# Version: 1.25.1 Date: 230523 Last update by: # ! Get-InstalledProgram will now error if a null RegistryDisplayNameRegex is supplied. # Version: 1.25.0 Date: 230521 Last update by: # + Added breaks to each Get-DownloadLink case # + Added DC Loader, Remote Access Tool, LandOnline Print-to-Tiff Driver # + Added function Get-PostInstallScriptBlock # Version: 1.24.0 Date: 230517 Last update by: # + Added TeamViewer Host pre-install script block, install command # ! Applied temporary fix on Confirm-ProgramInstallation to cater older version of install scripts # Version: 1.23.0 Date: 230514 Last update by: # + Added ISQLME, NZCS IT Support, WindirStat, and ZelloWork # ! Fixed bug on Get-InstalledProgram where it throws an error when a program doesn't have a DisplayVersion property in the registry # Version: 1.22.1 Date: 230512 Last update by: # ! Applied overrides to GPL Ghostscript latest version/downloadlink and Java 8 download link # Version: 1.22.0 Date: 230511 Last update by: # + Added functions Find-Path, Get-ArchitectureConflicts, Get-LowerVersionConflicts and Uninstall-LowerVersionConflicts # / Changed Invoke-ResolveArchitectureConflicts to Uninstall-ArchitectureConflicts # / Uninstalling architecture conflicts was moved out of Approve-Installation function # / Confirm-ProgramInstallation only now needs ProgramName. # ! Fixed UniPrint Pre-install scriptblock # Version: 1.21.0 Date: 230423 Last update by: # + Added UCS Client installation code # / Moved out Find-Path as a new function # ! Fixed PreInsstallScriptBlock switch case for CutePDF Writer|Putty|Digisign|Google Drive # Version: 1.20.1 Date: 230423 Last update by: # ! Fixed code for scraping download links and latest version numbers for Adobe Digital Editions, Foxit PDF Reader, Java 8, Network Lookout for Employees Pro, Sysmon64, and Microsoft Teams # Version: 1.20.0 Date: 230423 Last update by: # + Added function Get-PreferredArchitecture and Resolve-ArchitectureSelection to cater new architecture selections Preferred and Use Existing. These functions are integrated to Get-Downloadlink. # ! Fixed code for retrieving latest version and download link for Wireshark # Version: 1.19.0 Date: 150423 Last update by: # + Added option to select update channel during Microsft 365 installation # Version: 1.19.0 Date: 150423 Last update by: # + Added functions Get-M365SupportedVersion and Get-M365UpdateChannel # Version: 1.18.7 Date: 020423 Last update by: # ! Fixed formatting errors on install/uninstall commands # Version: 1.18.6 Date: 020423 Last update by: # ! Fixed Adobe Acrobat/Digital Editions script stuck bug when Get-LatestVersion is called the second time. # Version: 1.18.5 Date: 310323 Last update by: # / Added pre-install steps to Adobe Digital Edition to add some registry keys to skip Norton installation prompt. # Version: 1.18.4 Date: 270323 Last update by: # ! Fixed bug where the script terminates after running Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization # + Added function Get-IgnoreExitCodes to cater installations where we have to make exceptions on certain exit codes e.g. Adobe Digital Edition # + Added function Get-IgnoreExitCodes to adjust for installations that gives an unusual exit code # + Added Adobe Digital Editions to supported applications # Version: 1.18.3 Date: 240323 Last update by: # ! Added a delay after uninstalling programs before continuing updates. # Version: 1.18.2 Date: 220323 Last update by: # ! Provided an override for Digisign's uninstall command # Version: 1.18.1 Date: 210323 Last update by: # ! Fixed install command for Zoom # ! Fixed code for retrieving latest version number for Adobe Acrobat # Version: 1.18.0 Date: 170323 Last update by: # / Set the option to use strings.exe via a switch parameter # + Added function Approve-Installation and Invoke-ResolveArchitectureConflicts to remediate duplicate installations on different/same architectures before installing. The logic for determining if a program is up for an update is moved here too. # + Added function Get-ProcessesToTerminate # Version: 1.17.3 Date: 250223 Last update by: # ! Fixed bug where Get-UninstallCommand still tries to use strings.exe # Version: 1.17.2 Date: 240223 Last update by: # + Added Microsoft 365 functions # Version: 1.17.1 Date: 190223 Last update by: # + Added Synology Active Backup for Business Agent functions # Version: 1.17.0 Date: 190223 Last update by: # / Changed program name for Python to 'Python 3' # + Added functions Get-InstallCommand and Get-PreInstallScriptBlock # * Add-RegistryKey can now recursively create missing registry keys recursively # / Add-RegistryValue can now only add single values from multiple values. Looping will be handled in the scripts. # Version: 1.16.0 Date: 050223 Last update by: # + Added registry management functions # / Changed $Error references to $Global:Error # Version: 1.15.0 Date: 290123 Last update by: # / Replaced method of determining installer tool from strings.exe to PowerShell native commands # Version: 1.14.0 Date: 280123 Last update by: # * Improved program architecture detection function # Version: 1.13.1 Date: 210123 Last update by: # ! Fixed bug where SYSTEM is unable to run strings.exe # Version: 1.13.0 Date: 210123 Last update by: # + Added Synology Drive Client latest version and download link retrieval # + Added step on Get-UninstallCommand where the function can try to determine silent uninstall switch based on what tool the uninstall executable was made from. # Version: 1.12.3 Date: 110123 Last Updated by: # ! Fixed Adobe Acrobat latest version retrieval bug # Version: 1.12.2 Date: 080123 Last Update by: # + Added download link and latest version retrieval code for LegalAid Templates # ! Fixed bug where comparing versions errors when it's too short. # Version: 1.12.0 Date: 080123 Last Update by: # + Added Get-MultipleInstalledProgram function # / Get-UninstallCommand now uses wildcards to find uninstall command overrides # + Added Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex # + Added Approve-SelectedPrograms # Version: 1.11.3 Date: 231222 Last Update by: # ! Fixed Adobe Acrobat bug # Version: 1.11.2 Date: 221222 Last Update by: # ! Overriden the version on Adobe Acrobat while fixing bug that occurs when the code detects a version that has an 'x' on it. # Version: 1.11.0 Date: 221221 Last Update by: # + Added functions Get-UninstallCommand and UninstallProgram # + Added new registry paths for Get-InstalledProgram # / Get-InstalledProgram only returns the topmost result if more than 1 results are returned. # ! Fixed IrfanView download link retrieval function # ! Fixed message when download link cannot be retrieved. # Version: 1.10.0 Date: 221202 Last Update by: rod@appmani.coms # + Added function Set-Alert # Version: 1.9.2 Date: 221122 Last Update by: # * Improved error handling on Get-LatestVersion/DownloadLink/Installer # Version: 1.9.1 Date: 221117 Last Update by: # + Added security measures to Remove-InstallerFolder to prevent deleting C:\ uninstentionally # * Improved error handling in Confirm-Update and Get-LatestVersion # Version: 1.9.0 Date: 221113 Last Updated by: # + Add function Get-LatestVersion, Confirm-LogFolder, Write-Log, Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization # / Replaced usage of Write-Host functions to Write-Log # * Downloading installers now able to supply download file name independently # / Get-InstalledProgram now uses a regex so you can match specific programs # / Confirm-Program/ServiceInstallation changed retry times to 3 from 30 # / Changed Compare-Versions to Confirm-Update where this function utilizes the Get-LatestVersion function to determine if program is due for an update # Version: 1.8.0 Date: 221011 Last Updated by: # + Added function Set-AgentRefresh # Version: 1.7.0 Date: 221011 Last Updated by: # + Added function Confirm-InstallerValidity # Version: 1.6.0 Date: 221009 Last Updated by: # + Added function Get-DownloadLink # Version: 1.5.0 Date: 220916 Last Updated by: # + Added function Invoke-ModuleForUpdate # Version: 1.4.1 Date: 220817 Last Updated by: # / Fixed Get-ProgramArchitecture's output from x32 to x86 # Version: 1.4.0 Date: 220817 Last Updated by: # / Changed Get-InstalledProgram/Service parameter 'Program' to 'ProgramName' # / Get-InstalledProgram's use of wildcards will only be used depending on function call's parameters # + Added new functions Set-RegistryItem, Get-ProgramArchitecture # * Improved error handling responses # 1.3.2 ! Fixed a syntax error # 1.3.1 - Removed some lines for debugging # 1.3.0 * Set ProgressPreference to SilentlyContinue to improve download time # + Now displays current and latest available version of program # 1.2.2 + Added functions Add-InstallerFolder and Remove-InstallerFolder in functions to export in module manifest # 1.2.1 - Removed uneeded files in package # 1.2.0 + Added Add-InstallerFolder function so all installer related files will go to a single folder # / Changed Remove-Installer function to Remove-InstallerFolder # 1.1.2 / Changed version just to test updates # 1.1.1 / Changed author to Appmani # 1.1.0 + Added Confirm-ServiceInstallation function # 1.0.0 + First upload # This function is to mitigate the Invoke-WebRequest error where it won't run because IE First Run Customization hasn't been done yet. Using the switch parameter UseBasicParsing would work for regular web requests, but not for Downloads Function Test-WebRequest { Param ( $URI ) # Loop until system is able to successfully invoke a web request while ($null -eq $webRequest) { try { $webRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI } # Catches the exception where IE first run customization has not been done yet catch [System.NotSupportedException] { Write-Host "Disabling IE First RunCustomization..." -NoNewline try { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" -Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" -Value 2 } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to disable IE First RunCustomization: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } # catches other exceptions catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to execute test webrequest: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } return $webrequest } # Downloads installer Function Get-Installer { Param ( $DownloadLink, $SavePath ) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' # Tests if save path is existing if (Test-Path $savePath) { $attempts = 1 $maxAttempts = 3 $null = $fileName # Downloads the file while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Attempts: $attempts" # Downloads the file try { $download = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadLink } catch [System.NotSupportedException] { Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization continue } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to download installer: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } # Tries to get filename from Content-Disposition header if ($download.Headers["Content-Disposition"]) { try { $content = [System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition]::new($download.Headers["Content-Disposition"]) $fileName = $content.FileName } catch { } } # If not, get capture filename from download link if (!$fileName) { $matches = @() # uses GetFileName, decodes any HTTP encoding, removes the character '?' and preceeding characters, and matches it with a filename regex Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web ([System.Web.HTTPUtility]::UrlDecode([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($downloadLink)) -replace '\?.*$') -match '.+\..+$' | Out-Null if ($matches[0]) { $fileName = $matches[0] } # If that still doesn't work use fallback filename else { $fileName = "$global:programNameNoSpace.exe" } } # Actually saves the file to disk $installerPath = $SavePath + '\' + $fileName #Write-Host $SavePath $f = [IO.File]::OpenWrite($installerPath); try { $download.RawContentStream.WriteTo($f); } finally { $f.Dispose(); } if (Test-Path $installerPath) { return $installerPath } $attempts++ } } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Download path $SavePath not existing. Please specify a valid path." } return $null } # Creates folder for storing installation files e.g. msi, exe, config files, etc Function Add-InstallerFolder { Param ( $Path ) If (Test-Path -Path $Path) { try { Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Recurse #-ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to delete installer folder and its contents: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } try { $installerFolder = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory return $installerFolder } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to create installer folder: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } #Deletes installer Function Remove-InstallerFolder { Param ( $Path, $CleanupDelay ) $minimumPathLength = 4 if ($Path.Length -lt $minimumPathLength) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Invalid path. As a security measure, this function needs a path with a minimum length of $minimumPathLength to proceed." return $null } # Cleans up installer folders Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installation files cleanup will be performed in $cleanupDelay seconds." Start-Sleep -Seconds $CleanupDelay Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Cleaning up..." -NoNewline if ((Get-Location).Path -eq $Path) { Set-Location .. } # Removes a file try { Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse -Force } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to delete installer folder: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Removed folder and contents of $Path." } # Checks the registry for entries of the installed program and returns information about it Function Get-InstalledProgram { Param ( $RegistryDisplayName, [Switch]$All ) if (!$RegistryDisplayName) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Please specify a Registry DisplayName regex." return $null } $HKUPSDrive = Get-PSDrive HKU -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!($HKUPSDrive)) { New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root HKEY_USERS -Name HKU -Scope Script | Out-Null } # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Searching registry for installations." $Apps = @() $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # 32 Bit $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # 64 Bit $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\*\Products\*\InstallProperties" $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKU:\*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" $installedPrograms = $Apps | Where-Object DisplayName -match $RegistryDisplayName | Sort-Object { [System.Version]::Parse($_.DisplayVersion) } -Descending -ErrorAction Ignore # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Search returned $(($installedPrograms | Measure-Object).Count) results." $installedPrograms = Get-InstallationsArchitecture -InstalledPrograms $installedPrograms if ($installedPrograms) { if ($All) { return $installedPrograms } else { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Returning topmost object." return $installedPrograms[0] } } } Function Get-MultipleInstalledProgram { Param ( $RegistryDisplayName, $RegistryDisplayVersion ) $HKUPSDrive = Get-PSDrive HKU -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!($HKUPSDrive)) { New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root HKEY_USERS -Name HKU -Scope Script | Out-Null } $Apps = @() $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # 32 Bit $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # 64 Bit $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\*\Products\*\InstallProperties" $Apps += Get-ItemProperty "HKU:\*\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" $installedPrograms = $Apps | Where-Object DisplayName -match $RegistryDisplayName if ($installedPrograms) { $installedPrograms = $Apps | Where-Object { ($_.DisplayName -match $RegistryDisplayName) -and ($_.DisplayVersion -match $RegistryDisplayVersion) } return $installedPrograms } } # Checks the registry for entries of the isntalled service and returns information about it Function Get-InstalledService { Param ( $ServiceDisplayName ) $RegistryPath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\$ServiceDisplayName" $installedService = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue return $installedService } # Gets exit codes to ignore when installing Function Get-IgnoreExitCodes { Param ( $ProgramName ) $IgnoreExitCodes = @{ 'Adobe Digital Editions' = '1223' } $IgnoreExitCode = $IgnoreExitCodes.$ProgramName if (!$IgnoreExitCode) { return $null } else { return $IgnoreExitCode } } #Installs program using a one-liner msiexec or calls the installer executable with additional arguments Function Install-Program { Param ( $location, $installCommand ) if (Test-Path $location) { Set-Location $location } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to change location to $location." } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Executing command $installCommand" try { cmd /c $installCommand } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to install: $($Global:Error[0])" return 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Execution completed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" return $LASTEXITCODE } Function Confirm-ProgramInstallation { Param ( $ProgramName, $registryDisplayName ) if (!$registryDisplayName) { $registryDisplayName = Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex -ProgramName $programName } # Loops X number of times to check registry keys for the program $tries = 0 while ($tries -le 3) { $tries++ Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Verifying installation. Tries: $tries" $installedProgram = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $RegistryDisplayName if ($null -ne $installedProgram) { return $installedProgram } Start-Sleep -s 15 } Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Script has reached the maximum number of retries on installation verification. Please investigate for issues." return $null } Function Confirm-ServiceInstallation { Param ( $ServiceDisplayName ) # Loops X number of times to check registry keys for the service $tries = 0 while ($tries -le 3) { $tries++ Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Verifying installation. Tries: $tries" $installedService = Get-InstalledService -ServiceDisplayName $ServiceDisplayName if ($null -ne $installedService) { return $installedService } Start-Sleep -s 15 } Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Script has reached the maximum number of retries on installation verification. Please investigate for issues." return $null } # Compares current version of a program from the registry and what's on the download link. There are programs that won't have registry entries and programs that won't have their versions on the download link, so please check first before using Function Confirm-Update { Param ( $ProgramName, $InstalledVersion, $VersionMatchRegex ) # Sets a default regex if it's blank or null if (!$VersionMatchRegex) { $VersionMatchRegex = '.*' } # Removes whitespaces for programs who has a space on its Display Version for some reason like CutePDF: ' 4.1' $InstalledVersion = $($InstalledVersion -replace '\s', '') # Gets latest version available $latestVersion = $(Get-LatestVersionNumber -ProgramName $ProgramName).VersionNumber if (!$latestVersion) { return $null } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Latest version available: $latestVersion" Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installed version: $InstalledVersion" # Matches versions to a regex. This is for installed vs scraped latest versions that do not follow the same format e.g. 1.2.3456(registry display version) vs 1.2(scraped from website) if (!($InstalledVersion -match $VersionMatchRegex)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Installed version doesn't match version match regex." return $false } else { $InstalledVersion = $matches[0] } if (!($latestVersion -match $VersionMatchRegex)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Latest version doesn't match version match regex." return $false } else { $latestVersion = $matches[0] } try { $isProgramForUpdate = [version]$InstalledVersion -lt [version]$latestVersion if (!$isProgramForUpdate) { Write-Log -LogType INFO "Currently installed version is equal to or higher than latest version retrieved." } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO "$ProgramName will be updated." } } catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException] { $isProgramForUpdate = $InstalledVersion -lt $latestVersion } return $isProgramForUpdate } Function Set-RegistryItem { Param ( $RegistryPath, $Name, $Value, $PropertyType ) # Create the key if it does not exist If (-NOT (Test-Path $RegistryPath)) { try { New-Item -Path $RegistryPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop #| Out-Null Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Mew registry path $RegistryPath created." } catch { return $null } } # Now set the value try { New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name $Name -Value $Value -PropertyType DWORD -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Registry item $RegistryPath\$Name set to $Value." } catch { return $null } } Function Get-ProgramArchitecture { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Program ) $ProgramName = $Program.DisplayName switch -regex ($ProgramName) { "(64 bit|64\-bit|x64|64bit)" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using DisplayName" return "x64" } "(32 bit|32\-bit|x86|32bit)" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using DisplayName" return "x86" } } $InstallLocation = $Program.InstallLocation switch -regex ($InstallLocation) { "C:\\Program Files\\" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using InstallLocation" return "x64" } "C:\\Program Files \(x86\)\\" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using Program InstallLocation" return "x86" } } $UninstallString = $Program.UninstallString switch -regex ($UninstallString) { "C:\\Program Files\\" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using UninstallString" return "x64" } "C:\\Program Files \(x86\)\\" { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using UninstallString" return "x86" } } if ($Program.PSParentPath -eq 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall') { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using PSParentPath" return "x86" } elseif ($Program.PSParentPath -eq 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall') { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture determined using PSParentPath" return "x64" } else { #Write-Log -LogType WARNING -Message "Unable to determine architecture." return $null } } Function Send-Keys { Param ( $ApplicationWindowTitle, $Keys ) $wshell = New-Object -ComObject; $wshell.AppActivate($ApplicationWindowTitle) $wshell.SendKeys($Keys) } Function Invoke-ModuleForUpdate { Param ( $ModuleName ) if (!(Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable | Where-Object Name -eq 'Nuget')) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installing Nuget..." [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-PackageProvider -Name Nuget -Force | Out-Null } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving installed module..." $installedModule = Get-InstalledModule $ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # If not install module from PSGallery if ($null -eq $installedModule) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "$ModuleName module not installed. Please install $ModuleName first." } # If module is installed check for updates and import else { # Gets latest module version available in PSGallery $latestModuleVersion = Find-Module $ModuleName -ErrorAction Ignore if ($latestModuleVersion) { # Checks if installed module version needs an update if ($latestModuleVersion.Version -ne $installedModule.Version) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installing new version of $ModuleName..." -NoNewline try { Update-Module $ModuleName -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Done!" } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } Else { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Module $ModuleName is already up to date." } } } } Function Get-PreferredArchitecture { Param ( $ProgramName ) $PreferredArchitectures = @{ 'Adobe Acrobat' = 'x86' } $PreferredArchitecture = $PreferredArchitectures.$ProgramName if (!$PreferredArchitecture) { return 'x64' } else { return $PreferredArchitecture } } Function Resolve-ArchitectureSelection { Param ( $ProgramName, $Architecture ) $preferredArchitecture = Get-PreferredArchitecture -ProgramName $programName if (($Architecture -eq 'x64') -or ($Architecture -eq 'x86')) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture set to $architecture." } elseif ($Architecture -eq 'Use existing') { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "'$Architecture' was selected for architecture." # Gets existing installations that we are able to get architectures from $registryDisplayName = Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex -ProgramName $programName $existingInstallation = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $registryDisplayName -All | Where-Object Architecture -ne $null # If there are no installations detected architecture will be set null then the preferred will be used if (!$existingInstallation) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No existing installation of $programName found. Preferred architecture will be used." $architecture = $preferredArchitecture Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture set to $architecture." return $Architecture } # Checks installations for conflicting architecture. If there are none, the script will use the architecture of the existing installations. If there is, the preferred architecture will be used. $Architecture = $existingInstallation[0].Architecture foreach ($installation in $existingInstallation) { if ($installation.Architecture -ne $architecture) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installations of $programName with conflicting architecture detected. Preferred architecture will be used." $architecture = $preferredArchitecture Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture set to $architecture." return $Architecture } } } # We set x64 as a default when a user-specified/preferred architecture is not present. This will step will only be done on programs where architecture can be selected. elseif (($Architecture -eq 'preferred') -or (!$Architecture)) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "'$Architecture' was selected for architecture." $Architecture = $preferredArchitecture Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture set to $architecture." } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "'$Architecture' was selected for architecture." $Architecture = $preferredArchitecture Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Invalid selection. Preferred architecture $architecture will be used." } return $Architecture } Function Get-DownloadLink { Param ( $ProgramName, $Architecture ) $null = $Global:ArchitectureUsed $attempts = 1 $maxAttempts = 3 while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Attempts: $attempts" try { switch ($ProgramName) { '7-zip' { $HomePage = "" $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = '-x64' } else { $architectureFilter = '' } $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<A href=\"(?<link>a/7z\d+{0}\.exe)\">Download</A>' -f $architectureFilter $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $link = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value if ($null -ne $link) { $downloadLink = $HomePage + "$($link)" #$Global:ArchitectureUsed = } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Version requested is not available." return $null } break } 'Adobe Acrobat' { # $versionOverride = '22.003.20282' $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $downloadLinkFormat = '{0}/' $fileNameFormat = 'AcroRdrDCx64{0}_en_US.exe' } elseif ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $downloadLinkFormat = '{0}/' $fileNameFormat = 'AcroRdrDC{0}_en_US.exe' } $latestVersion = (Get-LatestVersionNumber -ProgramName $ProgramName).VersionNumber if ($versionOverride) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Version override detected: $versionOverride" $latestVersion = $versionOverride } # If no latest version was retrieved and no override, return null if (!$latestVersion) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Unable to retrieve download link." return $null } $latestVersion = $latestVersion -replace '[.]', '' $filenameFormat = $filenameFormat -f $latestVersion $downloadLink = $("$downloadLinkFormat" + "$filenameFormat") -f $latestVersion break } 'Adobe Digital Editions' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -Headers @{"accept" = "*/*" } -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<a href=\"(?<link>.+?Installer\.exe)\">' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Audacity' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = '64 bit' } elseif ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $architectureFilter = '32 bit' } $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<a href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Audacity .+? {0} installer</a>' -f $architectureFilter $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Bitwarden' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'Citrix Workspace' { $downloadLink = ((Invoke-WebRequest -URI '').Links | Where-Object { ($_.outerText -like 'Download *') -and ($_.rel -like '*CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe*') }).rel[0] $downloadLink = "https:" + $downloadLink break } 'CutePDF Writer' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'DC Loader' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<p><a class=\"button\" href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Download DC Loader.+?</a></p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Digisign' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<a class=\"button\" href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Digisign.+?</a>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Dropbox' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location #return $downloadLink } 'Microsoft Edge' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'Filezilla' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = 'win64' } elseif ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $architectureFilter = 'win32' } $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $session.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -WebSession $session $Pattern = '<a href=\"(?<link>.*)\" rel="nofollow">FileZilla_.+?_{0}-setup.exe</a>' -f $architectureFilter $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Foxit PDF Reader' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'Google Drive' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'GPL Ghostscript' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($Architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = 'w64' } else { $architectureFilter = 'w32' } #$link = '' #$latestLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $link -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location # $latestLink -match 'gs(.+?)$' | Out-Null #$downloadLink = $latestLink.replace('tag', 'download') + "/gs$($matches[1])$architectureFilter.exe" $latestVersion = (Get-LatestVersionNumber -ProgramName $ProgramName).VersionNumber.Replace(".", "") $downloadLink = '{0}/gs{0}{1}.exe' -f $latestVersion, $architectureFilter break } 'Google Chrome' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'HP Support Assistant' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'IrfanView' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { $ArchitectureFilter = '' } $test = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).content #$data = ($test | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\s=).*').matches.value | ConvertFrom-Json $test -match 'var settings =(.+?)\n' | Out-Null $data = $matches[1] | ConvertFrom-Json try { $Url = '' $Params = @{ Uri = $Url Body = @{ projectId = "$($data.projectId)" releaseId = "$($data.pool.f.r | Select -Unique)" projectUri = 'IrfanView.html' fileName = $((($data).pool.f | Where-Object { $_.n -match ('iview(\d+)_?{0}_setup\.exe' -f $ArchitectureFilter) }))[0].n source = "$($data.pool.c)" } Headers = @{ 'User-Agent' = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::Chrome } Method = 'POST' UseBasicParsing = $true } $info = (Invoke-WebRequest @Params).Content | ConvertFrom-Json $Global:ErrorType = $Response.error if ($Global:ErrorType -ne $Null) { throw "ERROR RETURNED $Global:ErrorType" return $Null } $downloadLink = ($[0].url } catch { Write-Error $_ } break } 'Jabra Direct' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'Java 8' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture # if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { # $architectureFilter = '\(64-bit\)' # } # else { # $architectureFilter = 'Offline' # } # $URL = "" # $global:ie = New-Object -com "InternetExplorer.Application" # $global:ie.visible = $false # $global:ie.Navigate($URL) # DO { Start-Sleep -s 1 }UNTIL(!($global:ie.Busy)) # Start-Sleep 5 # if ($global:ie.Document.body.innerHTML) { # $HTML = $global:ie.Document.body.innerHTML.ToString() # } # else { return $null } # $Pattern = '<a href=\"(?<link>.*)\" title=\"Download Java software for Windows {0}\">Windows Offline' -f $architectureFilter # $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) # $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $downloadLink = '' } else { $downloadLink = '' } break } 'LegalAid Templates' { $domainName = '' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod "$domainName/about/lawyers-and-service-providers/legal-aid-lawyers/forms/download-word-template-package/" $Pattern = '<a title=\"LegalAid Templates Installer Version \d+\" href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Word' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value $downloadLink = $domainName + $downloadLink break } 'LOLComponents' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<a class="button" href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Landonline Client Components \(ZIP .+?\)</a>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<td class=\"file-link\"><a href=\"(?<link>.*)\"><span' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Mozilla Firefox' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $originalLink = '' } elseif ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $originalLink = '' } $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'Net Monitor for Employees Agent' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'Notepad++' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture $NPlusPlusWebsite = "" $DownloadPage = $NPlusPlusWebsite + "/downloads" # $filter = '*Installer.exe' if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = '*Installer.x64.exe' } else { $architectureFilter = '*Installer.exe' } try { $currentVersion = $($(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadPage).Links | Where-Object innerText -like 'Current Version*').href } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } if ($null -ne $currentVersion) { $NPlusPlusCurrentVersionDownloadPage = $NPlusPlusWebsite + $currentVersion try { $downloadLink = $(Invoke-WebRequest $NPlusPlusCurrentVersionDownloadPage).Links.href -like $architectureFilter | Select-Object -First 1 #return $downloadLink } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to find current version." return $null } break } 'PDFCreator' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'Putty' { $PuttyDownloadPage = "" $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($Architecture -eq 'x64') { $ArchitectureFilter = 'w64' } elseif ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { $ArchitectureFilter = 'w32' } try { $links = (Invoke-WebRequest $PuttyDownloadPage).Links.href } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } if ($links) { $downloadLink = $links | Where-Object { ($_ -match "$ArchitectureFilter/(.+?)-installer\.msi$") } } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "No links found." return $null } break } 'Python 3' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture $downloadLink = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Links.href | Where-Object { $_ -like '*.exe' } if ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $downloadLink = $downloadLink -replace "-amd64", "" } break } 'Remote Access Tool' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<a class=\"button\" href=\"(?<link>.*)\">Remote Access Installer.+?</a>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $downloadLink = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'link' }).Value break } 'Synology Drive Client' { $downloadLinkFormat = '{0}/Windows/Installer/Synology%20Drive%20Client-{0}.msi?model=DS220%2B&bays=2&dsm_version=7.1.1' $latestVersion = (Get-LatestVersionNumber $ProgramName).VersionNumber -replace '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)', '$1-$2' $downloadLink = $downloadLinkFormat -f $latestVersion break } 'Synology Active Backup for Business Agent' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($Architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = 'x86_64' } elseif ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { $architectureFilter = 'i686' } $downloadLinkFormat = '{0}/Windows/{1}/Synology%20Active%20Backup%20for%20Business%20Agent-{0}-{2}.msi?model=DS220%2B&bays=2&dsm_version=7.1.1' $latestVersion = (Get-LatestVersionNumber $ProgramName).VersionNumber -replace '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)', '$1-$2' $downloadLink = $downloadLinkFormat -f $latestVersion, $architectureFilter, $architecture break } 'Sysmon64' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'Microsoft Teams' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location break } 'TreeSize Free' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'UniPrint' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture $regex = "UniPrintClientMSI_\d+_$$" $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Links.href | Where-Object { $_ -match $regex } break } 'VLC' { $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture $VLCDownloadPage = "" if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = '*win64.exe' } elseif ($architecture -eq 'x86') { $architectureFilter = '*win32.exe' } try { $versionDownloadPage = $(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $VLCDownloadPage).Links | Where-Object href -like $architectureFilter } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } $versionDownloadPage = "https:" + $versionDownloadPage.href try { $downloadLink = $((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $versionDownloadPage).Links | Where-Object href -like $architectureFilter | Select-Object -First 1).href #return $downloadLink } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } break } 'Windirstat' { $test = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).content #$data = ($test | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\s=).*').matches.value | ConvertFrom-Json $test -match 'var settings =(.+?)\n' | Out-Null $data = $matches[1] | ConvertFrom-Json try { $Url = '' $Params = @{ Uri = $Url Body = @{ projectId = "$($data.projectId)" releaseId = "$($data.pool.f.r | Select -Unique)" projectUri = 'WinDirStat.html' fileName = $((($data).pool.f | Where-Object { $_.n -match ('windirstat1_1_2_setup\.exe') }))[0].n source = "$($data.pool.c)" } Headers = @{ 'User-Agent' = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.PSUserAgent]::Chrome } Method = 'POST' UseBasicParsing = $true } $info = (Invoke-WebRequest @Params).Content | ConvertFrom-Json $Global:ErrorType = $Response.error if ($Global:ErrorType -ne $Null) { throw "ERROR RETURNED $Global:ErrorType" return $Null } $downloadLink = ($[0].url } catch { Write-Error $_ } break } 'Wireshark' { $wiresharkDownloadPage = "" $architecture = Resolve-ArchitectureSelection -ProgramName $ProgramName -Architecture $Architecture $Global:ArchitectureUsed = $Architecture if ($Architecture -eq 'x64') { $architectureFilter = 'win64' } elseif ($Architecture -eq 'x86') { Write-Log -LogType INFO "32-bit is no longer available on latest version. The 64-bit version will be downloaded." #$architectureFilter = 'win32' $architectureFilter = 'win64' } $latestVersion = (Get-LatestVersionNumber -ProgramName Wireshark).VersionNumber $webRequest = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WiresharkDownloadPage $downloadLink = $webRequest.Links.href | Where-Object { $_ -like "*-$architectureFilter-$latestVersion.exe" } break } 'ZelloWork' { $downloadLink = '' break } 'Zoom' { $downloadLink = '' break } Default { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No matching function to retrieve download link for $programName" return $null } } } catch [System.NotSupportedException] { Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization continue } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Unable to retrieve download link for $ProgramName. $($Global:Error[0])" } if ($downloadLink) { return $downloadLink } $attempts++ #Start-Sleep 5 } Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The maximum number of attempts to retrieve the download link has been reached." return $null } Function Get-LatestVersionNumber { Param ( $ProgramName ) try { switch ($ProgramName) { '7-zip' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<B>Download 7-Zip (?<version>.*) \((.+?)\)</B>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Adobe Acrobat' { $versionRegex = '\d{2}\.\d{3}\.\w{5}' $acrobatReleaseNotesURL = '' $versionsAvailable = $(invoke-webrequest -uri $acrobatReleaseNotesURL -UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object { $_.outerHTML -match $versionRegex } $latestVersionLink = $versionsAvailable[0].href $latestVersionHTML = Invoke-RestMethod $latestVersionLink -UseBasicParsing -Headers @{"accept" = "*/*" } -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '\">AcrobatDCUpd(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{5})\.msp</a>' $latestVersionHTML -match $Pattern | Out-Null $latestVersion = "$($matches[1]).$($matches[2]).$($matches[3])" break } 'Adobe Digital Editions' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -UseBasicParsing -Headers @{"accept" = "*/*" } -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h2><b>Adobe Digital Editions (?<version>.*) Installers</b></h2>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Audacity' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h2>Current Version: (?<version>.*)</h2>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Bitwarden' { $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location $Pattern = '/Bitwarden-Installer-(?<version>.*)\.exe' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($downloadLink) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'CutePDF Writer' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = 'Ver\. (?<version>.*); .+? MB\)' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Citrix Workspace' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p><b>Version:</b> (?<version>[\d\.]+).*</p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'DC Loader' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' $Pattern = '<p><a class=\"button\" href=\".+?\">Download DC Loader.+? \(EXE .+?MB v(?<version>[\d\.]+) .+?\)</a></p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Digisign' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p><a class=\"button\" href=\".+?\">Digisign.+? \(EXE .+?MB v(?<version>[\d\.]+) .+?\)</a></p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Dropbox' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h3><a href=".*">Stable Build (?<version>.*)</a></h3>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft Edge' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h2 id=".*">Version (?<version>.*):.*</h2>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'FileZilla' { $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $session.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" -WebSession $session -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p>The latest stable version of FileZilla Client is (?<version>.*)</p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Foxit PDF Reader' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h3>Version (?<version>.*)</h3>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'GPL Ghostscript' { # $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop # $Pattern = '<h1 data-view-component="true" class="d-inline mr-3">Ghostscript/GhostPDL (?<version>.*)</h1>' # $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) # $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value $latestVersion = '10.0.0' break } 'Google Drive' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p><em><strong>Windows( and macOS)?:</strong> Version (?<version>.*)</em></p>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Google Chrome' { $json = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "").Content | ConvertFrom-Json $latestVersion = $json.releases.version break } 'HP Support Assistant' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<span class="bannerVersion">Version <span class="ver">(?<version>.*)</span>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'IrfanView' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h2>Get IrfanView \(<strong>version (?<version>.*)</strong>\)</h2>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Jabra Direct' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p><strong>Release version:</strong> (?<version>.*)<br>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Java 8' { $latestVersion = $null $maxAttempts = 5 $attempts = 0 while (($null -eq $latestVersion) -and ($attempts -lt $maxAttempts)) { $URL = "" $global:ie = New-Object -com "InternetExplorer.Application" $global:ie.visible = $false $global:ie.Navigate($URL) DO { Start-Sleep -s 1 }UNTIL(!($global:ie.Busy)) Start-Sleep 5 $HTML = $global:ie.Document.body.innerHTML.ToString() $Pattern = '<h4 class="sub">Recommended (?<version>.*)</h4>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value $attempts++ } break } 'LegalAid Templates' { $domainName = '' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod "$domainName/about/lawyers-and-service-providers/legal-aid-lawyers/forms/download-word-template-package/" $Pattern = '<a title=\"LegalAid Templates Installer Version (?<version>[\d\.]+)\"' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365' { $UpdateChannel = 'Current Channel' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365 - Current Channel' { $UpdateChannel = 'Current Channel' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365 - Monthly Enterprise Channel' { $UpdateChannel = 'Monthly Enterprise Channel' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365 - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)' { $UpdateChannel = 'Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel \(Preview\)' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft 365 - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel' { $UpdateChannel = 'Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel' $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Mozilla Firefox' { $Pattern = 'releases/(?<version>[\d\.]+)/' $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($downloadLink) $latestVersion = '16.0.' + ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value $break } 'Net Monitor for Employees Agent' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<p>ver. (?<version>[\d\.]+)' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Notepad++' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<a href=".*"><strong>Current Version (?<version>.*)</strong></a>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'PDFCreator' { $HTML = (Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop).Content $Pattern = '<h2>PDFCreator (?<version>.*)<a' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Putty' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<TITLE>Download PuTTY: latest release \((?<version>.*)\)</TITLE>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Python 3' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<li><a href="/downloads/release/python-.+?/">Latest Python 3 Release - Python (?<version>.*)</a></li>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Synology Drive Client' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h3>Version: (?<version>.*)</h3>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = (($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value) -replace '-', '.' break } 'Synology Active Backup for Business Agent' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h3>Version: (?<version>.*)</h3>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = (($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value) -replace '-', '.' break } 'Sysmon64' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h1 id="sysmon-.*">Sysmon v(?<version>.*)</h1>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Microsoft Teams' { # $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop # $Pattern = '<h3 id="windows-public-cloud-version-history">Windows \(Public Cloud\) version history</h3>(\n.*){14}\n<td style="text-align: left;">(?<version>.*)</td>' # $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) # $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value # break $downloadLink = Get-DownloadLink -ProgramName $ProgramName $downloadLink -match '' | Out-Null $latestVersion = $matches[1] break } 'TreeSize Free' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<h3 class="collapsed-item__ttl">Version (?<version>.*)</h3>' $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'UniPrint' { $HTML = Invoke-WebRequest '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = "<p>UniPrint Client .*; (?<version>.*) Autodetect and Install</p>" $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'VLC' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = "<span id='downloadVersion'>\n\s*(?<version>[\d\.]+)</span>" $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Wireshark' { $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = "<summary>Stable Release: (?<version>[\d\.]+) </summary>" $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } 'Zoom' { $Pattern = 'prod/(?<version>.*)/ZoomInstallerFull\.msi' $originalLink = '' $downloadLink = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $originalLink -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction Ignore).Headers.Location $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($downloadLink) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value break } default { $latestVersion = $null } } } catch [System.NotSupportedException] { Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Unable to retrieve latest version number for $ProgramName. $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ ProgramName = $ProgramName VersionNumber = $latestVersion } return $obj } Function Confirm-InstallerValidity { Param( $FilePath ) $varChain = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain try { $verification = $varChain.Build((Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath "$FilePath").SignerCertificate) return $verification } catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] { $err = ( "'$FilePath' did not contain a valid digital certificate. " + "Something may have corrupted/modified the file during the download process. " + "Suggest trying again, contact if it fails >2 times") Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message $err return $null } } Function Set-AgentRefresh { Param ( $NewRefreshCheckValue ) $auditRefreshRegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\NZCS\ServiceCAT' $auditRefreshRegistryItemName = 'RefreshCheck' $RegistryValueObj += [PSCustomObject]@{ValueName = $auditRefreshRegistryItemName; ValueData = $NewRefreshCheckValue; ValueType = 'DWORD' } # Gets refresh check value $CurrentRefreshCheckValue = Read-RegistryValueData -RegistryKey $auditRefreshRegistryPath -ValueName $auditRefreshRegistryItemName # Checks if new and current RefreshCheck values are different if ($NewRefreshCheckValue -ne $CurrentRefreshCheckValue) { # Sets new RefreshCheck value if they are different Add-RegistryValue -RegistryKey $auditRefreshRegistryPath -RegistryValueObj $RegistryValueObj | Out-Null } } Function Confirm-LogFolder { $parentFolderPath = 'C:\Windows\Temp\AppManiProgramManagerLogs\' $logFolderPath = $parentFolderPath + $global:scriptName $logFolder = Test-Path $logFolderPath if (!($logFolder)) { try { New-Item -Path $logFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to create log folder: $($Global:Error[0])" return $false } } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Logs will be saved at $logFolderPath." return $true } Function Write-Log { Param ( $LogType, $Message ) $parentFolderPath = 'C:\Windows\Temp\AppManiProgramManagerLogs\' $logFolderPath = $parentFolderPath + $global:scriptName $logFileName = "$global:scriptName-" + (Get-Date -Format 'yyMMdd') + '.log' $logFilePath = "$logFolderPath\" + $logFileName $longDate = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" $msg = '{0} {1} {2}: {3}' -f $longDate, $global:scriptName, $LogType, $Message Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $msg -ErrorAction Ignore Write-Host $msg return } Function Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Unable to execute WebRequest. Disabling IE First RunCustomization..." try { Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" -Name "DisableFirstRunCustomize" -Value 2 } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to disable IE First RunCustomization: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } Function Set-Alert { Param ( $AlertsFolderPath, [int]$Category = 1999, $Subject, $Body, [int]$Priority = 3, $AutoComplete ) Function Get-GUID($maxSize = 10) { $g = [guid]::NewGuid() $v = [string]$g $v = $v.Replace("-", "") return $v.substring(0, $maxSize) } $newAlert = [PSCustomObject]@{ Category = $Category Subject = $Subject Body = $Body Priority = $Priority AutoComplete = $AutoComplete } if (!(Test-Path $AlertsFolderPath)) { try { New-Item -Path $AlertsFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Write-Host "Alert folder created." } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to create alerts folder: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } $newAlertFilePath = $AlertsFolderPath + '\alert_' + $(Get-GUID) + '.json' try { $newAlert | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $newAlertFilePath Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Alert generated at $newAlertFilePath." } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Mesage "Unable to write alert to alerts.json: $($Global:Error[0].Exception)" } } Function Get-UninstallCommand { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $InstalledProgram, [Switch]$UseStringsExe ) # # Extracts the path from the uninstall command # Function Find-Path { # Param ( # $Command # ) # $matches = @() # $pathRegex = '[a-zA-Z]:\\(((?![<>:"\/\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\)?)*' # if (!($Command -match $pathRegex)) { # Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to extract uninstall path." # return $null # } # $Path = $($matches[0]).Trim() # return $Path # } # This function adds double-quotes to the uninstall executable path so paths with spaces won't error when invoked Function Add-QuotesToPath { Param ( $Command ) $matches = @() $path = Find-Path -String $Command $quoteCheckRegex = '\"{0}\"' -f [regex]::Escape($path) if (!($Command -match $quoteCheckRegex)) { $Command = $Command.replace($path, "`"$path`"") return $Command } return $Command } # Checks if UninstallString property is present $uninstallCommand = $InstalledProgram.UninstallString if (!($uninstallCommand)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstall string missing from registry." return $null } # Uninstall string overrides and customizations' switch -Wildcard ($InstalledProgram.DisplayName) { 'CutePDF Writer*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # The uninstall command doesn't have quotes on the uninstall exe path which has a space on it so it will fail when called from cmd (C:\Program Files (x86)\CutePDF Writer\unInstcpw64.exe /uninstall) $uninstallCommand = Add-QuotesToPath -Command $uninstallCommand $uninstallCommand += ' /s' return $uninstallCommand } 'Digisign*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # The uninstall command doesn't have quotes on the uninstall exe path which has a space on it so it will fail when called from cmd (C:\Program Files (x86)\CutePDF Writer\unInstcpw64.exe /uninstall) $uninstallCommand = Add-QuotesToPath -Command $uninstallCommand $uninstallCommand += ' /qn' return $uninstallCommand } 'Citrix Workspace*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." $uninstallCommand += ' /silent' return $uninstallCommand } # 'Dropbox*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /S' # return $uninstallCommand # } # 'FileZilla*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /S' # return $uninstallCommand # } 'Google Drive*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # The uninstall command doesn't have quotes on the uninstall exe path which has a space on it so it will fail when called from cmd (C:\Program Files (x86)\CutePDF Writer\unInstcpw64.exe /uninstall) $uninstallCommand = Add-QuotesToPath -Command $uninstallCommand $uninstallCommand += ' --silent --force_stop' return $uninstallCommand } # 'GPL Ghostscript*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /S' # return $uninstallCommand # } 'IrfanView*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." $uninstallCommand += ' /silent' return $uninstallCommand } 'Jabra Direct*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." $App = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" | Where-Object DisplayName -eq $ProgramName $uninstallCommand = $App.QuietUninstallString return $uninstallCommand } # 'Mozilla Firefox*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /S' # return $uninstallCommand # } # 'Python 3*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $installerLocationFolder = 'C:\Windows\Temp\Python3\' # $installerFilename = (Split-Path $installedProgram.BundleCachePath -leaf) # $installerLocation = $installerLocationFolder + $installerFileName # #if (Test-Path '') # } # 'TreeSize Free*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' # return $uninstallCommand # } # 'VLC*' { # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Override found." # $uninstallCommand += ' /S' # return $uninstallCommand # } Default { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No override found." } } # If QuietUninstallString property is present, return right away if ($InstalledProgram.QuietUninstallString) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Quiet uninstall command found from registry." return $InstalledProgram.QuietUninstallString } # If UninstallString uses MsiExec, make sure we are using /X and not /I and add /QN at the end if ($uninstallCommand -like 'MsiExec*') { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Msiexec uninstall command found from registry." $msiExecRegex = '{(.+?)}' if (!($uninstallCommand -match $msiExecRegex)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to extract product GUID." return $null } else { $GUID = $matches[1] } $uninstallCommand = "MsiExec.exe /X{$GUID} /qn" return $uninstallCommand } #Write-Log -LogType ERROR "No silent install command has been configured for $ProgramName." Write-Log -LogType INFO "Attempting to determine quiet uninstall command for $($InstalledProgram.DisplayName)." $uninstallExePath = Find-Path -String $uninstallCommand if ($UseStringsExe) { Write-Log -LogType INFO "Retrieving via strings.exe." $stringsPath = 'C:\Windows\TEMP\strings.exe' if (!(Test-Path $stringsPath)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to locate $stringsPath." return $null } $installerTool = C:\Windows\TEMP\strings.exe $uninstallExePath /accepteula | Select-String -Pattern @("InstallAware", "Inno Setup", "InstallShield", "Nullsoft", "Advanced Installer") | Select -First 1 } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO "Retrieving via native functions." # Does what strings.exe does $str = "" $binary = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($uninstallExePath) $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding("Windows-1252") $stringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder for ($i = 0; $i -lt $binary.Length; $i++) { # Check if the current byte is a valid ANSI character $chars = $encoding.GetChars($binary, $i, 1) if ([regex]::IsMatch($chars, "[\x20-\x7E]+")) { $stringBuilder.Append($chars) | Out-Null } elseif ($stringBuilder.Length -gt 0) { $str += $stringBuilder.ToString() $stringBuilder.Clear() | Out-Null } } $installerTool = $str | Select-String -Pattern @("InstallAware", "Inno Setup", "InstallShield", "Nullsoft", "Advanced Installer") | Select-Object -First 1 } if (!$installerTool) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Unable to determine installer tool." } $uninstallCommand = Add-QuotesToPath -Command $uninstallCommand switch -Wildcard ($installerTool) { '*InstallAware*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installer created using InstallAware." $uninstallCommand += ' /s' return $uninstallCommand } '*Inno Setup*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installer created using Inno Setup." $uninstallCommand += ' /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' return $uninstallCommand } '*InstallShield*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installer created using InstallShield." $uninstallCommand += ' -s' return $uninstallCommand } '*Nullsoft*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installer created using Nullsoft." $uninstallCommand += ' /S' return $uninstallCommand } '*Advanced Installer*' { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installer created using Advanced Installer." $uninstallCommand += ' /quiet' return $uninstallCommand } } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Unable to determine quiet uninstall command. Please contact an Administrator." return $null } Function Uninstall-Program { Param ( $uninstallCommand ) Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Executing command $uninstallCommand" try { cmd /c $uninstallCommand } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to uninstall: $($Global:Error[0])" return 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Execution completed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" return $LASTEXITCODE } Function Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex { Param ( $ProgramName ) $RegistryDisplayNameRegexes = @{ 'Citrix Workspace' = '^Citrix Workspace \d+$' 'Dropbox' = '^Dropbox$' 'Microsoft Edge' = '^Microsoft Edge$' 'Notepad++' = 'Notepad\+\+' 'Python 3' = 'Python 3\.[\d\.]+ \(.+\)' } $regex = $RegistryDisplayNameRegexes.$ProgramName if (!$regex) { return $ProgramName } else { return $regex } } Function Get-InstallCommand { Param ( $ProgramName ) $InstallCommands = @{ '7-Zip' = '"{0}" /S' 'Adobe Acrobat' = '"{0}" /sAll /rs /rps /msi /norestart /quiet EULA_ACCEPT=YES' 'Adobe Digital Editions' = '"{0}" /S' 'Audacity' = '"{0}" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' 'BitWarden' = '"{0}" /allusers /S' 'Citrix Workspace' = '"{0}" /silent /noreboot' 'CutePDF Writer' = '"{0}" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' 'DC Loader' = '"{0}" /quiet' 'Digisign' = '"{0}" /quiet' 'Dropbox' = '"{0}" /NOLAUNCH' 'Filezilla' = '"{0}" /S' 'Foxit PDF Reader' = '"{0}" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' 'Google Chrome' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn /norestart' 'Google Drive' = '"{0}" --silent --desktop_shortcut' 'GPL Ghostscript' = '"{0}" /S' 'HP Support Assistant' = '"{0}" /S /v/qn' 'IrfanView' = '"{0}" /silent /group=1 /allusers=1' 'ISQLME' = '"{0}" /Silent' 'Jabra Direct' = '"{0}" /install /quiet /norestart' 'Java 8' = '"{0}" /s REBOOT=0 SPONSORS=0 AUTO_UPDATE=0' 'LandOnline Print-to-tiff Driver' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn' 'LegalAid Templates' = 'msiexec /q /i "{0}"' 'LOLComponents' = 'msiexec /q /i "{0}"' 'Microsoft Edge' = '"{0}" /silent /install' 'Microsoft Teams' = '"{0}" -s' 'Microsoft 365' = '"{0}" /configure "{1}\{2}"' 'Mozilla Firefox' = '"{0}" -ms -ma' 'NZCS IT Support' = '"{0}" /Silent' 'Notepad++' = '"{0}" /S' 'PDFCreator' = '"{0}" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' 'Putty' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn' 'Python 3' = '"{0}" /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1' 'Remote Access Tool' = 'msiexec /q /i "{0}"' 'Synology Drive Client' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn /norestart' 'Synology Active Backup for Business Agent' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" ADDRESS={1} USERNAME={2} PASSWORD={3} /qn /norestart' 'TeamViewer Host' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID="{1}"' 'TreeSize Free' = '"{0}" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' 'UCS Client' = '"{0}" /s' 'UniPrint' = 'msiexec /q /i "{0}"' 'VLC' = '"{0}" /L=1033 /S' 'Windirstat' = '"{0}" /S' 'Wireshark' = '"{0}" /S' 'ZelloWork' = 'msiexec /q /i "{0}" /norestart /Lime {1} ZELLO_SERVER=""' 'Zoom' = 'msiexec.exe /i "{0}" /qn /norestart' } $installCommand = $InstallCommands.$ProgramName if (!$installCommand) { return $null } else { return $installCommand } } # Checks if program requested is valid to be installed/updated/uninstalled Function Approve-SelectedProgram { Param ( $ProgramName ) $ApprovedPrograms = '7-Zip', 'Adobe Acrobat', 'Audacity', 'Bitwarden', 'CutePDF Writer', 'Citrix Workspace', 'Digisign', 'Dropbox', 'FileZilla', 'Foxit PDF Reader', 'GPL Ghostscript', 'Google Chrome', 'Google Drive', 'IrfanView', 'Jabra Direct', 'Mozilla Firefox', 'Notepad++', 'PDF Creator', 'Putty', 'Python 3' 'TreeSize Free', 'UniPrint', 'VLC', 'Zoom' if ($ProgramName -notin $ApprovedPrograms) { return $null } return $true } Function Find-RootKeyFromPath { Param ( $RegistryKey ) # Matches rootKey from path using a regex $RootKeyRegex = '^(.+?)\:\\' if ($RegistryKey -match $RootKeyRegex) { $rootKey = $matches[1] # Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Root key: $rootKey" return $rootKey } Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to determine root key from provided path." return $null } Function Assert-RootKeyPSDrive { Param ( $RegistryKey ) $rootKey = Find-RootKeyFromPath -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$rootKey) { return $null } # Checks if there is an existing PSDrive for RootKey $PSDrive = Get-PSDrive $rootKey -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (!($PSDrive)) { switch ($rootKey) { 'HKCR' { $root = 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' } 'HKCU' { $root = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' } 'HLKM' { $root = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' } 'HKU' { $root = 'HKEY_USERS' } 'HKCC' { $root = 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG' } default { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Invalid root key." return $null } } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Creating PSDrive for $rootKey." try { $newPSDrive = New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root $root -Name $rootKey -Scope Global if ($newPSDrive) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "PSDrive for $rootKey created." return $newPSDrive } } catch { Write-Warning "Error in creating PSDrive for $($rootKey):\ : $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } #Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "PSDrive for $rootKey is already available." return $PSDrive } Function Read-RegistryValueData { Param ( $RegistryKey, $ValueName ) $PSDrive = Assert-RootKeyPSDrive -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$PSDrive) { return $null } if (!(Test-Path -Path $RegistryKey)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Registry key $RegistryKey not found." return $null } try { $registryValueData = Get-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -Name $ValueName -ErrorAction Stop return $registryValueData."$ValueName" } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Error in reading value data: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } Function Add-RegistryKey { Param ( $RegistryKey ) $PSDrive = Assert-RootKeyPSDrive -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$PSDrive) { return $null } $components = $RegistryKey.Split("\") $currentPath = $components[0] for ($i = 1; $i -lt $components.Count; $i++) { $currentPath = $currentPath + "\" + $components[$i] if (!(Test-Path -Path $currentPath)) { try { $newRegistryKey = New-Item $RegistryKey -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Registry key $RegistryKey created." } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Registry key $RegistryKey creation failed: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } } return $newRegistryKey } Function Add-RegistryValue { Param ( $RegistryKey, $RegistryValueObj, $CreateKeyIfMissing = $true ) #Write-Log -LogType INFO "Registry key: $RegistryKey" $PSDrive = Assert-RootKeyPSDrive -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$PSDrive) { return $null } if (!(Test-Path $RegistryKey)) { if ($CreateKeyIfMissing) { $newRegistryKey = Add-RegistryKey -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$newRegistryKey) { return $null } } else { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Registry key $RegistryKey not found." return $null } } #foreach ($registryValueObj in $RegistryValueHash) { $ValueName = $registryValueObj.ValueName $ValueData = $registryValueObj.ValueData $ValueType = $registryValueObj.ValueType try { $newRegistryValue = New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -Name $ValueName -PropertyType $ValueType -ErrorAction Stop if ($newRegistryValue) { Write-Log -LogType INFO "Registry value $ValueName created as $ValueType." } } # Happens when registry value already exists. catch [System.IO.IOException] { # Do nothing } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Registry value $ValueName creation failed: $($Global:Error[0])" } try { $newRegistryValueData = Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryKey -Name $ValueName -Value $ValueData -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop if ($newRegistryValueData) { Write-Log -LogType INFO "Registry value $ValueName set to $ValueData." } return $newRegistryValueData } catch { Write-Host "Assigning value data to registry value $($registryValueObj.Name) failed.: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } #} } Function Remove-RegistryValue { Param ( $RegistryKey, $ValueName ) $PSDrive = Assert-RootKeyPSDrive -RegistryKey $RegistryKey if (!$PSDrive) { return $null } if (!(Test-Path -Path $RegistryKey)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Registry key $RegistryKey not found." } try { Remove-ItemProperty $RegistryKey -Name $ValueName -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Log -LogType INFO "$ValueName value has been removed from $RegistryKey." } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Error removing value $ValueName in $RegistryKey : $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } } # Extracts a path from a string Function Find-Path { Param ( $String ) $matches = @() $pathRegex = '[a-zA-Z]:\\(((?![<>:"\/\\|?*]).)+((?<![ .])\\)?)*' if (!($String -match $pathRegex)) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to extract path from string." return $null } $Path = $($matches[0]).Trim() return $Path } Function Get-PreInstallScriptBlock { Param($ProgramName) switch -regex($ProgramName) { 'Adobe Digital Editions' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'programName' ScriptBlock = { $N360RegistryKeys = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\N360', 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\N360' foreach ($key in $N360RegistryKeys) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Creating registry key $key to skip Norton installation." Add-RegistryKey -RegistryKey $key | Out-Null } } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'CutePDF Writer|Digisign|Google Drive' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'programName' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $programName = $($preInstallInputParams.programName) $installedProgram = Get-InstalledProgram $programName if ($installedProgram) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "The older version of $programName will be uninstalled." # Gets uninstall command Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving uninstall command..." $uninstallCommand = Get-UninstallCommand -InstalledProgram $installedProgram if ($null -eq $uninstallCommand) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to retrieve uninstall command." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Uninstall command $uninstallCommand retrieved." # Uninstalls the program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Uninstalling $programName..." $uninstallationResult = Uninstall-Program -UninstallCommand $uninstallCommand if ($uninstallationResult -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstallation failed. Process returned $uninstallationResult." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Script will resume in 10 seconds to allow program to cleanly uninstall." Start-Sleep 10 } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO "No old instance of $programName is installed." } } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'HP Support Assistant' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) # Extracts installer $extractCommand = '"{0}" /s /e /f "{1}"' Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer to $savePath..." cmd /c $($extractCommand -f $installerLocation, $savePath) Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 $installerFileName = 'InstallHPSA.exe' $installerLocation = $savePath + "\$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'LandOnline Print-to-tiff Driver' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'programName', 'installerLocation', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) $programName = $($preInstallInputParams.programName) $installedProgram = Get-InstalledProgram $programName if ($installedProgram) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "The older version of $programName will be uninstalled." # Gets uninstall command Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving uninstall command..." $uninstallCommand = Get-UninstallCommand -InstalledProgram $installedProgram if ($null -eq $uninstallCommand) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to retrieve uninstall command." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Uninstall command $uninstallCommand retrieved." # Uninstalls the program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Uninstalling $programName..." $uninstallationResult = Uninstall-Program -UninstallCommand $uninstallCommand if ($uninstallationResult -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstallation failed. Process returned $uninstallationResult." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Script will resume in 10 seconds to allow program to cleanly uninstall." Start-Sleep 10 } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO "No old instance of $programName is installed." } #Expand Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer..." -NoNewline try { Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($installerLocation, $SavePath) # Expand-Archive -Path $installerLocation -DestinationPath "$savePath\" } catch { Write-Warning "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } #$savePath = $savePath + "\Admin" $installerFileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $savePath -Filter "LandOnlinePrintToTiff*.msi").Name $installerLocation = $savePath + "\" + "$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ savePath = $savePath installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'LegalAid Templates' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) #Expand Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer..." -NoNewline try { Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($installerLocation, $SavePath) # Expand-Archive -Path $installerLocation -DestinationPath "$savePath\" } catch { Write-Warning "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } $installerFileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $SavePath -Filter 'LegalAid Templates * .msi').Name $installerLocation = $savePath + "\$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'LOLComponents' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) #Expand Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer..." -NoNewline try { Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($installerLocation, $SavePath) # Expand-Archive -Path $installerLocation -DestinationPath "$savePath\" } catch { Write-Warning "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } $installerFileName = 'LOLComponents.msi' $installerLocation = $savePath + "\$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'Microsoft 365' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath', 'architecture', 'updateChannel', 'installCommand' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) $architecture = $($preInstallInputParams.architecture) $udpateChannel = $($preInstallInputParams.updateChannel) $installCommand = $($preInstallInputParams.installCommand) $diskName = 'C' $RequiredSpace = 30 $ConfigFileName = 'OfficeAppsConfiguration.xml' $architecture = if ( $architecture ) { $architecture } else { 'x64' } if ($architecture -eq 'x64') { $architecture = '64' } else { $architecture = '32' } Function Confirm-DiskSpaceRequirement { Param ( $DiskName, $RequiredSpace ) $disk = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='$($DiskName):'" | Select-Object -Property DeviceID, @{'Name' = 'FreeGB'; Expression = { [int]($_.FreeSpace / 1GB) } } if ($disk.FreeGB -lt $RequiredSpace) { return $false } return $true } Function Expand-OfficeDeploymentTool { Param ( $ODTPath, $ODTExtractPath ) if (Test-Path $ODTExtractPath) { # If folder is existing, delete all contents inside it try { #Write-Host "$ExtractPath is existing. Removing existing contents." -NoNewline Get-ChildItem -Path $ODTExtractPath -Include *.* -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $_.Delete() } } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } } else { # Creates folder try { New-Item $ODTExtractPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } } $cmd = '"{0}" /extract:"{1}" /quiet' -f $ODTPath, $ODTExtractPath cmd /c $cmd return $(Get-Item $ODTExtractPath\setup.exe) } Function Write-OfficeConfigurationFile { Param ( $Path, $ConfigFileName, $Architecture ) $configFilePath = "$Path\$ConfigFileName" $configuration = @" <Configuration> <Add SourcePath="$Path" OfficeClientEdition="$Architecture"> <Product ID="O365BusinessRetail"> <Language ID="en-us"/> <Language ID="MatchPreviousMSI"/> <ExcludeApp ID="Groove"/> <ExcludeApp ID="Lync"/> <ExcludeApp ID="Bing"/> </Product> </Add> <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE"/> <Property Name="PinIconsToTaskbar" Value="TRUE" /> <Property Name="DeviceBasedLicensing" Value="0" /> <Property Name="SCLCacheOverride" Value="0" /> <Updates Enabled="TRUE" Channel="$udpateChannel"/> <Logging Level="Standard" Path="$Path\OfficeSetupLog.log"/> <RemoveMSI /> <AppSettings> <Setup Name="Company" Value="Company" /> </AppSettings> </Configuration> "@ try { New-Item $configFilePath -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } # Sets content to file try { Set-Content $configFilePath $configuration | Out-Null } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" return $null } return $(Get-Item $configFilePath) } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Checking disk space requirement..." $diskSpaceRequirement = Confirm-DiskSpaceRequirement -DiskName $diskName -RequiredSpace $RequiredSpace if (!$diskSpaceRequirement) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Installlation requires $RequiredSpace GB free in disk $DiskName. Please free up some space to continue." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "There is sufficient disk space in $diskName to proceed." Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting office deployment tool..." $ODTExtractPath = $($SavePath + "\ODTSetup") $installerLocation = Expand-OfficeDeploymentTool -ODTPath $installerLocation -ODTExtractPath $ODTExtractPath if ($null -eq $installerLocation) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to extract office deployment tool." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Deployment tool extracted at $installerLocation." Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Creating Office365 configuration file..." $configurationFile = Write-OfficeConfigurationFile -Path $ODTExtractPath -ConfigFileName $ConfigFileName -Architecture $architecture if ($null -eq $configurationFile) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Failed to create configuration file." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Configuration file created at $configurationFile." $cmd = '"{0}" /download "{1}\{2}"' -f $installerLocation, $ODTExtractPath, $ConfigFileName Write-Log -LogType INFO "Downloading installation files using the command $cmd." cmd /c $cmd Write-Log -LogType INFO "Execution completed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Unable to download installation files." Remove-InstallerFolder -Path $SavePath -CleanupDelay $cleanupDelay exit 1 } $installCommand = $installCommand -f '{0}', $ODTExtractPath, $ConfigFileName #, $ConfigFileName #$installerFileName = 'setup.exe' $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ savePath = $ODTExtractPath installerFileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($installerLocation) installerLocation = $installerLocation installCommand = $installCommand } return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'Synology Active Backup for Business Agent' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installCommand', 'address', 'username', 'password' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installCommand = $($preInstallInputParams.installCommand) $address = $($preInstallInputParams.address) $username = $($preInstallInputParams.username) $password = $($preInstallInputParams.password) $installCommand = $installCommand -f '{0}', $address, $username, $password $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installCommand = $installCommand } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Crafted install string based on NAS Address, username, and password." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'TeamViewer Host' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installCommand', 'customConfigID' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installCommand = $($preInstallInputParams.installCommand) $customConfigID = $($preInstallInputParams.customConfigID) $installCommand = $installCommand -f '{0}', $customConfigID $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installCommand = $installCommand } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Added customCOnfigID to install command." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'UCS Client' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath', 'programName' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $programName = $($preInstallInputParams.programName) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) $uninstallSetupIss = @" [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-DlgOrder] Dlg0={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-MessageBox-0 Count=2 Dlg1={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdFinish-0 Dlg2={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdCustomerInfo-0 Dlg3={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdAskDestPath-0 Dlg4={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdStartCopy-0 Dlg5={57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdFinish-0 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdWelcome-0] Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdLicense2Rtf-0] Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdCustomerInfo-0] szName=test szCompany=test nvUser=1 Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdAskDestPath-0] szDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\UCS Client\ Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdStartCopy-0] Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdFinish-0] Result=1 bOpt1=1 bOpt2=0 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SprintfBox-0] Result=6 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-SdSetupCompleteError-12060] Result=1 [{57453723-99EC-478B-9D64-8A126FF638A0}-MessageBox-0] Result=6 "@ $installedProgram = Get-InstalledProgram $programName if ($installedProgram) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "The older version of $programName will be uninstalled." # Terminates related processes before updating program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Terminating $programName processes before uninstalling..." -NoNewline try { $processesToTerminate = Get-ProcessToTerminate -ProgramName $programName Get-Process $processesToTerminate | Stop-Process -Force -ErrorAction Continue } catch { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Unable to terminate processes: $($Error[0])" } # Gets uninstall command Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving uninstall command..." $uninstallCommand = Get-UninstallCommand -InstalledProgram $installedProgram #-UseStringsExe $uninstallFolder = Split-Path -Path (Find-Path -String $uninstallCommand) $uninstallSetupIss | Set-Content "$uninstallFolder\setup.iss" if ($null -eq $uninstallCommand) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR -Message "Unable to retrieve uninstall command." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Uninstall command $uninstallCommand retrieved." # Uninstalls the program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Uninstalling $programName..." $uninstallationResult = Uninstall-Program -UninstallCommand $uninstallCommand if ($uninstallationResult -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstallation failed. Process returned $uninstallationResult." exit 1 } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Script will resume in 10 seconds to allow program to cleanly uninstall." Start-Sleep 10 } else { Write-Log -LogType INFO "No old instance of $programName is installed." } #Expand Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer..." -NoNewline try { Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($installerLocation, $SavePath) # Expand-Archive -Path $installerLocation -DestinationPath "$savePath\" } catch { Write-Warning "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } $installerFileName = 'setup.exe' $installerLocation = $savePath + "\$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'UniPrint' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installerLocation', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installerLocation = $($preInstallInputParams.installerLocation) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) #Expand Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extracting installer..." -NoNewline try { Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($installerLocation, $SavePath) # Expand-Archive -Path $installerLocation -DestinationPath "$savePath\" } catch { Write-Warning "The script ran into an issue: $($Global:Error[0])" exit 1 } $savePath = $savePath + "\Admin" $installerFileName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $savePath -Filter "UniPrintClient_*.msi").Name $installerLocation = $savePath + "\" + "\$installerFilename" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ savePath = $savePath installerFileName = $installerFileName installerLocation = $installerLocation } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Extraction Complete." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } 'ZelloWork' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'installCommand', 'savePath' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $preInstallInputParams ) $installCommand = $($preInstallInputParams.installCommand) $savePath = $($preInstallInputParams.savePath) $installCommand = $installCommand -f '{0}', "$savePath\ZelloWorkClientInstall.log" $preInstallOutputObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ installCommand = $installCommand } Write-Log -LogType INFO "Added log file to install command." return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } } } Function Get-PostInstallScriptBlock { Param($ProgramName) switch -regex($ProgramName) { 'TeamViewer Host' { $scriptBlockObj = [PSCustomOBject]@{ Params = 'ApiToken' ScriptBlock = { Param ( $postInstallInputParams ) $ApiToken = $($postInstallInputParams.ApiToken) $teamViewerExecutablePath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe" $teamViewerArgsList = "assign --api-token $ApiToken --grant-easy-access" Write-Log -LogType INFO "Starting TeamViewer." #Start-Process -FilePath $teamViewerExecutablePath -ArgumentList $teamViewerArgsList -Wait $command = '"{0}" {1}' -f $teamViewerExecutablePath, $teamViewerArgsList Write-Log -LogType INFO "Executing command $command" cmd /c $command return $preInstallOutputObject } } return $scriptBlockObj } } } Function Get-ProcessToTerminate { Param ( $ProgramName ) $ProcessesToTerminate = @{ '7-Zip' = '*7z*' 'Adobe Acrobat' = '*Acrobat*' 'Audacity' = '*Audacity*' 'BitWarden' = '*Bitwarden*' 'Citrix Workspace' = '*Citrix*', '*Receiver*', '*SelfService*' 'CutePDF Writer' = '*CutePDF*' 'Digisign' = '*Digisign*' 'Dropbox' = '*Dropbox*' 'Microsoft Edge' = '*msedge*' 'Filezilla' = '*filezilla*' 'Foxit PDF Reader' = '*Foxit*' 'Google Drive' = '*GoogleDrive*' 'GPL Ghostscript' = '*gswin*' 'Google Chrome' = '*chrome*' 'IrfanView' = '*i_view*' 'Jabra Direct' = '*jabra-direct*' 'LOLComponents' = '*LOLComponents*' 'LegalAid Templates' = '*LegalAid Templates*' 'Mozilla Firefox' = '*firefox*' 'Notepad++' = '*notepad++*' 'PDFCreator' = '*PDFCreator*' 'Putty' = '*putty*' 'Python' = '*Python*' 'Synology Drive Client' = '*cloud-drive-ui.exe*' 'TreeSize Free' = '*TreeSizeFree*' 'UCS Client' = 'UCS_Client' 'UniPrint' = '*UPC*' 'VLC' = '*VLC*' 'Wireshark' = '*Wireshark*' 'Zoom' = '*Zoom*' } $ProcessesToTerminate = $ProcessesToTerminate.$ProgramName if (!$ProcessesToTerminate) { return $null } else { return $ProcessesToTerminate } } Function Get-LowerVersionConflicts { Param ( $ProgramName ) $registryDisplayName = Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex -ProgramName $programName $installedPrograms = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $registryDisplayName -All # Get the latest version installed #$latestVersion = [System.Version]::Parse(($installedPrograms | Sort-Object { [System.Version]::Parse($_.DisplayVersion) } -Descending)[0].DisplayVersion) $latestVersion = $installedPrograms[0].DisplayVersion # Filter out the objects with the latest version $lowerVersionConflicts = $installedPrograms | Where-Object { [System.Version]::Parse($_.DisplayVersion) -ne $latestVersion } return $lowerVersionConflicts } Function Uninstall-LowerVersionConflicts { Param ( $ProgramName ) $lowerVersionConflicts = Get-LowerVersionConflicts -ProgramName $ProgramName if (!$lowerVersionConflicts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No installations of $programName on lower versions detected." return } # If there are, uninstall them Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installations of $programName on lower versions detected." :OuterLoop foreach ($installation in $lowerVersionConflicts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "$($installation.DisplayName) $($installation.DisplayVersion) ($($installation.Architecture)) will be uninstalled." Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving uninstall command." $uninstallCommand = $installation | Get-UninstallCommand # -UseStringsExe # Uninstalls the program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Uninstalling $($installation.DisplayName)..." $uninstallationResult = Uninstall-Program -UninstallCommand $uninstallCommand if ($uninstallationResult -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstallation failed." } else { # After uninstalling the script will do another check if there are still installations on a different architecture existing. $delay = 10 Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Performing another check after uninstalling in $delay seconds." Start-Sleep -Second $delay $lowerVersionConflicts_recheck = Get-LowerVersionConflicts -ProgramName $ProgramName # If duplicates are still found, it will continue to try uninstalling the remaining installations if (!$lowerVersionConflicts_recheck) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Lower version conflicts removed." return } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Lower version conflicts still found." } } } Function Get-InstallationsArchitecture { Param ( $InstalledPrograms ) foreach ($program in $InstalledPrograms) { $installedArchitecture = $program | Get-ProgramArchitecture $program | Add-Member -Name "Architecture" -Value $installedArchitecture -MemberType NoteProperty } return $InstalledPrograms } Function Get-ArchitectureConflicts { Param ( $ProgramName ) $registryDisplayName = Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex -ProgramName $programName $installedPrograms = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $registryDisplayName -All # Gets current installations of program in a different architecture $architectureConflicts = $installedPrograms | Where-Object { ($_.Architecture -ne $Global:ArchitectureUsed) -and ($null -ne $_.Architecture) } return $architectureConflicts } Function Uninstall-ArchitectureConflicts { Param ( $ProgramName ) $architectureConflicts = Get-ArchitectureConflicts -ProgramName $ProgramName if (!$architectureConflicts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No installations of $programName on a different architecture have been detected." return } # If there are, uninstall them Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installations of $programName on a different architecture have been detected." # Loops through each installation and uninstalls. :OuterLoop foreach ($installation in $architectureConflicts) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "$($installation.DisplayName) ($($installation.Architecture)) will be uninstalled." Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Retrieving uninstall command." $uninstallCommand = $installation | Get-UninstallCommand # -UseStringsExe # Uninstalls the program Write-Log -LogType INFO "Uninstalling $($installation.DisplayName)..." $uninstallationResult = Uninstall-Program -UninstallCommand $uninstallCommand if ($uninstallationResult -ne 0) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Uninstallation failed." } else { # After uninstalling the script will do another check if there are still installations on a different architecture existing. $delay = 10 Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Performing another check after uninstalling in $delay seconds." Start-Sleep -Second $delay # $installedPrograms_recheck = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $registryDisplayName -All | Where-Object { ($_.Architecture -ne $Global:ArchitectureUsed) -and ($null -ne $_.Architecture) } $architectureConflicts_recheck = Get-ArchitectureConflicts -ProgramName $ProgramName # If duplicates are still found, it will continue to try uninstalling the remaining installations if (!$architectureConflicts_recheck) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture conflicts removed." return } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Architecture conflicts still found." } } } Function Approve-Installation { Param ( $ProgramName, $Force ) $registryDisplayName = Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex -ProgramName $programName $installedPrograms = Get-InstalledProgram -RegistryDisplayName $registryDisplayName -All # If installation requires the architecture to be specified, look for installations on the same architecture if ($Global:ArchitectureUsed) { $installedPrograms = $installedPrograms | Where-Object { ($_.Architecture -eq $Global:ArchitectureUsed) -and ($null -ne $_.Architecture) } } if ($global:scriptName -like "Install*") { # If there's no installation found on the same architecture, resolve possible architecture conflicts then install if (!$installedPrograms) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No existing installation of $programName $Global:ArchitectureUsed found." return $true } # If there are found, evaluate if installation should proceed based on the Force switch Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "$programName $($installedPrograms[0].DisplayVersion) ($($installedPrograms[0].Architecture)) is already installed in this system." # If force is not specified or set to false, installation will not proceed if ((!$force) -or ($force -eq 'false')) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Installation will not proceed." return $false } # If force is True, resolve possilble architecture conflicts then install Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Force switch is set to True. Installation will proceed." return $true } elseif ($global:scriptName -like "Update*") { # If there are installations found on the same architecture, resolve possible architecture conflicts then update if ($installedPrograms) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "$programName $Global:ArchitectureUsed is installed in this system." $installedVersion = $installedPrograms[0].DisplayVersion $isProgramForUpdate = Confirm-Update -ProgramName $programName -InstalledVersion $installedVersion -VersionMatchRegex $versionMatchRegex if ($isProgramForUpdate) { return $true } if ((!$force) -or ($force -eq 'false')) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Update will not proceed." return $false } Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Force switch is set to True. Update will proceed." return $true } # If there are found, evaluate if installation should proceed based on the Force switch Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "No existing installation of $programName $Global:ArchitectureUsed found." # If force is not specified or set to false, installation will not proceed if ((!$force) -or ($force -eq 'false')) { Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Nothing to update." return $false } # If force is True, resolve possilble architecture conflicts then update Write-Log -LogType INFO -Message "Force switch is set to True. Update will proceed." return $true } } Function Get-M365SupportedVersion { Param ( $UpdateChannel ) $UpdateChannel = $([Regex]::Escape($UpdateChannel)) $HTML = Invoke-RestMethod '' -ErrorAction Stop $Pattern = '<td style=\"text-align: left;\">{0}<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">.+?<br/></td>\n<td style=\"text-align: left;\">(?<version>.*)<br/></td>' -f $UpdateChannel $AllMatches = ([regex]$Pattern).Matches($HTML) $latestVersion = ($AllMatches[0].Groups.Where{ $_.Name -like 'version' }).Value return $latestVersion } Function Get-M365UpdateChannel { $RegistryKey = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration' $ValueName = 'AudienceID' $UpdateChannels = @{ '492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60' = 'Current Channel' '55336b82-a18d-4dd6-b5f6-9e5095c314a6' = 'Monthly Enterprise Channel' 'b8f9b850-328d-4355-9145-c59439a0c4cf' = 'Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview)' '7ffbc6bf-bc32-4f92-8982-f9dd17fd3114' = 'Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel' } $audienceID = Read-RegistryValueData -RegistryKey $RegistryKey -ValueName $ValueName if (!$audienceID) { return $null } $updateChannel = $UpdateChannels.$audienceID if (!$updateChannel) { Write-Log -LogType ERROR "Unable to find corresponding update channel for AudienceID $audienceID." return $null } return $updateChannel } Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Test-WebRequest' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-Installer' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-InstallerFolder' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-InstallerFolder' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-InstalledProgram' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-MultipleInstalledProgram' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-InstalledService' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Install-Program' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Confirm-ProgramInstallation' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Confirm-ServiceInstallation' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Confirm-Update' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Set-RegistryItem' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ProgramArchitecture' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Send-Keys' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-ModuleForUpdate' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-DownloadLink' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-LatestVersionNumber' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Confirm-InstallerValidity' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Set-AgentRefresh' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Confirm-LogFolder' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Write-Log' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Disable-IEFirstRunCustomization' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Set-Alert' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-UninstallCommand' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Uninstall-Program' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ProgramRegistryDisplayRegex' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-InstallCommand' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Approve-SelectedProgram' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Find-RootKeyFromPath' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Assert-RootKeyPSDrive' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Read-RegistryValueData' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-RegistryKey' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Add-RegistryValue' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Remove-RegistryValue' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-PreInstallScriptBlock' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-PostInstallScriptBlock' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-InstallationsArchitecture' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ProcessToTerminate' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Approve-Installation' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-ArchitectureConflicts' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Uninstall-ArchitectureConflicts' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-IgnoreExitCodes' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-M365SupportedVersion' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-M365UpdateChannel' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-PreferredArchitecture' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Resolve-ArchitectureSelection' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Find-Path' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-LowerVersionConflicts' Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Uninstall-LowerVersionConflicts' |