# These functions inherit the parameters of the original functions/cmdlets # And as an example adds an additional parameter # There are two functions for the different PowerShell Editions #Write-Log -message "Found $( $mailings.draft.count ) mailings" # This extended function allows adding normal parameters for invoke-restmethod like proxying <# EXAMPLES $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ state = "draft" limit = 999 } $list = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Query $param -Method "GET" -Verbose $choice = $list | Out-GridView -PassThru # e.g. 1158799 $listDetails = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Method "GET" -Verbose -Path "$( $ )/stats" $listDetails $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "all" detail = 4 } $receivers = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Query $param -Method "GET" -Verbose -Path "$( $ )/receivers" -Paging #-Body ([PSCustomObject]@{"test"="Balloon"}) $filterBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ "groups" = [Array]@(,$ "operator" = "AND" "rules" = [Array]@(, [PSCustomObject]@{ "field" = "tags" "logic" = "contains" "condition" = "CR.TopRating" } [PSCustomObject]@{ "field" = "activated" "logic" = "bg" "condition" = "1" } ) "orderby" = "activated desc" "detail" = 4 } # Runtime filter with paging $filter = Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Verbose -Paging -Body $filterBody #> function Invoke-CR { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Object # The cleverreach object like groups or mailings (first part after the main url) ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Path = "" # The path in the url after the object ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][PSCustomObject]$Query = [PSCustomObject]@{} # Query parameters for the url ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$Paging = $false # Automatic paging through the result, only needed for a few calls ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Int]$Pagesize = 0 # Pagesize, if not defined in settings. For reports the max is 100. ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateScript({ If ($_ -is [PSCustomObject]) { [PSCustomObject]$_ # } elseif ($_ -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { # [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]$_ # } } ElseIf ($_ -is [System.Collections.ArrayList] -or $_ -is [Array]) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$_ } })]$Body = [PSCustomObject]@{} # Body to upload, e.g. for POST and PUT requests, will automatically transformed into JSON ) DynamicParam { # All parameters, except Uri and body (needed as an object) $p = Get-BaseParameters "Invoke-RestMethod" [void]$p.remove("Uri") [void]$p.remove("Body") $p } Begin { # check type of body, if present <# If ($Body -is [PSCustomObject]) { Write-Host "PSCustomObject" } ElseIf ($Body -is [System.Collections.ArrayList]) { Write-Host "ArrayList" } else { Throw 'Body datatype not valid' } #> # check url, if it ends with a slash If ( $Script:settings.base.endswith("/") -eq $true ) { $base = $Script:settings.base } else { $base = "$( $Script:settings.base )/" } # Reduce input parameters to only allowed ones $updatedParameters = Skip-UnallowedBaseParameters -Base "Invoke-RestMethod" -Parameters $PSBoundParameters # Output parameters in debug mode If ( $Script:debugMode -eq $true -or $PSBoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -eq $true) { Write-Host "INPUT: $( Convertto-json -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -Depth 99 )" } # Prepare Authentication If ( $Script:settings.token.tokenUsage -eq "consume" ) { #$rawToken = Get-Content -Path $Script:settings.token.tokenFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -Raw $rawToken = ( Get-Content -Path $Script:settings.token.tokenFilePath -Encoding UTF8 -Raw ).replace("`n","").replace("`r","") If ( $Script:settings.token.encryptTokenFile -eq $true ) { $token = Convert-SecureToPlaintext -String $rawToken } else { $token = $rawToken } } elseif ( $Script:settings.token.tokenUsage -eq "generate" ) { $token = Convert-SecureToPlaintext -String $Script:settings.login.accesstoken } else { throw "No token available!" exit 0 # TODO check, if this token is needed or should be another exit code } # Build up header #$auth = "Bearer $( $token )" #"Bearer $( $settings.token )" #$( Get-SecureToPlaintext -String $Script:settings.login.accesstoken )" $header = [Hashtable]@{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $( $token )" } # Empty the token variables $token = "" $rawToken = "" # Add auth header or just set it If ( $updatedParameters.ContainsKey("Headers") -eq $true ) { $header.Keys | ForEach-Object { $key = $_ $updatedParameters.Headers.Add( $key, $header.$key ) } } else { $updatedParameters.add("Headers",$header) } # Add additional headers from the settings, e.g. for api gateways or proxies $Script:settings.additionalHeaders.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty" } | ForEach-Object { $updatedParameters.Headers.add($_.Name, $_.Value) } # Set content type, if not present yet If ( $updatedParameters.ContainsKey("ContentType") -eq $false) { $updatedParameters.add("ContentType",$Script:settings.contentType) } # Add DisableKeepalive If ( $settings.errorhandling.DisableKeepAlive -eq $true ) { If ( $updatedParameters.ContainsKey("DisableKeepAlive") -eq $true ) { $updatedParameters."DisableKeepAlive" = $true } else { $updatedParameters.add("DisableKeepAlive",$true) } } # normalize the path, remove leading and trailing slashes If ( $Path -ne "") { If ( $Path.StartsWith("/") -eq $true ) { $Path = $Path.Substring(1) } If ( $Path.EndsWith("/") -eq $true ) { $Path = $Path -replace ".$" } } # set the pagesize If ( $Pagesize -gt 0 ) { $currentPagesize = $Pagesize } else { $currentPagesize = $Script:settings.pageSize } # set paging parameters If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { Switch ( $updatedParameters.Method ) { "GET"{ #Write-Host "get" $Query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "pagesize" -Value $currentPagesize #$Script:settings.pageSize $Query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "page" -Value 0 } "POST" { If ( $Body -is [PSCustomObject] ) { $Body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "pagesize" -Value $currentPagesize # $Script:settings.pageSize $Body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "page" -Value 0 # } elseif ( $Body -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] ) { # $Body.add("pagesize", $Script:settings.pageSize) # $Body.add("page", 0) } } } # Add a collection instead of a single object for the return $res = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } } Process { $finished = $false $continueAfterTokenRefresh = $false Do { # Prepare query $nvCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $Query.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $nvCollection.Add( $_.Name, $_.Value ) } # Prepare URL $uriRequest = [System.UriBuilder]::new("$( $base )$( $object ).json/$( $Path )") $uriRequest.Query = $nvCollection.ToString() $updatedParameters.Uri = $uriRequest.Uri.OriginalString # Prepare Body If ( $updatedParameters.ContainsKey("Body") -eq $true ) { $bodyJson = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Body -Depth 99 $updatedParameters.Body = $bodyJson } # Execute the request try { # Output parameters in debug mode If ( $Script:debugMode -eq $true -or $PSBoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -eq $true) { Write-Host "REST: $( Convertto-json -InputObject $updatedParameters -Depth 99 )" } If ( $Script:logAPIrequests -eq $true ) { Write-Log -Message "$( $updatedParameters.Method.ToString().ToUpper() ) $( $updatedParameters.Uri )" -severity verbose } $wrInput = [Hashtable]@{ "Params" = $updatedParameters "RetryHttpErrorList" = $Script:settings.errorhandling.RepeatOnHttpErrors "MaxTriesSpecific" = $Script:settings.errorhandling.MaximumRetriesOnHttpErrorList "MaxTriesGeneric" = $Script:settings.errorhandling.MaximumRetriesGeneric "MillisecondsDelay" = $Script:settings.errorhandling.HttpErrorDelay } $wr = @( Invoke-RestMethodWithErrorHandling @wrInput ) } catch { $e = $_ Write-Log -Message $e.Exception.Message -Severity ERROR # parse the response code and body $errResponse = $e.Exception.Response $errBody = Import-ErrorForResponseBody -Err $e # Do this only once if ( $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ -eq 401 -and $continueAfterTokenRefresh -eq $false) { Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message "401 Unauthorized" try { $newToken = Save-NewToken Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message "Successful token refresh" $wrInput.Params.Headers.Authorization = "Bearer $( $newToken )" $continueAfterTokenRefresh = $true } catch { Write-Log -Severity ERROR -Message "Token refresh not successful" } If ( $continueAfterTokenRefresh -eq $true ) { Continue } } elseif ( $errResponse.StatusCode.value__ -eq 403 ) { # Give extra hints with 403 Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message "403 Forbidden" Write-Log -Severity WARNING -Message "Just a possible hint: Please check if you have enough contacts in your licence available" } throw $_ } # Increase page and add results to the collection If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { # If the result equals the pagesize, try it one more time with the next page If ( $wr.count -eq $currentPagesize ) { Switch ( $updatedParameters.Method ) { "GET"{ $ += 1 } "POST" { $ += 1 } } } else { # If this is less than the page size -> done! $finished = $true } # Add result to return collection [void]$res.AddRange($wr) } else { # If this is only one request without paging -> done! $finished = $true } } Until ( $finished -eq $true ) } End { If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { $res } else { $wr } } } <# $script:settings = [PSCustomObject]@{ "base" = "" "contentType" = "application/json; charset=utf-8" "pageSize" = 2 "token"= [PSCustomObject]@{ "tokenUsage" = "consume" "encryptTokenFile"= $false "tokenFilePath"= "C:\temp\cr.token" } "additionalHeaders" = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"X-API" = "abcdef" } # static headers that should be send to the URL, sometimes needed for API gateways "additionalParameters" = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"Proxy" = "" #"SkipHeaderValidation" = $true } # additional parameter for the Invoke-RestMethod call like Proxy or ProxyCredential, see } $body = [PSCustomObject]@{ "name" = $newAttributeName "type" = "text" # text|number|gender|date "description" = $newAttributeName # optional #"preview_value" = "real name" # optional #"default_value" = "Bruce Wayne" # optional } Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Method "POST" -Path "/$( $groupId )/attributes" -Body $body -Verbose $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ state = "draft" limit = 999 } $list = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Query $param -Method "GET" -Verbose $choice = $list | Out-GridView -PassThru # e.g. 1158799 $listDetails = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Method "GET" -Verbose -Path "$( $ )/stats" $listDetails $filterBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ "groups" = [Array]@(,$ "operator" = "AND" "rules" = [Array]@(, [PSCustomObject]@{ "field" = "tags" "logic" = "contains" "condition" = "CR.TopRating" } [PSCustomObject]@{ "field" = "activated" "logic" = "bg" "condition" = "1" } ) "orderby" = "activated desc" "detail" = 4 } # Runtime filter with paging # $a = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() # $a.Add("abc") # $a.Add("def") $filter = Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Verbose -Paging -Body $filterBody exit 0 $param = [PSCustomObject]@{ type = "all" detail = 4 } $receivers = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Query $param -Method "GET" -Verbose -Path "$( $ )/receivers" -Paging #-Body ([PSCustomObject]@{"test"="Balloon"}) #> |