[PSCustomObject]@{ # General "providername" = "PSSalesforceSalesCloud" # API "base" = "" # will be combined with the account domain "apiversion" = "58.0" # Salesforce API version "instanceId" = "FS0" # This is the 3 to 6 character in a salesforce ID #"contentType" = "application/json; charset=utf-8" # content type string that is always used for API requests #"pageSize" = 500 # if paging is used for the API requests, this is the default setting for a pagesize "additionalHeaders" = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"X-API" = "abcdef" } # static headers that should be send to the URL, sometimes needed for API gateways "additionalParameters" = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"Proxy" = "" #"SkipHeaderValidation" = $true } # additional parameter for the Invoke-RestMethod call like Proxy or ProxyCredential, see "logAPIrequests" = $true # log information like 'GET' # Token refreshment "token" = [PSCustomObject]@{ # Refreshing task # "taskDefaultName" = "Apteco SalesforceSC Token Refresher" # "dailyTaskSchedule" = 1 # runs every day at 6 local time in the morning # "refreshTtl" = 604800 # seconds; refresh one week before expiration # Process to use for refresh task # "powershellExePath" = "powershell.exe" # e.g. use pwsh.exe for PowerShell7 #"tokenfile" = "C:\Test\cr.token" #"createTokenFile" = $true "tokenSettingsFile" = "" # Path for the settings json file like c:\temp\sf_token_settings.json that contains important information about the token creation and refreshing # Not implemented yet, but settings for the token file "exportTokenToFile" = $true # only used, if the token usage is on 'generate' "tokenUsage" = "consume" # consume|generate -> please have only one setting where you generate the token "encryptTokenFile" = $false # only used, if the token usage is on 'generate', when 'consume' then the tokenfile will be decrypted # be careful, that the encryption is user dependent so cannot be shared between multiple users "tokenFilePath" = "" # path for the file like C:\temp\sf.token containing the token that should be consumed or generated } # API Authentication "login" = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"refreshTtl" = 604800 # 7 days in seconds "refreshtoken" = "" "accesstoken" = "" "refreshTokenAutomatically" = $true "myDomain" = "aptecodach-dev-ed" } # Upload settings "upload" = [PSCustomObject]@{ "countRowsInputFile" = $true # Count the rows of input file "campaignFilter" = "IsDeleted = false and Status = 'Planned' and ParentId = null ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC" # The filter to show campaigns in a dropdown "reservedFields" = [Array]@(,"Id") # Those fields are removed on the upload "segmentVariablename" = "" # The segment variable name that is used to match against existing sub campaigns "uploadIntoSubCampaigns" = $false # When you set this, you need a segment variable "leadExternalId" = "" # The external id for upsert into leads object "uploadSize" = 20000 # The size for the uploads "checkSeconds" = 20 "maximumWaitUntilJobFinished" = 3000 # 3000 seconds per default to wait for a job to finish "downloadFailedResults" = $True "errorThreshold" = 20 # When we have n % errors of 100% records, throw an exception "maxRecordsPerPageBulkDownload" = 50000 # When results are downloaded as bulk job, then this paging parameter is used } # Broadcast settings "broadcast" = [PSCustomObject]@{ } "preview" = [PSCustomObject]@{ } "responses" = [PSCustomObject]@{ } } |