function Get-SFSCObjectMeta { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves metadata for a specified Salesforce object. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves metadata for a specified Salesforce object using the Salesforce API. The metadata includes information about the object's fields, relationships, and other properties. .PARAMETER Object The Salesforce object to retrieve metadata for. .EXAMPLE Get-SFSCObjectMeta -Object 'Account' .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to this function. .OUTPUTS System.Object. The function returns the metadata of the specified Salesforce object. .NOTES Author: #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $Object ) begin { } process { $meta = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "sobjects" -Path "$( $Object )" -Method "Get" #return $meta.objectDescribe } end { } } |