<# If ( $isDuckDBLoaded -eq $true ) # Resolve path first $absolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($script:settings.joblogDB) # Build Connection string $connString = "DataSource=$( $absolutePath )" # Add connection to duckdb Add-DuckDBConnection -Name "JobLog" -ConnectionString $connString Incremental ID Guid/ProcessID Plugin Debug Yes/No JobType (Upload, Messages, Lists, Preview) InputHashtable as JSON InputRecordsCount CreateDateTime UpdateDateTime FinishDateTime TotalTime output is the returned hashtable Return an ID CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS joblog ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,created TEXT DEFAULT (STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'NOW', 'localtime')) ,updated TEXT ,finished INTEGER ,status TEXT ,process TEXT ,plugin TEXT ,debug INTEGER ,type TEXT ,input TEXT ,inputrecords INTEGER ,successful INTEGER ,failed INTEGER ,totalseconds INTEGER ,output TEXT ) CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS update_joblog_trigger AFTER UPDATE On joblog BEGIN UPDATE joblog SET updated = STRFTIME('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f', 'NOW', 'localtime') WHERE id =; END; And then allow to execute the job type Then when creating a new row with insert into joblog (status) values ('abc'); select last_insert_rowid() you get back the id value INSERT INTO sqlite_db.tbl VALUES (42, 'DuckDB'); INSTALL sqlite; LOAD sqlite; ATTACH 'C:\Users\Florian\Downloads\a pet co\apetco.sqlite' AS apetco (TYPE sqlite); use apetco; select * from kontakte; -- select * from duckdb_extensions(); #> Function Add-JobLog { <# ... #> [cmdletbinding()] param( # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Guid #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$ConnectionString # TODO also allow use other connection strings as input parameter? ) Process { Set-JobLogDatabase Invoke-SqlScalar -ConnectionName "JobLog" -Query "INSERT INTO joblog (process) values ('$( $Script:processId )'); SELECT last_insert_rowid()" } } |