Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\AkamaiPowershell.psm1 -DisableNameChecking -Force # Setup shared variables $Script:EdgeRCFile = $env:PesterEdgeRCFile $Script:SafeEdgeRCFile = $env:PesterSafeEdgeRCFile $Script:Section = 'default' $Script:TestContract = '1-1NC95D' $Script:TestGroupName = 'AkamaiPowershell' $Script:TestPropertyName = 'akamaipowershell-testing' $Script:AdditionalHostname = '' Describe 'Safe PAPI Tests' { ### Get-AccountID $Script:AccountID = Get-AccountID -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-AccountID gets an account ID' { $AccountID | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-Contracts $Script:Contracts = List-PapiContracts -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-Contracts lists contracts' { $Contracts.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } $Script:Products = List-Products -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-Products lists products' { $Products.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } ### List-Groups $Script:Groups = List-Groups -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-Groups lists groups' { $Groups.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } ### Confirm Test Group exists $Script:TestGroup = $Groups | where {$_.groupName -eq $TestGroupName} it 'Test group exists' { $TestGroup | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty break } ### Get-Group $Script:GroupByID = Get-Group -GroupID $TestGroup.groupId -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-Group by ID gets a group' { $GroupByID | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } $Script:GroupByName = Get-Group -GroupName $TestGroup.groupName -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-Group by name gets a group' { $GroupByName | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-TopLevelGroups $Script:TopLevelGroups = List-TopLevelGroups -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-TopLevelGroups lists groups' { $TopLevelGroups.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } ### List-PapiCPCodes $Script:CPCodes = List-PapiCPCodes -GroupId $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-PapiCPCodes should not be null' { $CPCodes | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PapiCPCode $Script:CPCode = Get-PapiCPCode -CPCode $CPCodes[0].cpcodeId -GroupId $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PapiCPCode should not be null' { $CPCode | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-PapiEdgeHostnames $Script:EdgeHostnames = List-PapiEdgeHostnames -GroupId $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-PapiEdgeHostnames should not be null' { $EdgeHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PapiEdgeHostname $Script:EdgeHostname = Get-PapiEdgeHostname -EdgeHostnameID $EdgeHostnames[0].EdgeHostnameId -GroupId $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PapiEdgeHostname should not be null' { $EdgeHostname | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-CustomBehaviors $Script:CustomBehaviors = List-CustomBehaviors -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-CustomBehaviors should not be null' { $CustomBehaviors | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-CustomBehaviors $Script:CustomBehavior = Get-CustomBehavior -BehaviorId $CustomBehaviors[0].behaviorId -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-CustomBehaviors should not be null' { $CustomBehavior | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PapiClientSettings $Script:ClientSettings = Get-PAPIClientSettings -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PapiClientSettings should not be null' { $ClientSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Set-PapiClientSettings $Script:ClientSettings = Set-PAPIClientSettings -RuleFormat $ClientSettings.ruleFormat -UsePrefixes $ClientSettings.usePrefixes -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Set-PAPIClientSettings should not be null' { $ClientSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-Properties $Script:Properties = List-Properties -GroupID $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-Properties lists properties' { $Properties.count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0 } ### Find-Property $Script:FoundProperty = Find-Property -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -Latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Find-Property finds properties' { $FoundProperty | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-Property by name $Script:Property = Get-Property -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-Property finds properties by name' { $Property | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-Property by ID $Script:Property = Get-Property -PropertyId $FoundProperty.propertyId -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-Property finds properties by name' { $Property | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PropertyVersion using specific $Script:PropertyVersion = Get-PropertyVersion -PropertyId $FoundProperty.propertyId -PropertyVersion $FoundProperty.propertyVersion -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyVersion finds specified version' { $PropertyVersion | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PropertyVersion using "latest" $Script:PropertyVersion = Get-PropertyVersion -PropertyId $FoundProperty.propertyId -PropertyVersion 'latest' -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyVersion finds "latest" version' { $PropertyVersion | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PropertyRuleTree to variable $Script:Rules = Get-PropertyRuleTree -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyRuleTree returns rules object' { $Rules | Should -BeOfType [PSCustomObject] $Rules.rules | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-PropertyRuleTree to file Get-PropertyRuleTree -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -OutputToFile -OutputFileName rules.json -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyRuleTree creates json file' { 'rules.json' | Should -Exist } <# ### Get-PropertyRuleTree to existing file fails it 'Get-PropertyRuleTree fails without -Force if file exists' { { Get-PropertyRuleTree -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -OutputToFile -OutputFileName temp.json -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section } | Should -Throw } #> ### Get-PropertyRuleTemplates Get-PropertyRuleTemplates -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -OutputDir templates -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyRuleTemplates creates expected files' { 'templates\main.json' | Should -Exist } ### Merge-PropertyRuleTemplates creates output file Merge-PropertyRuleTemplates -SourceDirectory templates -OutputToFile -OutputFileName templates.json it 'Get-PropertyRuleTemplates creates expected files' { 'templates.json' | Should -Exist } ### Merge-PropertyRuleTemplates creates custom object $Script:MergedRules = Merge-PropertyRuleTemplates -SourceDirectory templates it 'Merge-PropertyRuleTemplates returns rules object' { $MergedRules | Should -BeOfType [PSCustomObject] $MergedRules.rules | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### New-PropertyVersion $Script:PropertyVersion = New-PropertyVersion -PropertyId $FoundProperty.propertyId -CreateFromVersion $PropertyVersion.propertyVersion -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'New-PropertyVersion does not error' { $PropertyVersion | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Set-PropertyRuleTree via pipeline $Script:Rules = $Rules | Set-PropertyRuleTree -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-PropertyRuleTree returns rules object' { $Rules | Should -BeOfType PSCustomObject $Rules.rules | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### List-PropertyHostnames $Script:PropertyHostnames = List-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-PropertyHostnames should not be null' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Set-PropertyHostnames by pipeline $Script:PropertyHostnames = $PropertyHostnames | Set-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Set-PropertyHostnames works via pipeline' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Set-PropertyHostnames by param $Script:PropertyHostnames = Set-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -PropertyHostnames $PropertyHostnames -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Set-PropertyHostnames works via param' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Add-PropertyHostnames via param $HostnameToAdd = @{ cnameType = "EDGE_HOSTNAME" cnameFrom = $AdditionalHostname cnameTo = $PropertyHostnames[0].cnameTo } $Script:PropertyHostnames = Add-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -NewHostnames $HostnameToAdd -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Add-PropertyHostnames works via param' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Remove-PropertyHostnames $Script:PropertyHostnames = Remove-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -HostnamesToRemove $AdditionalHostname -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Remove-PropertyHostnames does not error' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Add-PropertyHostnames via param $Script:PropertyHostnames = @($HostnameToAdd) | Add-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Add-PropertyHostnames works via pipeline' { $PropertyHostnames | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } # Repeat removal to return hostnames to previous $Script:PropertyHostnames = Remove-PropertyHostnames -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -HostnamesToRemove $AdditionalHostname -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section ### List-RuleFormats $Script:RuleFormats = List-RuleFormats -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-RuleFormats returns results' { $RuleFormats | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Activate-Property $Script:Activation = Activate-Property -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -PropertyVersion latest -Network Staging -NotifyEmails "" -AcknowledgeAllWarnings -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'List-RuleFormats returns results' { $Activation.activationLink | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Get-Activation # Sanitise activation ID from previous response $Script:ActivationID = ($Activation.activationLink -split "/")[-1] if($ActivationID.contains("?")){ $ActivationID = $ActivationID.Substring(0,$ActivationID.IndexOf("?")) } $Script:ActivationResult = Get-PropertyActivation -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -ActivationID $ActivationID -EdgeRCFile $EdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Get-Activation finds the correct activation' { $ActivationResult[0].activationId | Should -Be $ActivationID } AfterAll { ### Cleanup files Remove-Item rules.json -Force Remove-Item templates.json -Force Remove-Item templates -Recurse -Force } } Describe 'Unsafe PAPI Tests' { ### New-Property $Script:NewProperty = New-Property -PropertyName $TestPropertyName -ProductID SPM -GroupID $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $SafeEdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'New-Property creates a property' { $NewProperty.propertyLink | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### Remove-Property $Script:RemoveProperty = Remove-Property -PropertyID 000000 -EdgeRCFile $SafeEdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'Remove-Property removes a property' { $RemoveProperty.message | Should -Be "Deletion Successful." } ### New-EdgeHostname $Script:NewEdgeHostname = New-EdgeHostname -DomainPrefix test -DomainSuffix -IPVersionBehavior IPV4 -ProductId SPM -SecureNetwork STANDARD_TLS -GroupID $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $SafeEdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'New-Property creates a property' { $NewEdgeHostname.edgeHostnameLink | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } ### New-CPCode $Script:NewCPCode = New-CPCode -CPCodeName testCP -ProductId SPM -GroupID $TestGroup.groupId -ContractId $TestContract -EdgeRCFile $SafeEdgeRCFile -Section $Section it 'New-Property creates a property' { $NewCPCode.cpcodeLink | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } |