
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
namespace AnyBox {
    public enum InputType {
        None, Text, FileOpen, FileSave, Checkbox, Password, Date, Link
    public enum MessagePosition { Top, Left };
    public enum SetPresentation { ComboBox, Radio, Radio_Wide };
    public class Prompt
        public string Name;
        public string Tab;
        public string Group;
        public InputType InputType = InputType.Text;
        public string Message;
        public MessagePosition MessagePosition = MessagePosition.Top;
        public string Alignment;
        public System.UInt16 FontSize;
        public string FontFamily;
        public string FontColor;
        public string DefaultValue;
        public System.UInt16 LineHeight = 1;
        public bool ReadOnly = false;
        public string[] ValidateSet;
        public SetPresentation ShowSetAs = SetPresentation.ComboBox;
        public string RadioGroup;
        public bool ValidateNotEmpty = false;
        public System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock ValidateScript;
        public bool ShowSeparator = false;
        public bool Collapsible = false;
    public class Button
        public string Name;
        public string Text;
        public bool IsCancel = false;
        public bool IsDefault = false;
        public System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock OnClick;

function New-AnyBoxPrompt
        [AnyBox.InputType]$InputType = [AnyBox.InputType]::Text,
        [AnyBox.MessagePosition]$MessagePosition = [AnyBox.MessagePosition]::Top,
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [UInt16]$LineHeight = 1,
        [AnyBox.SetPresentation]$ShowSetAs = [AnyBox.SetPresentation]::ComboBox,

    if ($Name -and $Name -notmatch '^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$') {
        Write-Warning "Name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores."
        $Name = $null

    if ($InputType -ne [AnyBox.InputType]::Text)
        if ($InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::None) {

        if ($LineHeight -gt 1) {
            Write-Warning "'-LineHeight' parameter is only valid with text input."

        if ($InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Checkbox) {
            if (-not $Message) {
                Write-Error "Checkbox input requires a message."
        elseif ($InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Link) {
            if (-not $Message) {
                Write-Error "Checkbox input requires a message."
            if (-not $FontColor) {
                $FontColor = 'Blue'
        elseif ($InputType -eq [AnyBox.InputType]::Password) {
            if ($DefaultValue) {
                Write-Warning 'Password input does not accept a default value.'
                $DefaultValue = $null
    $p = New-Object AnyBox.Prompt

    $p.Name = $Name
    $p.Tab = $Tab
    $p.Group = $Group
    $p.InputType = $InputType
    $p.ReadOnly = $ReadOnly -as [bool]
    $p.Message = $Message
    $p.Alignment = $Alignment
    $p.FontColor = $FontColor
    $p.FontFamily = $FontFamily
    $p.FontSize = $FontSize
    $p.MessagePosition = $MessagePosition
    $p.DefaultValue = $DefaultValue
    $p.LineHeight = $LineHeight
    $p.ValidateNotEmpty = $ValidateNotEmpty -as [bool]
    $p.ValidateSet = $ValidateSet
    $p.ShowSetAs = $ShowSetAs
    $p.RadioGroup = $RadioGroup
    $p.ValidateScript = $ValidateScript
    $p.ShowSeparator = $ShowSeparator -as [bool]
    $p.Collapsible = $Collapsible -as [bool]


function New-AnyBoxButton

    if ($Name -and $Name -notmatch '^[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*$') {
        Write-Warning "Name must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores."
        $Name = $null

    $b = New-Object AnyBox.Button

    $b.Name = $Name
    $b.Text = $Text
    $b.IsCancel = $IsCancel -as [bool]
    $b.IsDefault = $IsDefault -as [bool]
    $b.OnClick = $OnClick


Set-Alias -Name 'New-Prompt' -Value 'New-AnyBoxPrompt' -Description 'New-AnyBoxPrompt'
Set-Alias -Name 'New-Button' -Value 'New-AnyBoxButton' -Description 'New-AnyBoxButton'