@{ Author = 'Creo Ignem' CompanyName = 'Altazion' ModuleVersion = '19.349.497' # Use the New-Guid command to generate a GUID, and copy/paste into the next line # GUID = 'a8e33c44-193f-43f8-ab11-ce93cd3ac1fe' GUID = '4B4C99BA-FB4E-4A6D-83BF-06ED55D6167B' Copyright = '2005-2020 Altazion' Description = 'Provides admin tools for Altazion (and former simplement-e and commerce-hub) solutions' # Minimum PowerShell version supported by this module (optional, recommended) PowerShellVersion = '5.1' # Which PowerShell Editions does this module work with? (Core, Desktop) CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop', 'Core') # Applets de commande à exporter à partir de ce module. Pour de meilleures performances, n’utilisez pas de caractères génériques et ne supprimez pas l’entrée. Utilisez un tableau vide si vous n’avez aucune applet de commande à exporter. #CmdletsToExport = @() # Liste de tous les modules empaquetés avec ce module NestedModules = @('AltazionPowershell.dll') # les formats de présentation # FormatsToProcess = 'Altazion.ps1xml' # PowerShell Gallery: Define your module's metadata PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ # What keywords represent your PowerShell module? (eg. cloud, tools, framework, vendor) Tags = @('SaaS', 'AdminTools', 'ecommerce') # What software license is your code being released under? (see #LicenseUri = '' # What is the URL to your project's website? ProjectUri = '' # What is the URI to a custom icon file for your project? (optional) IconUri = '' } } # If your module supports updateable help, what is the URI to the help archive? (optional) # HelpInfoURI = '' } |