################################################ # # SCRIPT ROOT # ################################################ <# # Load scriptpath if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType -eq "ExternalScript") { $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition } else { $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0]) } Set-Location -Path $scriptPath #> Function Install-AptecoPSFramework { <# Calling the function without parameters does the whole part Calling with one of the Flags, just does this part #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ScriptsOnly ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ModulesOnly ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$PackagesOnly ) Begin { #----------------------------------------------- # NUGET SETTINGS #----------------------------------------------- $packageSourceName = "NuGet" # otherwise you could create a local repository and put all dependencies in there. You can find more infos here: $packageSourceLocation = "" $packageSourceProviderName = "NuGet" #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD DEPENDENCY VARIABLES #----------------------------------------------- . "$( $Script:moduleRoot )/bin/dependencies.ps1" #----------------------------------------------- # LOG #----------------------------------------------- $moduleName = "INSTALLATION" # Start the log Write-Verbose -message $Script:logDivider -Verbose Write-Verbose -message $moduleName -Verbose #-Severity INFO } Process { $success = $true #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK EXECUTION POLICY #----------------------------------------------- <# If you get .\load.ps1 : File C:\Users\WDAGUtilityAccount\scripts\load.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/ At line:1 char:1 + .\load.ps1 + ~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess Then change your Execution Policy to something like #> # Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $executionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy Write-Verbose -Message "Your execution policy is currently: $( $executionPolicy )" -Verbose #-severity INFO #----------------------------------------------- # INSTALLATION POWERSHELL 5.1 #----------------------------------------------- <# Please make sure to have PowerShell 5.1 installed PeopleStage code is using runspaces, which is using the default PowerShell engine on the host The version is checked by the metadata of this module #> Write-Verbose "Your are currently using PowerShell version $( $psversiontable.psversion.tostring() )" -Verbose #-severity INFO If ( $psedition -eq "Core" ) { Write-Warning "Please be aware that runspaces (used by Apteco PeopleStage) use PS5.1 Windows by default!" #-severity WARNING } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK PSGALLERY #----------------------------------------------- # TODO [ ] Implement this #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK PACKAGES NUGET REPOSITORY #----------------------------------------------- <# If this module is not installed via nuget, then this makes sense to check again # Add nuget first or make sure it is set Register-PackageSource -Name Nuget -Location "" –ProviderName Nuget # Make nuget trusted Set-PackageSource -Name NuGet -Trusted #> # Get-PSRepository #Install-Package Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core -RequiredVersion 7.0.0-rc.2.22472.11 If ( $psPackages.count -gt 0 ) { try { # See if Nuget needs to get registered $sources = Get-PackageSource -ProviderName $packageSourceProviderName If ( $sources.count -ge 1 ) { Write-Verbose -Message "You have at minimum 1 $( $packageSourceProviderName ) repository. Good!" -Verbose } elseif ( $sources.count -eq 0 ) { Write-Verbose -Message "You don't have $( $packageSourceProviderName ) as a PackageSource, do you want to register it now?" -Verbose $registerNugetDecision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice("", "Register $( $packageSourceProviderName ) as repository?", @('&Yes'; '&No'), 1) If ( $registerNugetDecision -eq "0" ) { # Means yes and proceed Register-PackageSource -Name $packageSourceName -Location $packageSourceLocation -ProviderName $packageSourceProviderName } else { # Means no and leave Write-Verbose -Message "Then we will leave here" -Verbose exit 0 } } $sources = Get-PackageSource -ProviderName $packageSourceProviderName If ( $sources.count -gt 1 ) { $packageSources = $sources.Name $packageSourceChoice = Prompt-Choice -title "PackageSource" -message "Which $( $packageSourceProviderName ) repository do you want to use?" -choices $packageSources $packageSource = $packageSources[$packageSourceChoice -1] } elseif ( $sources.count -eq 1 ) { $packageSource = $sources[0] } else { Write-Verbose -Message "There is no $( $packageSourceProviderName ) repository available" -Verbose } # TODO [x] ask if you want to trust the new repository # Do you want to trust that source? If ( $packageSource.IsTrusted -eq $false ) { Write-Verbose -Message "Your source is not trusted. Do you want to trust it now?" -Verbose $trustChoice = Prompt-Choice -title "Trust Package Source" -message "Do you want to trust $( $packageSource.Name )?" -choices @("Yes", "No") If ( $trustChoice -eq 1 ) { # Use # Set-PackageSource -Name NuGet # To get it to the untrusted status again Set-PackageSource -Name NuGet -Trusted } } # Install single packages # Install-Package -Name SQLitePCLRaw.core -Scope CurrentUser -Source NuGet -Verbose -SkipDependencies -Destination ".\lib" -RequiredVersion 2.0.6 } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Cannot install nuget packages!" #-Severity WARNING $success = $false } } else { Write-Verbose "There is no nuget package to install" -Verbose } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK SCRIPT DEPENDENCIES FOR INSTALLATION AND UPDATE #----------------------------------------------- If ( $psScripts.count -gt 0 ) { # TODO [] Add psgallery possibly, too try { If ( $ScriptsOnly -eq $true -or ( $PackagesOnly -eq $false -and $ScriptsOnly -eq $false -and $ModulesOnly -eq $false) ) { Write-Verbose "Checking Script dependencies" -Verbose # SCRIPTS $installedScripts = Get-InstalledScript $psScripts | ForEach { Write-Verbose "Checking script: $( $_ )" -Verbose # TODO [ ] possibly add dependencies on version number # This is using -force to allow updates $psScript = $_ $psScriptDependencies = Find-Script -Name $psScript -IncludeDependencies $psScriptDependencies | where { $_.Name -notin $installedScripts.Name } | Install-Script -Scope AllUsers -Verbose -Force } } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Cannot install scripts!" #-Severity WARNING $success = $false } } else { Write-Verbose "There is no script to install" } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK MODULES DEPENDENCIES FOR INSTALLATION AND UPDATE #----------------------------------------------- If ( $psModules.count -gt 0 ) { try { # PSGallery should have been added automatically yet If ( $ModulesOnly -eq $true -or ( $PackagesOnly -eq $false -and $ScriptsOnly -eq $false -and $ModulesOnly -eq $false) ) { Write-Verbose "Checking Module dependencies" -Verbose $installedModules = Get-InstalledModule $psModules | ForEach { Write-Verbose "Checking module: $( $_ )" -Verbose # TODO [ ] possibly add dependencies on version number # This is using -force to allow updates $psModule = $_ $psModuleDependencies = Find-Module -Name $psModule -IncludeDependencies $psModuleDependencies | Install-Module -Scope AllUsers -Verbose -Force #$psModuleDependencies | where { $_.Name -notin $installedModules.Name } | Install-Module -Scope AllUsers -Verbose -Force } } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Cannot install modules!" #-Severity WARNING $success = $false Write-Error -Message $_.Exception.Message #-Severity ERROR } } else { Write-Verbose "There is no module to install" -Verbose } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK LOCAL PACKAGES DEPENDENCIES FOR INSTALLATION AND UPDATE #----------------------------------------------- If ( $psPackages.count -gt 0 ) { try { If ( $PackagesOnly -eq $true -or ( $PackagesOnly -eq $false -and $ScriptsOnly -eq $false -and $ModulesOnly -eq $false) ) { Write-Verbose "Checking package dependencies" -Verbose $localPackages = Get-package -Destination .\lib $globalPackages = Get-package $installedPackages = $localPackages + $globalPackages $psPackages | ForEach { Write-Verbose "Checking package: $( $_ )" -Verbose # This is using -force to allow updates $psPackage = $_ If ( $psPackage -is [pscustomobject] ) { $pkg = Find-Package $ -IncludeDependencies -Verbose -RequiredVersion $psPackage.version } else { $pkg = Find-Package $psPackage -IncludeDependencies -Verbose } $pkg | where { $_.Name -notin $installedPackages.Name } | Select Name, Version -Unique | ForEach { Install-Package -Name $_.Name -Scope CurrentUser -Source NuGet -Verbose -RequiredVersion $_.Version -SkipDependencies -Destination ".\lib" -Force # "$( $script:execPath )\lib" } } } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Cannot install local packages!" #-Severity WARNING $success = $false } } else { Write-Verbose "There is no local package to install" -Verbose } #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK PACKAGES DEPENDENCIES FOR INSTALLATION AND UPDATE #----------------------------------------------- If ( $PackagesOnly -eq $false -and $ScriptsOnly -eq $false -and $ModulesOnly -eq $false) { # TODO replace the integration parameters #try { Write-Verbose "This script is copying the boilerplate (needed for installation ) to your current directory" -Verbose Copy-Item -Path "$( $Script:moduleRoot )\boilerplate\*" -Destination "." -Confirm $currentPath = ( resolve-path -Path "." ).Path Write-Verbose "Please have a look at your PeopleStage channels and create a new email channel:" -Verbose Write-Verbose " GENERAL" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Broadcaster: PowerShell" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Username: dummy" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Password: dummy" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Email Variable: Please choose your email variable" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Email Variable Description Override: email" -Verbose Write-Verbose " PARAMETER" -Verbose Write-Verbose " URL:" -Verbose Write-Verbose " GetMessagesScript: $( $currentPath )\getmessages.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " GetListsScript: $( $currentPath )\getmessagelists.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " UploadScript: $( $currentPath )\upload.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " BroadcastScript: $( $currentPath )\broadcast.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " PreviewMessageScript: $( $currentPath )\preview.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " TestScript: $( $currentPath )\test.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " SendTestEmailScript: $( $currentPath )\testsend.ps1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " IntegrationParameters: settingsFile=D:\Scripts\CleverReach\PSCleverReachModule\settings.json;mode=taggingOnly" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Encoding: UTF8" -Verbose Write-Verbose " OUTPUT SETTINGS" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Append To List: false" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Number of retries: 1" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Response File Key Type: Email with Broadcast Id" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Message Content Type: Broadcaster Template" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Retrieve Existing List Names: true" -Verbose Write-Verbose " FILE SETTINGS" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Encoding: UTF-8" -Verbose Write-Verbose " ADDITIONAL VARIABLES" -Verbose Write-Verbose " Add all variables that you would like to always upload" -Verbose Write-Verbose "Please consider to ask Apteco to look at your settings when you have done your first setup" -Verbose # } catch { # Write-Verbose -Message "Cannot copy boilerplate!" -Severity WARNING # $success = $false # } # TODO Add hints on how to create the channel in PeopleStage <# Write-Verbose "Please create the function [Custom].[vModelElementLatest] on the PeopleStage Database by executing this command" $sql = Get-Content -Path "$( $moduleRoot )\sql\99_create_vModelElementLatest.sql" -Encoding UTF8 -raw # $sqlReplacement = [Hashtable]@{ # "#CAMPAIGN#"=$campaignID # } # $sql = Replace-Tokens -InputString $sql -Replacements $sqlReplacement #$customersSql | Set-Content ".\$( $Script:processId ).sql" -Encoding UTF8 Write-Verbose -Message $sql -Verbose #> } } End { #----------------------------------------------- # FINISH #----------------------------------------------- If ( $success -eq $true ) { Write-Verbose -Message "All good. Installation finished!" #-Severity INFO } else { Write-Error -Message "There was a problem. Please check the output in this window and retry again." #-Severity ERROR } } } |