Import-Module '.\AnyBox.psd1' function Test-Assertion { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('o')] [object]$Observed, [Alias('e')] [object]$Expected = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Alias('m')] [string]$Message ) [bool]$eq = $Expected -eq $Observed if (-not $eq -and $Message) { foreach ($v in @($Expected, $Observed)) { if ($null -eq $v) { $v = 'null' } } [string]$msg = $Message + ([environment]::NewLine * 2) + ` 'Expected: ' + $Expected.ToString() + ([environment]::NewLine * 2) + ` 'Observed: ' + $Observed.ToString() [hashtable]$resp = Show-AnyBox ` -Icon 'Error' ` -Title 'Failed Assertion' ` -Message $msg ` -Buttons @('Abort', 'Retry') if (-not $resp['Retry']) { exit 1 } } return $eq } function Test-All { param ([bool[]]$Arr) return $Arr.Length -eq ($Arr | Where-Object { $_ -eq $true }).Length } New-Alias -Name 'assert' -Value 'Test-Assertion' -Force [hashtable]$params = @{ MinWidth = 300 } [hashtable]$resp = $null # begin do { [string]$msg = 'Click the button to begin testing.' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Title 'Begin Testing' ` -Message $msg ` -GridData ([pscustomobject]$PSVersionTable) ` -GridAsList ` -NoGridSearch ` -Buttons 'GO' } while (-not ( Test-All (assert -m $msg -o $resp['GO']) ) ) assert -o $false -e $false assert -o $true -e $true # -Buttons do { [string[]]$btns = ' ', 'CLICK ME', ' ' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message 'Click the button' ` -Buttons $btns [string[]]$clicked = $resp.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $btns -contains $_.Key -and $_.Value -eq $true } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m '# buttons clicked.' -o $clicked.Length -e 1), ` (assert -m 'Button clicked' -o $clicked[0] -e 'CLICK ME') ) ) # -DefaultButton do { [string[]]$btns = ' ', ' ', ' ' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message "Keyboard press 'Enter'" ` -Buttons $btns ` -DefaultButton $btns[1] [string[]]$clicked = $resp.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $btns -contains $_.Key -and $_.Value -eq $true } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m '# buttons clicked.' -o $clicked.Length -e 1), ` (assert -m 'Button clicked' -o $clicked[0] -e $btns[1]) ) ) # -CancelButton do { [string[]]$btns = ' ', ' ', ' ' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message "Keyboard press 'Esc'" ` -Buttons $btns ` -CancelButton $btns[2] [string[]]$clicked = $resp.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $btns -contains $_.Key -and $_.Value -eq $true } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Key } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m '# buttons clicked.' -o $clicked.Length -e 1), ` (assert -m 'Button clicked' -o $clicked[0] -e $btns[2]) ) ) # -Topmost do { [string]$msg = 'Is this window topmost?' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message $msg ` -Buttons 'No', 'Yes' ` -Topmost } while (-not ( Test-All (assert -m $msg -o $resp['Yes']) ) ) # -WindowStartupLocation do { $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message 'Am I bottom-right?' ` -Buttons 'No', 'Yes' ` -WindowStartupLocation 'BottomRight' } while (-not ( Test-All (assert -m $msg -o $resp['Yes']) ) ) # -HideTaskbarIcon do { [string]$msg = 'Is the tray icon visible?' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Message $msg ` -Buttons 'No', 'Yes' ` -HideTaskbarIcon } while (-not ( Test-All (assert -m $msg -o $resp['No']) ) ) # -Prompts do { [string]$title = 'hello world' [string]$msg = 'Type the title text in the prompt below' $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Title $title ` -Prompt $msg ` -Buttons 'OK' } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m 'prompt exists' -o ('Input_0' -in $resp.Keys)), (assert -m 'user input' -o $resp['Input_0'] -e $title) ) ) # -ValidateSet do { [string]$msg = 'Select the value' [string]$expected = 'SELECT ME' [string[]]$choices = @('ignore me', 'ignore me too', $expected) $choices = @($choices | Get-Random -Count $choices.Length) $choices = @(' ') + $choices $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Buttons 'OK' ` -Prompt ( New-AnyBoxPrompt ` -Message $msg ` -ValidateSet $choices ` -DefaultValue $choices[0] ) } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m 'Icon displayed' -o $resp['Input_0'] -e $expected) ) ) # -Icon do { [string]$msg = 'Which icon is displayed?' [string[]]$choices = @('Information', 'Question', 'Exclamation') $choices = @($choices | Get-Random -Count $choices.Length) $choices = @(' ') + $choices [string]$expected = $choices | Select-Object -Last 1 $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -Title "icon: $expected" ` -Icon $expected ` -Prompt ( New-AnyBoxPrompt ` -Message $msg ` -ValidateSet $choices ` -DefaultValue $choices[0] ) ` -Buttons 'OK' } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m 'Icon displayed' -o $resp['Input_0'] -e $expected) ) ) # -FontColor, -BackgroundColor do { [string[]]$choices = @('Red', 'Green', 'White') $choices = @($choices | Get-Random -Count $choices.Length) $choices = @(' ') + $choices [string]$expected = $choices | Select-Object -Last 1 [string[]]$choices_bg = @('Black', 'Purple', 'Blue') $choices_bg = @($choices_bg | Get-Random -Count $choices_bg.Length) $choices_bg = @(' ') + $choices_bg [string]$expected_bg = $choices_bg | Select-Object -Last 1 $resp = Show-AnyBox @params ` -FontColor $expected ` -BackgroundColor $expected_bg ` -Buttons 'OK' ` -Prompt @( New-AnyBoxPrompt ` -Message 'Which color is the text?' ` -ValidateSet $choices ` -DefaultValue $choices[0] New-AnyBoxPrompt ` -Message 'Which color is the background?' ` -ValidateSet $choices_bg ` -DefaultValue $choices_bg[0] ) } while (-not ( Test-All ` (assert -m 'Font color' -o $resp['Input_0'] -e $expected), (assert -m 'Background color' -o $resp['Input_1'] -e $expected_bg) ) ) # aliases, -Timeout, -Countdown anybox -Timeout 10 -Countdown ` -i 'Information' ` -t 'Success' ` -m 'All tests passed :)' ` -b 'Hooray!' ` |