$script:HostVNetNicName = "SDN_VNET" $script:clsuterGroupName = "clustergroup" $script:MocConfig = $null $script:MocGroup = $null $script:InternetUrl = "http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt" $script:DnsResolutionName = "bing.com" $script:NCSIResponse = "Microsoft NCSI" $script:LinuxUserName = "clouduser" $script:WindowsUserName = "Administrator" $script:CloudAgentPort = "65000" $script:CloudAgentCurlResponse = "curl: (52) Empty reply from server" $script:VmInboundAccessState = @{} $script:TestOutputDirectory = "C:\Windows\Tracing\AksHci" enum AksHciNcResourceType { NetworkInterface LoadBalancer VirtualNetwork } function Write-TestResults($results) { if (-not (Test-Path $script:TestOutputDirectory )) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $script:TestOutputDirectory -Force } $output = $results | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $fileName = "Test-AksHciSdnNetwork-$((get-date).Ticks).Json" $file = Join-Path $script:TestOutputDirectory $fileName $output | Out-File -FilePath $file -Force Write-Host "Results written to file $file" -ForegroundColor Green } function Write-Fail { param ( [string]$testName, [string]$msg, [string]$err ) #Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName -Verbose -msg "Test Connection for $scenario, Status Succeeded" $out = "FAIL: $testName $msg" if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($err)) { $out += "`nERROR $err" } Write-Host $out -ForegroundColor Red } function Write-Pass { param ( [string]$testName, [string]$msg ) Write-Host "PASS: $testName $msg" -ForegroundColor Green } function Write-Msg { param ( [string]$msg, [switch]$Warning ) #Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName -Verbose -msg "Test Connection for $scenario, Status Succeeded" if ($Warning.IsPresent) { Write-Warning $msg return } Write-Host $msg } function Get-Result { param( [string]$scenario, [bool]$isSuccess, [string]$detailedStatus ) # return @{ # "Scenario" = $scenario; # "Passed" = $isSuccess; # "DetailedStatus" = $detailedStatus; # } $result = New-Object -TypeName psobject $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Scenario -Value $scenario $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Passed -Value $isSuccess $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DetailedStatus -Value $detailedStatus return $result } function Get-VMTestResult { param( [string]$vmName, [string]$testName, [string]$sshInfo, [bool]$isSuccess, [string]$detailedStatus, [array]$results ) $vmResult = New-Object -TypeName psobject $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMName -Value $vmName $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TestName -Value $testName $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SSHInfo -Value $sshInfo $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Passed -Value $isSuccess $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DetailedStatus -Value $detailedStatus $vmResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Results -Value $results return $vmResult # return @{ # "VMName" = $vmName; # "SSHInfo" = $sshInfo; # "Passed" = $isSuccess; # "DetailedStatus" = $detailedStatus; # "TestName" = $testName # "Results" = $results; # } } function Get-TestResult { param( [string]$testName, [bool]$isSuccess, [string]$detailedStatus, [array]$testResults ) $result = New-Object -TypeName psobject $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TestName -Value $testName $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Passed -Value $isSuccess $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DetailedStatus -Value $detailedStatus $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TestResults -Value $testResults return $result # return @{ # "TestName" = $testName; # "Passed" = $isSuccess; # "DetailedStatus" = $detailedStatus; # "TestResults" = $testResults; # } } function Get-ClusterTestResult { param( [string]$clusterName, [bool]$isSuccess, [string]$detailedStatus, [array]$testResults ) $result = New-Object -TypeName psobject $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ClusterName -Value $clusterName $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Passed -Value $isSuccess $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DetailedStatus -Value $detailedStatus $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TestResults -Value $testResults return $result # return @{ # "ClusterName" = $clusterName; # "Passed" = $isSuccess; # "TestResults" = $testResults; # "DetailedStatus" = $detailedStatus; # } } function Invoke-WebRequestWithRetries { param( [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Headers, [string] $ContentType, [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method, [System.Uri] $Uri, [object] $Body, [Switch] $DisableKeepAlive, [Switch] $UseBasicParsing, [Parameter(mandatory=$false)] [bool] $shouldRetry = $true ) $params = @{ 'Headers'=$headers; 'ContentType'=$content; 'Method'=$method; 'uri'=$uri; 'ErrorAction'='Stop'; } if($Body -ne $null) { $params.Add('Body', $Body) } if($DisableKeepAlive.IsPresent) { $params.Add('DisableKeepAlive', $true) } if($UseBasicParsing.IsPresent) { $params.Add('UseBasicParsing', $true) } if ($script:DefaultCredParaSet -eq $true) { $params.Add('UseDefaultCredentials', $true) } elseif($script:NetworkControllerCred -ne [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) { $params.Add('Credential', $script:NetworkControllerCred) } $retryIntervalInSeconds = 30 $maxRetry = 6 $retryCounter = 0 do { try { $result = $null $result = Invoke-WebRequest @params break } catch { if($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 404) { #Dont retry on Not Found break } $retryCounter++ if($retryCounter -le $maxRetry) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $retryIntervalInSeconds } else { # last retry still fails, so throw the exception throw $_ } } } while ($shouldRetry -and ($retryCounter -le $maxRetry)) return $result } function Initialize-AksHciNcCompanion { $winFeatures = @("RSAT-NetworkController") foreach ($feature in $winFeatures) { Write-Verbose "Check install state of $feature" if ((Get-WindowsFeature -Name $feature).InstallState -ne "Installed") { Write-Verbose "Installing $feature" Add-WindowsFeature -Name $feature -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools } } } function Get-NCResource { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Uri ) $result = Invoke-WebRequestWithRetries -Uri $Uri -DisableKeepAlive -UseBasicParsing -Method "Get" if(-not $result) { return $null } $toplevel = convertfrom-json $result.Content if ($toplevel.value -eq $null) { $jsonOut = $toplevel } else { $jsonOut = $toplevel.value } return $jsonOut } function Get-NCNic { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $resourceId ) Write-Verbose "Fetching nic $resourceId from NC" $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache $ncRestEndPoint = $mocConfig["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"] $uri = "https://$ncRestEndPoint/networking/v1/networkinterfaces/$resourceId" $nic = Get-NCResource -Uri $uri if ($nic -eq $null) { $nics = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://$ncRestEndPoint/networking/v1/networkinterfaces/" -UseBasicParsing).content | ConvertFrom-Json $nic = $nics.value | Where-Object {$_.resourceMetadata.resourceName -eq "$resourceId"} } if ($nic -eq $null) { Write-Warning "Nic with resource id $resourceId not found in NC($ncRestEndPoint)" } return $nic } function Get-NCNicInstanceId { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $resourceId ) $nic = Get-NCNic -resourceId $resourceId return $nic.instanceId } function Get-MocConfigCache { if ($null -eq $script:MocConfig) { $script:MocConfig = Get-MocConfig } return $script:MocConfig } function Get-MocGroupCache { if ($null -eq $script:MocGroup) { $script:MocGroup = Get-MocGroup -location MocLocation } return $script:MocGroup } function Clear-MocCache { $script:MocConfig = $null $script:MocGroup = $null } function GetClusterGroup { return $script:clsuterGroupName } function ValidateState { $isInstalled = Test-IsAksHciInstalled if (-not $isInstalled) { Write-Error("UnsupportedConfiguration: AKS-HCI is not installed") -ErrorAction Stop } $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache if (-not $mocConfig["UseNetworkController"]) { Write-Error("UnsupportedConfiguration: SDN intergration is not present") -ErrorAction Stop } } function CleanupMoc { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName ) Remove-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function CleanupHost { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName ) $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache $vswitchName = $mocConfig["vswitchName"] $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $nicName -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($nic -eq $null) { return } Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $nicName -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction Stop } function CreateHostVNic { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $name, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $mac, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ipAddress, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $prefix, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $vswitchName ) Write-Verbose "Creating a new host vnic $name, MAC $mac, IP $ipAddress/$prefix on host $(hostname)" $nic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $name -SwitchName $vswitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($nic -ne $null -and $nic.MacAddress -eq $mac) { Write-Verbose "Reusing existing VNIC " } else { CleanupHost -nicName $name Start-Sleep 5 $nic = Add-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -Name $name -SwitchName $vswitchName -StaticMacAddress $mac -ErrorAction stop Start-Sleep 30 } $ifIndex = (Get-NetAdapter -Name "*$name*").ifIndex $nic = Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $ipAddress -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($nic -ne $null) { if ($nic.InterfaceIndex -ne $ifIndex) { Write-Error "Fatal error, Cannot connect host, $ipAddress is already present on another interface on the host" -ErrorAction Stop } return } Remove-NetIPAddress -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null New-NetIPAddress -PrefixLength $prefix -IPAddress $ipAddress -InterfaceIndex $ifIndex -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } function CreateMocNic { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName ) $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache $vnetName = $mocConfig["vnetName"] $location = $mocConfig["cloudLocation"] $retry = $true while($retry) { try { New-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -virtualNetworkName $vnetName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction Stop break } catch { $e = $_ $retry = $e.Exception.Message.Contains("PrivateIPAddressInUse") -eq $true if (-not $retry) { Write-Warning "Failed to create Nic in Moc, Error $_" } else { Write-Verbose "IPAddress conflict, retry nic creation" throw } } } } function Get-MocNic { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName ) Write-Verbose "Fetching nic $nicName from MOC" $vnetMocNic = Get-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($vnetMocNic -eq $null) { Write-Verbose "Creating new nic $nicName in MOC" CreateMocNic -nicName $nicName } return Get-MocNetworkInterface -name $nicName -group $(GetClusterGroup) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function SetPortProfile { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $profileId ) Write-Verbose "Setting port profile for $nicName on $(hostName), ProfileId $profileId" $vmNic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $nicName -ManagementOS -ErrorAction Stop $FeatureId = "9940cd46-8b06-43bb-b9d5-93d50381fd56" $CurrentFeature = Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic if ($CurrentFeature -eq $null) { $Feature = Get-VMSystemSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId $Feature.SettingData.ProfileId = "{$profileId}" $Feature.SettingData.NetCfgInstanceId = "{56785678-a0e5-4a26-bc9b-c0cba27311a3}" $Feature.SettingData.CdnLabelString = "TestCdn" $Feature.SettingData.CdnLabelId = 1111 $Feature.SettingData.ProfileName = "Testprofile" $Feature.SettingData.VendorId = "{1FA41B39-B444-4E43-B35A-E1F7985FD548}" $Feature.SettingData.VendorName = "NetworkController" $Feature.SettingData.ProfileData = 1 Add-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $Feature -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic } else { $CurrentFeature.SettingData.ProfileId = "{$profileId}" $CurrentFeature.SettingData.ProfileData = 1 Set-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $CurrentFeature -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic } Write-Verbose "Successfully set port profile for $nicName on $(hostName)" } function Remove-PortProfile { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $nicName ) Write-Verbose "Removing port profile on $nicName" $vmNic = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -Name $nicName -ManagementOS -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($vmNic -eq $null) { return } $FeatureId = "9940cd46-8b06-43bb-b9d5-93d50381fd56" $CurrentFeature = Get-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -FeatureId $FeatureId -VMNetworkAdapter $vmNic if ($CurrentFeature -eq $null) { return } Remove-VMSwitchExtensionPortFeature -VMSwitchExtensionFeature $CurrentFeature -VMNetworkAdapterName $vmNic } function Test-ConnectRequired { # Checks if Connect-AksHciSdnVnet is required. # Not required if AksHci version > 1.0.18 $version = Get-AksHciVersion $verArray = $version.Split(".") if ($verArray[0] -ge 1) { return $false } if ($verArray.Count -ge 2 -and $verArray[1] -gt 0) { return $false } if ($verArray.Count -ge 3 -and $verArray[3] -ge 18) { return $false } return $true } function Connect-AksHciSdnVnet { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Force ) ValidateState if (-not $Force.IsPresent) { if (-not $(Test-ConnectRequired)) { Write-Warning "Connect-AksHciSdnVnet is no longer required for the current akshci version." Write-Warning "Log collection and certificate rotation are supported without running this command." Write-Warning "To ssh to the vms use Get-AksHciSdnSshEndpoint to find the ssh ip and port to use." Write-Warning "To override this warning and connect to the SDN virtualnetwork, rerun with -Force parameter." throw "CMD_DEPRECATED" } } Write-Verbose "Connecting host $(hostname) to the Aks-HCI control plane virtual network" $nicName = "$script:HostVNetNicName-$(hostname)" $mocNic = Get-MocNic -nicName $nicName $ncNic = Get-NCNic -resourceId $nicName if ($ncNic -eq $null) { Write-Error "Failed to create a VNIC" -ErrorAction Stop } $vswitchName = (Get-MocConfigCache)["vswitchName"] $prefix = $mocNic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.prefixlength $ip = $mocNic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress CreateHostVNic -name $nicName -mac $ncNic.properties.privateMacAddress -vswitchName $vswitchName -ipAddress $ip -prefix $prefix SetPortProfile -nicName $nicName -profileId $ncNic.instanceId } function Disconnect-AksHciSdnVnet { param([switch] $RetainResources) ValidateState Write-Verbose "Disconnecting host $(hostname) from the Aks-HCI control plane virtual network" $nicName = "$script:HostVNetNicName-$(hostname)" if ($RetainResources.IsPresent) { Remove-PortProfile -nicName $nicName Remove-PortProfile -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName return } CleanupHost -nicName $nicName CleanupMoc -nicName $nicName CleanupHost -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName CleanupMoc -nicName $script:HostVNetNicName } function Remove-AksHciSdnResources { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove resources created by akshci which are stale/leaked in networkcontroller. .DESCRIPTION Leaked/stale resources may be present in NetworkController if there are any failures/bugs during uninstall-akshci or removal of a workload cluster. This cmdlet helps to remove those leaked resources from networkcontroller. .PARAMETER Leaked Remove leaked resources. This option can be used on a working akshci installation when any leaked resources are found in NetworkController. .PARAMETER All Removes stale resources after the uninstallation of akshci. Cannot be run when the akshci installation in present. .PARAMETER NCRestEndPoint NC rest endpoint(without https:// prefix). Must be specified when using -All option. .EXAMPLE # Clean up leaked resources when akshci installation is in a working state. Remove-AksHciSdnResources -Leaked .EXAMPLE #Clean up any stale/leaked resources after the uninstallation of akshci. Remove-AksHciSdnResources -All -NCRestEndpoint nc.contoso.com #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')] [switch] $All, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Leaked')] [switch] $Leaked, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'All')] [string] $NCRestEndPoint, [switch] $Force ) Initialize-AksHciNcCompanion Clear-MocCache $isInstalled = Test-IsAksHciInstalled if ($Leaked.IsPresent -and -not $isInstalled){ throw "AksHci is not installed, unable to enumerate leaked resources" } if ($All.IsPresent -and $isInstalled) { throw "AksHci is installed. Cannot use -All option. Please retry with Remove-AksHciSdnResources -Leaked" } if ($isInstalled) { $NCRestEndPoint = (Get-MocConfigCache)["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"] } # Check that the $NCRestEndPoint is correct. If it is, the test will populate the uri variable $uri = "https://$NCRestEndPoint" if (-not (Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $uri)) { throw "Cannot connect to Network Controller $NCRestEndPoint" } if ($Leaked.IsPresent) { # Check if MocGroup is configured if ((Get-MocGroupCache).Length -eq 0) { Write-Warning "No MocGroup configured, cannot enumerate leaked resources" return } Remove-AksHciNcResourcesLeaked -ConnectionUri $uri -Force:$Force return } if ($All.IsPresent) { Remove-AksHciNcResourcesAll -ConnectionUri $uri -Force:$Force } } function Get-MocResourceName { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type ) # Get all the moc groups $mocGroup = Get-MocGroupCache # Return an array of string with the group names $mocGroup = $mocGroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name $mocResources = @() switch ($Type) { ([AksHciNcResourceType]::NetworkInterface) { foreach ($group in $mocGroup) { $mocGroupResource = Get-MocNetworkInterface -group $group -ErrorAction Stop # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name $mocResources += $mocGroupResource } } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::LoadBalancer) { foreach ($group in $mocGroup) { $mocGroupResource = Get-MocLoadBalancer -group $group -ErrorAction Stop # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name $mocResources += $mocGroupResource } } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::VirtualNetwork) { foreach ($group in $mocGroup) { $mocGroupResource = Get-MocVirtualNetwork -group $group -ErrorAction Stop # Extract only the name property for each resource in the group and save it $mocGroupResource = $mocGroupResource | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name $mocResources += $mocGroupResource } } Default { $mocResources = @() } } return $mocResources } function Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionUri ) # Query all Nc resources from the rest api switch ($Type) { ([AksHciNcResourceType]::NetworkInterface) { $ncResponse = Get-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::LoadBalancer) { $ncResponse = Get-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::VirtualNetwork) { $ncResponse = Get-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri } Default { $ncResponse = @() } } # Remove entries that don't have ResourceMetadata $ncResponse = $ncResponse | Where-Object -Property ResourceMetadata -ne nil # Re-format object to extract ResourceId, ResourceMetadata.Client, ResourceMetadata.ResourceName $ncResponse = $ncResponse | Select-Object ResourceId, @{N="Client";E={$_.ResourceMetadata.Client}}, @{N="ResourceName";E={$_.ResourceMetadata.ResourceName}} # Only select the AksHci Client Objects $ncResponse = $ncResponse | Where-Object -Property Client -eq "AksHci" return $ncResponse } function Remove-NCResource { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [AksHciNcResourceType] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionUri, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ResourceId ) switch ($Type) { ([AksHciNcResourceType]::NetworkInterface) { Remove-NetworkControllerNetworkInterface -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::LoadBalancer) { Remove-NetworkControllerLoadBalancer -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } ([AksHciNcResourceType]::VirtualNetwork) { Remove-NetworkControllerVirtualNetwork -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -ResourceId $ResourceId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force } Default { Write-Error "Network Controller Resource type unknown, cannot delete" } } } function Remove-AksHciNcResourcesLeaked { param( [switch] $Force, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionUri ) # go over each resource type and compare Moc to NC foreach ($resType in [AksHciNcResourceType].GetEnumValues()) { $mocResources = Get-MocResourceName -Type $resType if ($mocResources.Length -eq 0) { Write-Error "No $resType resources found in Moc, cannot compare with NetworkController" continue } $ncResources = Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType if ($ncResources.Length -eq 0) { Write-Error "No $resType resources found in NetworkController, nothing to remove" continue } # Compare the objects $diff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $mocResources -DifferenceObject ($ncResources | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceName) # NetworkController resources not found in Moc $ncOnly = $diff | Where-Object -Property SideIndicator -eq "=>" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject if ($ncOnly.Length -gt 0) { $ncOnlyResourceName = $ncOnly # Expand ncOnly from ResourceName to include ResourceId. This may be a slow operation, for each resource in $ncOnly, # it will search through $ncNetworkInterfaces to find the full object $ncOnly = $ncOnly | ForEach-Object { $ncResources | Where-Object -Property ResourceName -eq $_ } # Prompt user to delete $decision = 1 if (!$Force.IsPresent) { $title = "Delete NetworkController$($resType) Resources" $question = "Are you sure you want to delete the following resources:`n$($ncOnlyResourceName -join "`n")" $choices = @('&Yes', '&No', '&Suspend') $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1) } # Delete the Network Controller resources if ($decision -eq 0 -or $Force.IsPresent) { foreach ($n in $ncOnly) { Remove-NCResource -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType -ResourceId $n.ResourceId } } # Suspend, exit immediatly elseif ($decision -eq 2) { return } } else { Write-Host "No Leaked NetworkController$($resType) resources found" } } } function Remove-AksHciNcResourcesAll { param( [switch] $Force, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $ConnectionUri ) foreach ($resType in [AksHciNcResourceType].GetEnumValues()) { $ncResources = Get-AksHciNcResourceNameAndId -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType # Prompt user to delete $decision = 1 if (!$Force.IsPresent -and $ncResources.Length -ne 0) { $title = "Delete NetworkController$($resType) Resources" $question = "Are you sure you want to delete the following resources:`n$(($ncResources | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ResourceName) -join "`n")" $choices = @('&Yes', '&No', '&Suspend') $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1) } # Delete the Network Controller resources if ($decision -eq 0 -or $Force.IsPresent) { foreach ($n in $ncResources) { Remove-NCResource -ConnectionUri $ConnectionUri -Type $resType -ResourceId $n.ResourceId } } # Suspend, exit immediatly elseif ($decision -eq 2) { return } } } function Test-AksHciSdnConfig { # By default, we will use the values in Moc to test NC # If 1 parameter is manually set, all parameters must be supplied and moc will not be used [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Moc')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $networkControllerLbSubnetRef, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $networkControllerLnetRef, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Manual')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [VipPoolSettings] $vipPool ) # ----- Setup ----- $useMoc = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Moc" $ret = $true Clear-MocCache # Read all values from Moc if ($useMoc) { $mocConfig = Get-MocConfigCache # Check that Moc has been initialized if ($mocConfig["installState"] -eq [InstallState]::NotInstalled) { Write-Error "Moc is not in an installed state. Cannot read NetworkController config in Moc" $ret = $false # Cannot continue any more tests without Moc return $ret } # Get networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress = $mocConfig["networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress"] # Get networkControllerLbSubnetRef $networkControllerLbSubnetRef = $mocConfig["networkControllerLbSubnetRef"] # Get networkControllerLnetRef $networkControllerLnetRef = $mocConfig["networkControllerLnetRef"] # Get vipPool $vipPoolDefaultName = $mocConfig["defaultvippoolname"] $vipPoolDefault = Get-MocVipPool -location MocLocation -name $vipPoolDefaultName $vipPool = [VipPoolSettings]::new($vipPoolDefault.name, $vipPoolDefault.properties.startIp, $vipPoolDefault.properties.endIp) } # ----- Tests ----- # Check networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress" $uri = "https://$networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress" $result = Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $uri if (-not $result) { Write-Error "Cannot connect to NetworkController with the networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress $networkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress" $ret = $false # Cannot test any more without the Network Controller Uri return $ret } # Check networkControllerLnetRef Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerLnetRef" $result = Test-NetworkControllerReference $uri $networkControllerLnetRef if (-not $result) { Write-Error "networkControllerLnetRef ($networkControllerLnetRef) cannot be found in the Network Controller" $ret = $false } # Check networkControllerLbSubnetRef Write-Verbose "Check networkControllerLbSubnetRef" $lbSubnetWebResult = $null $result = Test-NetworkControllerReference $uri $networkControllerLbSubnetRef ([ref]$lbSubnetWebResult) if (-not $result) { Write-Error "networkControllerLbSubnetRef ($networkControllerLbSubnetRef) cannot be found in the Network Controller" $ret = $false } # Check the vipPool -- uses previous networkControllerLbSubnetRef result Write-Verbose "Check vippool setting" if ($null -ne $lbSubnetWebResult) { $result = Test-NetworkControllerDefaultVipPool ($lbSubnetWebResult.Content) $vipPool if (-not $result) { Write-Error "AksHci Vippool ip range is not within the NetworkController Vippool range" $ret = $false } } else { Write-Warning "Skipping Vippool Test, lb Subnet Ref not found in Network Controller" } return $ret } function Test-NetworkControllerFqdnOrIpAddress([string]$ConnectionUri) { try { $result = Invoke-WebRequest $ConnectionUri/networking/discovery -UseBasicParsing if ($result.StatusCode -eq 200) { return ($result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).resourceId -eq "discovery" } } catch { } return $false } function Test-NetworkControllerReference([string]$ConnectionUri, [string]$subRef, [ref]$webResult) { $uri = "$ConnectionUri/networking/v1$subRef" $result = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri if ($null -eq $result -or $result.StatusCode -ne 200) { return $false } # set the webResult if it was passed if ($null -ne $webResult) { $webResult.Value = $result } return $true } function Test-NetworkControllerDefaultVipPool([string]$lbSubnetContent, [VipPoolSettings]$mocVipPool) { $ncVippool = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $lbSubnetContent).Properties.ipPools.Properties if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ncVippool)) { return $false } # check that the IP addresses are in the following order # NCVippoolStart -> MocVippoolStart -> MocVippoolEnd -> NCVippoolEnd return ( [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($ncVippool.startIpAddress, $vipPool.VipPoolStart) -and [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($vipPool.VipPoolStart, $vipPool.VipPoolEnd) -and [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($vipPool.VipPoolEnd, $ncVippool.endIpAddress) ) } function Get-FirstNcVmName() { $networkControllerVMName = $null $isMultiNode = $false try { $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $isMultiNode = $failoverCluster -ne $null } catch {} try { if ($isMultiNode) { Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($networkControllerVMName)) { Write-Msg "Checking $_" $networkControllerVMName = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock { (Get-VM | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | where-object { $_.IPAddresses.Contains($((Get-NetTCPConnection -RemotePort 8571).RemoteAddress)) }).VMName } } } } else { $networkControllerVMName = (Get-VM | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | where-object { $_.IPAddresses.Contains($((Get-NetTCPConnection -RemotePort 8571).RemoteAddress)) }).VMName } } catch { Write-Error("Unable to detect NC VM name") } return $networkControllerVMName } function Get-NatRuleMap { <# .DESCRIPTION Fetches the ssh nat lb rules for the group and caches it. Returns a map of all ssh nat rules for the given group .PARAMETER groupName Group name #> param ( [Parameter()] [String] $groupName ) if ($script:natRuleCache -ne $null) { $ruleMap = $script:natRuleCache[$groupName] if ($ruleMap -ne $null) { return $ruleMap } } else { $script:natRuleCache = @{} } $ruleMap = @{} $lbs = Get-MocLoadBalancer -group $groupName if ($lbs -eq $null) { $script:natRuleCache[$groupName] = $ruleMap return $ruleMap } $inboundLb = $lbs | where-object { $_.properties.inboundNatRules -ne $null } foreach($lb in $inboundLb) { $sshNatRules = $lb.properties.inboundNatRules | ` Where-Object { $_.Properties.backendPort -eq 22 } if($sshNatRules -ne $null) { $feIP = $lb.properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0].properties.ipAddress foreach($natRule in $sshNatRules) { $port = $natRule.properties.frontendPort $sshData = @{} $sshData["ip"] = $feIP $sshData["port"] = $port $ruleMap[$natRule.Name] = $sshData } } } $natRuleCache[$groupName] = $ruleMap return $ruleMap } function Get-AksHciSdnSshEndpoint { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetches the ssh ip and port for the given VM. .DESCRIPTION When SDN integration is configured, ssh access to the vm is via the inbound nat rule. This cmdlet fetches the frontend nat ip address and port from the loadbalancer. .PARAMETER VMName Name of the VM as shown in hyper-v for which the ssh configuration should be fetched. If VMName is omitted, ssh information for all the vms in the given cluster is fetched. .PARAMETER ClusterName Name of the targetcluster where the vm belongs .PARAMETER Management Denotes that the information should be fetched for the management cluster. .EXAMPLE # Fetch ssh endpoint of the management cluster VMs Get-AksHciSdnSshEndpoint -Management .EXAMPLE # Fetch ssh endpoint of the given VM from the given target cluster Get-AksHciSdnSshEndpoint -VMName testcluster-control-plansfdsfe-c784t-d0e6fasdffe2 -clustername testcluster .EXAMPLE # Fetch ssh endpoints for all the VM from the given target cluster Get-AksHciSdnSshEndpoint -clustername testcluster #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $VMName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Cluster')] [String] $ClusterName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Management')] [Switch] $Management ) $groupName = "clustergroup" if (-not $Management.IsPresent) { $groupName += "-$ClusterName" } if (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VMName)) { $vmAr = $VMName.Split("-") $mocVmName = ($vmAr | select -First ($vmAr.count - 1)) -join "-" $mocVms = Get-MocVirtualMachine -Name $mocVmName -group $groupName } else { $mocVms = Get-MocVirtualMachine -group $groupName } $eps = @() $mocVms | Foreach-Object { $nicName = $_.virtualmachineproperties.networkprofile.networkinterfaces[0].id $ep = Get-NatEndpoint -nicName $nicName -groupName $groupName $result = New-Object -TypeName psobject $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name VMName -Value $_.Name $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name PrivateIP -Value $ep.privateip $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SSH-IP -Value $ep.ip $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SSH-Port -Value $ep.port $eps += $result } return $eps } function Get-NatEndpoint { <# .DESCRIPTION Fetches the ssh frontend nat ip and port for the given nic. When SDN integration is configured, ssh access to the node is via the inbound nat rule .PARAMETER nicName Networkinterface name .PARAMETER groupName Group name #> param ( [Parameter()] [String] $nicName, [Parameter()] [String] $groupName ) $nic = Get-MocNetworkInterface -group $groupName -name $nicName $natRuleName = $nic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.loadBalancerInboundNatRules[0].name if ($natRuleName -eq $null -or $natRuleName[0] -eq $null) { return $null } $ruleMap = Get-NatRuleMap -groupName $groupName $ep = $ruleMap[$natRuleName] $ep["privateip"] = $nic.properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.privateIPAddress return $ep } function Get-AksHciSdnLogs { <# .DESCRIPTION Collects SDN logs. .PARAMETER networkControllerVMName NetworkController VM name. If there are more than one VM, use any one of the VM name. #> param ( [Parameter()] [String] $NetworkControllerVMName, [Parameter()] [switch] $SkipAksHciLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $VirtualMachineLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $AgentLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $EventLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $KvaLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $DownloadSdkLogs, [Parameter()] [switch] $BillingRecords ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NetworkControllerVMName)) { $NetworkControllerVMName = Get-FirstNcVmName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($NetworkControllerVMName)) { Write-Error("Unable to detect NC VM name, please use -networkControllerVMName and provide one of the NC vm name") -ErrorAction Stop } if(-not $skipAksHciLogs.IsPresent) { $zipName = Get-AksHciLogs -EventLogs:$EventLogs.IsPresent -KvaLogs:$KvaLogs.IsPresent -DownloadSdkLogs:$DownloadSdkLogs.IsPresent ` -BillingRecords:$BillingRecords.IsPresent -VirtualMachineLogs:$VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -AgentLogs:$AgentLogs.IsPresent } $environmentDetails = Get-SdnInfrastructureInfo -NetworkController $NetworkControllerVMName Install-SdnDiagnostics -ComputerName ($environmentDetails.FabricNodes | where {$_ -ne $null}) Start-SdnDataCollection -NetworkController $environmentDetails.NetworkController[0] -Role Gateway,NetworkController,Server,LoadBalancerMux -IncludeLogs -IncludeNetView Write-Host "AKS-HCI Log location $zipName" -ForegroundColor Green } function Test-IsAksHciInstalled() { try { $config = (Get-AksHciConfig -ErrorAction Stop).AksHci } catch { $isNotInstalled = $_.InvocationInfo.Line.Contains("generic_cannot_deploy") if ($isNotInstalled) { return $false } if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "CommandNotFoundException") { return $false } throw } $currentState = $config.installState if (-not $currentState) { return $false } switch($currentState) { $([InstallState]::NotInstalled) { return $false } $([InstallState]::InstallFailed) { return $false } } return $true } function Write-ConnectionResult([string] $scenario, $result) { $status = $true $result | Foreach-Object { Write-Msg "Test Connection Result - IP $($_.IP), Port $($_.Port), Status $($_.Status)" if ($($_.Status) -eq "Failed") { $status = $false } } if ($status) { Write-Msg "Test Connection for $scenario, Status Succeeded" } return $status } function Test-Connectivity([string]$ip, [string]$port) { $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" try { $result = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $ip -Port $port -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) IP [$ip] Port [$port]" if ($result -eq $null -or $result.TcpTestSucceeded -ne $true) { return $false } } finally { $ProgressPreference = "Continue" } return $true } function Test-AllLoadbalancingRules([string]$lbName, [string]$group, [bool]$includeSsh) { $testResult = Get-TestResult -testName "LBConnectivity" -testResults @() try { $lb = Get-MocLoadBalancer -name "$lbName" -group $group $feIP = $lb.properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0].properties.ipAddress $fePorts = @() $lb.properties.loadBalancingRules | foreach-object { $fePorts += $_.Properties.FrontendPort } if ($includeSsh) { $fePorts += "22" } $overallStatus = $true $fePorts | foreach-object { $status = Test-Connectivity -ip $feIP -port $_ $detailedStatus = "LB [$lbName] feIP [$feIP] fePort [$_] status " if ($status) { $detailedStatus += "[Success]" } else { $detailedStatus += "[Failed]" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "LBConnectivity" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $detailedStatus $testResult.TestResults += $result $overallStatus = $overallStatus -and $result.Passed } } catch { $testResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ $overallStatus = $false } $testResult.Passed = $overallStatus return $testResult } function Test-ManagementControlPlaneConnectivity() { $testResult = Get-TestResult -testName "ManagementControlPlaneConnectivity" -testResults @() try { Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $kvaName = (Get-KvaConfig).kvaname $lbName = "$kvaName-load-balancer" $lbTestResult = Test-AllLoadbalancingRules -lbName $lbName -group "clustergroup" -includeSsh $false $status = $lbTestResult.Passed $testResult.TestResults += $lbTestResult $testResult.Passed = $lbTestResult.Passed if (-not $status) { throw "Management controlplane connectivity test failed" } Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } catch { Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -err $_ $testResult.Passed = $false $testResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ } return $testResult } function Test-TargetControlPlaneConnectivity() { param ( [string]$clusterName ) $testName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $testResult = Get-TestResult -testName $testName -testResults @() -isSuccess $true try { Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" $status = $true $clusters = Get-AksHciCluster -ErrorAction Stop -Name $clusterName $clusters | ForEach-Object { $name = $($_.Name) Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Cluster [$name]" $lbName = "$($_.Name)-load-balancer" $lbTestResult = Test-AllLoadbalancingRules -lbName $lbName -group "clustergroup-$name" -includeSsh $false $lbTestResult.TestName = "$testName-[$name]" $status = $status -and $lbTestResult.Passed $testResult.TestResults += $lbTestResult $testResult.Passed = $testResult.Passed -and $lbTestResult.Passed } if (-not $status) { throw "TargetControlPlaneConnectivity test failed" } Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } catch { Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -err $_ $testResult.Passed = $false $testResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ } return $testResult } function Reset-Key { param ( [string]$sshIP, [string]$sshPort ) if ($sshPort -eq "22") { $keyGenAddress = $sshIP } else { $keyGenAddress = "[$sshIP]`:$sshPort" } (& ssh-keygen -R $keyGenAddress) 2>&1>$null } function Run-SshCommand { param ( [string]$sshIP, [string]$sshPort, [string]$command, [bool]$windows = $false ) Reset-Key -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort $sshKey = (Get-MocConfigCache).sshPrivateKey if ($windows) { $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command) $encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $response = (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $sshKey -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$script:WindowsUserName@$sshIP" -p $sshPort powershell.exe -NonInteractive -encodedCommand $encodedCommand 2>$null) } else { $response = (& ssh -oBatchMode=yes -i $sshKey -o LogLevel=ERROR -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$script:LinuxUserName@$sshIP" -p $sshPort $command) } return $response } function Test-CloudAgentConnectivity { param ( [string]$sshIP, [string]$sshPort, [bool]$windows = $false ) Reset-Key -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort $sshKey = (Get-MocConfigCache).sshPrivateKey $cloudFqdn = $(Get-MocConfigCache).cloudFqdn $cloudAgentAddress = (Resolve-dnsName $cloudFqdn -Type A -DnsOnly -ErrorAction Stop).IPAddress $status = $false if ($windows) { $command =" invoke-command -scriptblock { try { (Test-NetConnection $cloudAgentAddress -port $script:CloudAgentPort -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).TcpTestSucceeded } catch { } }" $response = Run-SshCommand -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort -command $command -windows $windows $status = ($response -ieq "True") } else { $cloudAgentEndpoint = $cloudAgentAddress + ":" + $script:CloudAgentPort $command = "curl --connect-timeout 5 $cloudAgentEndpoint --stderr - `| grep curl:" $response = Run-SshCommand -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort -command $command -windows $windows $status = $response -ieq $script:CloudAgentCurlResponse } if ($status) { $msg = "Cloudagent connectivity to [$cloudAgentAddress] succeeded" } else { $msg = "Cloudagent connectivity to [$cloudAgentAddress] failed" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "cloudagent" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $msg return $result } function Test-InternetConnectivity { param ( [string]$sshIP, [string]$sshPort, [bool]$windows = $false ) Reset-Key -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort $sshKey = (Get-MocConfigCache).sshPrivateKey $status = $false $response = $null if ($windows) { $command =" invoke-command -scriptblock { try { (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $($script:InternetUrl) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).Content } catch { } }" } else { $command = "curl --connect-timeout 5 $($script:InternetUrl) -s -f" } $response = Run-SshCommand -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort -command $command -windows $windows $status = $response -ieq $script:NCSIResponse if ($status) { $msg = "Internet connectivity to [$script:InternetUrl] succeeded" } else { $msg = "Internet connectivity to [$script:InternetUrl] failed" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "internet" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $msg return $result } function Test-DnsResolution { param ( [string]$sshIP, [string]$sshPort, [bool]$windows = $false ) Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Query [$script:DnsResolutionName]" if ($windows) { $command =" invoke-command -scriptblock { try { (Resolve-DnsName -Type A -DnsOnly $script:DnsResolutionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue).IPAddress } catch { } }" } else { $command = "dig +short A $script:DnsResolutionName | grep -v ';' " } $response = Run-SshCommand -sshIP $sshIP -sshPort $sshPort -command $command -windows $windows Write-Verbose "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Response [$response]" $status = (-not [String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($response)) -and $response.Count -gt 0 if ($status) { $msg = "DNS resolution to [$script:DnsResolutionName] succeeded" } else { $msg = "DNS resolution to [$script:DnsResolutionName] failed" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "dns" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $msg return $result } function Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity { param ( [ValidateSet("cloudagent", "dns", "internet", "inbound")] [string]$scenario ) try { Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" $kvaName = (Get-KvaConfig).kvaname $lbName = "$kvaName-load-balancer" $lb = Get-MocLoadBalancer -name "$lbName" -group $(GetClusterGroup) $feIP = $lb.properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0].properties.ipAddress if ($scenario -ne "inbound" -and $script:VmInboundAccessState["managementControlPlane"] -eq $false) { Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) [SKIP NO INBOUND ACCESS] Scenario [$scenario]" -Warning throw "Test skipped, no inbound access to the management control plane vm" } switch ($scenario) { "inbound" { $status = $(Test-Connectivity -ip $feIP -port 22) $script:VmInboundAccessState["managementControlPlane"] = $result if ($status) { $msg = "Inbound connectivity to $feIP succeeded" } else { $msg = "Inbound connectivity to $feIP failed" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "inbound" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $msg break } "cloudagent" { $result = $(Test-CloudAgentConnectivity -sshIP $feIP -sshPort "22" -windows $false) break } "dns" { $result = $(Test-DnsResolution -sshIP $feIP -sshPort "22" -windows $false) break } "internet" { $result = $(Test-InternetConnectivity -sshIP $feIP -sshPort "22" -windows $false) break } } $status = $result.Passed if (-not $status) { throw "Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity Scenario [$scenario] failed" } Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" return $result } catch { Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" -err $_ return $false } } function Convert-Error($e) { return $e | Select-Object @{N="Message"; E={$_.Exception.Message}}, @{N="Stack"; E={$_.ScriptStackTrace.Split("`n")[0]}} } function Test-VMConnectivity { param ( [ValidateSet("inbound","cloudagent", "dns", "internet")] [string]$scenario, [string]$vmName, [string]$group ) $result = $false try { $vmTestResult = Get-VMTestResult -vmName $vmName -isSuccess $result -testName $scenario if ($scenario -ne "inbound" -and $script:VmInboundAccessState["$vmName"] -eq $false) { $msg = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) [SKIP NO INBOUND ACCESS] Scenario [$scenario] Group [$group] VM [$vmName]" Write-Msg -msg $msg -Warning $vmTestResult.DetailedStatus = $msg return $vmTestResult } Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario] Group [$group] VM [$vmName]" $cloudFqdn = $(Get-MocConfigCache).cloudFqdn $cloudAgentAddress = (Resolve-dnsName $cloudFqdn -Type A -DnsOnly -ErrorAction Stop).IPAddress $sshKey = $(Get-MocConfigCache).sshPrivateKey $lbName = "$name-load-balancer" $lb = Get-MocLoadBalancer -name $lbName -group $group $feIP = $lb.properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0].properties.ipAddress $vm = Get-MocVirtualMachine -group $group -name $vmName $nicName = $_.virtualmachineproperties.networkprofile.networkinterfaces[0].id $isWindows = $_.virtualmachineproperties.osprofile.osType -eq "Windows" $endpoint = Get-NatEndpoint -groupName $group -nicName $nicName if ($endpoint -eq $null) { $msg = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Unable to find ssh endpoint for vm $($_.Name) in cluster $name" $vmTestResult.DetailedStatus = $msg Write-Fail -msg $msg return } $sshInfo = "[$($endpoint.ip)`:$($endpoint.port)]" $vmTestResult.SSHInfo = $sshInfo Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario] Group [$group] VM [$vmName], SSH [$($endpoint.ip)`:$($endpoint.port)]" switch ($scenario) { "inbound" { $status = $(Test-Connectivity -ip $($endpoint.ip) -port $($endpoint.port)) $script:VmInboundAccessState["$vmName"] = $status if ($status) { $msg = "Inbound connectivity to $sshInfo succeeded" } else { $msg = "Inbound connectivity to $sshInfo failed" } $result = Get-Result -scenario "inbound" -isSuccess $status -detailedStatus $msg break } "cloudagent" { $result = $(Test-CloudAgentConnectivity -sshIP $($endpoint.ip) -sshPort $($endpoint.port) -windows $isWindows) break } "dns" { $result = $(Test-DnsResolution -sshIP $($endpoint.ip) -sshPort $($endpoint.port) -windows $isWindows) break } "internet" { $result = $(Test-InternetConnectivity -sshIP $($endpoint.ip) -sshPort $($endpoint.port) -windows $isWindows) break } } $vmTestResult.Results = @($result) $vmTestResult.Passed = $result.Passed if (-not $result.Passed) { throw "Test-VMConnectivity Scenario [$scenario] VM [$vmName] failed " } Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario] Group [$group] VM [$vmName]" } catch { Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario] Group [$group] VM [$vmName]" -err $_ $vmTestResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ $vmTestResult.Passed = $false } return $vmTestResult } function Test-TargetClusterConnectivity { param ( [ValidateSet("inbound", "cloudagent", "dns", "internet")] [string]$scenario, [string]$clusterName ) $testName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)[$scenario]" $testResult = Get-TestResult -testName $testName -isSuccess $true -testResults @() try { Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" $cloudFqdn = $(Get-MocConfigCache).cloudFqdn $cloudAgentAddress = (Resolve-dnsName $cloudFqdn -Type A -DnsOnly -ErrorAction Stop).IPAddress $sshKey = $(Get-MocConfigCache).sshPrivateKey $status = $true $clusters = Get-AksHciCluster -ErrorAction Stop -Name $clusterName $clusters | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.Name $group = "clustergroup-$name" Write-Msg -msg "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Cluster [$name]" $lbName = "$name-load-balancer" $lb = Get-MocLoadBalancer -name $lbName -group $group $feIP = $lb.properties.frontendIPConfigurations[0].properties.ipAddress $vms = Get-MocVirtualMachine -group $group $vms | ForEach-Object { $result = Test-VMConnectivity -scenario $scenario -vmName $_.Name -group $group $testResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } } if (-not $status) { throw "Test-TargetClusterConnectivity [$scenario] failed" } Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" } catch { $status = $false Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) Scenario [$scenario]" -err $_ $testResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ } finally { $testResult.Passed = $status } return $testResult } function Test-ManagementClusterNetwork() { param ( [ValidateSet("cloudagent", "dns", "internet", "inbound", "all")] [string]$scenario = "all" ) $status = $true $mgmtClusterResult = Get-ClusterTestResult -clusterName "Management" -testResults @() try { switch($scenario) { {$_ -in "inbound", "all"} { $result = Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity -scenario "inbound" $mgmtClusterResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "controlplane", "all"} { $result = Test-ManagementControlPlaneConnectivity $mgmtClusterResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "cloudagent", "all"} { $result = Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity -scenario "cloudagent" $mgmtClusterResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "dns", "all"} { $result = Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity -scenario "dns" $mgmtClusterResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "internet", "all"} { $result = Test-ManagementClusterConnectivity -scenario "internet" $mgmtClusterResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } } } catch { $status = $false $mgmtClusterResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ } $mgmtClusterResult.Passed = $status return $mgmtClusterResult } function Test-TargetClusterNetwork() { param ( [ValidateSet("controlplane","cloudagent", "dns", "internet", "inbound", "all")] [string]$scenario="all", [string]$clusterName ) $status = $true $testName = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)[$scenario]" $testResult = Get-TestResult -testName $testName -isSuccess $true -testResults @() try { $clusters = Get-AksHciCluster -ErrorAction Stop -Name $clusterName $clusters | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.Name $clusterTestResult = Get-ClusterTestResult -clusterName $name -isSuccess $true -testResults @() $testResult.TestResults += $clusterTestResult switch($scenario) { {$_ -in "inbound", "all"} { $result = Test-TargetClusterConnectivity -clusterName $name -scenario "inbound" $clusterTestResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "controlplane", "all"} { $result = Test-TargetControlPlaneConnectivity -clusterName $name $clusterTestResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "cloudagent", "all"} { $result = Test-TargetClusterConnectivity -clusterName $name -scenario "cloudagent" $clusterTestResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "dns", "all"} { $result = Test-TargetClusterConnectivity -clusterName $name -scenario "dns" $clusterTestResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } {$_ -in "internet", "all"} { $result = Test-TargetClusterConnectivity -clusterName $name -scenario "internet" $clusterTestResult.TestResults += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed } } } } catch { $status = $false $testResult.DetailedStatus = Convert-Error $_ } finally { $testResult.Passed = $status } return $testResult } function Test-AksHciSdnNetwork() { <# .SYNOPSIS Validates various network connectivity when SDN integration with AKS-HCI is present. .DESCRIPTION Performs the following validations for management and target clusters 1. DNS resolution for bing.com 2. Internet connectivity by connecting to "http://www.msftncsi.com/ncsi.txt" 3. Connectivity from the vm to cloudagent endpoint on the physical host 4. Inbound ssh connectivity to the VMs from the physical host #> if (-not $(Test-IsAksHciInstalled)) { Write-Warning "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand) AksHci is not installed, skipping validation" return } $status = $true $results = @() $result = Test-ManagementClusterNetwork $results += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed $result = Test-TargetClusterNetwork $results += $result $status = $status -and $result.Passed if ($status) { Write-Pass -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } else { Write-Fail -testName "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" -msg "One or more tests failed" } Write-TestResults $results return $results } |