function Get-Groups { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch] $DebugMode = $false ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # LOG #----------------------------------------------- $moduleName = "GETGROUPS" # Start the log Write-Log -message $Script:logDivider Write-Log -message $moduleName -Severity INFO # Log the params, if existing Write-Log -message "INPUT:" if ( $InputHashtable ) { $InputHashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $InputHashtable[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } } #----------------------------------------------- # DEPENDENCIES #----------------------------------------------- #Import-Module MeasureRows #Import-Module SqlServer #Import-Module ConvertUnixTimestamp #Import-Lib -IgnorePackageStructure } process { # Load campaign member status data from Salesforce #$campaignMembers = @( Invoke-SFSCQuery -Query "Select Id, Label, CampaignId from CampaignMemberStatus where IsDeleted = false" ) #$groups = $campaignMembers | where-object { $_.CampaignId -ne "7010O000001CuXxQAK" } | group-object Label | Select-Object @{name="id";expression={ $lbyte=[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($_.Name);[Convert]::ToBase64String($lbyte) }}, Name $groups = ( Get-SFSCObjectField -Object "CampaignMember" | where-object { $_.Name -eq "Status" } ).picklistValues | where-object { $ -eq $true } Write-Log "Loaded $( $groups.Count ) status from Salesforce" -severity INFO #-WriteToHostToo $false # Load and filter list into array of mailings objects $groupsList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $groups | ForEach-Object { $group = $_ [void]$groupsList.add( [MailingList]@{ "mailingListId" = $group.value #$group.Id.replace("=","") #Prefix 01Y0O00000 for status id, prefix 7010O000001 for campaign "mailingListName" = $group.label } ) } # Transform the mailings array into the needed output format $columns = @( @{ name="id" expression={ $_.mailingListId } } @{ name="name" expression={ $_.toString() } } ) $lists = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() [void]$lists.AddRange(@( $groupsList | Select-Object $columns )) If ( $lists.count -gt 0 ) { Write-Log "Loaded $( $lists.Count ) lists/groups" -severity INFO #-WriteToHostToo $false } else { $msg = "No lists loaded -> please check!" Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] $msg } # Return $lists } end { } } |