param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $ResourceGroupName = $(throw "Name of the resource group is required"), [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $LogicAppName = $(throw "Name of the logic app is required"), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $WorkflowName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][datetime] $StartTime = $(throw "Start time is required"), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][datetime] $EndTime, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int] $MaximumFollowNextPageLink = 10, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $EnvironmentName = "AzureCloud" ) try { $token = Get-AzCachedAccessToken $accessToken = $token.AccessToken $subscriptionId = $token.SubscriptionId if ($WorkflowName -eq "") { if ($EndTime) { $runs = Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $LogicAppName -FollowNextPageLink -MaximumFollowNextPageLink $MaximumFollowNextPageLink | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Failed' -and $_.StartTime -ge $StartTime -and $_.EndTime -le $EndTime } } else { $runs = Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $LogicAppName -FollowNextPageLink -MaximumFollowNextPageLink $MaximumFollowNextPageLink | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Failed' -and $_.StartTime -ge $StartTime } } foreach ($run in $runs) { $triggerName = $run.Trigger.Name $runId = $run.Name $resubmitUrl = "$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Logic/workflows/$LogicAppName/triggers/$triggerName/histories/$runId/resubmit?api-version=2016-06-01" $params = @{ Method = 'Post' Headers = @{ 'authorization' = "Bearer $accessToken" } URI = $resubmitUrl } $web = Invoke-WebRequest @params -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Resubmitted run $runId for the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName'" } if ($EndTime) { Write-Host "Successfully resubmitted all failed instances for the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime' and until '$EndTime'" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Successfully resubmitted all failed instances for the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime'" -ForegroundColor Green } } else { $listFailedUrl = . $PSScriptRoot\Get-AzLogicAppStandardResourceManagementUrl.ps1 -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LogicAppName $LogicAppName -WorkflowName $WorkflowName -StartTime $StartTime -Action 'listFailed' $listFailedParams = @{ Method = 'Get' Headers = @{ 'authorization' = "Bearer $accessToken" } URI = $listFailedUrl } $failedRuns = Invoke-WebRequest @listFailedParams -ErrorAction Stop $failedRunsContent = $failedRuns.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $allFailedRuns = $failedRunsContent.value if ($null -ne $failedRunsContent.nextLink) { $nextPageCounter = 1 $nextPageUrl = $failedRunsContent.nextLink while ($null -ne $nextPageUrl -and $nextPageCounter -le $MaximumFollowNextPageLink) { $nextPageCounter = $nextPageCounter + 1 $listFailedParams = @{ Method = 'Get' Headers = @{ 'authorization' = "Bearer $accessToken" } URI = $nextPageUrl } $failedRunsNextPage = Invoke-WebRequest @listFailedParams -ErrorAction Stop $failedRunsNextPageContent = $failedRunsNextPage.Content | ConvertFrom-Json $nextPageUrl = $failedRunsNextPageContent.nextLink $allFailedRuns = $allFailedRuns + $failedRunsNextPageContent.value } } foreach ($failedRun in $allFailedRuns) { $runName = $ $triggerName = $ $resubmitUrl = . $PSScriptRoot\Get-AzLogicAppStandardResourceManagementUrl.ps1 -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -LogicAppName $LogicAppName -WorkflowName $WorkflowName -TriggerName $triggerName -RunName $runName -Action 'resubmit' $resubmitParams = @{ Method = 'Post' Headers = @{ 'authorization' = "Bearer $accessToken" } URI = $resubmitUrl } $resubmit = Invoke-WebRequest @resubmitParams -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Resubmit run '$runName' for the workflow '$WorkflowName' in Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName'" } Write-Host "Successfully resubmitted all failed instances for the workflow '$WorkflowName' in the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime'" -ForegroundColor Green } } catch { if ($WorkflowName -eq "") { if ($EndTime) { throw "Failed to resubmit all failed instances for the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime' and until '$EndTime'. Details: $($_.Exception.Message)" } else { throw "Failed to resubmit all failed instances for the Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime'. Details: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } else { throw "Failed to resubmit all failed instances for the workflow '$WorkflowName' in Azure Logic App '$LogicAppName' in resource group '$ResourceGroupName' from '$StartTime'. Details: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } |