function Get-ApiUsage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable # [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Object [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ForceRefresh = $false ) begin { } process { # Create a call if usage is not filled yet #If ( $Script:variableCache.Keys -notcontains "api_rate_limit" ) { #$usage = @( Invoke-Hubspot -Object "account-info" -Path "api-usage/daily" -Method GET ) #} # Do a simple API call to refresh the counts # # Get current timestamp $unixtime = Get-Unixtime $resetAt = $unixtime - $Script:variableCache."api_rate_reset" If ( $unixtime -eq $resetAt -or $resetAt -ge 0 -or $ForceRefresh -eq $true) { # This means it needs a current status and needs to be refreshed Invoke-XPro -Object "serverinfo" | Out-Null # TODO check if maybe another call should be better for this } # All good, just relead the value and remove the minus $resetAt = [Math]::Abs( $unixtime - $Script:variableCache."api_rate_reset" ) # Put a message on the console Write-Verbose "Remaining $( $Script:variableCache."api_rate_remaining" )/$( $Script:variableCache."api_rate_limit" ), reset in $( $resetAt ) seconds" #-verbose # Return $Script:variableCache.api_rate_remaining } end { } } |