
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# AksHci Day 0/2 Operations

#requires -runasadministrator

using module .\Common.psm1

#region Module Constants

$moduleName       = "AksHci"
$moduleVersion    = "1.1.18"

#region Download catalog constants

$catalogName = "aks-hci-stable-catalogs-ext"
$ringName = "stable"

# Major version is checked for compatibilty between PS and product
$supportedProductVersion = "1.0.0"


#region Aliases

Set-Alias -Name Initialize-AksHciNode -Value Initialize-MocNode


# Install Event Log
New-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName


#region to capture TraceCmdlet Configmap details

class TraceConfigDetails{
    [string] $DeploymentId
    [string] $Catalog
    [string] $Audience
    [string] $AksHciVersion
    [string] $ModuleName
    [string] $Offer
    [string] $ModuleVersion


#region Private Function

function Initialize-AksHciConfiguration
        Initialize AksHci Configuration
        Wipes off any existing cached configuration

    if ($global:config.ContainsKey($moduleName)) {

    $global:config += @{
        $moduleName = @{
            "installationPackageDir"  = ""
            "installState"            = [InstallState]::NotInstalled
            "manifestCache"           = ""
            "moduleVersion"           = $moduleVersion
            "skipUpdates"             = $false
            "stagingShare"            = ""
            "useStagingShare"         = $false
            "version"                 = ""
            "workingDir"              = ""
            "catalog"                 = ""
            "ring"                    = ""
            "proxyServerCertFile"     = ""
            "proxyServerHTTP"         = ""
            "proxyServerHTTPS"        = ""
            "proxyServerNoProxy"      = ""
            "proxyServerPassword"     = ""
            "proxyServerUsername"     = ""
            "deploymentId"            = ""


#region global config

Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable "GenericLocMessage" -FileName commonLocalizationMessages
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable "AksHciLocMessage" -FileName AksHciLocalizationMessages

#region Exported Functions

function New-AksHciNetworkSetting
        Create an object for a new virtual network.
        Create a virtual network to set the DHCP or static IP address for the control plane,
        load balancer, agent endpoints, and a static IP range for nodes in all Kubernetes
        clusters. This cmdlet will return a VirtualNetwork object, which can be used later in
        the configuration steps.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER vswitchName
        The name of the vswitch
    .PARAMETER MacPoolName
        The name of the mac pool
        The VLAN ID for the vnet
    .PARAMETER ipaddressprefix
        The address prefix to use for static IP assignment
    .PARAMETER gateway
        The gateway to use when using static IP
    .PARAMETER dnsservers
        The dnsservers to use when using static IP
    .PARAMETER vippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services'
    .PARAMETER vippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services
    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.
    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.
        VirtualNetwork object
        New-AksHciNetworkSetting -name External -vippoolstart -vippoolend
        New-AksHciNetworkSetting -name "Defualt Switch" -ipaddressprefix -gateway -dnsservers, -vippoolstart -vippoolend

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [string] $vswitchName,

        [String] $MacPoolName = $global:cloudMacPool,

        [int] $vlanID = $global:defaultVlanID,

        [String] $ipaddressprefix,

        [String] $gateway,

        [String[]] $dnsservers,

        [String] $vippoolstart,

        [String] $vippoolend,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolstart,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolend
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_ `
                          -CmdletParameters "name $name vswitchName $vswitchName MacPoolName $MacPoolName gateway $gateway dnsservers $dnsservers vippoolstart $vippoolstart vippoolend $vippoolend k8snodeippoolstart $k8snodeippoolstart k8snodeippoolend $k8snodeippoolend"                 
        throw $_

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                 -CmdletParameters "name $name vswitchName $vswitchName MacPoolName $MacPoolName gateway $gateway dnsservers $dnsservers vippoolstart $vippoolstart vippoolend $vippoolend k8snodeippoolstart $k8snodeippoolstart k8snodeippoolend $k8snodeippoolend"

    return New-VirtualNetwork -name $name -vswitchName $vswitchName -MacPoolName $MacPoolName -vlanID $vlanID -ipaddressprefix $ipaddressprefix -gateway $gateway -dnsservers $dnsservers -vippoolstart $vippoolstart -vippoolend $vippoolend -k8snodeippoolstart $k8snodeippoolstart -k8snodeippoolend $k8snodeippoolend

function Test-ModuleCompatibility
        Tests if the requested product version is compatible with the version(s) understood by
        this Powershell module.
    .PARAMETER Version
        The AKS HCI product version to be tested for compatibility.

    param (
        [String] $Version

    $result = Compare-Versions -Version $script:supportedProductVersion -ComparisonVersion $Version
    if ($result -eq 0)
        return $true

    $errorMsg = $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_incompatible_version, $Version, $moduleName, $moduleVersion))

    if ($result -lt 0)
        $errorMsg += $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_older_version, $moduleName))
        $errorMsg += $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_newer_version, $moduleName))

    throw $errorMsg

function Set-AksHciConfig
        Set or update the configurations settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
        Set the configuration settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host. If you're deploying
        on a 2-4 node Azure Stack HCI cluster or a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter failover cluster,
        you must specify the imageDir and cloudConfigLocation parameters. For a single node Windows
        Server 2019 Datacenter, all parameters are optional and set to their default values. However,
        for optimal performance, we recommend using a 2-4 node Azure Stack HCI cluster deployment.
    .PARAMETER workingDir
        This is a working directory for the module to use for storing small files. Defaults to %systemdrive%\akshci
        for single node deployments. For multi-node deployments, this parameter must be specified. The path must
        point to a shared storage path such as c:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\ImageStore or an SMB share such as
    .PARAMETER imageDir
        The path to the directory where Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI will store its VHD images.
        Defaults to %systemdrive%\AksHciImageStore for single node deployments. For multi-node deployments,
        this parameter must be specified. The path must point to a shared storage path such as
        C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\ImageStore or a SMB share such as \\fileshare\ImageStore.
    .PARAMETER version
        The version of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI that you want to deploy. The default is the
        latest version. We do not recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER cloudConfigLocation
        The location where the cloud agent will store its configuration. Defaults to %systemdrive%\wssdcloudagent
        for single node deployments. The location can be the same as the path of -imageDir. For multi-node
        deployments, this parameter must be specified. The path must point to a shared storage path such as
        C:\ClusterStorage\Volume2\ImageStore or an SMB share such as \\fileshare\ImageStore. The location needs to
        be on a highly available share so that the storage will always be accessible.
    .PARAMETER nodeConfigLocation
        The location where the node agents will store their configuration. Every node has a node agent, so its
        configuration is local to it. This location must be a local path. Defaults to %systemdrive%\programdata\wssdagent
        for all deployments.
    .PARAMETER cloudLocation
        This parameter provides a custom Microsoft Operated Cloud location name. The default name is "MocLocation".
        We do not recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER vnet
        A VirtualNetwork object created using the New-AksHciNetworkSetting cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER controlplaneVmSize
        The size of the VM to create for the control plane. To get a list of available VM sizes, use Get-AksHciVmSize.
    .PARAMETER kvaName
        Kubernetes Virtual Appliance name. We do not recommend changing the default.
        Configures the Kubernetes POD CIDR. We do not recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER nodeAgentPort
        The TCP/IP port number that node agents should listen on. Defaults to 45000. We do not recommend changing the
    .PARAMETER nodeAgentAuthorizerPort
        The TCP/IP port number that node agents should use for their authorization port. Defaults to 45001. We do not
        recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER cloudAgentPort
        The TCP/IP port number that cloud agent should listen on. Defaults to 55000. We do not recommend changing the
    .PARAMETER cloudAgentAuthorizerPort
        The TCP/IP port number that cloud agent should use for its authorization port. Defaults to 65000. We do not
        recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER clusterRoleName
        This specifies the name to use when creating cloud agent as a generic service within the cluster. This defaults
        to a unique name with a prefix of ca- and a guid suffix (for example: "ca-9e6eb299-bc0b-4f00-9fd7-942843820c26").
        We do not recommend changing the default.
    .PARAMETER cloudServiceCidr
        This can be used to provide a static IP/network prefix to be assigned to the MOC CloudAgent service. This value
        should be provided using the CIDR format. (Example: You may want to specify this to ensure that
        anything important on the network is always accessible because the IP address will not change. Default is none.
    .PARAMETER proxySettings
        A ProxySettings object created using the New-AksHciProxySetting cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER sshPublicKey
        Path to an SSH public key file. Using this public key, you will be able to log in to any of the VMs created by
        the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI deployment. If you have your own SSH public key, you will pass
        its location here. If no key is provided, we will look for one under %systemdrive%\akshci\.ssh\akshci_rsa.pub.
        If the file does not exist, an SSH key pair in the above location will be generated and used.
    .PARAMETER skipHostLimitChecks
        Requests the script to skip any checks it does to confirm memory and disk space is available before allowing the
        deployment to proceed. We do not recommend using this setting.
    .PARAMETER skipRemotingChecks
        Requests the script to skip any checks it does to confirm remoting capabilities to both local and remote nodes.
        We do not recommend using this setting.
    .PARAMETER insecure
        Deploys Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI components such as cloud agent and node agent(s) in insecure
        mode (no TLS secured connections). We do not recommend using insecure mode in production environments.
    .PARAMETER forceDnsReplication
        DNS replication can take up to an hour on some systems. This will cause the deployment to be slow. To bypass this
        issue, try to use this flag. The -forceDnsReplication flag is not a guaranteed fix. If the logic behind the flag
        fails, the error will be hidden, and the command will carry on as if the flag was not provided.
    .PARAMETER macPoolStart
        This is used to specify the start of the MAC address of the MAC pool that you wish to use for the Azure Kubernetes
        Service host VM. The syntax for the MAC address requires that the least significant bit of the first byte should
        always be 0, and the first byte should always be an even number (that is, 00, 02, 04, 06...). A typical MAC address
        can look like: 02:1E:2B:78:00:00. Use MAC pools for long-lived deployments so that MAC addresses assigned are
        consistent. This is useful if you have a requirement that the VMs have specific MAC addresses. Default is none.
    .PARAMETER macPoolEnd
        This is used to specify the end of the MAC address of the MAC pool that you wish to use for the Azure Kubernetes
        Service host VM. The syntax for the MAC address requires that the least significant bit of the first byte should
        always be 0, and the first byte should always be an even number (that is, 00, 02, 04, 06...). The first byte of
        the address passed as the -macPoolEnd should be the same as the first byte of the address passed as the
        -macPoolStart. Use MAC pools for long-lived deployments so that MAC addresses assigned are consistent. This is
        useful if you have a requirement that the VMs have specific MAC addresses. Default is none.
    .PARAMETER useStagingShare
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER containerRegistry
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER catalog
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER ring
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER deploymentId
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER skipUpdates
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER stagingShare
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER kvaSkipWaitForBootstrap
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER deploymentType
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER enablePreview
        Enable AKS HCI Early Access Preview feature on Azure.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

        [String] $workingDir = $global:defaultWorkingDir,

        [String] $imageDir,
        [String] $version,
        [String] $stagingShare = $global:defaultStagingShare,

        [String] $cloudConfigLocation = $global:defaultCloudConfigLocation,
        [String] $nodeConfigLocation = $global:defaultNodeConfigLocation,

        [String] $cloudLocation = $global:defaultCloudLocation,

        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet,

        [VmSize] $controlplaneVmSize = $global:defaultMgmtControlPlaneVmSize,

        [String] $kvaName = (New-Guid).Guid,

        [String] $kvaPodCIDR = $global:defaultPodCidr,

        [Switch] $kvaSkipWaitForBootstrap,

        [int] $nodeAgentPort = $global:defaultNodeAgentPort,
        [int] $nodeAgentAuthorizerPort = $global:defaultNodeAuthorizerPort,

        [int] $cloudAgentPort = $global:defaultCloudAgentPort,

        [int] $cloudAgentAuthorizerPort = $global:defaultCloudAuthorizerPort,

        [String] $clusterRoleName = $($global:cloudAgentAppName + "-" + [guid]::NewGuid()),

        [String] $cloudServiceCidr = "",

        [ProxySettings] $proxySettings = $null,

        [String] $sshPublicKey,

        [Switch] $skipUpdates,

        [Switch] $skipHostLimitChecks,

        [Switch] $skipRemotingChecks,

        [Switch] $insecure,

        [Switch] $forceDnsReplication,

        [String] $macPoolStart,

        [String] $macPoolEnd,

        [switch] $useStagingShare,

        [ContainerRegistry] $containerRegistry = $null,

        [String] $catalog = $script:catalogName,

        [String] $ring = $script:ringName,

        [String] $deploymentId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString(),

        [int] $operatorTokenValidity = $global:operatorTokenValidity,

        [int] $addonTokenValidity = $global:addonTokenValidity,

        [float] $certificateValidityFactor = $global:certificateValidityFactor,

        [Switch] $enablePreview

        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                          -CmdletParameters "version $version proxySettings $proxySettings catalog $catalog ring $ring moduleName $moduleName kvaName $kvaName enablePreview $enablePreview"
        throw $_ 

    Confirm-Configuration `
        -useStagingShare:$useStagingShare.IsPresent -stagingShare $stagingShare -vnet $vnet

    Set-ProxyConfiguration -proxySettings $proxySettings -moduleName $moduleName

    if ($enablePreview.IsPresent)
        $catalog = "aks-hci-stable-catalogs-ext"
        $ring = "earlyaccesspreview"

    Set-MocConfig -activity $activity -workingDir $workingDir -imageDir $imageDir -stagingShare $stagingShare `
        -cloudConfigLocation $cloudConfigLocation -nodeConfigLocation $nodeConfigLocation `
        -vnet $vnet -cloudLocation $cloudLocation `
        -nodeAgentPort $nodeAgentPort -nodeAgentAuthorizerPort $nodeAgentAuthorizerPort `
        -cloudAgentPort $cloudAgentPort -cloudAgentAuthorizerPort $cloudAgentAuthorizerPort -version $version `
        -clusterRoleName $clusterRoleName -cloudServiceCidr $cloudServiceCidr -skipUpdates:$skipUpdates.IsPresent `
        -skipHostLimitChecks:$skipHostLimitChecks.IsPresent -insecure:$insecure.IsPresent `
        -forceDnsReplication:$forceDnsReplication.IsPresent `
        -useStagingShare:$useStagingShare.IsPresent -macPoolStart $macPoolStart -macPoolEnd $macPoolEnd `
        -sshPublicKey $sshPublicKey -skipRemotingChecks:$skipRemotingChecks.IsPresent `
        -proxySettings $proxySettings -catalog $catalog -ring $ring `
        -deploymentId $deploymentId -certificateValidityFactor $certificateValidityFactor

    Set-KvaConfig -activity $activity -workingDir $workingDir -imageDir $imageDir -stagingShare $stagingShare `
        -kvaName $kvaName -kvaPodCIDR $kvaPodCIDR -kvaSkipWaitForBootstrap:$kvaSkipWaitForBootstrap.IsPresent `
        -controlplaneVmSize $controlplaneVmSize `
        -vnet $vnet -cloudLocation $cloudLocation  `
        -skipUpdates:$skipUpdates.IsPresent -insecure:$insecure.IsPresent `
        -useStagingShare:$useStagingShare.IsPresent -version $version -macPoolStart $macPoolStart -macPoolEnd $macPoolEnd `
        -proxySettings $proxySettings -containerRegistry:$containerRegistry `
        -catalog $catalog -ring $ring `
        -cloudAgentPort $cloudAgentPort -cloudAgentAuthorizerPort $cloudAgentAuthorizerPort `
        -deploymentId $deploymentId -operatorTokenValidity $operatorTokenValidity -addonTokenValidity $addonTokenValidity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_creating_config, $moduleName))

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "workingDir" -value $workingDir
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "manifestCache" -value ([io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $("$catalog.json")))
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $workingDir | out-null

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "moduleVersion" -value $moduleVersion
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::NotInstalled)
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "stagingShare" -value $stagingShare
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "skipUpdates" -value $skipUpdates.IsPresent
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "useStagingShare" -value $useStagingShare.IsPresent
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Set-AKsHciConfigValue -name "deploymentId" -value $deploymentId

    if (-not $version)
        $version = Get-ConfigurationValue -Name "version" -module $moduleName
        if (-not $version)
            # If no version is specified, use the latest
            $version = Get-AksHciLatestVersion
            Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "version" -value $version
        Get-AksHciLatestVersion | out-null # This clears the cache
        Get-ProductRelease -Version $version -module $moduleName | Out-Null
        Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "version" -value $version

    Test-ModuleCompatibility -Version $version | Out-Null

    $installationPackageDir = [io.Path]::Combine($workingDir, $version)
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value $installationPackageDir
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $installationPackageDir | Out-Null
    Save-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName  -WorkingDir $workingDir
    Save-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_saved_config)

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters "version $version proxySettings $proxySettings catalog $catalog ring $ring moduleName $moduleName kvaName $kvaName enablePreview $enablePreview"

function Set-AksHciConfigValue
       Persists a configuration value to the registry
   .PARAMETER name
       Name of the configuration value
   .PARAMETER value
       Value to be persisted

   param (
       [String] $name,
       [Object] $value

   Set-ConfigurationValue -name $name -value $value -module $moduleName

function Get-AksHciConfig
        List the current configuration settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
        List the current configuration settings for the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    Import-AksHciConfig -activity $activity

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_get_config, $moduleName))
    $global:config[$modulename]["installState"] = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -type ([Type][InstallState]) -name "installState"
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return $global:config

function Import-AksHciConfig
        Loads a configuration from persisted storage. If no configuration is present
        then a default configuration can be optionally generated and persisted.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [Switch] $createIfNotPresent,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_import_config)

    # Check if configuration exists
    if (Test-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName)
        # 1. Trigger an import of the dependent configurations
        Get-MocConfig | Out-Null
        Get-KvaConfig | Out-Null

        Import-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_cannot_deploy, $moduleName))
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -module $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_import_config_complete)

function Install-AksHci
        Install the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI agents/services and host.
        Install the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI agents/services and host.
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -createConfigIfNotPresent -skipMgmtKubeConfig -skipInstallationCheck -activity $activity


    Install-AksHciInternal -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Enable-AksHciPreview
        Enable AKSHCI catalog and ring configuration to expose early access preview builds.
        Enable AKSHCI catalog and ring configuration to expose early access preview builds.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER catalog
        Release catalog for AKS HCI. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER ring
        Audience (aka ring) type of each catalog. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

        [String] $catalog = "aks-hci-stable-catalogs-ext",

        [String] $ring = "earlyaccesspreview"


    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_ `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    #Set MocConfig for early access preview
    Enable-MocPreview -catalog $catalog -ring $ring

    #Set KvaConfig for early access preview
    Enable-KvaPreview -catalog $catalog -ring $ring

    #Set AksHCiConfig for early access preview
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_enable_preview, $moduleName))

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_preview_config, $moduleName))
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Write-Warning $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_preview_warning)

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Disable-AksHciPreview

        Disable AKSHCI catalog and ring configuration which exposes early access preview builds and revert to a stable build.
        Disable AKSHCI catalog and ring configuration which exposes early access preview builds and revert to a stable build.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress.
    .PARAMETER catalog
        Release catalog for AKS HCI. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.
    .PARAMETER ring
        Audience (aka ring) type of each catalog. Reserved for internal use. We do not recommend using this parameter.

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,

        [String] $catalog = "aks-hci-stable-catalogs-ext",

        [String] $ring = "stable"

    $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_ `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    #Set MocConfig
    Disable-MocPreview -catalog $catalog -ring $ring

    #Set KvaConfig
    Disable-KvaPreview -catalog $catalog -ring $ring

    #Set AksHCiConfig
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_preview_disable, $moduleName))
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "catalog" -value $catalog
    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "ring" -value $ring
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_config_update, $moduleName))
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters


function Restart-AksHci
        Restart Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI and remove all deployed Kubernetes clusters.
        Restarting Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI will remove all of your Kubernetes clusters
        if any, and the Azure Kubernetes Service host. It will also uninstall the Azure Kubernetes Service on
        Azure Stack HCI agents and services from the nodes. It will then go back through the original install
        process steps until the host is recreated. The Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI configuration
        that you configured via Set-AksHciConfig and the downloaded VHDX images are preserved.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -skipMgmtKubeConfig -activity $activity -skipInstallationCheck

    Uninstall-AksHci -SkipConfigCleanup -activity $activity

    Install-AksHciInternal -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Uninstall-AksHci
        Removes Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
        Removes Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI. If PowerShell commands are run on a cluster
        where Windows Admin Center was previously used to deploy, the PowerShell module checks the existence
        of the Windows Admin Center configuration file. Windows Admin Center places the Windows Admin Center configuration file across all nodes.
    .PARAMETER SkipConfigCleanup
        skips removal of the configurations after uninstall.
        After Uninstall, you have to Set-AksHciConfig to install again.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [Switch] $SkipConfigCleanup,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 

        Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -skipMgmtKubeConfig -activity $activity

        $configDetails = Get-TraceConfigDetails

        $aksHciRegistration = Get-AksHciRegistration
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($aksHciRegistration.azureResourceGroup))
            catch [Exception]
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_azure_connection_warning)

        Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Uninstalling)
            $clusters = Get-AksHciCluster
            foreach($cluster in $clusters)
                    Remove-AksHciCluster -Name $cluster.Name -Confirm:$false
                catch [Exception]
                    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception)
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
                    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_cannot_delete_target_cluster, $moduleName))
        catch [Exception]
            Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
    catch [Exception]
        # If AksHci is not installed, you would reach here
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"

        Uninstall-Kva -SkipConfigCleanup:$SkipConfigCleanup.IsPresent -activity $activity
    catch [Exception]
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
    #ConfigMap details are not available after kva is uninstalled
        Uninstall-Moc -SkipConfigCleanup:$SkipConfigCleanup.IsPresent -activity $activity
    catch [Exception]
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $configDetails

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::NotInstalled)
    if (!$SkipConfigCleanup.IsPresent)
        Reset-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed

function Get-AksHciKubernetesVersion
        List the available versions for creating a managed Kubernetes cluster.
        List the available versions for creating a managed Kubernetes cluster.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
            throw $_ 

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_kube_versions)


    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Get-AksHciVmSize
        Get the current Kubernetes version of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
        Get the current Kubernetes version of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
        throw $_ }

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_vm_size)

    $result = @()

    foreach($definition in $global:vmSizeDefinitions)
        $size = [ordered]@{'VmSize' = $definition[0]; 'CPU' = $definition[1]; 'MemoryGB' = $definition[2]}
        $result += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $size

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                 -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
    return $result

function Set-AksHciCluster
        Scale the number of control plane nodes or worker nodes in a cluster.
        Scale the number of control plane nodes or worker nodes in a cluster. The control plane nodes and the
        worker nodes must be scaled independently.
        Name of the cluster
    .PARAMETER controlPlaneNodeCount
        The number of control plane nodes to scale to
    .PARAMETER linuxNodeCount
        The number of Linux worker nodes to scale to
    .PARAMETER windowsNodeCount
        The number of Windows worker nodes to scale to
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='controlplane')]
        [int] $controlPlaneNodeCount,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='worker')]
        [int] $linuxNodeCount,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='worker')]
        [int] $windowsNodeCount,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
            throw $_ 

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $mgmtCluster = (Get-KvaConfig)["kvaName"]
    if ($Name -ieq $mgmtCluster)
        throw $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_scaling_unsupported)

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "controlplane")
        Set-KvaClusterNodeCount -Name $Name -controlPlaneNodeCount $controlPlaneNodeCount -activity $activity
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "worker")
        Write-Output @"
WARNING: Set-AksHciCluster can now only be used to scale either the control plane node count
or the worker count of the default nodepools that were created as a part of the
older cluster creation workflow. Please consider using Set-AksHciNodePool to manage
your node pool worker count as it can be used for any nodepool.
- Get a list of cluster1's nodepools:
`tGet-AksHciNodePool -ClusterName "cluster1"
- Scale "nodepool1" to 2 worker nodes:
`tSet-AksHciNodePool -ClusterName "cluster1" -Name "nodepool1" -Count 2

        if ($windowsNodeCount -gt 0)
            $cluster = Get-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity
            Test-SupportedKubernetesVersion -imageType Windows -k8sVersion $cluster.KubernetesVersion
        Set-KvaClusterNodeCount -Name $Name -linuxNodeCount $linuxNodeCount -windowsNodeCount $windowsNodeCount -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                   -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function New-AksHciCluster
        Create a new managed Kubernetes cluster.
        Create a new Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI cluster.
        Name of the cluster
    .PARAMETER kubernetesVersion
        Version of kubernetes to deploy
    .PARAMETER controlPlaneNodeCount
        The number of control plane (master) nodes
    .PARAMETER linuxNodeCount
        The number of Linux worker nodes
    .PARAMETER windowsNodeCount
        The number of Windows worker nodes
    .PARAMETER controlplaneVmSize
        The VM size to use for control plane nodes
    .PARAMETER loadBalancerVmSize
        The VM size to use for the cluster load balancer
    .PARAMETER linuxNodeVmSize
        The VM size to use for Linux worker nodes
    .PARAMETER windowsNodeVmSize
        The VM size to use for Windows worker nodes
    .PARAMETER nodePoolName
        The name of the node pool
    .PARAMETER nodeCount
        The number of worker nodes in the node pool
    .PARAMETER nodeMaxPodCount
        The maximum number of pods that can run on a worker node
    .PARAMETER taints
        A list of taints to put on each worker node
    .PARAMETER nodeVmSize
        The VM size to use for the worker nodes in the node pool
    .PARAMETER osType
        The OS type for the worker nodes in the node pool
    .PARAMETER enableADAuth
        Whether the call should or not setup Kubernetes for AD Auth
    .PARAMETER enableMonitoring
        Enable deploying the monitoring once cluster creation is complete.
    .PARAMETER vnet
        The virtual network to use for the cluster. If not specified, the virtual network
        of the management cluster will be used
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER primaryNetworkPlugin
        Network plugin (CNI) definition. Simple string values can be passed to this parameter such as "flannel", or "calico". Defaults to "calico".
    .PARAMETER clusterStorageContainer
        Storage container that is associated to the Cluster.
    .PARAMETER loadBalancerSettings
        LoadBalancer object specifying the type and other params of the loadbalancer

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, DefaultParameterSetName = 'twonodepools')]
    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $kubernetesVersion = $global:defaultTargetK8Version,

        [int] $controlPlaneNodeCount = 1,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'twonodepools')]
        [int] $linuxNodeCount = 1,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'twonodepools')]
        [int] $windowsNodeCount = 0,

        [String] $controlplaneVmSize = $global:defaultControlPlaneVmSize,

        [String] $loadBalancerVmSize = $global:defaultLoadBalancerVmSize,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'twonodepools')]
        [String] $linuxNodeVmSize = $global:defaultWorkerVmSize,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'twonodepools')]
        [String] $windowsNodeVmSize = $global:defaultWorkerVmSize,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidNodePoolName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $nodePoolName = $global:defaultNodePoolName,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [int] $nodeCount = $global:defaultWorkerNodeCount,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [int] $nodeMaxPodCount = 0,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [String[]] $taints,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [VmSize] $nodeVmSize = $global:defaultWorkerVmSize,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'onenodepool')]
        [OsType] $osType = $global:defaultWorkerNodeOS,




        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity,

        [ValidateScript({return $true})] #Note: ValidateScript automatically constructs the NetworkPlugin object, therefore validates the parameter
        [NetworkPlugin] $primaryNetworkPlugin = [NetworkPlugin]::new(),

        [String] $clusterStorageContainer = $global:cloudStorageContainer,

        [LoadBalancerSettings] $loadBalancerSettings

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
            throw $_

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    if (-not $loadBalancerSettings)
        # Backward compatibility
        $loadBalancerSettings  = New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting -name "haProxyLB" -LoadBalancerSku HAProxy -vmSize  Standard_K8S3_v1

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "twonodepools")
        Write-Output @"
WARNING: In a future release, New-AksHciCluster will change how node pools are created.
Currently, a user can only set a node count for two default node pools using
the parameters linuxNodeCount and windowsNodeCount.
This behavior will change giving users more control over the default node pool
created after a cluster is deployed. Please consider using the new parameters to
manage node pools below.
Parameters to be deprecated:
New parameters:
- Create a cluster that has a node pool with 1 Windows worker node:
`tNew-AksHciCluster -Name "cluster1" -osType Windows
- Create a cluster that has a node pool with 2 Linux worker nodes and a custom name:
`tNew-AksHciCluster -Name "cluster1" -nodePoolName "example-nodepool" -nodeCount 2

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_linux_kube_version)
        Test-SupportedKubernetesVersion -imageType Linux -k8sVersion $kubernetesVersion

        if ($windowsNodeCount -gt 0)
            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_windows_kube_version)
            Test-SupportedKubernetesVersion -imageType Windows -k8sVersion $kubernetesVersion

        New-KvaCluster `
            -Name $Name -kubernetesVersion $kubernetesVersion `
            -controlPlaneNodeCount $controlPlaneNodeCount -controlplaneVmSize $controlplaneVmSize `
            -loadBalancerVmSize $loadBalancerVmSize `
            -linuxNodeCount $linuxNodeCount -linuxNodeVmSize $linuxNodeVmSize `
            -windowsNodeCount $windowsNodeCount -windowsNodeVmSize $windowsNodeVmSize `
            -enableADAuth:$enableADAuth.IsPresent `
            -primaryNetworkPlugin $primaryNetworkPlugin.Name -vnet $vnet `
            -activity $activity -loadBalancerSettings $loadBalancerSettings
    elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "onenodepool")
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_other_os_kube_version, $osType))

        Test-SupportedKubernetesVersion -imageType $osType -k8sVersion $kubernetesVersion

        New-KvaCluster `
            -Name $Name -kubernetesVersion $kubernetesVersion `
            -controlPlaneNodeCount $controlPlaneNodeCount -controlplaneVmSize $controlplaneVmSize `
            -loadBalancerVmSize $loadBalancerVmSize `
            -nodePoolName $nodePoolName -nodeCount $nodeCount -nodeMaxPodCount $nodeMaxPodCount -taints $taints `
            -nodeVmSize $nodeVmSize -osType $osType `
            -enableADAuth:$enableADAuth.IsPresent `
            -primaryNetworkPlugin $primaryNetworkPlugin.Name -vnet $vnet `
            -activity $activity -loadBalancerSettings $loadBalancerSettings

    Get-AksHciCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    ## If enableMonitoring is enabled then install the monitoring with default values.
    if ($enableMonitoring.IsPresent)
        Install-AksHciMonitoring -Name $Name -storageSizeGB 100 -retentionTimeHours 240

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciCluster
        List Kubernetes managed clusters including the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
        List Kubernetes managed clusters including the Azure Kubernetes Service host.
        Name of the cluster
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) {
            throw $_

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters -allowDuplicateJobs

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_cluster_info)

    Get-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                            -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Remove-AksHciCluster
        Delete a managed Kubernetes cluster.
        Delete a managed Kubernetes cluster.
        Name of the cluster
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
            throw $_ 

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Delete the managed Kubernetes cluster"))
        if ($AsJob)
            return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

        Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

        Remove-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

        Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciClusterUpdates
        Get the available Kubernetes upgrades for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.
        Get the available Kubernetes upgrades for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.
        Name of the cluster.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress.

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $upgrades = Get-KvaClusterUpgrades -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Update-AksHciCluster
        Update a managed Kubernetes cluster to a newer Kubernetes or OS version.
        Update a managed Kubernetes cluster to a newer Kubernetes or OS version.
        Name of the cluster
    .PARAMETER kubernetesVersion
        Version of kubernetes to upgrade to
    .PARAMETER operatingSystem
        Perform an operating system upgrade instead of a kubernetes version upgrade
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $kubernetesVersion,

        [Switch] $operatingSystem,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
        throw $_ 

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Get-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity | Out-Null

    if ($operatingSystem.IsPresent -and $kubernetesVersion -ne "")
        # operating system is updated when kubernetes version is upgraded.
        # if user specifies both, just turn the switch off, because we will internally
        # update the OS.
        $operatingSystem = $false

    $nextVersion = $null
    if (-not $operatingSystem.IsPresent)
        if ($kubernetesVersion -eq "")
            # no version was requested. just try to make the highest jump.
            $nextVersion = Get-NextKubernetesVersionForUpgrade -Name $Name -activity $activity
            $nextVersion = Get-CleanInputKubernetesVersion -KubernetesVersion $kubernetesVersion

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, "Update the managed Kubernetes cluster"))
        $confirmValue = $true
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm'))
            $confirmValue = $PSBoundParameters['Confirm']
            Update-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity -operatingSystem:$operatingSystem.IsPresent -nextVersion $nextVersion -Confirm:$confirmValue
        catch [Exception]
            Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                -ChildStageName "UpdateKvaCluster" `
                                -ErrorMessage $_ `
                                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function New-AksHciNodePool
        Create a new nodepool under a cluster.
        Creates a new nodepool under a cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
        Name of the cluster
        Name of the nodepool
    .PARAMETER Count
        The number of worker nodes in the nodepool
        OS type of the node pool. Defaults to Linux
        The VM size to use for the worker nodes. Defaults to Standard_K8S3_v1
    .PARAMETER MaxPodCount
        The maximum number of pods that can run on a worker node
    .PARAMETER Taints
        A list of taints to put on each worker node
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidNodePoolName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $Name,

        [int] $Count = $global:defaultWorkerNodeCount,

        [VmSize] $VMSize = $global:defaultWorkerVmSize,

        [OsType] $OSType = $global:defaultWorkerNodeOS,

        [int] $MaxPodCount = 0,

        [String[]] $Taints,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
            -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters -allowDuplicateJobs

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_create_node_pool) -moduleName $moduleName

    New-KvaClusterNodePool `
        -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name `
        -MaxPodCount $MaxPodCount -Taints $Taints -Count $Count `
        -VMSize $VMSize -OSType $OSType `
        -activity $activity

    Get-AksHciNodePool -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciNodePool
        List a Kubernetes managed cluster's nodepools.
        List a Kubernetes managed cluster's nodepools.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
        Name of the cluster
        Name of the nodepool
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters -allowDuplicateJobs

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_cluster_node_pool_info)

    Get-KvaClusterNodePool -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Set-AksHciNodePool
        Scale a Kubernetes managed cluster's nodepool.
        Scale a Kubernetes managed cluster's nodepool.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
        Name of the cluster
        Name of the nodepool
    .PARAMETER Count
        Node count to scale to
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidNodePoolName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $Name,

        [int] $Count,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
            -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters -allowDuplicateJobs

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_scaling_node_pool)

    Set-KvaClusterNodePool -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name -Count $Count -activity $activity

    Get-AksHciNodePool -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Remove-AksHciNodePool
        Delete a nodepool in a managed Kubernetes cluster.
        Delete a nodepool in a managed Kubernetes cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
        Name of the cluster
        Name of the nodepool
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidClusterName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [ValidateScript({Test-ValidNodePoolName -Name $_ })]
        [String] $Name,

        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
            -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
            -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($name, "Delete the node pool in the managed Kubernetes cluster"))
        if ($AsJob)
            return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters -allowDuplicateJobs

        Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_delete_node_pool)

        Remove-KvaClusterNodePool -ClusterName $ClusterName -Name $Name -Confirm:$false -activity $activity

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciLogs
        Create a zipped folder with logs from all your pods.
        Create a zipped folder with logs from all your pods. This command will create an output
        zipped folder called akshcilogs.zip in your AKS on Azure Stack HCI working directory. The
        full path to the akshcilogs.zip file will be the output after running Get-AksHciLogs (for
        example, C:\AksHci\\akshcilogs.zip, where is the AKS on Azure Stack HCI
        release number).
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
    .PARAMETER VirtualMachineLogs
        Switch to get only the logs from the vm's (LB vm if unstacked deployment and management-cluster vm)
    .PARAMETER AgentLogs
        Switch to get only logs of the wssdagent and wssdcloudagent on all nodes
    .PARAMETER EventLogs
        Switch to get only Windows Event Logson all nodes
    .PARAMETER KvaLogs
        Switch to get only the logs from KVA
    .PARAMETER DownloadSdkLogs
        Switch to get only the logs from DownloadSdk
    .PARAMETER BillingRecords
        Switch to get only the billing records

    param (

        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,







        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    $allswitch = $true
    if ($VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $EventLogs.IsPresent -or $KvaLogs.IsPresent -or $DownloadSdkLogs.IsPresent -or $BillingRecords.IsPresent)
        $allswitch = $false

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -skipMgmtKubeConfig -activity $activity -skipInstallationCheck
    $logName = $("akshcilogs" + [io.Path]::GetRandomFileName())
    $logDir = [io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"], $logName)

    if ($VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -or $AgentLogs.IsPresent -or $EventLogs.IsPresent -or $allswitch)
            Get-MocLogs -path $logDir -activity $activity -VirtualMachineLogs:$VirtualMachineLogs.IsPresent -AgentLogs:$AgentLogs.IsPresent -EventLogs:$EventLogs.IsPresent | Out-Null
        catch [Exception]

    if ($allswitch -or $KvaLogs.IsPresent)
            Get-KvaLogs -path $logDir -activity $activity
        catch [Exception]

    if ($allswitch -or $DownloadSdkLogs.IsPresent)
        try {
            Get-DownloadSdkLogs -Path $logDir
        catch [Exception]

    if ($allswitch -or $BillingRecords.IsPresent)
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $logDir | Out-Null
            Get-KvaBillingRecords -activity $activity -outputformat "json" | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-List * > ($logDir + "\AksHciBillingRecords.log")
        catch [Exception]{
            Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_billing_collection_failed)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()

    $akshcilogDir = [io.Path]::Combine($logDir, "akshci")
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $akshcilogDir | Out-Null
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_collecting_info, $moduleName))
    $global:config[$moduleName] > $akshcilogDir"\AksHciConfig.txt"
    Get-AksHciEventLog | Format-List *  > $akshcilogDir"\AksHciPS.log"
    Get-Command -Module AksHci | Sort-Object -Property Source > $($akshcilogDir+"\moduleinfo.txt")

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_compressing_logs)
    $zipName = [io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"], "$logName.zip")
        Compress-Directory -ZipFilename $zipName -SourceDir $logDir
    catch [Exception]
        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $($GenericLocMessage.generic_exception)
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_cannot_compress, $zipName))
        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName  -msg $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_log_path, $logDir))
        return $logDir

    Remove-Item -Path $logDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Continue
    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_zip_path, $zipName))
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return $zipName

function Get-AksHciEventLog
        Gets all the event logs from the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI PowerShell module.
        Gets all the event logs from the Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI PowerShell module.

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_ `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    $logs = Get-WinEvent -ProviderName $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore
    $logs += Get-KvaEventLog
    $logs += Get-MocEventLog
    $logs += Get-DownloadSdkEventLog

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

    return $logs

function Enable-AksHciArcConnection
        Connects an AKS on Azure Stack HCI workload cluster to Azure Arc for Kubernetes.
        Connects an AKS on Azure Stack HCI workload cluster to Azure Arc for Kubernetes.
        cluster Name
    .PARAMETER tenantId
       tenant id for azure
    .PARAMETER subscriptionId
        subscription id for azure
    .PARAMETER resourceGroup
        azure resource group for connected cluster
    .PARAMETER credential
        credential for azure service principal
    .PARAMETER location
        azure location
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, DefaultParametersetName='None')]
    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $tenantId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $subscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $resourceGroup,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [PSCredential] $credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $location,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    # because of the parameter set we know that subid can represent the set.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subscriptionId))

    # just to ensure the cluster exists
    Get-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity | Out-Null

    # because of the parameter set we know that subid can represent the set.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subscriptionId))
        New-KvaArcConnection -Name $Name  -activity $activity
        New-KvaArcConnection -Name $Name -tenantId $tenantId -subscriptionId $subscriptionId -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -credential $credential -location $location -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_arc_installed)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Disable-AksHciArcConnection
        Helper function to remove the arc onboarding agent addon on a cluster.
        cluster Name
    .PARAMETER tenantId
       tenant id for azure
    .PARAMETER subscriptionId
        subscription id for azure
    .PARAMETER resourceGroup
        azure resource group for connected cluster
    .PARAMETER credential
        credential for azure service principal
    .PARAMETER location
        azure location
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, DefaultParametersetName='None')]
    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $tenantId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $subscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $resourceGroup,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [PSCredential] $credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='azureoveride')]
        [String] $location,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    # because of the parameter set we know that subid can represent the set.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subscriptionId))

    # just to ensure the cluster exists
    Get-KvaCluster -Name $Name -activity $activity | Out-Null

    # because of the parameter set we know that subid can represent the set.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($subscriptionId))
        Remove-KvaArcConnection -Name $Name  -activity $activity
        Remove-KvaArcConnection -Name $Name -tenantId $tenantId -subscriptionId $subscriptionId -resourceGroup $resourceGroup -credential $credential -location $location -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_arc_uninstalled)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters


function Install-AksHciAdAuth
        Install Active Directory authentication.
        Install Active Directory authentication.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER keytab
        Path to the kerberos keytab corresponding to the current password on the local machine. Must be named current.keytab
    .PARAMETER previousKeytab
        Path to the kerberos keytab corresponding to the previous password on the local machine. Must be named previous.keytab
        SPN registered for the Active Directory account to be used with the api-server.
        Time to live (in hours) for previous keytab file if supplied. Default is 10 hours
    .PARAMETER adminUser
        The user name to be given cluster-admin permissions. Machine must be domain joined.
    .PARAMETER adminGroup
        The group name to be given cluster-admin permissions. Machine must be domain joined.
    .PARAMETER adminUserSID
        The user SID to be given cluster-admin permissions.
    .PARAMETER adminGroupSID
        The group SID to be given cluster-admin permissions.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, DefaultParameterSetName='domainjoin')]
     param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $keytab,

        [String] $previousKeytab,

        [String] $SPN,

        [int] $TTL,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='domainjoin')]
        [String] $adminUser,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='domainjoin')]
        [String] $adminGroup,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='workplacejoin')]
        [String] $adminUserSID,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName='workplacejoin')]
        [String] $adminGroupSID,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $capiCluster = Get-KvaCapiCluster -Name $Name
    $canInstallWebhook = $false

    foreach($feature in $capiCluster.additionalfeatures )
        if ($feature.FeatureName -eq "ad-auth-webhook")
            $canInstallWebhook = $true

    if (-not $canInstallWebhook)
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_adauth_disabled, $Name))

    if(-not $adminUser -and -not $adminUserSID -and -not $adminGroup -and -not $adminGroupSID)
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_addon_enable_req)
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($adminUser))
            $adminUserSIDYAML = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($adminUser)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($adminGroup))
            $adminGroupSIDYAML = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($adminGroup)).Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).value
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_sid_translation_failed)
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ChildStageName "NameToSIDTranslationFailed" `
                        -ErrorMessage $_
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "workplacejoin")
        $adminUserSIDYAML = $adminUserSID
        $adminGroupSIDYAML = $adminGroupSID
    if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($previousKeytab))
        $prevKtSt = "--from-file=`"$previousKeytab`""

    $yaml = @"
apiVersion: msft.microsoft/v1
kind: AddOn
  name: ad-auth-webhook-$Name
    msft.microsoft/capicluster-name: $Name
    supportedAddOnName: ad-auth-webhook
    targetNamespace: kube-system
    templateType: yaml
      - key: AD_AUTH_SPN
        value: "$SPN"
      - key: ADMIN_USER
        value: "$adminUserSIDYAML"
      - key: ADMIN_GROUP
        value: "$adminGroupSIDYAML"
      - key: TICKET_LIFETIME
        value: "$TTL"
      - key: keytab
            name: keytab-$Name

    $yamlFile = $($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"]+"\"+$global:yamlDirectoryName+"\$Name-ad-auth-webhook.yaml")
    Set-Content -Path $yamlFile -Value $yaml -ErrorVariable err
    if ($null -ne $err -and $err.count -gt 0)
       throw $err
    Invoke-KubeCtl -arguments $("create secret generic keytab-$Name --from-file=`"$keytab`" $prevKtSt")
    Invoke-Kubectl -arguments $("apply -f ""$yamlFile"" ")

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_active_dir_sso)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters


function Uninstall-AksHciAdAuth
        Uninstall Active Directory authentication.
        Uninstall Active Directory authentication.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_

        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $yaml = @"
apiVersion: msft.microsoft/v1
kind: AddOn
  name: ad-auth-webhook-$Name
    msft.microsoft/capicluster-name: $Name
    supportedAddOnName: ad-auth-webhook
    targetNamespace: kube-system
    templateType: yaml

    $yamlFile = $($global:config[$moduleName]["installationPackageDir"]+"\"+$global:yamlDirectoryName+"\$Name-ad-auth-webhook.yaml")
    Set-Content -Path $yamlFile -Value $yaml -ErrorVariable err
    if ($null -ne $err -and $err.count -gt 0)
        throw $err

    Invoke-Kubectl -arguments $("delete -f ""$yamlFile"" ")
    Remove-Item $yamlFile

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_active_dir_sso_uninstalled)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Install-AksHciGMSAWebhook
        Installs gMSA webhook for an AKS-HCI cluster.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Set-KvaGMSAWebhook -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_gmsa_installed)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Uninstall-AksHciGMSAWebhook
        Uninstalls gmsa-webhook addon for an AKS-HCI cluster.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                        -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                        -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Reset-KvaGMSAWebhook -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_gmsa_uninstalled)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Add-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec
        Helper function to add a credentials spec for gmsa deployments on a cluster.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER credSpecFilePath
        File Path of the JSON cred spec file
    .PARAMETER credSpecName
        Name of the Kubernetes credential spec object the user would like to designate
        This will be the name the deployment yaml reference for the field gmsaCredentialSpec
    .PARAMETER secretName
        Name of the Kubernetes secret object storing the Active Directory user credentials and gMSA domain
    .PARAMETER secretNamespace
        Namespace where the Kubernetes secret object resides in
    .PARAMETER serviceAccount
        Name of the Kubernetes service account assigned to read the Kubernetes gMSA credspec object
    .PARAMETER clusterRoleName
        Name of the Kubernetes clusterrole assigned to use the Kubernetes gMSA credspec object
    .PARAMETER overwrite
        Overwrites existing Kubernetes credential spec object
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        Add-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec -Name test1 -credSpecFilePath .\credspectest.json -credSpecName credspec-test1 -secretName secret-test1 -clusterRoleName clusterrole-test1
        Creates a GMSACredentialSpec object called credspec-test1 from the JSON credential spec file credspectest.json on a target cluster named test1. The object credspec-test1 references the default namespaced secret secret-test1 created by the user for Active Directory user credentials. The cmdlet also creates a cluster role named clusterrole-test1 that binds to the default service account along with a rolebinding that resides in the default namespace.
        Add-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec -Name test1 -credSpecFilePath .\credspectest.json -credSpecName credspec-test1 -secretName secret-test1 -secretNamespace secret-namespace -clusterRoleName clusterrole-test1 -serviceAccount svc1 -overwrite
        Creates a GMSACredentialSpec object called credspec-test1 from the JSON credential spec file credspectest.json on a target cluster named test1. The object credspec-test1 references the secret secret-test1 residing in the namespace secret-namespace. Both the secret and the namespace secret-namespace are created by the user. The also cmdlet creates a cluster role named clusterrole-test1 that binds to the user-created service account svc1 along with a rolebinding that resides in the secret-namespace namespace.
        The overwrite parameter checks for existing GMSACredentialSpec, clusterrole, and rolebinding objects with the same names as the ones specified by the cmdlet parameters and overwrites them with the new setup based on the new parameters.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '', Justification='Not a plaintext password')]
    param (




        [String]$secretNamespace = "default",

        [String]$serviceAccount = "default",



        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Set-KvaGMSACredentialSpec -Name $Name -credSpecFilePath $credSpecFilePath -credSpecName $credSpecName `
        -secretName $secretName -secretNamespace $secretNamespace -serviceAccount $serviceAccount `
        -clusterRoleName $clusterRoleName -overwrite:$overwrite.isPresent -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_gmsa_cred_spec_installed)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                 -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Remove-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec
        Helper function to remove a credentials spec for gmsa deployments on a cluster.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER credSpecName
        Name of the Kubernetes credential spec object the user would like to designate
    .PARAMETER serviceAccount
        Kubernetes service account assigned to read the Kubernetes gMSA credential spec object
    .PARAMETER clusterRoleName
        Name of the Kubernetes clusterrole assigned to use the Kubernetes gMSA credential spec object
    .PARAMETER secretNamespace
        Namespace where the Kubernetes secret object resides in
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        Remove-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec -Name test1 -credSpecName credspec-test1 -clusterRoleName clusterrole-test1
        Removes the GMSACredentialSpec object credspec-test1 and the clusterrole object clusterrole-test1 along with the rolebinding object binding clusterrole-test1 to the default service account from a target cluster named test1
        Remove-AksHciGMSACredentialSpec -Name test1 -credSpecName credspec-test1 -serviceAccount svc1 -secretNamespace secret-namespace -clusterRoleName clusterrole-test1
        Removes a GMSACredentialSpec object credspec-test1 and the clusterrole object clusterrole-test1 from the target cluster test1. The rolebinding object binding clusterrole-test1 to the service account svc1 is also removed from the secret-namespace namespace in the target cluster named test1.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '', Justification='Not a plaintext password')]
    param (


        [String]$serviceAccount = "default",


        [String]$secretNamespace = "default",

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Reset-KvaGMSACredentialSpec -Name $Name -credSpecName $credSpecName -serviceAccount $serviceAccount `
    -clusterRoleName $clusterRoleName -secretNamespace $secretNamespace -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_gmsa_cred_spec_uninstalled)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciCredential
        Access your cluster using kubectl.
        Access your cluster using kubectl. This will use the specified cluster's kubeconfig file as the default kubeconfig
        file for kubectl.
        Name of the cluster to obtain the credential/kubeconfig for.
    .PARAMETER configPath
        Location to output the credential/kubeconfig file to.
    .PARAMETER adAuth
        To get the Active Directory SSO version of the kubeconfig.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$False, SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
    param (
        [string] $Name,

        [string] $configPath = $($env:USERPROFILE+"\.kube\config"),

        [Switch] $adAuth,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, $("Retrieve and write the cluster kubeconfig file to $configPath")))
        Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

        Get-KvaClusterCredential -Name $Name -outputLocation $configPath -adAuth:$adAuth.IsPresent -activity $activity

        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

        Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                     -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Repair-AksHciClusterCerts
        Attempts to repair failed TLS on a cluster/cloudagent
        Name of the node/cluster to fix
    .PARAMETER sshPrivateKeyFile
        Kubeconfig for the cluster the node belongs to
    .PARAMETER $fixCloudCredentials
        Fix cloud tls in a cluster
    .PARAMETER $fixKubeletCredentials
        Fix failed TLS on a cluster
    .PARAMETER force
        Force repair(without checks)
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'cloud')]
    param (
        [string] $Name,

        [string] $sshPrivateKeyFile,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='cloud')]
        [Switch] $fixCloudCredentials,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='kubelet')]
        [Switch] $fixKubeletCredentials,

        [Switch] $force,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    if (-not $sshPrivateKeyFile) {
        $m = Get-MocConfig
        $sshPrivateKeyFile = $m["sshPrivateKey"]

    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "cloud")
        Repair-KvaCerts -Name $Name -sshPrivateKeyFile $sshPrivateKeyFile -force:$force.IsPresent -activity $activity

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq "kubelet")
        Repair-KvaCluster -Name $Name -sshPrivateKeyFile $sshPrivateKeyFile -fixCertificates -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Repair-AksHciCerts
        Attempts to repair failed TLS on a cluster .
    .PARAMETER sshPrivateKeyFile
        Kubeconfig for the cluster the node belongs to
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [string] $sshPrivateKeyFile,

        [Switch] $force,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    if (-not $sshPrivateKeyFile) {
        $m = Get-MocConfig
        $sshPrivateKeyFile = $m["sshPrivateKey"]

    Repair-KvaCerts -sshPrivateKeyFile $sshPrivateKeyFile -force:$force.IsPresent -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Sync-AksHciBilling
        Sync Aks-Hci billing.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $syncResult = Sync-KvaBilling -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return $syncResult

function Get-AksHciBillingStatus
        Get Aks-Hci billing status.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $statusResult = Get-KvaBillingStatus -activity $activity -outputformat "json" | ConvertFrom-Json

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return $statusResult

function New-AksHciClusterNetwork
        Create network settings to be used for the target clusters.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER vswitchName
        The name of the vswitch
        The VLAN ID for the vnet
    .PARAMETER ipaddressprefix
        The address prefix to use for static IP assignment
    .PARAMETER gateway
        The gateway to use when using static IP
    .PARAMETER dnsservers
        The dnsservers to use when using static IP
    .PARAMETER vippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services'
    .PARAMETER vippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services
    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.
    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.
        VirtualNetwork object
        The cmdlet will throw an exception if the mgmt cluster is not up.
        $clusterVNetDHCP = New-AksHciClusterNetwork -name e1 -vswitchName External -vippoolstart -vippoolend
        $clusterVNetStatic = New-AksHciClusterNetwork -name e1 -vswitchName External -ipaddressprefix -gateway -dnsservers, -vippoolstart -vippoolend

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [string] $vswitchName,

        [int] $vlanID = $global:defaultVlanID,

        [String] $ipaddressprefix,

        [String] $gateway,

        [String[]] $dnsservers,

        [String] $vippoolstart,

        [String] $vippoolend,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolstart,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolend,

        [String] $activity
    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return New-KvaClusterNetwork -name $name -vswitchname $vswitchname -ipaddressprefix $ipaddressprefix -gateway $gateway -dnsservers $dnsservers -vlanID $vlanID -vippoolstart $vippoolstart -vippoolend $vippoolend -k8snodeippoolstart $k8snodeippoolstart -k8snodeippoolend $k8snodeippoolend -activity $activity


function Get-AksHciClusterNetwork
        Gets the VirtualNetwork object for a target cluster given either the vnet name or the cluster name. If no parameter is given, all vnet's are returned.
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the vnet
    .PARAMETER clusterName
        The name of the cluster (NOTE: This is P2 -- but we really want to add this functionality for Ben)
        If name is specified, the VirtualNetwork object will be returned.
        If clusterName is specified, the VirtualNetwork object that the cluster is using will be returned.
        If no parameters are specified all VirtualNetwork objects will be returned.
        The cmdlet will throw an exception if the mgmt cluster is not up.
        $clusterVNet = Get-AksHciClusterNetwork -name e1
        $clusterVNet = Get-AksHciClusterNetwork -clusterName myTargetCluster
        $allClusterVNets = Get-AksHciClusterNetwork

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [string] $clusterName,

        [String] $activity
    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return Get-KvaClusterNetwork -name $name -clusterName $clusterName -activity $activity

function Remove-AksHciClusterNetwork
        Remove a virtual network object for a target cluster
    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the vnet
        The cmdlet will throw an exception if the network is still being used.
        The cmdlet will throw an exception if the mgmt cluster is not up.
        Remove-AksHciClusterNetwork -name e1

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [String] $activity
    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
    return Remove-KvaClusterNetwork -name $name -activity $activity

function Install-AksHciMonitoring
        Installs monitoring infrastructure on AKS-HCI cluster.
        Cluster Name
    .PARAMETER storageSizeGB
        Amount of storage for Prometheus in GB
    .PARAMETER retentionTimeHours
        metrics retention time in hours. (min 2 hours, max 876000 hours(100 years))
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     param (
        [String] $Name,

        [int] $storageSizeGB,

        [int] $retentionTimeHours,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_installing_monitoring)

    Set-KvaHciMonitoring -Name $Name -storageSizeGB $storageSizeGB -retentionTimeHours $retentionTimeHours -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_installed_monitoring)
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_monitoring_progress)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Uninstall-AksHciMonitoring {
        Uninstalls monitoring from an AKS-HCI cluster.
        cluster Name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $activity
    if (-not $activity) {
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"
    trap {  
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }
    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_uninstalling_monitoring)
    Reset-KvaHciMonitoring -Name $Name -activity $activity

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_uninstalled_monitoring)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed 
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Add-AksHciNode
        Add new node to the Moc stack during a Failure Replacement Unit scenario
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The name of the node in the Failover Cluster, the node is already expected to have been added to the failover cluster
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        Add-AksHciNode -nodeName "node1"

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_adding_node)

    New-MocPhysicalNode -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Remove-AksHciNode

        Remove a failed node from the Moc stack during a Failure Replacement Unit scenario
    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The name of the node in Failover Cluster
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        If the physical machine is shut down or removed or unreachable on the network prior to the cmdlet
        this guarntees that it is removed from the cloud-agent maps but not a complete cleaup of that node.
        Remove-AksHciNode -nodeName "node1"

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_removing_node)
    Remove-MocPhysicalNode -nodeName $nodeName -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
function New-AksHciProxySetting
        Create proxy settings to be used for the Aks Hci deployment
    .PARAMETER name
        A name to associate with the proxy settings
    .PARAMETER http
        HTTP proxy server configuration
    .PARAMETER https
        HTTPS proxy server configuration
    .PARAMETER noProxy
        Proxy server exemption/bypass list
    .PARAMETER certFile
        Path to a CA certificate file used to establish trust with a HTTPS proxy server
    .PARAMETER credential
        Proxy server credentials (for basic authentication)
        Proxy Settings object
        $credential = Get-Credential
        $proxySetting = New-AksHciProxySetting -http http://contosoproxy:8080 -https https://contosoproxy:8080 -noProxy "localhost,,.svc,,," -credential $credential -certFile c:\proxyca.crt

    param (
        [String] $name,

        [String] $http,

        [String] $https,

        [String] $noProxy = $global:defaultProxyExemptions,

        [String] $certFile,

        [PSCredential] $credential = [PSCredential]::Empty

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 
    Test-ProxyConfiguration -http $http -https $https -certFile $certFile

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
    return [ProxySettings]::new($credential, $name, $http, $https, $noProxy, $certFile)

function Get-AksHciProxySetting
        Returns AksHci proxy settings
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        Proxy Settings object

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $http = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTP"]
    $https = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTPS"]
    $noProxy = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerNoProxy"]
    $certFile = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerCertFile"]
    $credentials = [PSCredential]::Empty

    if ($($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]) -and $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"]))
        $securePass = $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"]) | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $global:credentialKey
        $credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]), $securePass

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
    return [ProxySettings]::new($credentials, "", $http, $https, $noProxy, $certFile)

function New-AksHciContainerRegistry
        Create container registry settings to be used for the Aks Hci deployment
    .PARAMETER server
        The container registry server name
    .PARAMETER credential
        Credential to connect to the container registry (if required)
        Container Registry object
        $credential = Get-Credential
        $registry = New-AksHciContainerRegistry -server "ecpacr.azurecr.io" -credential $credential

    param (
        [String] $server,

        [PSCredential] $credential = [PSCredential]::Empty
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
    return [ContainerRegistry]::new($credential, $server)


#region Installation and Provisioning functions

function Install-AksHciInternal
        The main deployment method for AksHci. This function is responsible for installing MOC stack and
        the management appliance/cluster.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installing)
        # Pre-requisite
        Install-Moc -activity $activity

        Get-AksHciPackage -Version (Get-AksHciVersion)

        Install-Kva -activity $activity
            $zipName = Get-AksHciLogs
            $errorMessage += "`r`n Logs are available at $zipName"
            Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message "$activity - $_"
        Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::InstallFailed)
        throw $_

    Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_installation_complete)

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)

function Initialize-AksHciEnvironment
        Executes steps to prepare the environment for AksHci operations.
    .PARAMETER createConfigIfNotPresent
        Whether the call should create a new AksHci deployment configuration if one is not already present.
    .PARAMETER skipMgmtKubeConfig
        Whether the call should skip a check to ensure that a appliance/management kubeconfig is present.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String]$activity = "Preparing Environment"
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_initializing_environment) -moduleName $moduleName

    Import-AksHciConfig -createIfNotPresent:($createConfigIfNotPresent.IsPresent) -activity $activity
    Initialize-Environment -checkForUpdates:$false -moduleName $script:moduleName

    if (-not $skipInstallationCheck.IsPresent)
        if (-not (Test-IsProductInstalled -moduleName $moduleName -activity $activity))
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_module_not_installed, $moduleName))

    if (-not ($skipMgmtKubeConfig.IsPresent))
        Get-Kva -activity $activity | Out-Null

function Get-AksHciVersion
        Get the current Kubernetes version of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
        Get the current Kubernetes version of Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -skipMgmtKubeConfig -activity $activity -skipInstallationCheck
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

    return $global:config[$modulename]["version"]

function Update-AksHci
        Update the Azure Kubernetes Service host to the latest Kubernetes version.
        Update the Azure Kubernetes Service host to the latest Kubernetes version.
        Performed as step updates, updating to the next available version until latest version is achieved.
        Execute asynchronously as a background job
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [Switch] $AsJob,

        [String] $activity
        1. Check if versions later than current version are available
            a. If yes, prompt for upgrade
            b. If no, return silenty, printing a message
        2. If upgrade is requested, do the following check
        3. In case of multiple available newer versions
            a. Run upgrade from current version to next, repeating until latest available version is achieved
            b. Upon failure, return to last successful version to be upgraded to
        4. Handle No target cluster scenarios
        5. Handle No Target and Mgmt cluster scenarios
        6. Handle scenario when the product is not installed

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_

    if ($AsJob)
        return New-BackgroundJob -name $activity -cmdletName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name -argDictionary $PSBoundParameters

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    $curState = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -type ([Type][InstallState]) -name "installState"
    if ($null -ne $curState) {
        switch ($curState) {
            ([InstallState]::Updating) {
                throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_update_in_progress, $moduleName))

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_updating)
    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_current_version, $(Get-AksHciVersion)))

    $updates = Get-AksHciUpdates

    if ($updates.Count -eq 0) {
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_latest_version)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_suitable_version)

    $currentVersion = (Get-ProductRelease -Version (Get-AksHciVersion) -moduleName $moduleName).Version
    $versionsToUpgrade = For ($v = $($updates.Keys).indexOf($currentVersion) - 1; $v -ge 0; $v-- ) {
        $tmpUpdate = $updates[$v]
        if (!$tmpUpdate.CanUpgradeTo) { break }

    # Check if we are able to find a version to upgrade to
    if (!$versionsToUpgrade) {
        throw $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_unable_to_update)

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Updating)
    $versionsToUpgrade | ForEach-Object {
        Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_upgrade_version, $_))

        $currentInstallationPath = $global:config[$modulename]["installationPackageDir"]

        # We found a version to Upgrade to
        # 1. Download the package
        Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_package_version, $_))
        Get-AksHciPackage -Version $_

        $currentMocVersion = Get-MocVersion -activity $activity
        Get-KvaVersion -activity $activity | Out-Null

        try {
            $newInstallationPath = [io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$modulename]["workingDir"], $_)
            Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value $newInstallationPath
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $newInstallationPath | Out-Null

            # Trigger the platform update
            Update-Moc -activity $activity -version $_

            # Trigger the appliance update - What happens when appliance update fails.
            Update-Kva -activity $activity -version $_

            # Set the version, once successful
            Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "version" -value $_

        } catch {
            Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::UpdateFailed)
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_update_failed, $_.Exception.Message))
            Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_cleaning_up_updates)
            # Cleanup and Revert
            Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installationPackageDir" -value $currentInstallationPath

            # Revert the platform
            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_reverting_version, $currentMocVersion))
            Update-Moc -activity $activity -version $currentMocVersion

            Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                              -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                              -ErrorMessage $_
            # Do we need to cleanup the downloaded package - keep it, so we customers may attempt to update again
            throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $GenericLocMessage.generic_update_failed, $_))

        # When upgrading from to, there is a bug which can cause billing to go out of policy.
        # To prevent this from happening, in a chained upgrade case, force a sync inbetween upgrades.
            Sync-AksHciBilling | Out-Null
        catch [Exception]
            $errorMessageString = $_.Exception.Message.ToString()
            Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_failed_billing_sync, $errorMessageString))
            Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                              -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters `
                              -ErrorMessage $_

    Set-AksHciConfigValue -name "installState" -value ([InstallState]::Installed)
    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    $currentVersion = (Get-ProductRelease -Version (Get-AksHciVersion) -moduleName $moduleName).Version
    if ($currentVersion -ine $updates[0].Version) {
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_update_not_latest, $currentVersion))

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)


#region Helper Functions

function Get-AksHciPackage
    Downloads the package of the specified AksHCI Version
    .PARAMETER Version

    param (

    # Validate the version
    Get-ProductRelease -Version $Version -moduleName $moduleName | Out-Null

function Get-AksHciLatestVersion
        Get the latest AksHci version

    $catalog = Get-LatestCatalog -moduleName $moduleName
    return $catalog.ProductStreamRefs[0].ProductReleases[0].Version

function Get-AksHciUpdates
        List the available Kubernetes updates for Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI in order.
        List the available Kubernetes updates for Azure Kubernetes Service on Azure Stack HCI in order from latest to earliest.

    param ()

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                          -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 


    $latestRelease = Get-LatestRelease -moduleName $moduleName
    $currentRelease = Get-ProductRelease -Version (Get-AksHciVersion) -moduleName $moduleName

    $latestVersion = $latestRelease.Version
    $currentVersion = $currentRelease.Version

    $upgradePath = [ordered]@{}
    if ($latestVersion -ieq $currentVersion)
    # There may be more updates that users might have not applied.
    # Show them the complete list, so they are aware of what will be updated

    # Assumption here is that product releases would be returned in order
    $updateReleases = Get-ProductReleasesUptoVersion -Version $currentVersion -moduleName $moduleName
    $targetKubernetesVersions = Get-TargetClusterKubernetesVersions

    $updateReleases | ForEach-Object  {
        $tmp = $_
        $tmpVersion = $tmp.Version
        $supportedK8sVersions = Get-AvailableKubernetesVersions -akshciVersion $tmpVersion
        $computedRelease = @{
            Version = $tmpVersion;
            SupportedKubernetesVersions = $supportedK8sVersions;
            CanUpgradeTo = $false;

        if ($tmpVersion -ieq $currentVersion)
            $computedRelease += @{
                Comments = "This is your CURRENT Version";

        if ($tmpVersion -ieq $latestVersion)
            $computedRelease += @{
                Comments = "This is the LATEST Version";

        if ($tmpVersion -gt $currentVersion)
            $script:canupgrade = $true

                # Validate that this powershell module is compatible with the proposed upgrade
                Test-ModuleCompatibility -Version $tmpVersion | out-null
            catch [Exception]
                $computedRelease += @{
                    Recommendation = $_.Exception.Message.ToString();
                $script:canupgrade = $false
                Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                  -ErrorMessage $_

            if ($script:canupgrade)
                # Validate that the current target cluster k8s versions are still supported by the proposed upgrade
                if ($targetKubernetesVersions -and $targetKubernetesVersions.Count -gt 0)
                    foreach($targetVersion in $targetKubernetesVersions)
                        if (-not ($supportedK8sVersions.OrchestratorVersion.Contains($targetVersion)))
                            $computedRelease += @{
                                Recommendation = "Target Cluster Kubernetes Version $targetVersion is not in the list of supported Kubernetes versions (" + $supportedK8sVersions.OrchestratorVersion + ") for $tmpVersion. Please upgrade your target clusters to one of the kubernetes versions supported by $tmpVersion to unblock";
                            $script:canupgrade = $false

            if ($script:canupgrade)
                $computedRelease.CanUpgradeTo = $true
                $computedRelease += @{
                    Recommendation = "You can upgrade to AksHci Version [$tmpVersion]";

        $upgradePath[$tmpVersion] = $computedRelease;

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return $upgradePath

function Test-SupportedKubernetesVersion
        Test if the specified kubernetes version is supported by the current deployment
    .PARAMETER K8sVersion
        Kubernetes version to test
    .PARAMETER imageType
        Image type can be Windows or Linux

    param (
        [String] $K8sVersion,

        [ValidateSet("Windows", "Linux")]
        [String] $imageType

    $availableVersions = Get-AvailableKubernetesVersions

    foreach($version in $availableVersions)
        if (($version.OS -ieq $imageType) -and ($version.OrchestratorVersion -ieq $k8sVersion))

    throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_unsupported_k8s, $k8sVersion, $imageType))

function Get-NextKubernetesVersionForUpgrade
        Get the next Kubernetes Version for Upgrade.
        Cluster name
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [String] $Name,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $Name"

    $upgrades = Get-KvaClusterUpgrades -Name $Name -activity $activity
    if ($upgrades.AvailableUpgrades.Count -eq 0)
        return $null

    $kubernetesVersionArray = @()
    foreach($availableVersion in $upgrades.AvailableUpgrades)
        $kubernetesVersionArray += Get-CleanInputKubernetesVersion -KubernetesVersion $availableVersion.kubernetesVersion -Semver

    $sorted = $kubernetesVersionArray | ForEach-Object { new-object System.Version ($_) } | Sort-Object -Descending
    $highestUpgradeAvailable = $sorted[0].ToString()

    return "v$highestUpgradeAvailable"

function Get-CleanInputKubernetesVersion
        Cleans the input kubernetes verison
    .PARAMETER KubernetesVersion
        KubernetesVersion string to be cleaned.
    .PARAMETER Semver
        Semver switch to enforce semver valid output.

    param (

        [Switch] $Semver

    $splitVersion = $KubernetesVersion.Split("-")
    if ($Semver.IsPresent)
        $cleanVersion = $splitVersion[0] -replace '[v]',''
        $cleanVersion = $splitVersion[0]

    return $cleanVersion

function Get-AvailableKubernetesVersions
        Returns the kubernetes versions (by OS) that are supported by the specified AksHci release
    .PARAMETER akshciVersion
        AksHci Release version. Defaults to the version of the current deployment

    param (
        [String] $akshciVersion

    $result = @()

    if (-not $akshciVersion)
        $akshciVersion = Get-AksHciVersion

    # Get the Manifest for the specified Version
    $productRelease = Get-ProductRelease -version $akshciVersion -module $moduleName
    foreach($releaseStream in $productRelease.ProductStreamRefs)
        foreach($subProductRelease in $releaseStream.ProductReleases)
            foreach ($fileRelease in $subProductRelease.ProductFiles)
                if (-not $fileRelease.CustomData.K8sPackages)

                $fileRelease.CustomData.K8SPackages | ForEach-Object {
                    $version = [ordered]@{
                        'OrchestratorType' = "Kubernetes";
                        'OrchestratorVersion' = $("v"+$_.Version);
                        'OS' = $fileRelease.CustomData.BaseOSImage.OperatingSystem;
                        'IsPreview' = $false
                    $result  += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $version

    return $result

function Confirm-Configuration
        Validates the configuration
    .PARAMETER useStagingShare
        Requests a staging share to be used for downloading binaries and images (for private testing)
    .PARAMETER stagingShare
        The staging share endpoint to use when useStagingShare is requested
    .PARAMETER vnet
        Vnet to be validated, if provided

    param (
        [Switch] $useStagingShare,
        [String] $stagingShare,
        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet

    if ($useStagingShare.IsPresent -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($stagingShare))
        throw $($GenericLocMessage.generic_staging_share_unspecified)

    # Test networking on hosts
    if ($vnet)
        # Commenting this to unblock customers and proper fix be made for Nov
        # Confirm-Vnet -vnet $vnet

function Set-AksHciRegistration
        Register an AksHci with Azure. Calls Connect-AzAccount under the covers.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
        SubscriptionId is an azure subscription id.
    .PARAMETER TenantId
        TenantId is an azure tenant id.
    .PARAMETER ArmAccessToken
        ArmAccessToken is the token for accessing arm.
    .PARAMETER GraphAccessToken
        GraphAccessToken is the token for accessing the graph.
    .PARAMETER AccountId
        AccountId is an azure account id.
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentName
        EnvironmentName is the intented public cloud.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Credential is a PSCredential holding a user's Service Principal.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
        ResourceGroupName is the name of the azure resource group to place arc resources.
    .PARAMETER Region
        Region is the name of the azure resource group to place arc resources.
    .PARAMETER UseDeviceAuthentication
        UseDeviceAuthentication outputs a code to be used in the browser.
    .PARAMETER SkipLogin
        SkipLogin skips the Connect-AzAccount call. Useful in automation or when running from a connected shell.
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $TenantId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $ArmAccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $GraphAccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $EnvironmentName = $global:azureCloud,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $Region,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $UseDeviceAuthentication,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $SkipLogin,

        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                                    -ErrorMessage $_
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { 
            throw $_ 

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -skipMgmtKubeConfig -activity $activity -skipInstallationCheck

    if (-not $SkipLogin.IsPresent)
        Set-AzureLogin -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -TenantId $TenantId -ArmAccessToken $ArmAccessToken -GraphAccessToken $GraphAccessToken -AccountId $AccountId -EnvironmentName $EnvironmentName -Credential $Credential -UseDeviceAuthentication:$UseDeviceAuthentication.IsPresent

    $kubernetesProvider = Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
    $kubernetesConfigProvider = Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

    # The RPs should always exist but just in case arm is down, bail out.
    if (($null -eq $kubernetesProvider) -or ($null -eq $kubernetesProvider))
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                           -ChildStageName "KubernetesProvidersNotExists" `
                           -ErrorMessage "Unable to check registered Resource Providers"

        throw $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_resource_provider_err)

    if (($kubernetesProvider[0].RegistrationState -ne "Registered") -or  ($kubernetesConfigProvider[0].RegistrationState -ne "Registered"))
        Write-Status -moduleName $moduleName -Verbose -msg "
Kubernetes Resource Providers are not registered for the current logged in tenant.
Please run the following commands.
With the azure cli:
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
With Azure Powershell:
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
Registration is an asynchronous process and may take approximately 10 minutes.
You can monitor the registration process with the following commands:
With the azure cli:
az provider show -n Microsoft.Kubernetes -o table
az provider show -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration -o table
With Azure Powershell:
Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

        throw $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_k8s_err)

    if ($Region -eq "")
        $rg = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName
        $Region = $rg.Location.ToLower().replace(' ', '')

    $isValidLocation = $false
    # in the case of an invalid location, build a string of all the locations to return to the user.
    $locationErrorString = ""
    foreach($location in $kubernetesProvider.Locations)
        $cleanLocation = $location.ToLower().replace(' ', '')
        if ($Region -eq $cleanLocation)
            $isValidLocation = $true

        $locationErrorString += "$cleanLocation,"

    if (-not $isValidLocation)
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) `
                           -ChildStageName "RegionNotValid" `
                           -ErrorMessage "$Region is not a valid Region for AksHci"
        throw $([System.String]::Format([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture, $AksHciLocMessage.akshci_invalid_region, $Region, $locationErrorString))

    Set-KvaRegistration -azureResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName -azureLocation $Region

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)

function Get-AksHciRegistration
        Gets the Registration for AksHci.

        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_
        throw $_ 

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails)
    return Get-KvaRegistration

function Set-AzureLogin
        Performs an Azure Login. Calls Connect-AzAccount under the covers.
    .PARAMETER SubscriptionId
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    .PARAMETER ArmAccessToken
    .PARAMETER GraphAccessToken
    .PARAMETER AccountId
    .PARAMETER EnvironmentName
    .PARAMETER Credential
    .PARAMETER UseDeviceAuthentication
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $SubscriptionId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $TenantId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $ArmAccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $GraphAccessToken,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $AccountId,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $EnvironmentName,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Switch] $UseDeviceAuthentication,

        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    if($EnvironmentName -eq $AzurePPE)
        Add-AzEnvironment -Name $AzurePPE -PublishSettingsFileUrl "https://windows.azure-test.net/publishsettings/index" -ServiceEndpoint "https://management-preview.core.windows-int.net/" -ManagementPortalUrl "https://windows.azure-test.net/" -ActiveDirectoryEndpoint "https://login.windows-ppe.net/" -ActiveDirectoryServiceEndpointResourceId "https://management.core.windows.net/" -ResourceManagerEndpoint "https://api-dogfood.resources.windows-int.net/" -GalleryEndpoint "https://df.gallery.azure-test.net/" -GraphEndpoint "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/" -GraphAudience "https://graph.ppe.windows.net/" | Out-Null

    Disconnect-AzAccount | Out-Null

    if($null -ne $Credential)
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TenantId))
            throw $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_empty_tenantid)
            Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -TenantId $TenantId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -Credential $Credential -ServicePrincipal | Out-Null
    elseif([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ArmAccessToken) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GraphAccessToken) -or [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccountId))
        # Interactive login

        $IsIEPresent = Test-Path "$env:SystemRoot\System32\ieframe.dll"

            if($IsIEPresent -and (-not $UseDeviceAuthentication))
                Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId | Out-Null
            else # Use -UseDeviceAuthentication as IE Frame is not available to show Azure login popup
                Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -UseDeviceAuthentication | Out-Null
            if($IsIEPresent -and (-not $UseDeviceAuthentication))
                Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -TenantId $TenantId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId | Out-Null
            else # Use -UseDeviceAuthentication as IE Frame is not available to show Azure login popup
                Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -TenantId $TenantId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -UseDeviceAuthentication | Out-Null
        # Not an interactive login
            Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -AccessToken $ArmAccessToken -GraphAccessToken $GraphAccessToken -AccountId $AccountId | Out-Null
            Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName -TenantId $TenantId -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -AccessToken $ArmAccessToken -GraphAccessToken $GraphAccessToken -AccountId $AccountId | Out-Null

function New-AksHciStorageContainer
        Creates a new cloud storage container
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        The name of the new storage container
        The path where the vhds will be stored

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,



        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_new_storage_container) -moduleName $moduleName

    $cloudLocation = (Get-MocConfig)["cloudLocation"]

    New-MocContainer -name $Name -path $Path -location $cloudLocation

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_storage_container_created)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName

    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Get-AksHciStorageContainer
        Gets the storage containers
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress
        The name of the storage container, if not present returns all

    param (
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name,


        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ErrorMessage $_ `
                      -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_storage_container_info)

    $cloudLocation = (Get-MocConfig)["cloudLocation"]

    $result = Get-MocContainer -name $Name -location $cloudLocation

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

    return $result

function Install-AksHciCsiSmb
        Installs csi smb plugin in an AKS-HCI cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     param (
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $ClusterName"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_install_csi_smb_plugin)

    Set-KvaCsiSmb -ClusterName $ClusterName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_csi_smb_plugin_installed)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Install-AksHciCsiNfs
        Installs csi nfs plugin in an AKS-HCI cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     param (
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $ClusterName"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_install_csi_nfs_plugin)

    Set-KvaCsiNfs -ClusterName $ClusterName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_csi_nfs_plugin_installed)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Uninstall-AksHciCsiSmb
        Uninstalls csi smb plugin in an AKS-HCI cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     param (
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $ClusterName"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_uninstall_csi_smb_plugin)

    Reset-KvaCsiSmb -ClusterName $ClusterName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_csi_smb_plugin_uninstalled)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Uninstall-AksHciCsiNfs
        Uninstalls csi nfs plugin in an AKS-HCI cluster.
    .PARAMETER ClusterName
    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

     param (
        [String] $ClusterName,

        [String] $activity

    if (-not $activity)
        $activity = "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - $ClusterName"

        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Error -eventId 100 -message "$activity - $_"
        Trace-CmdletError -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -ErrorMessage $_ -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters
        if ($ErrorActionPreference -ne [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue) { throw $_ }

    Initialize-AksHciEnvironment -activity $activity

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_uninstall_csi_nfs_plugin)

    Reset-KvaCsiNfs -ClusterName $ClusterName

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $($AksHciLocMessage.akshci_csi_nfs_plugin_uninstalled)

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $($GenericLocMessage.generic_done) -completed -moduleName $moduleName
    Trace-Cmdlet -ConfigDetails $(Get-TraceConfigDetails) -CmdletParameters $PSBoundParameters

function Confirm-Vnet
        Validate if the vnet configuration is valid

        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet

    $isMultinode = Test-MultiNodeDeployment
    $vSwitchName = $vnet.VswitchName
    $vipPoolStart = $vnet.VipPoolStart
    $vipPoolEnd = $vnet.VipPoolEnd

    if ($isMultinode)
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Test-VipPoolAgainstVnicAddressPrefix -switchName $vSwitchName -multiNode -nodeName $_.Name -PoolStart $vipPoolStart -PoolEnd $vipPoolEnd -vlanID $vnet.Vlanid
        Test-VipPoolAgainstVnicAddressPrefix -switchName $vSwitchName -nodeName ($env:computername) -PoolStart $vipPoolStart -PoolEnd $vipPoolEnd -vlanID $vnet.Vlanid

function Get-TraceConfigDetails
        Capture the config map details for the TraceCmdlet module.

    [TraceConfigDetails]$traceConfig = [TraceConfigDetails]::new()

    if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($global:config[$modulename]["version"]))
        $productRelease = Get-ProductRelease -version $global:config[$modulename]["version"] -moduleName $moduleName
        $traceConfig.Offer = "$($productRelease.ProductName)"
    $traceConfig.DeploymentId = "$($global:config[$modulename]["deploymentId"])"
    $traceConfig.Catalog = "$($global:config[$modulename]["catalog"])"
    $traceConfig.Audience = "$($global:config[$modulename]["ring"])"
    $traceConfig.AksHciVersion = "$($global:config[$modulename]["version"])"
    $traceConfig.ModuleName = $moduleName
    $traceConfig.ModuleVersion = $moduleVersion

    return $traceConfig | ConvertTo-Json

function New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting
        Create a object for load balancer.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the LoadBalancer
    .PARAMETER loadBalancerSku
        Choice of load balancer for kubernetes service none/haproxy/kubevip/metalb
    .PARAMETER loadBalancerVMSize
        Size of load balance VM
       LoadBalancer object
        New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting -Name "lb1" -loadBalancerSku KubeVIP
        New-AksHciLoadBalancerSetting -Name "lb1" -loadBalancerSku HAProxy -loadBalancerVmSize Standard_A4_v2

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [LoadBalancerSku] $LoadBalancerSku,

        [Vmsize] $vmSize

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VmSize))
         $VmSize = $global:defaultLoadBalancerVmSize

    #Temporarily setting the replica count to 1 until scale up/down is introduced.
    $loadBalancerCount = 1

    switch ($LoadBalancerSku) {
       ([LoadBalancerSku]::HAProxy) {
           #Today, if HAProxy is chosen both APi server and K8s service will use HAProxy
           $serviceLoadBalancerSku =  [LoadBalancerSku]::HAProxy
        ([LoadBalancerSku]::None) {
            # Bring your LB
            $serviceLoadBalancerSku =  $LoadBalancerSku
            $LoadBalancerSku = [LoadBalancerSku]::KubeVIP
         Default {
            $serviceLoadBalancerSku =  $LoadBalancerSku
            $LoadBalancerSku = [LoadBalancerSku]::KubeVIP

     if ($serviceLoadBalancerSku  -eq [LoadBalancerSku]::None)
         Write-Host "NOTE: None for load balancer implies the user will use their own Load Balancer, it will be user's responsibility to configure External Load Balancer correctly."
      return [LoadBalancerSettings]::new($Name, $LoadBalancerSku, $serviceLoadBalancerSku, $VmSize, $loadBalancerCount)

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# XQJe
# SIG # End signature block