# TODO please be aware, that the join-object function does not support $null yet [PSCustomObject]@{ # General "logfile" = "./logfile.log" # default logfile "encoding" = "utf8" "nameConcatChar" = " ~ " "currentDate" = [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") # Chosen plugin "plugin" = [PSCustomObject]@{ # This will be filled with the plugin that you need to choose "guid" = "" # The guid of the plugin that will be used with this settings file "name" = "" "version" = "0.0.1" "lastUpdate" = "2023-06-15" } "pluginFolders" = [Array]@() # Default folders that should been loaded to look for plugins # Network and Security "changeTLS" = $true # change TLS automatically to a newer version "allowedProtocols" = @(,"Tls12") # Protocols that should be used like Tls12, Tls13, SSL3 "keyfile" = "" # Define a path in here, if you use another keyfile for # PowerShell/Python "powershellExePath" = "$( $Env:SystemRoot )\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" # Default powershell to use. Could be changed to something like pwsh.exe for the scheduled task of refreshing token and response gathering # To make sure to use the 64 bit version, change this to an absolute path like # This inputs a string into powershell exe at a virtual place "sysnative" "psCoreExePath" = "$( $Env:ProgramFiles )\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" # The absolute path of PSCore, if you want to use PSCore x86 (32 bit), then change the path to something like # "$( [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)") )\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" # or # C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe "pythonPath" = "$( $Env:ProgramFiles )\Python\python.exe" # Local lib folder "loadlocalLibFolder" = $true "localLibFolder" = "./lib" # DuckDB "defaultDuckDBConnection" = "Data Source=:memory:;" # Default DuckDB connection -> In-Memory connection, could also be a file "queriesBeforeUploadWithDuckDB" = [Array]@() #"upload" = [PSCustomObject]@{ # "queriesBeforeUploadWithDuckDB" = [Array]@() #} # LogJob database (sqlite file via DuckDB will directly made, not connected to defaultDuckDBConnection) "joblogDB" = "./logjob.sqlite" } |