TOPIC App-V Provider SYNOPSIS The App-V provider is a OneGet/Windows Package Management provider for Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) v5.x. DESCRIPTION The App-V provider can install and uninstall Microsoft App-V v5.x packages from local and/or remote directory paths with a behaviour that is is consistent with all other Microsoft OneGet/Package Management providers. The App-V provider project is an open-source implementation of a Micrsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 5.x provider for OneGet/Microsoft Package Management Powershell module(s). More information on the open-source OneGet project can be found online: https://github.com/oneget/oneget. REGISTERING PACKAGE SOURCE(S) The App-V provider will search local directories and/or network file shares for available packages. Each individual directory or file share needs to be registered in the provider before it can be used. Provider locations are added with the Register-PackageSource cmdlet and require a name to also be provided. To register a network file share with a reference name of 'Demo' use the following command: Register-PackageSource -Name Demo -Location \\Server\Share -ProviderName AppV The location parameter has to be a Powershell File System provider path. HTTP/S streaming end-points/locations are NOT currently supported. DISCOVERING APP-V APPLICATIONS Once an App-V provider package source has been registered, it can be queried for available packages by using the Find-Package cmdlet. By default, the App-V provider implements wildcard pattern matching for application names. Searching for Chrome will return packages matching 'GoogleChrome', 'xChrome' and 'ChromeDriver2'. To query all registered package sources for packages containing the search term 'Chrome', run the following command: Find-Package -Name Chrome To query all registered package sources for packages containing either the 'Chrome' or 'Firefox' search terms, run the following command: Find-Package -Name Chrome,Firefox However, this will return all matching packages. To restrict the search scope to just App-V packages, the Find-Package cmdlet can be filter by the provider name. To query for all available App-V packages use the following command: Find-Package -ProviderName AppV To restrict the query to only App-V packages with either 'Chrome' or 'Firefox' in the name, filter the scope with the following command: Find-Package -Name Chrome,Firefox -ProviderName AppV INSTALLING APP-V APPLICATIONS Installing applications is achieved by the OneGet Install-Package cmdlet. One or more packages can be specified with the -Name parameter or piped into Install-Package from the Find-Package cmdlet. Find-Package -Name Chrome -ProviderName AppV | Install-Package The Install-Package cmdlet supports the same filtering options as the Find-Package cmdlet. For example, you can filter on the name and/or the provider name. The App-V provider also implements some App-V specific package installation parameters, implementing the -Global and -Mount switches. The -Mount switch parameter will mount the package in the App-V client cache after the package is registered. Without this option, the application will be streamed over the network upon first use. Install-Package -Name Chrome -ProviderName AppV -Mount By default, the App-V provider will only publish applications to the user running the Install-Package cmdlet - this is typically an administrator account. To publish the application globally (to all users), include the -Global switch parameter. Install-Package -Name Chrome,Firefox -ProviderName AppV -Global You can combine the -Mount and -Global switches in the same command. Install-Package -Name Firefox -ProviderName AppV -Global -Mount UNINSTALLING APP-V APPLICATIONS DEREGISTERING PACKAGE SOURCE(S) Removing registered package sources requires running the Unregister-PackageSource cmdlet. This cmdlet requires the package source name and the provider name that is was registered with. To remove the 'Demo' App-V provider package source registered above, use the following command: Unregister-PackageSource -Name Demo -ProviderName AppV The OneGet implementation supports the removal of package sources using the -Location parameter. This is NOT currently supported by the App-V provider. |