# Source is the first part of the Tag, so apteco.a1qhvh3_20230607201732 split in "apteco" as source and "a1qhvh3_20230607201732" as tag function Get-ReceiversFromList { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Int] $ListId ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Int] $Detail = 0 ) begin { } process { # TODO possibly use array rather than single tag # Prepare inactives query as security net $filterBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ "groups" = [Array]@(,$ListId) "operator" = "AND" "rules" = [Array]@() "orderby" = "activated desc" "detail" = $Detail } $receiversWithTag = [Array]@( Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Paging -Body $filterBody ) # .PsObject.Copy() use a copy so the reference is not changed because it will used a second time $receiversWithTag } end { } } |