function Get-ADSIReplicaInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-ADSIReplicaInfo retrieves Active Directory replication information .DESCRIPTION Get-ADSIReplicaInfo connects to an Active Directory Domain Controller and retrieves Active Directory replication information such as latency of replication and replication status. If no switches are used, latency information is returned. .PARAMETER ComputerName Defines the remote computer to connect to. If ComputerName and Domain are not used, Get-ADSIReplicaInfo will attempt at connecting to the Active Directory using information stored in environment variables. .PARAMETER Domain Defines the domain to connect to. If Domain is used, Get-ADSIReplicaInfo will find a domain controller to connect to. This parameter is ignored if ComputerName is used. .PARAMETER Credential Defines alternate credentials to use. Use Get-Credential to create proper credentials. .PARAMETER NamingContext Defines for which naming context replication information is to be displayed: All, Configuration, Schema, Domain. The default is Domain. .PARAMETER Neighbors Displays replication partners for the current Domain Controller. .PARAMETER Latency Organizes replication latency information by groups, such as Hour, Day, Week, Month, TooLong, Other .PARAMETER Cursors Displays replication cursors for the current Domain Controller. .PARAMETER DisplayDC Displays additional information about the currently connected Domain Controller. .PARAMETER FormatTable Formats the output as a auto-sized table and rearranges elements according to relevance. Get-ADSIReplicaInfo -Latency -FormatTable Hour Day Week Month TooLong Other ---- --- ---- ----- ------- ----- {,} {} {} {} {} {} .EXAMPLE Get-ADSIReplicaInfo Tries to find a domain to connect to and if it succeeds, it will find a domain controller to retrieve replication information. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSIReplicaInfo -ComputerName -Credential $Credential Connects to remote domain controller using alternate credentials. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSIReplicaInfo -Domain ad.local Connects to remote domain controller using current credentials. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSIReplicaInfo -Domain ad.local Connects to remote domain controller using current credentials. .NOTES Filename : Get-ADSIReplicaInfo.ps1 Author : Micky Balladelli .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ([string]$ComputerName = $null, [string]$Domain = $null, [Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential = $null, [ValidateSet("Schema", "Configuration", "Domain", "All")] [String]$NamingContext = "Domain", [Switch]$Neighbors, [Switch]$Latency, [Switch]$Cursors, [Switch]$Errors, [Switch]$DisplayDC, [Switch]$FormatTable ) # Try to determine how to connect to the remote DC. # A few possibilities: # A computername was provided # A domain name was provided # None of the above was provided, so try with either USERDNSDOMAIN or LOGONSERVER # Use alternate credentials if provided if ($ComputerName) { if ($Credential) { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "DirectoryServer", $ComputerName, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "DirectoryServer", $ComputerName } } elseif ($domain) { if ($Credential) { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "Domain", $domain, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "Domain", $domain } } elseif ($env:USERDNSDOMAIN) { if ($Credential) { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "Domain", $env:USERDNSDOMAIN, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "Domain", $env:USERDNSDOMAIN } } elseif ($env:LOGONSERVER -ne '\\MicrosoftAccount') { $logonserver = $env:LOGONSERVER.replace('\\', '') if ($Credential) { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "DirectoryServer", $logonserver, $Credential.UserName, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } else { $context = new-object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext -ArgumentList "DirectoryServer", $logonserver } } else { Write-Error -Message "Could not determine where to connect to" return } # If none of switches are present, default to at least one, so we have something to show if (!$Latency.IsPresent -and !$Neighbors.IsPresent -and !$Errors.IsPresent -and !$Cursors.IsPresent) { [switch]$Latency = $true } # Determine which DC to use depending on the context type. # If the context is Directory Server, simply get the provided domain controller, # if the context is a domain, then find a DC. switch ($context.ContextType) { "DirectoryServer"{ $dc = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::GetDomainController($context) } "Domain" { $dc = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DomainController]::FindOne($context) } default { return } } if ($dc) { if ($DisplayDC.IsPresent) { Write-Verbose -Message "Information about $($dc.Name)" $dc } $domainDN = "" $obj = $domain.Replace(',', '\,').Split('/') $obj[0].split(".") | ForEach-Object { $domainDN += ",DC=" + $_ } $domainDN = $domainDN.Substring(1) if ($Cursors.IsPresent) { foreach ($partition in $dc.Partitions) { if ($NamingContext -eq "All" -or ($NamingContext -eq "Domain" -and $partition -eq $domainDN) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Schema" -and $partition.Contains("Schema")) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Configuration" -and $partition.split(",")[0].Contains("Configuration")) ) { Write-Verbose -Message "Replication cursors for partition $partition on $($dc.Name)" $dc.GetReplicationCursors($partition) | ForEach-Object { $_ } } } } if ($Latency.IsPresent) { foreach ($partition in $dc.Partitions) { if ($NamingContext -eq "All" -or ($NamingContext -eq "Domain" -and $partition -eq $domainDN) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Schema" -and $partition.Contains("Schema")) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Configuration" -and $partition.split(",")[0].Contains("Configuration")) ) { Write-Verbose -Message "Replication latency for partition $partition on $($dc.Name)" $cursorsArray = $dc.GetReplicationCursors($partition) $sortedCursors = $cursorsArray | Sort-Object -Descending -Property LastSuccessfulSyncTime $hour = @() $day = @() $week = @() $month = @() $tooLong = @() $other = @() foreach ($cursor in $sortedCursors) { $timespan = New-TimeSpan -Start $cursor.LastSuccessfulSyncTime -End $(Get-Date) if ($timespan) { if ($timespan.Days -eq 0 -and $timespan.Hours -eq 0) { $hour += $cursor.SourceServer } elseif ($timespan.Days -eq 0 -and $timespan.Hours -ge 1) { $day += $cursor.SourceServer } elseif ($timespan.Days -lt 7) { $week += $cursor.SourceServer } elseif ($timespan.Days -le 30 -and $timespan.Days -gt 7) { $month += $cursor.SourceServer } else { $tooLong += $cursor.SourceServer } } else { # no timestamp we might have a Windows 2000 server here $other += $cursor.SourceServer } } $latencyObject = New-Object -TypeName PsCustomObject -Property @{ Hour = $hour; Day = $day; Week = $week; Month = $month; TooLong = $tooLong; Other = $other } if ($FormatTable.IsPresent) { $latencyObject | Select-Object -Property Hour, Day, Week, Month, TooLong, Other | Format-Table -AutoSize } else { $latencyObject } } } } if ($Neighbors.IsPresent -or $Errors.IsPresent) { $replicationNeighbors = $dc.GetAllReplicationNeighbors() foreach ($neighbor in $replicationNeighbors) { if ($NamingContext -eq "All" -or ($NamingContext -eq "Domain" -and $neighbor.PartitionName -eq $domainDN) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Schema" -and $neighbor.PartitionName.Contains("Schema")) -or ($NamingContext -eq "Configuration" -and $neighbor.PartitionName.split(",")[0].Contains("Configuration")) ) { Write-Verbose -Message "Replication neighbors for partition $($neighbor.PartitionName) on $($dc.Name)" if (($Errors.IsPresent -and $neighbor.LastSyncResult -ne 0) -or $Neighbors.IsPresent) { if ($FormatTable.IsPresent) { $neighbor | Select-Object SourceServer, LastSyncMessage, LastAttemptedSync, LastSuccessfulSync, PartitionName | Format-Table -AutoSize } else { $neighbor } } } } } } } |