function Remove-TagsAtReceivers { [CmdletBinding()] param ( #[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Source ,[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Tag ) begin { $uploadSize = $Script:settings.upload.uploadSize } process { #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK TAG #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "Checking tag: $( $Source ).$( $Tag )" $receivers = @( Get-ReceiversWithTag -Source $Source -Tag $Tag ) Write-Log "There are currently $( $receivers.count ) receivers for this tag" #----------------------------------------------- # REMOVE TAG IN BATCHES #----------------------------------------------- $uploads = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $receivers | group group_id | ForEach-Object { $groupId = $_.Name $groupCount = $_.Count Write-Log "Removing tag '$( $Source ).$( $Tag )' on group $( $groupId ) with count $( $groupCount )" # Calculate the batches $batches = 0 $batches = [math]::Ceiling( $groupCount / $uploadSize ) Write-Log " Will do the changes in $( $batches ) batches" # Extract all receivers for group $groupReceivers = @( $receivers | where { $_.group_id -eq $groupId } ) # Doing the removal in batches For ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $batches; $i += 1 ) { $start = $i * $uploadSize $end = $start + $uploadSize -1 #$arr = [ArrayList]@() #$upsertBody = @( $groupReceivers[$start..$end] | Select email, @{ name="tags";expression={ [Array]@(,"-$( $Source ).$( $Tag )") }} ) #Write-Verbose ( ConvertTo-Json $upsertBody ) -Verbose $upsertBody = @( $groupReceivers[$start..$end] | % { $rec =$_;[PSCustomObject]@{"email"=$;"tags"=[array]@("-$( $Source ).$( $Tag )")} } ) $upload = @( Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Path "/$( $groupId )/receivers/upsertplus" -Method POST -Verbose -Body $upsertBody ) $uploads.addrange($upload) } # Log Write-Log " Confirmed changes on $( $upload.count ) receivers for group $( $groupId )" } Write-Log "Confirmed changes on $( $uploads.count ) receivers" # return $uploads } end { } } |