<# This call gets the group stats by runtime filter as the normal group stats are cached #> function Get-GroupStatsByRuntime { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $GroupId # Group ID , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch] $IncludeMetrics = $false # Add avg points and quality(stars) , [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch] $IncludeLastChanged = $false # Add last groups changed date ) begin { } process { #----------------------------------------------- # GET GROUP DETAILS #----------------------------------------------- # TODO [ ] put the verbose flag also on other public functions If ( $IncludeLastChanged -eq $true ) { $groupDetailParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Object" = "groups" "Path" = "/$( $GroupId )" "Method" = "GET" #"Verbose" = $Verbose } $groupDetail = Invoke-CR @groupDetailParams } <# { "id": "1155236", "name": "Demo_Bestellungsbestätigung_20230221-101731", "locked": false, "backup": true, "receiver_info": "", "stamp": 1676971052, "last_mailing": 1676971142, "last_changed": 1676971052 } #> #----------------------------------------------- # PREPARE FILTER TEMPLATE #----------------------------------------------- $filterBodyTemplate = [PSCustomObject]@{ "groups" = [Array]@(,$GroupId) "operator" = "AND" "activeonly" = $false "rules" = [Array]@() "orderby" = "activated desc" "detail" = 0 } #----------------------------------------------- # TOTAL RECEIVERS #----------------------------------------------- $totalFilterBody = $filterBodyTemplate.PsObject.Copy() $totalParams = [Hashtable]@{ "Object" = "receivers" "Path" = "filter.json" "Method" = "POST" "Paging" = $true "Body" = $totalFilterBody #"Verbose" = $Verbose } $total = [Array]@( Invoke-CR @totalParams ) # -Verbose .PsObject.Copy() use a copy so the reference is not changed because it will used a second time #----------------------------------------------- # ACTIVE RECEIVERS #----------------------------------------------- # $activatedFilterBody = $filterBodyTemplate.PsObject.Copy() # $activatedFilterBody.activeonly = $true # $activated = [Array]@( Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Verbose -Paging -Body $activatedFilterBody ) # .PsObject.Copy() use a copy so the reference is not changed because it will used a second time $activated = [Array]@( $total | where-object { $ -eq $true } ) #----------------------------------------------- # INACTIVE RECEIVERS #----------------------------------------------- # $deactivedFilterBody = $filterBodyTemplate.PsObject.Copy() # $deactivedFilterBody.rules = [Array]@(, # [PSCustomObject]@{ # "field" = "deactivated" # "logic" = "bg" # "condition" = "1" # } # ) # $deactivated = [Array]@( Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Verbose -Paging -Body $deactivedFilterBody ) # .PsObject.Copy() use a copy so the reference is not changed because it will used a second time $deactivated = [Array]@( $total | where-object { $ -eq $false -and $_.deactivated -gt 1 } ) #----------------------------------------------- # BOUNCED RECEIVERS #----------------------------------------------- # $bouncedFilterBody = $filterBodyTemplate.PsObject.Copy() # $bouncedFilterBody.rules = [Array]@(, # [PSCustomObject]@{ # "field" = "bounced" # "logic" = "bg" # "condition" = "1" # } # ) # $bounced = [Array]@( Invoke-CR -Object "receivers" -Path "filter.json" -Method POST -Verbose -Paging -Body $bouncedFilterBody ) # .PsObject.Copy() use a copy so the reference is not changed because it will used a second time $bounced = [Array]@( $total | where-object { $ -eq $false -and $_.bounced -gt 1 } ) #----------------------------------------------- # BRING STATS TOGETHER #----------------------------------------------- $stats = [PSCustomObject]@{ "total_count" = $total.count "inactive_count" = $deactivated.count "active_count" = $activated.count "bounce_count" = $bounced.count #"order_count" = 0 } If ( $IncludeMetrics -eq $true ) { $stats | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "avg_points" -Value ([math]::floor(($total.points | Measure-Object -Average).Average)) $stats | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "quality" -Value ([math]::floor(($total.stars | Measure-Object -Average).Average)) } If ( $IncludeLastChanged -eq $true ) { $stats | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "time" -Value $groupDetail.last_changed } #----------------------------------------------- # RETURN #----------------------------------------------- $stats } end { } } |