.VERSION 0.1 .AUTHOR nohwnd .GUID f8dab2f8-5b75-4d64-95eb-9b8b10cdd97a .DESCRIPTION AppVeyor helpers for tag parsing and running tests conditionally. #> function Get-Environment () { $env:Environment } function Set-Environment { param ( [ValidateSet("Development","Release")] $Environment = "Development") $env:Environment = $Environment } function Test-ReleaseEnvironment { "Release" -eq (Get-Environment) } function Get-Tag () { $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG_NAME } function Parse-Tag ($Tag) { #simplified version of the semver regex $isMatch = $Tag -match "^(?<version>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(\-(?<suffix>[a-z]+))?$" if ($isMatch) { [psCustomObject]@{ Tag = $Tag SemanticVersion = $Tag IsVersionTag = $isMatch Version = $Matches.version Suffix = $Matches.suffix IsPrerelease = [bool]$Matches.Suffix } } else { [psCustomObject]@{ Tag = $Tag SemanticVersion = "" IsVersionTag = $isMatch Version = "" Suffix = "" IsPrerelease = $true } } } function Test-ModuleManifestVersionEqualToTagVersion ([string]$ManifestPath, [string]$Tag) { $manifestVersion = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ManifestPath | Select -ExpandProperty Version $tagVersion = (Parse-Tag -Tag $Tag).Version $tagVersion -eq $manifestVersion } function Assert-ModuleManifestVersionEqualToTagVersion ([string]$ManifestPath, [string]$Tag) { if (-not (Test-ModuleManifestVersionEqualToTagVersion -ManifestPath $ManifestPath -Tag $Tag)) { throw "Expected module manifest version to be the same as the tag version, but the versions differ. Manifest path: '$ManifestPath' Tag: '$Tag'." } } function Invoke-OnlyDuringRelease ([scriptblock]$ScriptBlock) { if ((Get-Environment) -eq "Release") { &$ScriptBlock } } |