function Invoke-Ami { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true )] param () $MenuTitle = " Run AllMyIT Wizard" $WizardMenu = @" 1: New Local Admin 2: Set Network Config 3: Create New Certificate 4: Set Storage Disk 5: Install App (Chocolatey, Ninite, Custom URL) 6: Install Server Feature 7: Remove Temp Files 8: Restart A Service 9: Enable/Disble config mode 10: Enable PSRemoting, WinRM and Secure RDP mode Q: Press Q to exist "@ Do { Switch (Invoke-Menu -menu $WizardMenu -title $MenuTitle) { "1" { New-LocalAdmin } "2" { Set-Network } "3" { New-Certificate } "4" { Set-Storage } "5" { Install-Apps } "6" { Install-Features } "7" { Remove-Temp } "8" { Restart-Service } "9" { Set-ConfigMode } "10" { Set-Accessibility } "Q" { Read-Host "Closing..., press enter" Return } Default { Clear-Host Start-Sleep -milliseconds 100 } } } While ($True) } |