
function Get-ADSITokenGroup
        Retrieve the list of group present in the tokengroups of a user or computer object.
        Retrieve the list of group present in the tokengroups of a user or computer object.
        TokenGroups attribute
    .PARAMETER SamAccountName
        Specifies the SamAccountName to retrieve
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies Credential to use
    .PARAMETER DomainDistinguishedName
        Specify the Domain or Domain DN path to use
    .PARAMETER SizeLimit
        Specify the number of item maximum to retrieve
        Francois-Xavier Cat
        Version History
        1.0 2015/04/02 Initial Version

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [Alias('UserName', 'Identity')]
        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
        [Alias('DomainDN', 'Domain')]
        [String]$DomainDistinguishedName = $(([adsisearcher]"").Searchroot.path),
        [Alias('ResultLimit', 'Limit')]
        [int]$SizeLimit = '100'
            # Building the basic search object with some parameters
            $Search = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher -ErrorAction 'Stop'
            $Search.SizeLimit = $SizeLimit
            $Search.SearchRoot = $DomainDN
            #$Search.Filter = "(&(anr=$SamAccountName))"
            $Search.Filter = "(&((objectclass=user)(samaccountname=$SamAccountName)))"
            # Credential
            IF ($PSBoundParameters['Credential'])
                $Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -ArgumentList $DomainDistinguishedName, $($Credential.UserName), $($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().password)
                $Search.SearchRoot = $Cred
            # Different Domain
            IF ($DomainDistinguishedName)
                IF ($DomainDistinguishedName -notlike "LDAP://*") { $DomainDistinguishedName = "LDAP://$DomainDistinguishedName" }#IF
                Write-Verbose -Message "[PROCESS] Different Domain specified: $DomainDistinguishedName"
                $Search.SearchRoot = $DomainDistinguishedName
            FOREACH ($Account in $Search.FindAll())
                $AccountGetDirectory = $Account.GetDirectoryEntry();
                # Add the properties tokenGroups
                $AccountGetDirectory.GetInfoEx(@("tokenGroups"), 0)
                FOREACH ($Token in $($AccountGetDirectory.Get("tokenGroups")))
                    # Create SecurityIdentifier to translate into group name
                    $Principal = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($token, 0)
                    # Prepare Output
                    $Properties = @{
                        SamAccountName = $ -as [string]
                        GroupName = $principal.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
                    # Output Information
                    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties
            Write-Warning -Message "[PROCESS] Something wrong happened!"
            Write-Warning -Message $error[0].Exception.Message
    END { Write-Verbose -Message "[END] Function Get-ADSITokenGroup End." }