param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [string] $moduleName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [string] $template = "./out-html-template.ps1", [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [string] $outputDir = './help', [parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [string] $fileName = 'index.html' ) function FixString ($in = '', [bool]$includeBreaks = $false){ if ($in -eq $null) { return } $rtn = $in.Replace('&', '&').Replace('<', '<').Replace('>', '>').Trim() if($includeBreaks){ $rtn = $rtn.Replace([Environment]::NewLine, '<br>') } return $rtn } function Update-Progress($name, $action){ Write-Progress -Activity "Rendering $action for $name" -CurrentOperation "Completed $progress of $totalCommands." -PercentComplete $(($progress/$totalCommands)*100) } $i = 0 $commandsHelp = (Get-Command -module $moduleName) | get-help -full | Where-Object {! $'.ps1')} foreach ($h in $commandsHelp){ $cmdHelp = (Get-Command $h.Name) # Get any aliases associated with the method $alias = get-alias -definition $h.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($alias){ $h | Add-Member Alias $alias } # Parse the related links and assign them to a links hashtable. if(($h.relatedLinks | Out-String).Trim().Length -gt 0) { $links = $h.relatedLinks.navigationLink | % { if($_.uri){ @{name = $_.uri; link = $_.uri; target='_blank'} } if($_.linkText){ @{name = $_.linkText; link = "#$($_.linkText)"; cssClass = 'psLink'; target='_top'} } } $h | Add-Member Links $links } # Add parameter aliases to the object. foreach($p in $h.parameters.parameter ){ $paramAliases = ($cmdHelp.parameters.values | where name -like $ | select aliases).Aliases if($paramAliases){ $p | Add-Member Aliases "$($paramAliases -join ', ')" -Force } } } # Create the output directory if it does not exist if (-Not (Test-Path $outputDir)) { New-Item -Path $outputDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $totalCommands = $commandsHelp.Count if (!$totalCommands) { $totalCommands = 1 } $template = Get-Content $template -raw -force Invoke-Expression $template > "$outputDir\$fileName" |