
function ConvertTo-Long {
        "Melts" object(s) into an array of key-value pairs.
        Converts object(s) wide objects into a long array object for better display.
    .PARAMETER obj
        The object(s) to melt.
    .PARAMETER KeyName
        The name of the resulting key column; defaults to "Name".
    .PARAMETER obj
        The name of the resulting value column; defaults to "Value".
        One or more objects.
        An array of objects with properties "$KeyName" and "$ValueName".

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string]$KeyName = 'Name',
        [string]$ValueName = 'Value'
    process {
        foreach ($o in $obj) {
            $o.psobject.Properties | foreach { [pscustomobject]@{ $KeyName = $_.Name; $ValueName = $_.Value } }