#requires -Version 2.0 Set-Strictmode -Version 2.0 <# .SYNOPSIS Get resources from an ADML file. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an ADML file and loads message resources. .EXAMPLE Get-AdmlResource -FilePath "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ja-JP\ActiveXInstallService.adml" Set ADML file path. #> function Get-AdmlResource() { [OutputType([AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FilePath, [switch]$ForAdmxId = $false, [switch]$WithWindowsAdml = $false ) begin { Write-Verbose "Start Get-AdmlResource..." Write-Verbose "ForAdmxId : $ForAdmxId" Write-Verbose "WithWindowsAdml : $WithWindowsAdml" } process { # validation Write-Verbose "FilePath : $FilePath" if ( -not (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) ) { throw [IO.FileNotFoundException] "Get-AdmlResource : $FilePath not found." } if ( [IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) -ne ".adml" ) { throw [ArgumentException] "Get-AdmlResource : $FilePath must be .adml file." } # load xml try { $xml = [xml]((Get-Content -LiteralPath $FilePath -Encoding UTF8)) } catch { Write-Error $_ return } # displayname / description $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource" -ArgumentList ($xml.policyDefinitionResources.displayName, $xml.policyDefinitionResources.description) # stringResource $strings = $xml.policyDefinitionResources.resources.stringTable.string foreach ( $string in $strings ) { $id = $ if ($ForAdmxId) { $id = "`$(string.{0})" -f $ } $Result.Strings.Add($id, $string.InnerText) } # windows AdmlResource if ( $WithWindowsAdml ) { $windowsAdmlFullName = Join-Path (Split-Path $FilePath -Parent) "windows.adml" if ( -not (Test-Path $windowsAdmlFullName -PathType Leaf) ) { Write-Warning "$windowsAdmlFullName not found." } else { $windowsXml = [xml]((Get-Content -LiteralPath $windowsAdmlFullName -Encoding UTF8)) $strings2 = $windowsXml.policyDefinitionResources.resources.stringTable.string foreach ( $string in $strings2 ) { $id = $ if ( $ForAdmxId ) { $id = "`$(windows.{0})" -f $ } $Result.Windows.Add($id, $string.InnerText) } } } return $Result } } # Private function GetAdmxFileInfoFromXml ([string]$Name, [xml]$Xml, [AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource]$AdmlResource) { $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.AdmxFileInfo" -ArgumentList ($Name, $AdmlResource.DisplayName, $AdmlResource.Description) try { $categories = $xml.policyDefinitions.categories.category foreach ($category in $categories) { $displayName = "" if ( $AdmlResource.Strings.ContainsKey($category.displayName) ) { $displayName = $AdmlResource.Strings[$category.displayName] } $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.CategoryInfo" -ArgumentList ($, $displayName) $Result.Categories.Add($item) } } catch { # do nothing } return $Result } <# .SYNOPSIS Get ADMX file meta information. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an ADMX file and get meta information. .EXAMPLE Get-AdmxFileInfo -FilePath "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx" Set ADMX file path. .EXAMPLE Get-AdmxFileInfo -FilePath "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx" -CultureName "ja-JP" Specify culture name. #> function Get-AdmxFileInfo () { [OutputType([AdmxPolicy.AdmxFileInfo])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FilePath = "", [string]$CultureName = ((Get-Culture).Name) ) begin { Write-Verbose "Start Get-AdmxFileInfo..." Write-Verbose "CultureName : $CultureName" # set default if ( $CultureName -eq "" ) { $CultureName = (Get-Culture).Name } } process { # validation Write-Verbose "FilePath : $FilePath" if ( -not (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) ) { throw [IO.FileNotFoundException] "Get-AdmxFileInfo : $FilePath not found." } if ( [IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) -ne ".admx" ) { throw [ArgumentException] "Get-AdmxFileInfo : $FilePath must be .admx file." } # load xml try { $xml = [xml](Get-Content -LiteralPath $FilePath -Encoding UTF8) } catch { Write-Error $_ return } # get adml resource $admlPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $FilePath -Parent) "$($CultureName)\$([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath)).adml" $admlResource = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource" if ( -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $admlPath) ) { Write-Warning "ADML file($admlPath) not found." } else { $admlResource = Get-AdmlResource -FilePath $admlPath -ForAdmxId:$true } # get FileInfo $Result = GetAdmxFileInfoFromXml -Name ([IO.Path]::GetFileName($FilePath)) -Xml $xml -AdmlResource $admlResource Write-Output $Result } } # Private function TryGetAttribute ([Xml.XmlElement]$Element, [string]$AttributeName, [object]$Default) { if ( $Element.HasAttribute($AttributeName) ) { return $Element.$AttributeName } return $Default } # Private function GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode ([Xml.XmlElement]$ValueElement) { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::Unknown $value = $null switch ( $ValueElement.FirstChild.Name ) { "delete" { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::Delete $value = $null } "decimal" { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::Decimal $value = [decimal]$ValueElement.FirstChild.value } "longdecimal" { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::LongDecimal $value = [decimal]$ValueElement.FirstChild.value } "string" { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::String $value = [string]$ValueElement.FirstChild.value } Default { $type = [AdmxPolicy.ValueTypes]::Unknown $value = $ValueElement.FirstChild.value } } return New-Object "AdmxPolicy.ValueDefinition" -ArgumentList ($type, $value) } # Private function GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode ( [Xml.XmlElement]$Element ) { $defaultKey = TryGetAttribute $Element "defaultKey" "" $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.ValueDefinitionList" -ArgumentList $defaultKey foreach ( $i in $Element.item ) { $Result.Items.Add((New-Object "AdmxPolicy.ListItem" ` -ArgumentList ($i.key, $i.valueName, (GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $i.value)))) } return $Result } # Private function GetElementsInfoFromXmlNode ([Xml.XmlElement]$Elements, [AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource]$AdmlResource) { $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.ValueDefinitionElements" foreach ( $element in $Elements.ChildNodes ) { if ( $element.NodeType -ne "Element" ) { # skip comment, text etc. continue } $item = $null $id = $ $registryPath = TryGetAttribute $element "key" "" $registryValueName = TryGetAttribute $element "valueName" "" switch ( $ ) { "boolean" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.BooleanDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $trueValue = $null if ( $element.Item("trueValue") ) { $trueValue = GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $element.trueValue } $falseValue = $null if ( $element.Item("falseValue") ) { $falseValue = GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $element.falseValue } $trueList = $null if ( $element.Item("trueList") ) { $trueList = GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode -Element $element.trueList } $falseList = $null if ( $element.Item("falseList") ) { $falseList = GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode -Element $element.falseList } $item.set_Properties($trueValue, $falseValue, $trueList, $falseList) } "decimal" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.DecimalDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $required = TryGetAttribute $element "required" $false $minValue = TryGetAttribute $element "minValue" 0 $maxValue = TryGetAttribute $element "maxValue" 9999 $storeAsText = TryGetAttribute $element "storeAsText" $false $soft = TryGetAttribute $element "soft" $false $item.set_Properties($required, $minValue, $maxValue, $storeAsText, $soft) } "longdecimal" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.LongDecimalDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $required = TryGetAttribute $element "required" $false $minValue = TryGetAttribute $element "minValue" 0 $maxValue = TryGetAttribute $element "maxValue" 9999 $storeAsText = TryGetAttribute $element "storeAsText" $false $soft = TryGetAttribute $element "soft" $false $item.set_Properties($required, $minValue, $maxValue, $storeAsText, $soft) } "text" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.TextDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $required = TryGetAttribute $element "required" $false $maxLength = TryGetAttribute $element "maxLength" 1023 $soft = TryGetAttribute $element "soft" $false $expandable = TryGetAttribute $element "expandable" $false $item.set_Properties($required, $maxLength, $soft, $expandable) } "multitext" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.MultiTextDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $required = TryGetAttribute $element "required" $false $maxLength = TryGetAttribute $element "maxLength" 1023 $maxStrings = TryGetAttribute $element "maxStrings" 0 $soft = TryGetAttribute $element "soft" $false $item.set_Properties($required, $maxLength, $maxStrings, $soft) } "enum" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.EnumDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $required = TryGetAttribute $element "required" $false $item.set_Properties($required) foreach ($i in $element.item) { # key $enumKey = $i.displayName if ( $admlResource.Strings.ContainsKey($enumKey) ) { $enumKey = $admlResource.Strings[$enumKey] } # value /valueList $enumValue = GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $i.value $valueList = $null if ( $i.Item("valueList") ) { $valueList = GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode -Element $i.valueList } $item.add_EnumsItem($enumKey, $enumValue, $valueList) } } "list" { $item = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.ListDefinitionElement" -ArgumentList ($id, $registryPath, $registryValueName) $prefix = TryGetAttribute $element "valuePrefix" "" $additive = TryGetAttribute $element "additive" $false $expandable = TryGetAttribute $element "expandable" $false $explicitValue = TryGetAttribute $element "explicitValue" $false $clientExtension = TryGetAttribute $element "clientExtension" "" $item.set_Properties($prefix, $additive, $expandable, $explicitValue, $clientExtension) } Default { # unknown type. do nothing. } } if ( $null -ne $item ) { $Result.Items.Add($item) } } return $Result } # Private function GetValueInfoFromXmlNode ([Xml.XmlElement]$PolicyElement, [AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource]$AdmlResource) { $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.PolicyValueInfo" # base value definitions $valueName = TryGetAttribute $PolicyElement "valueName" "" $enabledValue = $null if ( $PolicyElement.Item("enabledValue") ) { $enabledValue = GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $PolicyElement.enabledValue } $disabledValue = $null if ( $PolicyElement.Item("disabledValue") ) { $disabledValue = GetValueDefinitionFromXmlNode -ValueElement $PolicyElement.disabledValue } $Result.set_RegistryValue($valueName, $enabledValue, $disabledValue) # list value definitions if ( $PolicyElement.Item("enabledList") ) { Write-Verbose "Get enabledList information..." $list = GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode -Element $PolicyElement.enabledList $Result.set_EnabledListValue($list) } if ( $PolicyElement.Item("disabledList") ) { Write-Verbose "Get disabledList information..." $list = GetValueListDefinitionFromXmlNode -Element $PolicyElement.disabledList $Result.set_DisabledListValue($list) } # element value definition if ( $PolicyElement.Item("elements") ) { $Result.set_ElementsValue((GetElementsInfoFromXmlNode -Elements $PolicyElement.elements -AdmlResource $AdmlResource)) } return $Result } <# .SYNOPSIS Get group policy information from an ADMX file. .DESCRIPTION This function reads an ADMX file and get group policy information. .EXAMPLE Get-AdmxPolicies -FilePath "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx" Set ADMX file path. .EXAMPLE Get-AdmxPolicies -FilePath "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ActiveXInstallService.admx" -CultureName "ja-JP" Specify culture name. #> function Get-AdmxPolicies () { [OutputType([AdmxPolicy.PolicyInfo])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FilePath = "", [string]$CultureName = ((Get-Culture).Name) ) begin { Write-Verbose "Start Get-AdmxPolicies..." Write-Verbose "CultureName : $CultureName" # set default if ( $CultureName -eq "" ) { $CultureName = (Get-Culture).Name } } process { # validation Write-Verbose "FilePath : $FilePath" if ( -not (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) ) { throw [IO.FileNotFoundException] "Get-AdmxPolicies : $FilePath not found." } if ( [IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) -ne ".admx" ) { throw [ArgumentException] "Get-AdmxPolicies : $FilePath must be .admx file." } # load xml try { $xml = [xml](Get-Content -LiteralPath $FilePath -Encoding UTF8) } catch { Write-Error $_ return } # get adml resource $admlPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $FilePath -Parent) "$($CultureName)\$([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath)).adml" $admlResource = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.AdmlResource" if ( -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $admlPath) ) { Write-Warning "ADML file($admlPath) not found." } else { $admlResource = Get-AdmlResource -FilePath $admlPath -ForAdmxId:$true } # get policies $policies = $null try { $policies = $xml.policyDefinitions.policies.policy } catch { # WindowsProducts.admx などPolicy定義のないadmxファイルもある } foreach ( $policy in $policies ) { if ( $null -eq $policy ) { # for PowerShell 2.0 continue } # get FileInfo # * create new FileInfo object for each PolicyInfo. Write-Verbose "Get $($ FileInfo..." $fileInfo = GetAdmxFileInfoFromXml -Name ([IO.Path]::GetFileName($FilePath)) -Xml $xml -AdmlResource $admlResource Write-Verbose "Get $($ informations..." # get DisplayName $policyDisplayName = "" if ( $admlResource.Strings.ContainsKey($policy.displayName) ) { $policyDisplayName = $admlResource.Strings[$policy.displayName] } # get ExplainText $policyExplainText = "" if ( $admlResource.Strings.ContainsKey($policy.explainText) ) { $policyExplainText = $admlResource.Strings[$policy.explainText] } # get registry key $RegistryType = [AdmxPolicy.RegistryTypes]::Unknown switch ($policy.class) { "Machine" { $RegistryType = [AdmxPolicy.RegistryTypes]::LocalMachine } "User" { $RegistryType = [AdmxPolicy.RegistryTypes]::CurrentUser } "Both" { $RegistryType = [AdmxPolicy.RegistryTypes]::Both } } $RegistryPath = $policy.key # get valueInfo $valueInfo = GetValueInfoFromXmlNode -PolicyElement $policy -AdmlResource $admlResource # set return value $Result = New-Object "AdmxPolicy.PolicyInfo" ` -ArgumentList ($fileInfo, $, $policyDisplayName, $policyExplainText, $RegistryType, $RegistryPath, $valueInfo) Write-Output $Result } } } |