function Wait-AnsibleJob { <# .SYNOPSIS Waits for an Ansible job to finish. .DESCRIPTION Waits for an Ansible job to finish by monitoring the 'finished' property of the job. Every Interval the job details are requested and while 'finished' is empty the job is considered to be still running. When the job is finished, the function returns. The caller must analyse the job state and/or result. Inspect the status, failed and result_output properties for more information on the job result. If the Timeout has expired an exception is thrown. .PARAMETER Job The Job object as returned by Get-AnsibleJob or Invoke-AnsibleJobTemplate. .PARAMETER ID The job ID. .PARAMETER Timeout The timeout in seconds to wait for the job to finish. .PARAMETER Interval The interval in seconds at which the job status is inspected. .EXAMPLE $job = Invoke-AnsibleJobTemplate 'Demo Job Template' Wait-AnsibleJob -ID $job.id Starts a new job for job template 'Demo Job Template' and then waits for the job to finish. Inspect the $job properties status, failed and result_stdout for more details. .EXAMPLE $job = Invoke-AnsibleJobTemplate 'Demo Job Template' | Wait-AnsibleJob -Interval 1 Starts a new job for job template 'Demo Job Template' and then waits for the job to finish by polling every second. Inspect the $job properties status, failed and result_stdout for more details. .EXAMPLE $job = Invoke-AnsibleJobTemplate 'Demo Job Template' | Wait-AnsibleJob -Interval 5 -Timeout 60 Starts a new job for job template 'Demo Job Template' and then waits for the job to finish by polling every 5 seconds. If the job did not finish after 60 seconds, an exception is thrown. Inspect the $job properties status, failed and result_stdout for more details. .OUTPUTS The job object. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Job')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "Global:DefaultAnsibleTower")] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='Job')] [AnsibleTower.Job]$Job, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='ID')] [int]$ID, [int]$Timeout = 3600, [int]$Interval = 3, $AnsibleTower = $Global:DefaultAnsibleTower ) process { if($Job) { $AnsibleTower = $Job.AnsibleTower $Id = $Job.Id } do { $Job = Get-AnsibleJob -Id $Id -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower if(!$Job) { Write-Error "Failed to get job with id [$ID]" -ErrorAction Stop return } if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Job.Finished)) { Write-Verbose "Job [$($Job.Id)] finished" } else { $timespan = (Get-Date) - $startDate Write-Verbose "Waiting for job [$($Job.Id)] to finish. Job status is [$($Job.Status)]. Elapsed time is [$([math]::Round($TimeSpan.TotalSeconds))] seconds." if ($TimeSpan.TotalSeconds -ge $Timeout) { Write-Error "Timeout waiting for job [$($Job.Id)] to finish" return } Write-Verbose "Sleeping [$Interval] seconds..." Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval } } while (!$Job.Finished) # Return the job object. $Job } } |