function Show-Preview { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Hashtable] $InputHashtable ) begin { #----------------------------------------------- # START TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processStart = [datetime]::now #----------------------------------------------- # LOG #----------------------------------------------- $moduleName = "PREVIEW" # Start the log Write-Log -message $Script:logDivider Write-Log -message $moduleName -Severity INFO # Log the params, if existing Write-Log -message "INPUT:" if ( $InputHashtable ) { $InputHashtable.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $InputHashtable[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } } #----------------------------------------------- # PARSE MESSAGE #----------------------------------------------- Write-Log "Parsing message: '$( $InputHashtable.MessageName )' with '$( $Script:settings.nameConcatChar )'" $mailing = [Mailing]::new($InputHashtable.MessageName) Write-Log "Got chosen message entry with id '$( $mailing.mailingId )' and name '$( $mailing.mailingName )'" $templateId = $mailing.mailingId #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK INPUT RECEIVER #----------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK CLEVERREACH CONNECTION #----------------------------------------------- try { Test-CleverReachConnection } catch { #$msg = "Failed to connect to CleverReach, unauthorized or token is expired" #Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR Write-Log -Message $_.Exception -Severity ERROR throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] $msg exit 0 } } process { try { #----------------------------------------------- # CHECK IF A PREVIEW GROUP IS ALREADY EXISTING #----------------------------------------------- # get all groups $groups = @( Get-CRGroups ) #Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Method GET -Verbose Write-Log "Got $( $groups.count ) groups" $script:debug = $groups $previewGroups = [array]@( $groups | where-object { $ -eq $Script:settings.preview.previewGroupName } ) #$script:debug = $previewGroups If ( $previewGroups.count -eq 1 ) { # Use that group $previewGroup = $previewGroups | select -first 1 Write-log -message "Using existing group '$( $previewGroup.mame )' with id '$( $ )'" } elseif ( $previewGroups.count -eq 0 ) { # Create a new group $newGroupBody = [PSCustomObject]@{ "name" = $Script:settings.preview.previewGroupName "receiver_info" = "Preview Group for rendering mailings" "locked" = $false "backup" = $false } $previewGroup = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Method POST -Verbose -body $newGroupBody Write-log -message "Created a new group '$( $previewGroup.mame )' with id '$( $ )'" } else { # There is a problem, because multiple previewgroups are existing Write-Log "Too many preview groups. Please check!" -Severity Error throw "Too many preview groups. Please check!" } # Get that groups details $group = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Path "/$( $ )" -Method GET -Verbose #----------------------------------------------- # CLEAR THAT GROUP #----------------------------------------------- #delete /v3/groups.json/{id}/clear $clearedGroup = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Path "/$( $ )/clear" -Method DELETE Write-Log "Cleared the group '$( $ )' with id '$( $ )'" #----------------------------------------------- # CLEAR THAT GROUP #----------------------------------------------- #delete /v3/groups.json/{id}/clear $clearedGroup = Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Path "/$( $ )/clear" -Method DELETE Write-Log "Cleared the group '$( $ )' with id '$( $ )'" #----------------------------------------------- # PARSE RECEIVER #----------------------------------------------- # Parse recipient $testRecipient = Convertfrom-Json -InputObject $InputHashtable.TestRecipient # Add dummy urn field, if not avaiable $urnFieldName = "urn" $urnFieldCheck = $testRecipient.PsObject.Properties | where { $ -contains $urnFieldName } If ( $urnFieldCheck.Count -eq 0 ) { $testRecipient | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $urnFieldName -Value "123456789" } #----------------------------------------------- # SYNCHRONISE ATTRIBUTES #----------------------------------------------- $requiredFields = @( "Email" , $urnFieldName) # not sure how to handle urn like $InputHashtable.UrnFieldName $reservedFields = @( $Script:settings.upload.reservedFields ) #@("tags") $headers = @( $requiredFields + $testRecipient.Personalisation.PsObject.Properties.Name ) $attributeParam = [Hashtable]@{ "reservedFields" = $reservedFields "requiredFields" = $requiredFields "csvAttributesNames" = $headers #@( $requiredFields + $testRecipient.Personalisation.PsObject.Properties.Name ) #$csvAttributesNames "csvUrnFieldname" = $urnFieldName "responseUrnFieldname" = $Script:settings.responses.urnFieldName "groupId" = $ } $attributes = Sync-Attributes @attributeParam #----------------------------------------------- # PUT PREVIEW RECEIVER IN THAT GROUP #----------------------------------------------- $uploadEntry = [PSCustomObject]@{ "email" = $testRecipient.Email "global_attributes" = [PSCustomObject]@{} "attributes" = [PSCustomObject]@{} "tags" = [Array]@() } $ | Where-Object { $ -in $headers } | ForEach-Object { $attrName = $ # using description now rather than name, because the comparison is made on descriptions $attrDescription = $_.description $value = $null $nameIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrName) $descriptionIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrDescription) # If nothing found, the index is -1 If ( $nameIndex -ge 0) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrName) #$values[$nameIndex] } elseif ( $descriptionIndex -ge 0 ) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrDescription) #$values[$descriptionIndex] } If( $null -ne $value ) { $uploadEntry.global_attributes | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $attrName -Value $value } } # New local attributes $ | ForEach-Object { $attrName = $ # using description now rather than name, because the comparison is made on descriptions $attrDescription = $_.description $value = $null $nameIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrName) $descriptionIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrDescription) # If nothing found, the index is -1 If ( $nameIndex -ge 0) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrName) #$values[$nameIndex] } elseif ( $descriptionIndex -ge 0 ) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrDescription) #$values[$descriptionIndex] } If( $null -ne $value ) { $uploadEntry.attributes | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $attrName -Value $value } } # Existing local attributes $usedAttributes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $attributes.local | ForEach-Object { $attrName = $ # using description now rather than name, because the comparison is made on descriptions $attrDescription = $_.description $value = $null $nameIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrName) $descriptionIndex = $headers.IndexOf($attrDescription) # If nothing found, the index is -1 If ( $nameIndex -ge 0) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrName) #$values[$nameIndex] } elseif ( $descriptionIndex -ge 0 ) { $value = $testRecipient.Personalisation.($attrDescription) #$values[$descriptionIndex] } If( $null -ne $value ) { [void]$usedAttributes.add($attrName) $uploadEntry.attributes | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $attrName -Value $value } } #----------------------------------------------- # REMOVE ATTRIBUTES THAT ARE NOT NEEDED #----------------------------------------------- $localAttributes = @( (Invoke-CR -Object "attributes" -Method "GET" -Verbose -Query ( [PSCustomObject]@{ "group_id" = $ } )) ) $notNeededAttributes = @( $localAttributes | where { $ -notin $usedAttributes } ) #$script:plugindebug = $ If ( $notNeededAttributes.count -gt 0 ) { Write-Log "Removing attributes, if not needed" $notNeededAttributes | ForEach-Object { $att = $_ Write-Log " $( $ ) ($( $ ))" $del += Invoke-CR -Object "attributes" -Method "DELETE" -Verbose -Path "/$( $ )" } } #----------------------------------------------- # UP- AND DOWNLOAD RECEIVER #----------------------------------------------- # TODO Implement downloading the receiver $uploadBody = @( $uploadEntry ) #$script:plugindebug = $uploadBody # Output the request body for debug purposes Write-Log -Message "Debug Mode: $( $Script:debugMode )" If ( $Script:debugMode -eq $true ) { $tempFile = ".\$( $i )_$( [guid]::NewGuid().tostring() )_request.txt" Set-Content -Value ( ConvertTo-Json $uploadBody -Depth 99 ) -Encoding UTF8 -Path $tempFile } # As a response we get the full profiles of the receiver back $upload = @( Invoke-CR -Object "groups" -Path "/$( $ )/receivers/upsertplus" -Method POST -Verbose -Body $uploadBody ) # Example #$InputHashtable.TestRecipient = '{"Email":"","Sms":null,"Personalisation":{"Kunden ID":"","email":"","Vorname":"","Communication Key":"93d02a55-9dda-4a68-ae5b-e8423d36fc20"}}' #----------------------------------------------- # READ MAILING DETAILS #----------------------------------------------- # get details of mailing $templateSource = Invoke-CR -Object "mailings" -Path "/$( $templateId )" -Method GET -Verbose #$newMailingName = "$( $ ) - $( $processStart.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )" Write-Log -message "Looked up the mailing '$( $templateId )' with name '$( $templateSource.Name )'" #Write-Log -message "New mailing name: '$( $newMailingName )'" #----------------------------------------------- # CREATE A RENDERED PREVIEW #----------------------------------------------- # NOT DOCUMENTED, but works <# $j = '{ "subject": ""Gleich 4 neue Whitepaper auf einen Schlag für dich, {FIRSTNAME}!"", "html": "<html><body>Hello {FIRSTNAME}</body></html>", "text": "", "receiver": { "id": "999", "email": "", "attributes": { "acc_branchen_kombiniert": "Data Owner Service Providers", "communication_key": "5d8691e0-c4b9-ed11-ac33-3cecef223d6e" }, "global_attributes": { "firstname": "Martin", "lastname": "Bowe", "anrede": "Herr" }, "tags": [ "AktionsDashboard", "AnalytischesDashboard", "DashboardStyles", "ManagementDashboard" ] } }' #> #Write-Host -message "Using first name: '$( $InputHashtable.TestRecipient.Personalisation.Vorname )'" #$testRecipient = $upload #Convertfrom-Json -InputObject $InputHashtable.TestRecipient #$script:debug = $InputHashtable $previewParameters = [PSCustomObject]@{ "subject" = $templateSource.subject #""Gleich 4 neue Whitepaper auf einen Schlag für dich, {FIRSTNAME}!"" "html" = $templateSource.body_html #"<html><body>Hello {FIRSTNAME}</body></html>" "text" = $templateSource.body_text #"" "receiver" = $upload[0] # Get the first element as we should not send an array } $previewParametersJson = Convertto-json -InputObject $previewParameters -Depth 99 #$script:plugindebug = $previewParametersJson #$renderedPreview = Invoke-CR -Object "gomailer" -Path "/preview" -Method POST -Verbose -body $previewParameters $renderedPreview = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -ContentType $Script:settings.contentType -body $previewParametersJson -Verbose -Method POST #Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "" -Body $j } catch { $msg = "Error during rendering preview. Abort!" Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR Write-Log -Message $_.Exception -Severity ERROR throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] $msg } finally { } #----------------------------------------------- # STOP TIMER #----------------------------------------------- $processEnd = [datetime]::now $processDuration = New-TimeSpan -Start $processStart -End $processEnd Write-Log -Message "Needed $( [int]$processDuration.TotalSeconds ) seconds in total" #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN VALUES TO PEOPLESTAGE #----------------------------------------------- # return object $return = [Hashtable]@{ "Type" = "Email" #Email|Sms "FromAddress"=$templateSource.sender_email "FromName"=$templateSource.sender_name "Html"=$renderedPreview.html "ReplyTo"="" "Subject"=$renderedPreview.subject "Text"=$renderedPreview.text # General return value to identify this custom channel in the broadcasts detail tables "CustomProvider"= $moduleName "ProcessId" = $Script:processId } # log the return object -> just don't do it to put all the html and text into the log <# Write-Log -message "RETURN:" $return.Keys | ForEach-Object { $param = $_ Write-Log -message " $( $param ) = '$( $return[$param] )'" -writeToHostToo $false } #> # return the results $return } end { } } |