################################################ # # INPUT # ################################################ Param( [hashtable] $params ) #----------------------------------------------- # DEBUG SWITCH #----------------------------------------------- $debug = $true #----------------------------------------------- # INPUT PARAMETERS, IF DEBUG IS TRUE #----------------------------------------------- if ( $debug -eq $true ) { $params = [hashtable]@{ Password = 'ko' Username = 'ko' #scriptPath = 'C:\faststats\Scripts\cleverreach' settingsFile = '.\settings.json' #mode='taggingOnly' } } ################################################ # # NOTES # ################################################ <# bla bla #> ################################################ # # SCRIPT ROOT # ################################################ <# if ( $debug -eq $true ) { if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType -eq "ExternalScript") { $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition } else { $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0]) } $params.scriptPath = $scriptPath } # Some local settings $dir = $params.scriptPath Set-Location $dir #> ################################################ # # SETTINGS # ################################################ #----------------------------------------------- # IMPORT MODULE #----------------------------------------------- Import-Module "AptecoPSFramework" -Verbose #Set-ExecutionDirectory -Path $dir #----------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS #----------------------------------------------- # Set the settings <# $settings = Get-settings $settings.logfile = ".\file.log" Set-Settings -PSCustom $settings #> Import-Settings -Path $params.settingsFile #----------------------------------------------- # SET DEBUG MODE #----------------------------------------------- Set-DebugMode -DebugMode $debug ################################################ # # PROGRAM # ################################################ # TODO [x] check if we need to make a try catch here -> not needed, if we use a combination like <# $msg = "Temporary count of $( $mssqlResult ) is less than $( $rowsCount ) in the original export. Please check!" Write-Log -Message $msg -Severity ERROR throw [System.IO.InvalidDataException] $msg #> #----------------------------------------------- # GET MESSAGES #----------------------------------------------- # Added try/catch again because of extras.xml wrapper try { # Do the upload $return = Get-Messages -InputHashtable $params # Return the values, if succeeded $return } catch { throw $_.Exception Exit 1 } |