function Add-BulkJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Import or export data from/to Salesforce using the BULK API v2 .DESCRIPTION This function uses the Salesforce BULK API v2 to query or ingest data from/into Salesforce. It can be easily used to import and export data. .PARAMETER Object The salesforce object to ingest data into .PARAMETER Operation One of the following operations when ingesting data: insert|delete|hardDelete|update|upsert .PARAMETER Query The SOQL query to run, not used for ingesting data .PARAMETER QueryOperation Either request the not deleted data or all data. Allowed values: query|queryAll .PARAMETER LineEnding Depends on the operating system that created the file for ingesting data Or that receives the data Allowed values are LF (Linux) and CRLF (Windows) .PARAMETER ColumnDelimiter Typical csv delimiters, allowed are: BACKQUOTE|CARET|COMMA|PIPE|SEMICOLON|TAB .PARAMETER ExternalIdFieldName Upserting records requires an external ID field on the object involved in the job .PARAMETER Path The file to be uploaded, this does not support splitting, so be aware to have this file < 150M after base64 encoding .PARAMETER CheckSeconds Check the job status every n seconds .PARAMETER MaxSecondsWait Maximum wait time for the job .PARAMETER DownloadFailures Switch to generally download failes into a temporary file .PARAMETER FailureFilename The file to write the file to, when $DownloadFailures is true and there are failures .PARAMETER DownloadSuccessful Switch to generally download successful items into a temporary file .PARAMETER SuccessfulFilename The file to write the file to, when $DownloadSuccessful is true and there are successful records .PARAMETER DownloadUnprocessed Switch to generally download unprocessed items into a temporary file .PARAMETER UnprocessedFilename The file to write the file to, when $DownloadUnprocessed is true and there are unprocessed records .EXAMPLE Get all IDs from an object and delete all records $tempFile = "c:\temp\tempfile.csv" $d = Invoke-SFSCQuery -Query "Select Id from CampaignMember" -bulk $l = $d | Select Id | convertto-csv -Delimiter "`t" -NoTypeInformation [IO.File]::WriteAllLines($tempFile, $l) # Write the file with BOM Add-BulkJob -Object CampaignMember -Operation delete -ColumnDelimiter TAB -LineEnding CRLF -Path $tempFile Invoke-SFSCQuery -Query "Select count() from CampaignMember" .EXAMPLE Building up job parameters and then execute the job. $successfulFilename = $lJobParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Object" = "Lead" "Path" = "C:\temp\leads.csv" "Operation" = "upsert" "CheckSeconds" = 20 "MaxSecondsWait" = 4000 "DownloadSuccessful" = $True "SuccessfulFilename" = ( Join-Path -Path $Env:tmp -ChildPath "successful_$( [guid]::newguid().toString() ).csv" ) "ExternalIdFieldName" = "apteco__externalId__c" "DownloadFailures" = $True "FailureFilename" = ( Join-Path -Path $Env:tmp -ChildPath "failed_$( [guid]::newguid().toString() ).csv" ) } $lJob = Add-BulkJob @lJobParams .EXAMPLE Query data via bulk job $bulkParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Query" = "Select id, name from Contact" "Path" = ".\newData.csv" "QueryOperation" = "query" } $return = Add-BulkJob @bulkParams .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to this function. .OUTPUTS Array of jobs .NOTES Author: #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [String]$Object ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [String]$Query ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [ValidateSet("insert", "delete", "hardDelete", "update", "upsert", IgnoreCase = $false)] [String]$Operation = "insert" # insert|delete|hardDelete|update|upsert ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [ValidateSet("query","queryAll", IgnoreCase = $false)] [String]$QueryOperation = "query" # query|queryAll ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [ValidateSet("CRLF", "LF", IgnoreCase = $false)] [String]$LineEnding = "CRLF" # LF (Linux) and CRLF (Windows) ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [ValidateSet("BACKQUOTE", "CARET", "COMMA", "PIPE", "SEMICOLON", "TAB", IgnoreCase = $false)] [String]$ColumnDelimiter = "TAB" # BACKQUOTE|CARET|COMMA|PIPE|SEMICOLON|TAB ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [String]$ExternalIdFieldName = "" # TODO implement splitting of multiple files and return an array of jobs rather than one job -> currently done in the calling script ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [String]$Path = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [Int]$CheckSeconds = 15 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Query')] [Int]$MaxSecondsWait = 3000 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Switch]$DownloadFailures = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [String]$FailureFilename = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Switch]$DownloadSuccessful = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [String]$SuccessfulFilename = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [Switch]$DownloadUnprocessed = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$False, ParameterSetName = 'Ingest')] [String]$UnprocessedFilename = "" ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # NOTES #----------------------------------------------- <# #> #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK THE INPUT FILE #----------------------------------------------- # Resolve the filename to an absolute path $absolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Ingest") { If ( ( Test-Path -Path $absolutePath -IsValid ) -eq $True ) { If ( ( Test-Path -Path $absolutePath ) -eq $True ) { # path is valid } else { throw "Path '$( $absolutePath )' is not existing" } } else { throw "Path '$( $absolutePath )' is not valid" } } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK THE OUTPUT FILE #----------------------------------------------- If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Query") { # Check the filename If ( ( Test-Path -Path $absolutePath -IsValid -PathType Leaf ) -eq $True ) { # Filepath seems to be allowed #Split-path $p -Parent } else { throw "Path '$( $absolutePath )' is not valid" } } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK THE FILES TO DOWNLOAD #----------------------------------------------- If ( $DownloadFailures -eq $True ) { # Create a default filename, if empty If ( $FailureFilename -eq "" ) { ".\failed_$( [guid]::newguid.ToString() )_$( [datetime]::now.toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") ).csv" } # Resolve the filename to an absolute path $failAbsolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($FailureFilename) # Check the filename If ( ( Test-Path -Path $failAbsolutePath -IsValid -PathType Leaf ) -eq $True ) { # Filepath seems to be allowed #Split-path $p -Parent } else { throw "Path '$( $failAbsolutePath )' is not valid" } } If ( $DownloadSuccessful -eq $True ) { # Create a default filename, if empty If ( $SuccessfulFilename -eq "" ) { ".\successful_$( [guid]::newguid.ToString() )_$( [datetime]::now.toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") ).csv" } # Resolve the filename to an absolute path $succAbsolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($SuccessfulFilename) # Check the filename If ( ( Test-Path -Path $succAbsolutePath -IsValid -PathType Leaf ) -eq $True ) { # Filepath seems to be allowed #Split-path $p -Parent } else { throw "Path '$( $succAbsolutePath )' is not valid" } } If ( $DownloadUnprocessed -eq $True ) { # Create a default filename, if empty If ( $UnprocesssedFilename -eq "" ) { ".\unprocesssed_$( [guid]::newguid.ToString() )_$( [datetime]::now.toString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") ).csv" } # Resolve the filename to an absolute path $unpAbsolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($UnprocesssedFilename) # Check the filename If ( ( Test-Path -Path $unpAbsolutePath -IsValid -PathType Leaf ) -eq $True ) { # Filepath seems to be allowed #Split-path $p -Parent } else { throw "Path '$( $unpAbsolutePath )' is not valid" } } #----------------------------------------------- # SOME SETTINGS #----------------------------------------------- } process { #----------------------------------------------- # DEFINE DATA #----------------------------------------------- <# # COLUMN NAMES For a standard field, use the Field Name value as the field column header in your CSV file. For a custom field, use the API Name value as the field column header in a CSV file or the field name identifier in an XML or JSON file. (To find the API Name, click the field name.) # PARENT ENTRIES You can use a child-to-parent relationship, but you can't use a parent-to-child relationship. You can use a child-to-parent relationship, but you can't extend it to use a child-to-parent-grandparent relationship. You can only use indexed fields on the parent object. A custom field is indexed if its External ID field is selected. A standard field is indexed if its idLookup property is set to true. See the Field Properties column in the field table for each standard object. #> #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK INPUT FILES AND SPLIT THEM IF TOO BIG #----------------------------------------------- <# To fulfill the maximum filesize of 150MB after base64 (enlarges around 33%), the file shouldn't be larger than 112 MB. A file with 4 columns with a width of 20 characters and TAB delimiter can contain around 1.2M rows. Do not forget that the failure files should also get an increment in their filename #> #----------------------------------------------- # CREATE JOB #----------------------------------------------- <# # REFERENCE # EXTERNAL ID (Copied from the SF Help) Confirm that your object is using an external ID field. Upserting records requires an external ID field on the object involved in the job. Bulk API 2.0 uses the external ID field to determine whether a record is used to update an existing record or create a record. This example assumes that the external ID field customExtIdField__c has been added to the Account object. To add this custom field in your org with Object Manager, use these properties. Data Type—text Field Label—customExtIdField Select External ID #> switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Ingest" { $jobDetails = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"assignmentRuleId" = "" "object" = $Object # Single object per job "contentType" = "CSV" # CSV - No more options available "operation" = $Operation # insert|delete|hardDelete|update|upsert "lineEnding" = $LineEnding # LF (Linux) and CRLF (Windows) "columnDelimiter" = $ColumnDelimiter # BACKQUOTE|CARET|COMMA|PIPE|SEMICOLON|TAB } # Required for upsert, something like customExtIdField__c If ( $ExternalIdFieldName -ne "") { $jobDetails | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "externalIdFieldName" -Value $ExternalIdFieldName } $job = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/" -Method "POST" -Body $jobDetails break } "Query" { $jobDetails = [PSCustomObject]@{ #"assignmentRuleId" = "" "query" = $Query # Single object per job "contentType" = "CSV" # CSV - No more options available "operation" = $QueryOperation # query|queryAll "lineEnding" = $LineEnding # LF (Linux) and CRLF (Windows) "columnDelimiter" = $ColumnDelimiter # BACKQUOTE|CARET|COMMA|PIPE|SEMICOLON|TAB } $job = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/query/" -Method "POST" -Body $jobDetails } } # curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 00DE0X0A0M0PeLE!AQcAQH0dMHEXAMPLEzmpkb58urFRkgeBGsxL_QJWwYMfAbUeeG7c1EXAMPLEDUkWe6H34r1AAwOR8B8fLEz6nEXAMPLE' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1" -d @newinsertjob.json -X POST #$jobDetailsJson = ConvertTo-Json $jobDetails #$job = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$( $base )/services/data/v$( $version )/jobs/ingest/" -Method POST -verbose -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers -body $jobDetailsJson # ingest return <# { "id" : "7505fEXAMPLE4C2AAM", "operation" : "insert", "object" : "Account", "createdById" : "0055fEXAMPLEtG4AAM", "createdDate" : "2022-01-02T21:33:43.000+0000", "systemModstamp" : "2022-01-02T21:33:43.000+0000", "state" : "Open", "concurrencyMode" : "Parallel", "contentType" : "CSV", "apiVersion" : 58.0, "contentUrl" : "services/data/58.0/jobs/ingest/7505fEXAMPLE4C2AAM/batches", "lineEnding" : "LF", "columnDelimiter" : "COMMA" } #> Write-Log "Created job with id '$( $ )'" #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE THE LAST JOB ID #----------------------------------------------- If ( $Script:variableCache.Keys -contains "last_jobid" ) { $Script:variableCache.last_jobid = $ } else { $Script:variableCache.Add("last_jobid", $ } #----------------------------------------------- # UPLOAD THE DATA #----------------------------------------------- # MAX 150M after Base64 encoding # curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 00DE0X0A0M0PeLE!AQcAQH0dMHEXAMPLEzmpkb58urFRkgeBGsxL_QJWwYMfAbUeeG7c1EXAMPLEDUkWe6H34r1AAwOR8B8fLEz6nEXAMPLE' -H "Content-Type: text/csv" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1" --data-binary @bulkinsert.csv -X PUT #$upload = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$( $base )/services/data/v$( $version )/jobs/ingest/$( $ )/batches/" -Method PUT -verbose -ContentType "text/csv" -Headers $headers -body $accountsCsv # TODO Switch to multipart upload for better performance # When using pwsh, this is supported by the -form parameter: If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Ingest") { $upload = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/batches/" -Method "PUT" -ContentType "text/csv" -InFile $Path #$file.FullName Write-Log "Did the upload for job '$( $ )'" } #----------------------------------------------- # SET STATE COMPLETE #----------------------------------------------- # curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 00DE0X0A0M0PeLE!AQcAQH0dMHEXAMPLEzmpkb58urFRkgeBGsxL_QJWwYMfAbUeeG7c1EXAMPLEDUkWe6H34r1AAwOR8B8fLEz6nEXAMPLE' -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1" --data-raw '{ "state" : "UploadComplete" }' -X PATCH # $patchDetails = [PSCustomObject]@{ # "state" = "UploadComplete" # } # $patchedJob = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$( $base )/services/data/v$( $version )/jobs/ingest/$( $ )/" -Method PATCH -verbose -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers -body $patchDetails If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Ingest") { $uploadCompleteBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ "state" = "UploadComplete" } $patchedJob = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/" -Method "PATCH" -body $uploadCompleteBody Write-Log "Patched the job '$( $ )' to state 'UploadComplete'" } <# { "id" : "7505fEXAMPLE4C2AAM", "operation" : "insert", "object" : "Account", "createdById" : "0055fEXAMPLEtG4AAM", "createdDate" : "2022-01-02T21:33:43.000+0000", "systemModstamp" : "2022-01-02T21:33:43.000+0000", "state" : "UploadComplete", "concurrencyMode" : "Parallel", "contentType" : "CSV", "apiVersion" : 58.0 } #> #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK JOB STATUS ASYNC #----------------------------------------------- # curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer 00DE0X0A0M0PeLE!AQcAQH0dMHEXAMPLEzmpkb58urFRkgeBGsxL_QJWwYMfAbUeeG7c1EXAMPLEDUkWe6H34r1AAwOR8B8fLEz6nEXAMPLE' -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-PrettyPrint:1" -X GET $jobStartTs = [datetime]::now Do { Start-Sleep -seconds $CheckSeconds #$jobStatus = Invoke-RestMethod -URI "$( $base )/services/data/v$( $version )/jobs/ingest/$( $ )/" -Method GET -verbose -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Ingest" { $jobStatus = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/" -Method "GET" break } "Query" { $jobStatus = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/query/$( $ )/" -Method "GET" } } Write-Log " Job status: $( $jobStatus.state ) - $( $jobStatus.numberRecordsProcessed ) records done - $( $jobStatus.numberRecordsFailed ) records failed" $jobTs = New-TimeSpan -Start $jobStartTs -End ( [datetime]::now ) } Until ( @("Failed", "JobComplete", "Aborted") -contains $jobStatus.state -or $jobTs.TotalSeconds -gt $MaxSecondsWait ) If ( $jobStatus.state -ne "JobComplete" ) { Write-Log -Severity ERROR -Message "Job $( $ ) with status '$( $jobStatus.state )': '$( $jobStatus.errorMessage )'" throw "$( $jobStatus.errorMessage )" } else { Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message "Job $( $ ) with status '$( $jobStatus.state )':" Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message " retries: $( $jobStatus.retries )" Write-Log -Severity VERBOSE -Message " totalProcessingTime: $( $jobStatus.totalProcessingTime )" } <# { "id": "750FS00000FLBJDYA5", "operation": "delete", "object": "CampaignMember", "createdById": "005FS00000Jg9p2YAB", "createdDate": "2025-03-04T17:48:37.000+0000", "systemModstamp": "2025-03-04T17:48:41.000+0000", "state": "Failed", "concurrencyMode": "Parallel", "contentType": "CSV", "apiVersion": 58.0, "jobType": "V2Ingest", "lineEnding": "CRLF", "columnDelimiter": "TAB", "numberRecordsProcessed": 0, "numberRecordsFailed": 0, "retries": 0, "totalProcessingTime": 0, "apiActiveProcessingTime": 0, "apexProcessingTime": 0, "errorMessage": "InvalidBatch : The \u0027delete\u0027 batch must contain only ids" } #> #----------------------------------------------- # GET RESULTS #----------------------------------------------- #$jobResults = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/" -method get $processed = $jobStatus.numberRecordsProcessed $failed = $jobStatus.numberRecordsFailed $successful = $processed - $failed $returnHashtable = [Hashtable]@{ "jobid" = $ "processed" = $processed "failed" = $failed "successful" = $successful } # Write the failed results into a file If ( $DownloadFailures -eq $True -and $failed -gt 0 ) { $fails = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/failedResults" -method get #-outfile $failAbsolutePath #| Set-Content -Path $failAbsolutePath $fails | Export-Csv $failAbsolutePath -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" Write-Log "Written failures to '$( $failAbsolutePath )'" -severity VERBOSE $returnHashtable.add("failureFile", $failAbsolutePath) $returnHashtable.add("failureObj", $fails) } # Write the successful results into a file If ( $DownloadSuccessful -eq $True -and $successful -gt 0 ) { $succ = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/successfulResults" -method get #-outfile $succAbsolutePath #| Set-Content -Path $succAbsolutePath $succ | Export-Csv $succAbsolutePath -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" Write-Log "Written successful to '$( $succAbsolutePath )'" -severity VERBOSE $returnHashtable.add("successfulFile", $succAbsolutePath) $returnHashtable.add("successfulObj", $succ) } # Write the unprocessed restults into a file (only when canceled or aborted) If ( $DownloadUnprocessed -eq $True ) { $unp = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/ingest/$( $ )/unprocessedRecords" -method get #-outfile $unpAbsolutePath #| Set-Content -Path $unpAbsolutePath $unp | Export-Csv $unpAbsolutePath -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "`t" Write-Log "Written unprocessed to '$( $unpAbsolutePath )'" -severity VERBOSE $returnHashtable.add("unprocessedFile", $unpAbsolutePath) $returnHashtable.add("unProcessedObj", $unp) } # Download file via paging If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Query") { $data = Invoke-SFSC -Service "data" -Object "jobs" -Path "/query/$( $ )/results" -Query ( [PSCustomObject]@{ "maxRecords" = $Script:settings.upload.maxRecordsPerPageBulkDownload } ) -method get -headers ( [Hashtable]@{ "Accept-Encoding" = "gzip" } ) } #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN #----------------------------------------------- If ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Query") { $data } else { [Array]@( $returnHashtable ) } } end { } } |