValue' is a ReadOnly property." })); $[psscriptproperty]::new('RawDefaultValue', [scriptblock]::Create('return $this.DefaultValue.ToString()'), { throw "'RawDefaultValue' is a ReadOnly property." })); $[psscriptproperty]::new('HasDefaultValue', [scriptblock]::Create('return $($null -ne $this.DefaultValue)'), { throw "'HasDefaultValue' is a ReadOnly property." })); return $this } [string] ToString() { $nStr = if ($this.IsSwitch) { '[switch]' }else { '[Parameter()]' }; return ('{0}${1}' -f $nStr, $this.Name) } } class ArgParser { ArgParser() {} # The Parse method takes an array of command-line arguments and parses them according to the parameters specified using AddParameter. # returns a dictionary containing the parsed values. # # $stream = @('str', 'eam', 'mm'); $filter = @('ffffil', 'llll', 'tttr', 'rrr'); $excludestr = @('sss', 'ddd', 'ggg', 'hhh'); $dkey = [consolekey]::S # $cliArgs = '--format=gnu -f- -b20 --quoting-style=escape --rmt-command=/usr/lib/tar/rmt -DeleteKey [consolekey]$dkey -Exclude [string[]]$excludestr -Filter [string[]]$filter -Force -Include [string[]]$IncludeStr -Recurse -Stream [string[]]$stream -Confirm -WhatIf'.Split(' ') static [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, ParamBase]] Parse([string[]]$cliArgs, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, ParamBase]]$ParamBaseDict) { [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$cliArgs = $cliArgs; [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$ParamBaseDict = $ParamBaseDict; $paramDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, ParamBase]]::new() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $cliArgs.Count; $i++) { $arg = $cliArgs[$i]; ($name, $IsParam) = switch ($true) { $arg.StartsWith('--') { $arg.Substring(2), $true; break } $arg.StartsWith('-') { $arg.Substring(1), $true; break } Default { $arg; $false } } if ($IsParam) { $lgcp = $name.Contains('=') if ($lgcp) { $name = $name.Substring(0, $name.IndexOf('=')) } $bParam_Index = $ParamBaseDict.Keys.Where({ $_ -match $name }) $IsKnownParam = $null -ne $bParam_Index; $Param = if ($IsKnownParam) { $ParamBaseDict[$name] } else { $null } $IsKnownParam = $null -ne $Param if ($IsKnownParam) { if (!$lgcp) { $i++; $argVal = $cliArgs[$i] if ($Param.ParameterType.IsArray) { $arr = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new() while ($i -lt $cliArgs.Count -and !$cliArgs[$i].StartsWith('-')) { $arr.Add($argVal); $i++; $argVal = $cliArgs[$i] } $paramDict.Add($name, [ParamBase]::New($name, $Param.ParameterType, $($arr.ToArray() -as $Param.ParameterType))) } else { $paramDict.Add($name, [ParamBase]::New($name, $Param.ParameterType, $argVal)) } } else { $i++; $argVal = $name.Substring($name.IndexOf('=') + 1) $paramDict.Add($name, [ParamBase]::New($name, $Param.ParameterType, $argVal)) } } else { Write-Warning "[ArgParser] : Unknown parameter: $name" } } } return $paramDict } static [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, ParamBase]] Parse([string[]]$cliArgs, [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata, object]]$ParamBase) { $ParamBaseDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, ParamBase]]::New(); $ParamBase.Keys | ForEach-Object { $ParamBaseDict.Add($_.Name, [ParamBase]::new($_.Name, $_.ParameterType, $ParamBase[$_])) } return [ArgParser]::Parse($cliArgs, $ParamBaseDict) } # A method to convert parameter names from their command-line format (using dashes) to their property name format (using PascalCase). static hidden [string] MungeName([string]$name) { return [string]::Join('', ($name.Split('-') | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1) })) } } #endregion Classes # Types that will be available to users when they import the module. $typestoExport = @( [ArgParser], [ParamBase] ) $TypeAcceleratorsClass = [PsObject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators') foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { if ($Type.FullName -in $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Get.Keys) { $Message = @( "InvalidOperation : TypeAcceleratorAlreadyExists" "Unable to register type accelerator '$($Type.FullName)'" ) -join ' - ' $Message | Write-Warning } } # Add type accelerators for every exportable type. foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Add($Type.FullName, $Type) } # Remove type accelerators when the module is removed. $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { foreach ($Type in $typestoExport) { $TypeAcceleratorsClass::Remove($Type.FullName) } }.GetNewClosure(); $scripts = @(); $Public = Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/Public" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $scripts += Get-ChildItem "$PSScriptRoot/Private" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $scripts += $Public foreach ($file in $scripts) { Try { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($file.fullname)) { continue } . "$($file.fullname)" } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to import function $($file.BaseName): $_" $host.UI.WriteErrorLine($_) } } $Param = @{ Function = $Public.BaseName Cmdlet = '*' Alias = '*' Verbose = $false } Export-ModuleMember @Param |