Function Read-DuckDBQueryAsReader { <# ... #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Query ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$ConnectionName = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ReturnAsPSCustom = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$AsStream = $false ) Begin { $isSniffCsv = $false If ( $Query.Contains("sniff_csv") -eq $true ) { $isSniffCsv = $true } $conn = Get-DuckDBConnection -Name $ConnectionName $duckCommand = $conn.connection.createCommand() # Example: "Select * from read_csv('C:\Users\Florian\Downloads\example.txt', all_varchar = true, allow_quoted_nulls = true)" # You can define more options for loading csv through # A good instant online example: # CREATE TABLE train_services AS FROM 's3://duckdb-blobs/train_services.parquet'; # SELECT * FROM train_services LIMIT 10; $duckCommand.CommandText = $Query # Set streaming parameter, less RAM, possibly slower query, but the whole result is streamed rather than saved in one go If ( $AsStream -eq $true ) { $duckCommand.UseStreamingMode = $true } # Execute the reader $reader = $duckCommand.ExecuteReader() # return as [System.Data.Common.DbDataReader] #$reader <# Example of handling this, good example here: # Number of fields $reader.FieldCount # Name of field 2 $reader.GetName(1) # Get value of field 2 as String $reader.GetString(1) #> If ( $ReturnAsPSCustom -eq $true ) { If ( $AsStream -eq $false ) { $returnPSCustomArrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } } # TODO implement as datatable <# $dt = [System.Data.Datatable]::new() [void]$dt.Columns.Add("First") [void]$dt.Columns.Add("Second") [void]$dt.Columns.Add("IDGAF") (1..250000).ForEach{ [void]$dt.Rows.Add($_, ($_ * 100), '0') } #> } Process { If ( $ReturnAsPSCustom -eq $true ) { While ($ { # Create object and fill it $returnPSCustom = [Ordered]@{} For ($x = 0; $x -lt $reader.FieldCount; $x++ ) { # TODO support other return types than string if ($reader.IsDBNull($x) -eq $true ) { $returnPSCustom[$reader.GetName($x)] = $null } elseif ( $isSniffCsv -eq $true -and $reader.GetName($x) -eq "Columns" ) { # This is a special subcollection $subArrayList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $v = $reader.GetValue($x) ForEach ( $y in $v ) { $subPSCustom = [PSCustomObject]@{} ForEach ($z in $y.Keys) { $subPSCustom | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $z -Value $y.$z } [void]$subArrayList.Add($subPSCustom) } $returnPSCustom[$reader.GetName($x)] = $subArrayList } else { $returnPSCustom[$reader.GetName($x)] = $reader.GetValue($x) #$reader.GetString($x) } } If ( $AsStream -eq $true ) { # return directly if it is a stream [PSCustomObject]$returnPSCustom } else { # otherwise add to a collection [void]$returnPSCustomArrayList.Add([PSCustomObject]$returnPSCustom) } } # Return as collection in once, if not streaming If ( $AsStream -eq $false ) { $returnPSCustomArrayList } } else { # TODO not quite what I was expecting, but PSCustomObject is more important for the start $reader } } End { } } |