
function Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole
        Function to transfers or Seizes Active Directory roles to the current DC.
        Function to transfers or Seizes Active Directory roles to the current DC.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        Specifies the Domain Controller
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Specifies alternate credentials to use. Use Get-Credential to create proper credentials.
        Specifies the Role(s) to transfer to Seize
    .PARAMETER Force
        Forces the role(s) to be seized
        Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole -ComputerName -Roles "PDCRole"
        Connects to remote domain controller using current credentials and
        attempts to transfer the PDCrole to
        Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole -ComputerName DC1 -Credential $cred -Verbose -Roles InfrastructureRole,PDCRole,RidRole,NamingRole,SchemaRole -Force
        Connects to remote domain controller using alternate credentials and seizes all the roles.
        Version History
        1.0 Initial Version (Micky Balladelli)
        1.1 Update (Francois-Xavier Cat)
            Rename from Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole to Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole
            Add New-ADSIDirectoryContext to take care of the Context
            Other minor modifications
        Micky Balladelli
        Francois-Xavier Cat

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Credential = '[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty',
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            # DirectoryContext Splatting
            $Splatting = $PSBoundParameters.Remove("Force")
            $Splatting = $Splatting.Remove("Role")
            # Create the Context
            $Context = New-ADSIDirectoryContext -ContextType 'DirectoryServer' @Splatting
            # Get the DomainController
            $DomainController = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::GetDomainController($Context)
            IF ($PSBoundParameters['Force'])
                ForEach ($RoleObj in $Role)
                    Write-Verbose -Message "[Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole][PROCESS] $($ Forcing a role transfer of role $RoleObj"
                ForEach ($RoleObj in $Role)
                    Write-Verbose -Message "[Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole][PROCESS] $($ Transferring role $RoleObj"
            Write-Verbose -Message "[Move-ADSIDomainControllerRole][PROCESS] $($ Done."
            Write-Error -Message "[Enable-ADSIDomainControllerGlobalCatalog][PROCESS] Something wrong happened"