$AnsibleUrl = $null $AnsibleCredential = $null #Load Json $NewtonSoftJsonPath = join-path $PSScriptRoot "AnsibleTowerClasses\AnsibleTower\AnsibleTower\bin\Debug\Newtonsoft.Json.dll" add-type -Path $NewtonSoftJsonPath #Compile the .net classes $ClassPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AnsibleTowerClasses\AnsibleTower\AnsibleTower\DataTypes.cs" #$ClassPath2 = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "AnsibleTower (c# project)\AnsibleTower\AnsibleTower\JsonParsers.cs" $Code = Get-Content -Path $ClassPath -Raw #$Code2 = Get-Content -Path $ClassPath2 -Raw add-type -TypeDefinition $Code -ReferencedAssemblies $NewtonSoftJsonPath #Load the json parsers to have it handy whenever. $JsonParsers = New-Object AnsibleTower.JsonFunctions #Dot-source/Load the other powershell scripts Get-ChildItem "*.ps1" -path $PSScriptRoot | where {$_.Name -notmatch "test"} | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } Function Invoke-GetAnsibleInternalJsonResult { Param ($AnsibleUrl=$AnsibleUrl, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential=$AnsibleCredential, $ItemType, $Id, $ItemSubItem) if ((!$AnsibleUrl) -or (!$Credential)) { throw "You need to connect first, use Connect-AnsibleTower" } $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($AnsibleUrl + "/api/v1/") -Credential $Credential $ItemApiUrl = $result.$ItemType if ($id) { $ItemApiUrl += "$id/" } if ($ItemSubItem) { $ItemApiUrl = $ItemApiUrl + "/$ItemSubItem/" } $ItemApiUrl = $ItemApiUrl.Replace("//","/") $invokeresult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ansibleurl + $ItemApiUrl) -Credential $Credential if ($ { return $InvokeResult } Elseif ($InvokeResult.results) { return $InvokeResult.results } } Function Invoke-PostAnsibleInternalJsonResult { Param ( $AnsibleUrl=$AnsibleUrl, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential=$AnsibleCredential, $ItemType, $itemId, $ItemSubItem, $InputObject) if ((!$AnsibleUrl) -or (!$Credential)) { throw "You need to connect first, use Connect-AnsibleTower" } $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($AnsibleUrl + "/api/v1/") -Credential $Credential $ItemApiUrl = $result.$ItemType if ($itemId) { $ItemApiUrl = $ItemApiUrl + "$itemId" } if ($ItemSubItem) { $ItemApiUrl = $ItemApiUrl + "/$ItemSubItem/" } $Params = @{ "uri"=($ansibleurl + $ItemApiUrl); "Credential"=$Credential; } if ($InputObject) { $params.Add("Body",($InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99)) } Write-Debug "Credentials are: $($credential.UserName)" Write-Debug "Invoking call with body: $($InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99)" $invokeresult += Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" @params $invokeresult } Function Invoke-PutAnsibleInternalJsonResult { Param ( $AnsibleUrl=$AnsibleUrl, [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential=$AnsibleCredential, $ItemType,$InputObject ) if ((!$AnsibleUrl) -or (!$Credential)) { throw "You need to connect first, use Connect-AnsibleTower" } $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($AnsibleUrl + "/api/v1/") -Credential $Credential $ItemApiUrl = $result.$ItemType if (!($id)) { Write-Error "I couldnt find the id of that object" return } $id = $ $ItemApiUrl += "$id/" $invokeresult += Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ($ansibleurl + $ItemApiUrl) -Credential $Credential -Method Put -Body ($InputObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99) -ContentType "application/json" $invokeresult } Function Connect-AnsibleTower { Param ( [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credential, [string]$TowerUrl, [Switch]$DisableCertificateVerification ) if ($DisableCertificateVerification) { #Danm you, here-strings for messing up my indendation!! add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class NoSSLCheckPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public NoSSLCheckPolicy() {} public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint sPoint, X509Certificate cert, WebRequest wRequest, int certProb) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = new-object NoSSLCheckPolicy } #Try and figure out what address we were given if ($TowerUrl -match "/api/") { throw "Specify the URL without the /api part" } Else { $TestUrl = $TowerUrl + "/api/" } #$towerurl = $TowerUrl.Replace("//","/") try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $TestUrl -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Throw "That didn't work at all" } #Get the version $TowerVersion = $result.current_version $TowerApiUrl = $TowerUrl + $TowerVersion #Try to log on $MeUri = $TowerApiUrl + "me/" try { $MeResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $MeUri -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { throw "Could not authenticate" } #Code for error-handling goes here #If we got this far, we could connect. Go ahead and get a session ticket #Set the global connection var #$MDwebapiurl = $WebApiUrl set-variable -Name AnsibleUrl -Value $TowerUrl -Scope 1 set-variable -Name AnsibleCredential -Value $Credential -Scope 1 } |