
ArcGIS Module for PowerShell DSC

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name ArcGIS

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name ArcGIS

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2018-2024 ESRI. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Esri


ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise Automation Azure Desktop PRO


Get-FQDN Invoke-ArcGISConfiguration Invoke-PublishWebApp Invoke-BuildArcGISAzureImage Invoke-PublishGISService Get-ArcGISProductDetails Wait-ForServiceToReachDesiredState New-NotebookWorkspaceSMBGlobalMapping


ArcGIS_DataStore ArcGIS_DataStore_TLS ArcGIS_DataStoreBackup ArcGIS_DataStoreItemServer ArcGIS_DataStoreUpgrade ArcGIS_Disk ArcGIS_EGDB ArcGIS_Federation ArcGIS_FileShare ArcGIS_GeoEvent ArcGIS_IIS_TLS ArcGIS_Install ArcGIS_InstallMsiPackage ArcGIS_InstallPatch ArcGIS_License ArcGIS_LogHarvester ArcGIS_MissionServer ArcGIS_MissionServerSettings ArcGIS_MissionServerUpgrade ArcGIS_NotebookPostInstall ArcGIS_NotebookServer ArcGIS_NotebookServerDockerEngine ArcGIS_NotebookServerSettings ArcGIS_NotebookServerUpgrade ArcGIS_NotebookServerWorkspaceSetup ArcGIS_PendingReboot ArcGIS_Portal ArcGIS_Portal_TLS ArcGIS_PortalSettings ArcGIS_PortalUnregister ArcGIS_PortalUpgrade ArcGIS_RemoteFile ArcGIS_Server ArcGIS_Server_RegisterDirectories ArcGIS_Server_Service ArcGIS_Server_TLS ArcGIS_ServerSettings ArcGIS_ServerUpgrade ArcGIS_Service_Account ArcGIS_TLSCertificateFileImport ArcGIS_TLSCertificateImport ArcGIS_Tomcat ArcGIS_VideoServer ArcGIS_VideoServerSettings ArcGIS_VideoServerUpgrade ArcGIS_WaitForComponent ArcGIS_WebAdaptor ArcGIS_WebGISDR ArcGIS_WindowsService ArcGIS_xFirewall ArcGIS_xSmbShare ArcGIS_xWindowsUpdate


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

ArcGIS Module for PowerShell DSC - 4.4.0


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.4.0 (current version) 126,711 11/7/2024
4.3.0 154,526 5/23/2024
4.2.1 79,277 2/12/2024
4.2.0 16,440 11/16/2023
4.1.0 10,795 4/25/2023
4.0.2 4,601 1/20/2023
4.0.1 2,829 11/22/2022
4.0.0 5,366 8/15/2022
3.3.2 4,851 4/15/2022
3.3.1 1,525 2/18/2022
3.3.0 1,970 11/18/2021
3.2.0 3,895 5/6/2021
3.1.1 15,115 10/8/2020
3.1.0 532 7/28/2020
3.0.2 450 5/18/2020
3.0.1 532 4/3/2020
3.0.0 248 2/27/2020
2.1.1 7,851 9/16/2019
2.1.0 1,367 6/28/2019
2.0.0 1,182 4/8/2019
1.1.4 471 12/17/2018
1.1.3 736 11/1/2018
1.1.2 121 10/31/2018
1.1.1 112 10/30/2018
1.1.0 244 9/24/2018
1.0.1 223 8/2/2018
1.0.0 99 7/17/2018
0.8.7 651 3/7/2018
0.8.6 82 3/7/2018
0.8.5 81 3/7/2018
0.8.4 85 3/6/2018
0.8.3 80 3/3/2018
0.8.2 142 2/5/2018
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