
    Update a field-value
    This function updates a field-value based on a field_value_id.
    If a given field has never been set, New-AffinityFieldValue needs to be called instead of
    Set-AffinityFieldValue. Calling the wrong function will result in an error otherwise. The best way to test for
    this now is to call Get-AffinityFieldValue first, then decide which function to call based on whether a given
    field value is null or not.
    There are a few peculiarities to be aware of:
        1) allows_multiple Attribute. If a given field has the allows_multiple attribute set, then
           New-AffinityFieldValue needs to be called to add additional field values instead of
        2) dropdown_options Attribute. If a given field has the dropdown_options attribute set, then the
           -FieldValue should be set with the desired dropdown value ID instead of the desired dropdown text.
        3) value_type Attribute. Each field has different value type, which requires a different input. Please
           see for reference.
    The field_value_id from Affinity
    The value to update for a given field
    $ListEntries = Get-AffinityListEntry -ListName 'List'
    foreach ($entry in $ListEntries) {
        $EntryFieldValues = Get-AffinityFieldValue -OrganizationID $ -ListID $entry.list_id -Expand
        if ($EntryFieldValues.'Status'.field_value -like "Error") {
            Update-AffinityFieldValue -FieldValueID $EntryFieldValues.'Status'.field_value_id `
                                      -FieldValue "Success"
    No enhancements planned.

function Set-AffinityFieldValue
    [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $true)]
        # Affinity field_value_id
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0)]

        # Affinity field_value
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 1)]

    Process {
        $IAARParameters = @{
            Method = 'Put'
            Fragment = "field-values/{0}" -f $FieldValueID
            Content = @{ 'value' = $FieldValue }

        Invoke-AffinityAPIRequest @IAARParameters