################################################ # # SCRIPT ROOT # ################################################ # if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.CommandType -eq "ExternalScript") { # $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition # } else { # $scriptPath = Split-Path -Parent -Path ([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()[0]) # } # Set-Location -Path $scriptPath ################################################ # # MODULES # ################################################ Import-Module "D:\Scripts\PSModules\AptecoPSFramework" -Verbose # TODO change later to plain module name # TODO Is this step still needed? #Set-ExecutionDirectory -Path "." ################################################ # # SETTINGS # ################################################ #----------------------------------------------- # CHOOSE A PLUGIN #----------------------------------------------- $plugin = @(, (get-plugins | Select guid, name, version, update, path | Out-GridView -PassThru )) If ($plugin.count -gt 1) { Write-Host "Sorry, you have chosen more than 1 plugin" exit 1 } elseif ( $plugin.count -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "Sorry, you have chosen less than 1 plugin" exit 1 } #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD THE PLUGIN #----------------------------------------------- Import-Plugin -guid $plugin.guid #----------------------------------------------- # LOAD THE SETTINGS (GLOBAL + PLUGIN) #----------------------------------------------- $settings = Get-settings $settings.pluginGuid = $plugin.guid ################################################ # # CHANGE PARAMETERS # ################################################ # logfile $settings.logfile = ".\file.log" # Override settings #$settings."pageSize" = 5 # TODO need to remove this later to connecting the api through an APP #----------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS FOR 'GENERATE' #----------------------------------------------- # $settings.token.tokenUsage = "generate" # $settings.login.accesstoken = $token # $settings.login.refreshtoken = $token #----------------------------------------------- # SETTINGS FOR 'CONSUME' #----------------------------------------------- # $settings.token.tokenUsage = "consume" # # Define as absolute path # #$tokenfile = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(".\cr.token") # Or resolve the relative path into absolute # $tokenfile = "D:\Scripts\CleverReach\check-token214112\cr.token" # $settings.token.tokenFilePath = $tokenfile ################################################ # # SET AND EXPORT SETTINGS # ################################################ Set-Settings -PSCustom $settings Export-Settings -Path ".\settings.json" |