function Get-Record { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='RecordSet')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$TableName ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ResolveLookups = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][int]$Top = 0 #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][int]$Skip = 0 ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][String]$Filter = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][String]$Expand = "" #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][String]$Search = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][String[]]$Select = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][String[]]$OrderBy = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][Switch]$Count = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][Switch]$Paging = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordSet')][Switch]$DeltaTracking = $false ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordById')][String]$Id = "" #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordsById')][String[]]$Id = "" ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='RecordByDelta')][Switch]$LoadDelta = $false ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # DEBUG / NOTES #----------------------------------------------- Write-Verbose $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -verbose <# TODO implement oData options [x] $filter [x] $select [x] $expand [x] $orderby [x] $top [x] $count [ ] $apply -> used to aggregate data, not needed now [x] $skip -> not supported in dynamics [x] $search -> not supported in dynamics #> #----------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT OUTPUT #----------------------------------------------- $records = [Array]@() #----------------------------------------------- # DEFAULT PARAMETERS #----------------------------------------------- $callParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Method" = "GET" } $preferOptions = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() # Resolve GUIDS with lookup values If ( $ResolveLookups -eq $true ) { [void]$preferOptions.add('odata.include-annotations="*"') #'odata.include-annotations="OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"' # also available: "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty,Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname" } If ( $Count -eq $true) { [void]$preferOptions.add("odata.maxpagesize=1") } If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { [void]$preferOptions.add("odata.maxpagesize=4500") } If ( $DeltaTracking -eq $true ) { [void]$preferOptions.add("odata.track-changes") } If ( $preferOptions.count -gt 0 ) { $header = [Hashtable]@{ "Prefer" = ( $preferOptions -join ", " ) #'odata.include-annotations="*", odata.maxpagesize=2' #"Prefer" = 'odata.include-annotations="OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"' # also available: "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.associatednavigationproperty,Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname" } $callParams.Add("Headers", $header) } #----------------------------------------------- # GET DELTALINKS #----------------------------------------------- $deltaTrackingFile = ".\deltalinks.json" # TODO put this into settings? If ( $DeltaTracking -eq $true -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RecordByDelta") { # Load the file, if existing, otherwise create a new object If ( (Test-Path -Path $deltaTrackingFile) -eq $true ) { $deltaLinks = Get-Content -Path $deltaTrackingFile -Encoding UTF8 -Raw | convertfrom-json } else { $deltaLinks = [PSCustomObject]@{} } } } process { #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD RECORD(S) #----------------------------------------------- Switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD RECORDSET #----------------------------------------------- # Load multiple records "RecordSet" { #----------------------------------------------- # BUILD THE QUERY #----------------------------------------------- $query = [PSCustomObject]@{} If ( $Top -ne 0 ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$top' -Value $Top } # If ( $Skip -ne 0 ) { # $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$skip' -Value $Skip # } If ( $Filter -ne "" ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$filter' -Value $Filter } If ( $Expand -ne "" ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$expand' -Value $Expand } # If ( $Search -ne "" ) { # $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$search' -Value $Search # } If ( $Select -ne "" ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$select' -Value ( $Select -join "," ) } If ( $OrderBy -ne "" ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$orderby' -Value ( $OrderBy -join ", " ) } If ( $Count -eq $true ) { $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$count' -Value "true" } #----------------------------------------------- # BUILD QUERY #----------------------------------------------- If (( $ ).count -gt 0 ) { $callParams.Add("Query", $query) } #----------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE PATH AND PAGING AND EXECUTE THE CALL #----------------------------------------------- # Add path $callParams.Add("Path", $TableName) # Activate paging, if used If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { $callParams.Add("Paging", $true) } # Execute the call $records = Invoke-Dynamics @callParams #@( ( Invoke-Dynamics @callParams ).value ) #----------------------------------------------- # CHOOSE WHICH DATA TO RETURN #----------------------------------------------- If ( $Count -eq $true ) { $return = $records."@odata.count" } else { $return = $records.value # If ( $Paging -eq $true ) { # $return = $records # } else { # $return = $records.value # } } #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE DELTA LINK, IF USED #----------------------------------------------- If ( $DeltaTracking -eq $true ) { # Overwrite existing value or create a new one If ( $deltaLinks.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $TableName ) { $deltaLinks.$TableName = $records."@odata.deltaLink" } else { $deltaLinks | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $TableName -Value $records."@odata.deltaLink" } # Save that file ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $deltaLinks | Set-Content -Path $deltaTrackingFile -Encoding UTF8 } } #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD DELTA #----------------------------------------------- "RecordByDelta" { $query = [PSCustomObject]@{} #----------------------------------------------- # CHANGE PARAMETERS, IF WE USE DELTAS #----------------------------------------------- If ( $ -contains $TableName ) { #@odata.deltaLink : [uri]'$select=fullname,lastname&$deltatoken=4949752%2110%2f20%2f2023%2014%3a55%3a21' #$table = $u.segments[-1] $deltalink = [uri]$deltaLinks.$TableName $deltaQuery = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($deltalink.Query) $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$select' -Value $deltaQuery['$select'] $query | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '$deltatoken' -Value $deltaQuery['$deltatoken'] If (( $ ).count -gt 0 ) { $callParams.Add("Query", $query) } # Activate paging for deltaload $callParams.Add("Paging", $true) } else { $msg = "There is no deltalink for your table available" Write-Log -severity ERROR -Message $msg throw $msg } #----------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE PATH AND PAGING AND EXECUTE THE CALL #----------------------------------------------- # Add path $callParams.Add("Path", $TableName) # Execute the call $records = Invoke-Dynamics @callParams #@( ( Invoke-Dynamics @callParams ).value ) # Return value $return = $records.value #$Script:pluginDebug = $records #----------------------------------------------- # SAVE DELTA LINK, IF USED #----------------------------------------------- # Overwrite existing value or create a new one If ( $deltaLinks.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains $TableName ) { $deltaLinks.$TableName = $records."@odata.deltaLink" } else { $deltaLinks | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $TableName -Value $records."@odata.deltaLink" } # Save that file ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $deltaLinks | Set-Content -Path $deltaTrackingFile -Encoding UTF8 } #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD SINGLE RECORD #----------------------------------------------- "RecordById" { #----------------------------------------------- # DEFINE THE PATH AND EXECUTE THE CALL #----------------------------------------------- $callParams.Add("Path", "$( $TableName )($( $Id ))") #If ( (Test-IsGuid -StringGuid $Id) -eq $true ) { $return = Invoke-Dynamics @callParams #} } # "RecordsById" { # TODO not implemented yet # } } #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN #----------------------------------------------- $return } end { } } |