# $params =[Hashtable]@{ # "Uri" = "" # } # TODO maybe put all http functions into one module <# $wr = @( Invoke-RestMethodWithErrorHandling -Params $params ) #> function Invoke-RestMethodWithErrorHandling { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Hashtable]$Params ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Array]$RetryHttpErrorList = [Array]@(502) # http errors that should used for $maxTriesSpecific ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$MaxTriesSpecific = 3 # Specific http errors that are catched, see $RetryHttpErrorList ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$MaxTriesGeneric = 1 # Generic errors that are not specifically catched ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][int]$MillisecondsDelay = 200 # Delay for the case of an exception ) begin { # Clear the error object $Error.Clear() $completed = $false } process { $response = $null $specificCounter = 0 $genericCounter = 0 do { try { $response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params -ErrorAction Stop $completed = $true } catch { $e = $_ # parse the response code and body $errResponse = $e.Exception.Response $errBody = Import-ErrorForResponseBody -Err $e #$errResponse.StatusCode.value__ #= 502 #$errResponse.StatusCode.ToString() # = "BadGateway" #$errResponse.ReasonPhrase # = "Bad Gateway" # directly throw an exception so we can catch it in the caller if ( $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ -eq 401 ) { throw $e #.exception } # retry if a specific http error happens if ( $RetryHttpErrorList -contains $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ ) { $specificCounter += 1 # Exceeded all retries if ($specificCounter -ge $MaxTriesSpecific) { Write-Log -Message "Request $( $specificCounter ) failed with $( $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ ) $( $errResponse.StatusCode.ToString() ). Command failed the maximum number of $( $MaxTriesSpecific ) times." -Severity WARNING #Write-Log -Message $_.Exception.Message -Severity ERROR Write-Log -Message "RESPONSE: $( ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $errBody -Depth 99 -Compress)" -Severity WARNING throw $e #.Exception # Not all specific tries used yet, repeat } else { Write-Log -Message "Request $( $specificCounter ) failed with $( $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ ) $( $errResponse.StatusCode.ToString() ). Retrying in $( $MillisecondsDelay ) milliseconds." Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $MillisecondsDelay Continue } # generic problems } else { $genericCounter += 1 # Exceeded all retries if ($genericCounter -ge $MaxTriesGeneric) { Write-Log -Message "Request $( $genericCounter ) failed. Command failed the maximum number of $( $MaxTriesGeneric ) times." -Severity WARNING #Write-Log -Message $_.Exception.Message -Severity ERROR Write-Log -Message "RESPONSE: $( ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $errBody -Depth 99 -Compress)" throw $e #.Exception # Not all generic tries used yet, repeat } else { Write-Log -Message "Request $( $genericCounter ) failed. Retrying in $( $MillisecondsDelay ) milliseconds." -Severity WARNING Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $MillisecondsDelay Continue } } } } until ( $completed -eq $true -or $specificCounter -ge $MaxTriesSpecific -or $genericCounter -ge $MaxTriesGeneric) } end { # Clear the error object $Error.Clear() # Return: Make sure it is not really null to imitate Invoke-RestMethod If ( $null -eq $response ) { [Array]@() } else { $response } } } #Invoke-RestMethodWithErrorHandling -Params $params |