function Invoke-Upload{ [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # START TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processStart = [datetime]::now #$inserts = 0 #----------------------------------------------- # LOG #----------------------------------------------- $moduleName = "UPLOAD" # Start the log Write-Log -message $Script:logDivider Write-Log -message $moduleName -Severity INFO # Log the params, if existing Write-Log -message "INPUT:" if ( $InputHashtable ) { $InputHashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $InputHashtable[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } } #----------------------------------------------- # DEBUG MODE #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "Debug Mode: $( $Script:debugMode )" #----------------------------------------------- # PARSE MESSAGE #----------------------------------------------- #$script:debug = $InputHashtable $uploadOnly = $false If ( "" -eq $InputHashtable.MessageName ) { $uploadOnly = $true $mailing = [Mailing]::new(999, "UploadOnly") } else { Write-Log "Parsing message: '$( $InputHashtable.MessageName )' with '$( $Script:settings.nameConcatChar )' as separator" $mailing = [Mailing]::new($InputHashtable.MessageName) Write-Log "Got chosen message entry with id '$( $mailing.mailingId )' and name '$( $mailing.mailingName )'" } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK INPUT FILE #----------------------------------------------- # Checks input file automatically $file = Get-Item -Path $InputHashtable.Path Write-Log -Message "Got a file at $( $file.FullName )" # Add note in log file, that the file is a converted file if ( $file.FullName -match "\.converted$") { Write-Log -message "Be aware, that the exports are generated in Codepage 1252 and not UTF8. Please change this in the Channel Editor." -severity ( [LogSeverity]::WARNING ) } # Count the rows $rowsCount = 0 # if this needs to much performance, this is not needed If ( $Script:settings.upload.countRowsInputFile -eq $true ) { $rowsCount = Measure-Rows -Path $file.FullName -SkipFirstRow Write-Log -Message "Got a file with $( $rowsCount ) rows" } else { Write-Log -Message "RowCount of input file not activated" } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK SALESFORCE CONNECTION #----------------------------------------------- try { #TODO Implement connection test } catch { Write-Log -Message $_.Exception -Severity ERROR throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] $msg exit 0 } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK INPUT PARAMETERS AND DATA #----------------------------------------------- # Check if there is a source variable available, when using subcampaigns If ( $Script:settings.upload.uploadIntoSubCampaigns -eq $True ) { If ( $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename -ne "" -and $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename.length -gt 0 ) { # Check if the source variable is available $fileHeaders = ( get-content -Encoding utf8 -TotalCount 1 -Path $file.FullName ) -split "`t" If ( $fileHeaders -contains $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename ) { Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "The segment variable '$( $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename )' is available. Proceeding..." } else { Write-Log -Severity ERROR -Message "The segment variable '$( $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename )' is not present in the source file" throw "The segment variable '$( $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename )' is not present in the source file" } } else { Write-Log -Severity ERROR -Message "You have to fill the segmentVariablename setting!" throw "You have to fill the segmentVariablename setting!" } } #----------------------------------------------- # VARIABLES #----------------------------------------------- $successful = 0 $failed = 0 $processed = 0 } process { try { #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK CAMPAIGN #----------------------------------------------- $campaignId = $mailing.mailingId $campaign = @( Get-SFSCObjectData -Object "Campaign" -Fields "id", "name" -Where $Script:settings.upload.campaignFilter -limit 200 ) | where-object { $_.Id -like "*$( $campaignId )" } | Select-Object -first 1 Write-Log "Using salesforce campaign '$( $campaign.Name )' with id '$( $ )'" #----------------------------------------------- # OUTPUT CURRENT API USAGE #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "Current API Limit: $( $Script:variableCache.api_rate_limit )" #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK CAMPAIGN MEMBER STATUS #----------------------------------------------- $list = [MailingList]::new($InputHashtable.ListName) $listName = $list.mailingListName $listId = $list.mailingListId Write-Log "Using salesforce campaign member status '$( $listName )'" #----------------------------------------------- # TRANSFORM THE DATA #----------------------------------------------- # SF fields metadata $sfFields = Get-SFSCObjectField -Object "CampaignMember" | where-object { $_.createable -eq $True } $sfFieldsNames = $sfFields.Name # CSV fields metadata $urnFieldName = $InputHashtable.UrnFieldName $excludeColumns = $Script:settings.upload.reservedFields # Load subcampaigns, if needed If ( $Script:settings.upload.uploadIntoSubCampaigns -eq $True ) { $segmentFieldName = $Script:settings.upload.segmentVariablename Write-Log "Building segmens on variable '$( $segmentFieldName )'" # Load subcampaigns to the chosen one $subCampaignsTable = @( Get-SFSCObjectData -Object "Campaign" -Fields "id", "name" -Where "IsDeleted = false and Status = 'Planned' and ParentId = '$( $ )'" -limit 200 ) # Create a fast searchable hashtable $subCampaigns = [Hashtable]@{} $subCampaignsTable | ForEach-Object { $sc = $_ $subCampaigns.Add($, $ } Write-Log "Loaded $( $subCampaigns.Keys.Count ) subcampaigns" } <# # Another way to stream through files $arr = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $elapsed = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Open the text file from disk $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader("c:\faststats\Publish\DB01\system\Deliveries\PowerShell_Sent ~ Sent_2a165893-f884-4e6b-b5d8-d031f628eaf2.txt") $columns = (Get-Content "c:\faststats\Publish\DB01\system\Deliveries\PowerShell_Sent ~ Sent_2a165893-f884-4e6b-b5d8-d031f628eaf2.txt" -First 1).Split("`t") $null = $reader.readLine() # Read in the data, line by line $i = 0 while (($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null) { $o = [ordered]@{} $c = 0 foreach ($cell in $line.Split("`t") ) { $o.add($columns[$c], $cell) $c += 1 } [void]$arr.Add([PSCustomObject]$o) $i++; if (($i % 10000) -eq 0) { Write-Host "$i rows have been inserted in $($elapsed.Elapsed.ToString())." } } # Clean Up $reader.Close(); $reader.Dispose() #> $newCsv = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # This object are campaign members with contact id $leadCsv = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # This object is for leads to be upserted $upsertedLeadCsv = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # This object are leads with upserted sfids. First with the custom id, then overwritten with sf id and then merged with newcsv $c = 0 $skippedLines = 0 Import-csv -Delimiter "`t" -Path $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 | ForEach-Object { $row = $_ $campaignId = $null If ( $newCsv.Count -eq 0 ) { $rowColumns = ( $ | Where-Object { $ -notin $excludeColumns } ).name Write-Log "Got the row columns: '$( $rowColumns -join "', '" )'" $props = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() ForEach ( $prop in $rowColumns ) { #$prop = $_ If ( $sfFieldsNames -contains $prop ) { [void]$props.Add($prop) } } } # Check the (sub)campaign id If ( $Script:settings.upload.uploadIntoSubCampaigns -eq $True ) { $segment = $row.$segmentFieldName $subCampaignId = $subCampaigns[($subCampaigns.keys -like "*$( $segment )*")] If ( $subCampaignId.Count -eq 1 ) { $campaignId = $subCampaignId[0].toString() } } else { $campaignId = $ } # Check the id/urn first, if it is Salesforce If ( ( Test-SalesforceId $row.$urnFieldName ) -eq $True ) { # THIS IS A CONTACT # When campaign ID is found If ( $null -ne $campaignId ) { $line = [Ordered]@{ "CampaignID" = $campaignId "Status" = $list.mailingListId "ContactId" = $row.$urnFieldName "LeadId" = "" } ForEach ( $prop in $props ) { $line.Add( $prop, $row.$prop ) } [void]$newCsv.add([PSCustomObject]$line) } else { $skippedLines += 1 } } else { # THIS MEANS IT IS A LEAD, SO PREPARE THAT # When campaign ID is found If ( $null -ne $campaignId ) { If ( $leadCsv.Count -eq 0 ) { # Get Lead columns $sfLeadFields = Get-SFSCObjectField -Object "Lead" | where-object { $_.createable -eq $True } $sfLeadFieldsNames = $ $externalLeadId = $Script:settings.upload.leadExternalId $leadProps = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() ForEach ( $prop in $rowColumns ) { If ( $sfLeadFieldsNames -contains $prop ) { [void]$leadProps.Add($prop) } } } # Create the line for the leads object $leadLine = [Ordered]@{ $externalLeadId = $row.$urnFieldName } ForEach ( $prop in $leadProps ) { $leadLine.Add( $prop, $row.$prop ) } [void]$leadCsv.add([PSCustomObject]$leadLine) # Create the line for the campaign members object $line = [Ordered]@{ "CampaignID" = $campaignId "Status" = $list.mailingListId "ContactId" = "" "LeadId" = $row.$urnFieldName } ForEach ( $prop in $props ) { $line.Add( $prop, $row.$prop ) } [void]$upsertedLeadCsv.add([PSCustomObject]$line) } else { $skippedLines += 1 } } $c += 1 If ( $c % 10000 -eq 0 ) { Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Checked $( $c ) lines" } } Write-Log "Stats after converting file" Write-Log " Checked $( $c ) lines in total" Write-Log " Converted $( $newCsv.count ) contacts lines" Write-Log " Converted $( $leadCsv.count ) leads lines (not upserted yet)" Write-Log " Skipped $( $skippedLines ) contacts/leads lines" # TODO should this trigger an error? # Checking the campaigns stats Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Campaign summmary:" $newCsv | where-object { $_.ContactId -ne "" } | group-object CampaignID | Sort-Object Count -Descending | ForEach-Object { $c = $_ Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message " $( $c.Name ): $( $c.Count ) contacts" } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK LEADS #----------------------------------------------- If ( $leadCsv.Count -gt 0 ) { $leadCount = 0 $skippedLines = 0 # Create all files to upload Write-Log "Writing lead files" $leadFilesToUpload = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $batches = [math]::Ceiling( $leadCsv.Count / $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize ) For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $batches; $i++ ) { $start = $i * $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize $end = $start + $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize -1 $lf = Join-Path -Path $Env:tmp -ChildPath "lead_$( $Script:processId )_$( $i ).csv" # TODO delete afterwards $leadCsvContent = $leadCsv[$start..$end] | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" [IO.File]::WriteAllLines( $lf, $leadCsvContent ) [void]$leadFilesToUpload.Add( $lf ) Write-Log " Written file $( $i+1 ) to '$( $lf )'" $currentSizeMB = [math]::Ceiling(( get-item -Path $lf ).length /[math]::Pow(2,20)) If ( $currentSizeMB -gt 110 ) { throw "It looks like the output file is too large with $( $currentSizeMB ) MB" } } Write-Log "$( $leadFilesToUpload.Count ) Lead files are written" Write-Log "Will do the upload in $( $leadFilesToUpload.Count ) batches with size of $( $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize ) records" # Upload all files $leadLookup = [Hashtable]@{} For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $leadFilesToUpload.Count; $i++ ) { Write-Log "Starting with run $( $i ) and file '$( $leadFilesToUpload[$i] )'" $successfulFilename = Join-Path -Path $Env:tmp -ChildPath "successful_$( [guid]::newguid().toString() )_$( $i ).csv" $lJobParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Object" = "Lead" "Path" = $leadFilesToUpload[$i] "Operation" = "upsert" "CheckSeconds" = $Script:settings.upload.checkSeconds "MaxSecondsWait" = $Script:settings.upload.maximumWaitUntilJobFinished "DownloadSuccessful" = $True "SuccessfulFilename" = $successfulFilename "ExternalIdFieldName" = $externalLeadId "DownloadFailures" = $Script:settings.upload.downloadFailedResults "FailureFilename" = ".\failedleads_$( $Script:processId )_$( [datetime]::now.toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") )_$( $i ).csv" } $lJob = Add-BulkJob @lJobParams # Get all created lead IDs back # Create a hashtable for externalid / sfleadid $lJob.successfulObj | ForEach-Object { $o = $_ $leadLookup.Add($o.$externalLeadId, $o."sf__Id") } # Output failures Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Failure summmary:" $lJob.failureObj | Group-Object "sf__Error" | Sort-Object Count -Descending | ForEach-Object { $fail = $_ Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message " $( $fail.Count ) Error '$( $fail.Name )'" } } # Now rewrite the leads file for campaign members $upsertedLeadCsv | ForEach-Object { $row = $_ $lid = $row."LeadId" # Overwrite with salesforce id, otherwise skip it $sfid = $leadLookup[$lid] If ( $null -ne $sfid ) { $row."LeadId" = $sfid [void]$newCsv.Add( $row ) $leadCount += 1 } else { # Skip this line $skippedLines += 1 } } Write-Log "Stats after upserting leads file" Write-Log " Added $( $leadCount ) leads lines" Write-Log " Skipped another $( $skippedLines ) leads lines" # TODO should this trigger an error? Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Campaign summmary:" $newCsv | where-object { $_.LeadID -ne "" } | group CampaignID | Sort-Object Count -Descending | ForEach-Object { $c = $_ Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message " $( $c.Name ): $( $c.Count ) leads" } } #----------------------------------------------- # WRITE THE DATA FILE #----------------------------------------------- # Create all files to upload Write-Log "Writing campaign member files" $campaignMemberFilesToUpload = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $batches = [math]::Ceiling( $newCsv.Count / $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize ) For ( $i = 0; $i -lt $batches; $i++ ) { $start = $i * $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize $end = $start + $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize -1 $nf = Join-Path -Path $Env:tmp -ChildPath "cm_$( $Script:processId )_$( $i ).csv" # TODO delete afterwards $cmCsvContent = $newCsv[$start..$end] | Sort-Object CampaignID | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" # TODO maybe do the sorting earlier? [IO.File]::WriteAllLines( $nf, $cmCsvContent ) [void]$campaignMemberFilesToUpload.Add( $nf ) Write-Log " Written file $( $i+1 ) to '$( $nf )'" } Write-Log "$( $campaignMemberFilesToUpload.Count ) CampaignMember files are written" Write-Log "Will do the upload in $( $batches ) batches with size of $( $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize )" #----------------------------------------------- # UPLOAD THE DATA #----------------------------------------------- $cmJobs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() For ( $j = 0; $j -lt $campaignMemberFilesToUpload.Count; $j++ ) { Write-Log "Starting with run $( $j ) and file '$( $campaignMemberFilesToUpload[$j] )'" $cmJobParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Object" = "CampaignMember" "Path" = $campaignMemberFilesToUpload[$j] "CheckSeconds" = $Script:settings.upload.checkSeconds # TOD0 [x] maybe put this into settings "MaxSecondsWait" = $Script:settings.upload.maximumWaitUntilJobFinished "DownloadFailures" = $Script:settings.upload.downloadFailedResults "FailureFilename" = ".\failed_$( $Script:processId )_$( [datetime]::now.toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") )_$( $j ).csv" #"ExternalIdFieldName" = "ContactId" # This does not work ;-) } If ( $InputHashtable.operation -ne "" ) { Switch ( $InputHashtable.operation ) { # TODO implement more operations "delete" { $cmJobParams.Add( "Operation", "delete" ) } default { $cmJobParams.Add( "Operation", "insert" ) } } } [void]$cmJobs.Add((Add-BulkJob @cmJobParams)) } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK THE RESULTS #----------------------------------------------- # Count all numbers together and log them $cmJobs | ForEach-Object { $j = $_ $successful += $j.successful $failed += $j.failed $processed += $j.processed Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Job $( $j.jobid ): $( $j.processed ) processed, $( $j.successful ) successful, $( $j.failed ) failed " If ( $j.failed -gt 0 ) { $j.failureObj | Group-Object "sf__Error" | Sort-Object Count -Descending | ForEach-Object { $fail = $_ Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message " $( $fail.Count ) Error '$( $fail.Name )'" } } } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK IF IT SHOULD ERROR #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "$( $processed ) total processed records" -severity INFO Write-Log "$( $failed ) total failed" -severity INFO If ( $processed -gt 0 ) { $errorRate = $failed / $processed * 100 If ( $errorRate -ge $Script:settings.upload.errorThreshold ) { throw "There has been a problem with $( $errorRate )% error rate. There are more than $( $Script:settings.upload.errorThreshold )% errors." } } } catch { Write-Log -Message "Trying to get the failures of last job" -Severity WARNING If ( $Script:variableCache.Keys -contains "last_jobid" ) { $failures = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $Script:variableCache.last_jobid )/failedResults" $failures | Group-Object "sf__Error" | Sort-Object Count -Descending | ForEach-Object { $fail = $_ Write-Log -Severity ERROR -Message " $( $fail.Count ) Error '$( $fail.Name )'" } } $msg = "Error during uploading data. Abort!" Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR -WriteToHostToo $false Write-Log -Message $_.Exception -Severity ERROR throw $_.Exception } finally { <# # Delete created files If ( Test-Path $nf ) { #Remove-item -Path $nf # TODO take that back in } If ( Test-Path $lf ) { #$lf } If ( Test-Path $successfulFilename ) { #$successfulFilename } #> #----------------------------------------------- # OUTPUT CURRENT API USAGE #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "Current API Limit: $( $Script:variableCache.api_rate_limit )" #----------------------------------------------- # STOP TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processEnd = [datetime]::now $processDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $processStart -End $processEnd Write-Log -Message "Needed $( [int]$processDuration.TotalSeconds ) seconds in total" } #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN VALUES TO PEOPLESTAGE #----------------------------------------------- # count the number of successful upload rows $recipients = $successful # there could be multiple jobs per upload, so better using the guid here $transactionId = $Script:processId # return object $return = [Hashtable]@{ # Mandatory return values "Recipients"=$recipients "TransactionId"=$transactionId # General return value to identify this custom channel in the broadcasts detail tables "CustomProvider"= $Script:settings.providername "ProcessId" = $Script:processId # More information about the different status of the import "RecipientsProcessed" = $processed "RecipientsFailed" = $failed "RecipientsSuccessful" = $successful } # log the return object Write-Log -message "RETURN:" $return.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $return[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } # return the results $return } end { } } |