
#Region $AdminToolkitADComputernameArgCompleter
$AdminToolkitADComputernameArgCompleter = {
    param ($CommandName, $ParameterName, $StringMatch)
    if ($null -eq $StringMatch) {
        $Filter = "*"
    else {
        $Filter = "*$StringMatch*"
    (Get-ADComputer -filter { Name -like $Filter }).Name
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Push-LocalScheduledTask,Get-RebootLogs,Clear-CCMCache -ParameterName ComputerName -ScriptBlock $AdminToolkitADComputernameArgCompleter
#EndRegion $AdminToolkitADComputernameArgCompleter
#Region $AdminToolkitScheduledTaskNameArgCompleter
$AdminToolkitScheduledTaskNameArgCompleter = {
    param ($CommandName, $ParameterName, $StringMatch)
    $Tasks = (Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object { $_.TaskName -match "$StringMatch" }).TaskName
    $QuotedTasks = foreach ($Task in $Tasks) {
        $QuotedTask = "`"$Task`""
    return $QuotedTasks
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Push-LocalScheduledTask -ParameterName TaskName -ScriptBlock $AdminToolkitScheduledTaskNameArgCompleter
#EndRegion $AdminToolkitScheduledTaskNameArgCompleter
#Region Aliases
Set-Alias -Name GD -Value Get-Definition
Set-Alias -Name Watch -Value Watch-Command
#EndRegion Aliases
#Region Clear-Arp

    Use Netsh to clear ArpCache
    Clears the local arp table
    PS> Clear-Arp

    This will clear the arpcache on the local machine.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Clear-Arp() {
    netsh.exe interface ip delete arpcache
#EndRegion Clear-Arp
#Region Clear-CCMCache

    Clear local CCM Cache.
    This command will clear the local or remote ccm cache.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify the remote system to connect to and clear.
    PS> Clear-CCMCache

    Clear the CCM Cache on the local system.
    PS> Clear-CCMCache -ComputerName Some-Remote-PC

    This will attempt to connect and clear the CCM Cache from the computer specified.
    PS> Clear-CCMCache -ComputerName pc1,pc2,pc3,pc4,pc5

    This will attempt to connect to each computer listed to clear the local CCM Cache.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Clear-CCMCache() {
        [System.String[]] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    begin {}

    process {
        try {
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
                Write-Output "Clearing CCM Cache on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
                ## Initialize the CCM resource manager com object
                [__comobject]$CCMComObject = New-Object -ComObject 'UIResource.UIResourceMgr'
                ## Get the CacheElementIDs to delete
                $CacheInfo = $CCMComObject.GetCacheInfo().GetCacheElements()
                ## Remove cache items
                ForEach ($CacheItem in $CacheInfo) {
                    $null = $CCMComObject.GetCacheInfo().DeleteCacheElement([string]$($CacheItem.CacheElementID))
        } catch {
            Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message)"

    end {}
#EndRegion Clear-CCMCache
#Region Copy-WithProgress

    This function performs a copy of a specified object recursively to a specified location.
    This function is a glorified Copy-Item in that it will show progress data. If moving 10,000 files that equal 2GB in size, it will show you what file you are currently on as well as how much data has been moved / what is left using Write-Progress.
    Source should specify the object to be copied by name. This value must be the FullPath and cannot be shortened. An example would be if you were in the C:\Scripts directory, you could not specify '.\TestFile.ps1' as the source location, you must specify 'C:\Scripts\TestFile.ps1' in this case.
.PARAMETER Destination
    Destination should specify the target location of the specified Source by name. This value must be the FullPath and cannot be shortened. An example would be if you were in the C:\Scripts directory, you could not specify '.\TestFile.ps1' as the Destination location, you must specify 'C:\Scripts\TestFile.ps1' in this case
    With this present, this will copy the ACL from each source file and apply it to the destination file.
        This function does not accept pipeline data. The values for all parameters must be specified.
        This function does not produce output except for the Write-Progress data.
    PS>Copy-WithProgress -Source "C:\Scripts\TestFile.ps1" -Destination "C:\Temp\TestFile.ps1"

    This will copy the source file to the file specified in Destination. Note that the filename for Destination can be anything and does not have to match the original.
    PS>Copy-WithProgress -Source .\Folder -Destination .\Folder1 -IncludeACL

    This will copy all contents of .\Folder to .\Folder1 and include the Acl / NTFS permissions.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Copy-WithProgress() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1)]

        [Switch] $IncludeACL

    Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering data from $Path"
    $Source = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).Path.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '').ToLower()
    $Destination = $Destination.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '').ToLower()
    $Filelist = Get-Childitem $Source -Recurse
    $Total = $Filelist.count
    $Position = 0
    $Size = ($Filelist | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Sum
    Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering data from $Source" -Completed
    foreach ($File in $Filelist) {
        switch ($Size) {
            { $_ -ge '1000000000' } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} GB" -f ($_ / 1GB) }
            { ($_ -lt '1000000000') -and ($_ -ge '10000000') } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} MB" -f ($_ / 1MB) }
            { $_ -lt '1000000' } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} KB" -f ($_ / 1KB) }
        $FileSize = ($File | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Sum
        $Filename = $File.Fullname.ToLower().Replace($Source, '').Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::', '')
        $DestinationFile = Join-Path $Destination $FileName
        $Percent = [int]$(($Position / $Total) * 100)
        Write-Progress -Activity "Copying data from '$Source' to '$Destination'" -Status "Copying File $Position of $total - $TotalSize remaining..." -PercentComplete (($Position / $total) * 100) -CurrentOperation "$Percent% complete"
        #$null = New-Item -Name $File.FullName -Path $DestinationFile -ItemType File -Force
        $null = Copy-Item $File.FullName -Destination $DestinationFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Container
        If ($IncludeACL.IsPresent) {
            $SourceFileACL = Get-Acl -Path $File.FullName
            Set-Acl -Path $DestinationFile -AclObject $SourceFileACL
        $Size = ($Size - $FileSize)
    Write-Progress -Activity "Moving data from '$Source' to '$Destination'" -Completed 
#EndRegion Copy-WithProgress
#Region DateStamp
This is to pass the cmdlet exporting pester tests since this is a filter
Function DateStamp() {

    This is a filter used to place timestamps on any output messages.
    The function `TimeStamp` is a colorized version of this command `DateStamp`, but `TimeStamp` output cannot be written to a file. You will want to use `DateStamp` if you are going to output your messages into a log or txt file.
    "ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script" | DateStamp

    [08/04/2020 11:34:35]: ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script

    This line will place a time stamp at the beginning of the line that can be written to a file.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Filter DateStamp() {
    process {
        Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")]: $_"
#EndRegion DateStamp
#Region Enable-Remoting

Enable PSRemoting via PSEXEC remotely.

This Command will enable PowerShell Remoting on a remote PC.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to run against.

    Specify a username to use to make the remote connection.

    Specify the respective password to match the Username provided.
PS> Enable-PSRemoting -computer PCName -username domain\username

This will enable remoting and then prompt for credentials

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

    This Function requires psexec. If you do not, download it with the sysinternals suite. Add psexec to one of your enviroment variable paths.

Function Enable-Remoting() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
        [string] $ComputerName,
        [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory)]
        [string] $Username,
        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [SecureString] $Password

    #Enabling PSRemoting
    PsExec.exe \\$ComputerName -s winrm.cmd quickconfig -q
    PsExec.exe \\$ComputerName -u $Username -p $Password powershell.exe cmd /c "enable-psremoting -force"

    try {
        Test-WSMan $Computer
    catch {
        Write-Error "Failed to enable PSRemoting via PSEXEC"
#EndRegion Enable-Remoting
#Region Get-Applications

    List locally installed applications

    Query local registry for installed applications.
    PS> Get-Applications

    This will generate all installed applications on the local system.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-Applications() {
    $RegPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    Get-ChildItem -Path $RegPath | Get-ItemProperty |
    Sort-Object DisplayName
#EndRegion Get-Applications

#Region Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask

    Quickly generate the CIDR "slash" notation for a given subnet mask.
    This will provide the CIDR value for a subnet mask. This function will also error if the subnet mask is not valid.
    Specify the subnet mask to generate the CIDR Notation for.
    PS> Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask

    Providing the SubnetMask, this returns the correct CIDR abreviation. CIDR is used like this:
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [String] $SubnetMask
    $cidr = 0
    $octet = 0 
    $SubnetMask.split(".") | Foreach-Object {
        switch ($_) {
            255 { $cidr += 8 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            254 { $cidr += 7 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            252 { $cidr += 6 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            248 { $cidr += 5 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            240 { $cidr += 4 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            224 { $cidr += 3 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            192 { $cidr += 2 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            128 { $cidr += 1 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            0 { $cidr += 0 ; $CorrectSubnet += "$_." }
            default { 
                $SplitSubnet = $SubnetMask.Split('.')
                $SplitSubnet[$octet] = "[$($SplitSubnet[$octet])]"
                $ErrorSubnet = $SplitSubnet -join '.'
                Write-Error -Message "Invalid Subnet Mask value: `'$_`' in $ErrorSubnet" `
                    -Category InvalidArgument `
                    -RecommendedAction "Provide a proper SubnetMask" `
                    -ErrorAction Stop
                $BadMask = $true
    if (-Not ($BadMask)) {
#EndRegion Get-CIDRNotationBySubnetMask
#Region Get-ContentWithLineNumbers

    Mimic Unix / Linux tool nl number lines
    Print file content with numbered lines no original nl options supported
    Specify a file to extract and prefix with line numbers.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Specify an object of text to prefix with line numbers.
    PS> Get-ContentWithLineNumbers -FileName C:\Foo.txt
    This will append line numbers to the begninning of each line in the Foo.txt file.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-ContentWithLineNumbers() {
    param (
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'File')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Input')]
    process {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FileName')) {
            If (Test-Path $FileName) {
                $Data = Get-Content $FileName | ForEach-Object { "{0,5} {1}" -f $_.ReadCount, $_ }
        elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Input')) {
            $inData = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StringReader -ArgumentList $InputObject
            $Data = While ($Line = $InData.ReadLine()) { $Line }
            $Data | ForEach-Object { "{0,5} {1}" -f $_.ReadCount, $_ }
#EndRegion Get-ContentWithLineNumbers
#Region Get-Definition

    Gets the back-end definition of a function.
    This function will export a string of the code that defines a function.
    This parameter takes a function name, or an alias name, to generate the function definition.
    PS> Get-Definition Get-Definition

    This will get the function definitnion for the `Get-Definition` command itself.
    PS> Get-Definition glo | Clip

    This will get the definition for the `glo` aliased command, and pipe it into your clipboard using the clip.exe file.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo
    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-Definition() {
        [string] $Function

    $null = Get-Command -Name $Function -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $Alias = (Get-Alias -Name $Function -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).ResolvedCommand.Name
    if ($Alias) {
        Write-Warning "'$Function' is an alias for '$Alias'. Running 'Get-Definition -Function $Alias'."
        $Function = $Alias
    $FunctionDefinition = (Get-Command -name $Function | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition)
    $returnDefinition = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::New()

    $null = $returnDefinition.Append("function $Function`() {")
    $null = $returnDefinition.Append($FunctionDefinition)
    $null = $returnDefinition.Append('}')

#EndRegion Get-Definition
#Region Get-FileOwner

    Display the owner of an item(s)

    This Function lists file owners within a given path

    Specify the file / directory path to query.

.PARAMETER Recursive
    Search recursively.

    PS> Get-FileOwner C:\Users

    This will list file owners recursively for this directory.

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-FileOwner() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Path,


    $LastWrite = @{
        Name       = 'Last Write Time'
        Expression = { $_.LastWriteTime.ToString('u') }
    $Owner = @{
        Name       = 'File Owner'
        Expression = { (Get-Acl $_.FullName).Owner }
    $HostName = @{
        Name       = 'Host Name'
        Expression = { $env:COMPUTERNAME }

    Get-ChildItem @PSBoundParameters |
    Select-Object $HostName, $Owner, Name, Directory, $LastWrite, Length
#EndRegion Get-FileOwner
#Region Get-FolderSize

    Quickly calculate the size of a directory.

    This function will calculate the disk space used by a specified directory. This uses the current directory by default.
    Specify the folder to query. This defaults to the current directory.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to get the folder size of.
    NOTE: The `-Folder` path will still need to be the local path for the remote computer
    Get-FolderSize -ComputerName Some-Remote-PC -Folder C:\Windows\System
    PS> Get-FolderSize

    This will display the folder size of the current folder location `Get-Location`
    PS> Get-FolderSize -ComputerName Some-Remote-PC -Folder C:\Windows\System

    This will get the folder size of the C:\Windows\System folder on the remote pc specified.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-FolderSize() {
    Param (
            Position = 0,
        [System.String] $Folder = (Get-Location),

        [System.String] $ComputerName

    Begin {


    Process {
        If ($ComputerName) {
            $Size = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
                (Get-ChildItem $using:Folder -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum
        } Else {
            $Size = (Get-ChildItem $Folder -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction Stop).Sum
        switch ($Size) {
            { ($_ -lt '1000000000000000') -and ($_ -ge '1000000000000') } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} TB" -f ($_ / 1TB) }
            { ($_ -lt '1000000000000') -and ($_ -ge '1000000000') } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} GB" -f ($_ / 1GB) }
            { ($_ -lt '1000000000') -and ($_ -ge '1000000') } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} MB" -f ($_ / 1MB) }
            { $_ -lt '1000000' } { $TotalSize = "{0:N2} KB" -f ($_ / 1KB) }
#EndRegion Get-FolderSize
#Region Get-Management

    Open Computer management

    Opens Computer management connected for a PC, local or remote. Default is local.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to run against.

    PS> Get-Management Test-999999-H

    This will open computer management for this remote PC, if you are an admin on that PC.

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-Management() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
    compmgmt.msc /computer:$ComputerName
#EndRegion Get-Management
#Region Get-PasswordExpired

    Generates list of ActiveDirectory users who have expired passwords

    Returns a list of Active Directory Accounts with expired passwords
    PS> Get-PasswordExpired

    This will get all of the current accounts with expired passwords.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-PasswordExpired() {
    param ()

    Search-ADAccount -PasswordExpired
#EndRegion Get-PasswordExpired
#Region Get-PCInfo

    Gather useful information from a remote PC.

    Returns useful informaion on the local endpoint or another.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to generate information for.
    PS> Get-PCInfo -ComputerName Computer1

    This will generate information from the remote computer using CIM Instances.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-PCInfo() {
    Param (
        [string]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName

    try {
        $SystemEnclosure = Get-CimInstance win32_systemenclosure -computername $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
        $OS = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem -Computername $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message) - Line Number: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

    #Creating Hash table from variables
    $PCInfo = @{
        Manufacturer   = $SystemEnclosure.Manufacturer
        PCName         = $OS.CSName
        OS             = $OS.Caption
        Architecture   = $OS.OSArchitecture
        AssetTag       = $systemenclosure.serialnumber;
        OSVersion      = $OS.Version
        InstallDate    = $OS.InstallDate
        LastBootUpTime = $OS.LastBootUpTime

    #Writing to Host
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Computer Info" -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    Write-Host "If not run on a Dell machine AssetTag is the Serial Number" -Foregroundcolor Yellow

    #Display Hash Table
    $PCInfo.getenumerator() | Sort-Object -property name | Format-Table -autosize

    #Writing to Host
    Write-Host "Computer Disk Info" -Foregroundcolor Cyan

    #Display Drives
    Get-CimInstance win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype=3" -computer $ComputerName |
    Format-Table -Property DeviceID, Volumename, `
    @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Size / 1GB) } }, `
    @{Name = "FreeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Freespace / 1GB, 2) } }, `
    @{Name = "PercentFree"; Expression = { [math]::Round(($_.Freespace / $_.size) * 100, 2) } }

    #Writing to Host
    Write-Host "Network Information" -Foregroundcolor Cyan

    Get-CimInstance win32_networkadapterconfiguration -computer $ComputerName | Where-Object { $null -ne $_.IPAddress } |
    Select-Object IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway, DNSServerSearchOrder, IPSubnet, MACAddress, Caption, DHCPEnabled, DHCPServer, DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder |
#EndRegion Get-PCInfo
#Region Get-PCUpTime

    Get the amount of time since the last boot-up sequence for a computer.
    This cmdlet uses Get-CimInstance to gather the .LastBootUpTime for the local or remote computer.
    PowerShell 7 comes with a `Get-Uptime` cmdlet, so if called from PowerShell, it will simply call or invoke that cmdlet. otherwise when called from Windows Powershell, it will invoke a CimInstance.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify the remote computer to query using CIM.
    PS> Get-PCUpTime

    This will return the current UpTime value for the local computer.
    PS> Get-PCUpTime Remote-Server

    This will query `Remote-Server` for it's uptime data.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-PCUpTime() {

    begin {
        $Version = $PSVersionTable.PSEdition
    process {
        try {
            switch($Version) {
                'Desktop' {
                    if ($null -ne $ComputerName) {
                        $SplatMe = @{
                            ClassName = 'Win32_OperatingSystem'
                            ComputerName = $ComputerName}
                    } else {
                        $SplatMe = @{
                            ClassName = 'Win32_OperatingSystem'
                    $Now = Get-Date
                    $LastBootUpTime = (Get-CimInstance @SplatMe -ErrorAction Stop).LastBootUpTime
                    $Return = $Now - $LastBootUpTime
                    return $Return
                'Core' {
                    if ($null -ne $ComputerName) {
                        $PCFunctionDefinition = Get-Definition Get-PCUpTime
                        $Script = @"

                        $ScriptBlock = {
                            param ($Script)
                            . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($Script))
                        $params = @{
                            ComputerName = $ComputerName
                            ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock
                            ArgumentList = $Script
                        Invoke-Command @params 
                    } else {
                DEFAULT {}
        } catch {
            Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion Get-PCUpTime
#Region Get-Printers

    Get printers for local or remote PC

    This function will attempt to gather printer information for a local or remote PC.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify the remote computer to query.

    PS> Get-Printers
    This will generate local printer information.
    PS> Get-Printers -ComputerName Some-Remote-Computer1
    This will generate printer information for the remote computer `Some-Remote-Computer1' via a Cim Instance.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-Printers() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [String] $ComputerName

    $Params = @{
        ClassName = 'CIM_Printer'
    if ($ComputerName) { $Params += @{ComputerName = $ComputerName } }
    Get-CimInstance @Params | Select-Object Name, Drivername, Portname, Status, SystemName, local, shared, CapabilityDescriptions
#EndRegion Get-Printers
#Region Get-PrintManagement

    Quickly launch Print Management MSC Snap-in
    Opens Print Management for the local PC and one remote PC using -ComputerName
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify the remote computer to open Print Management against.
    PS> Get-PrintManagement -ComputerName Computer1

    This will open PrintManagement on the local machine and connect to the remote `Computer1`
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-PrintManagement() {
    param (
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    printmanagement.msc /computer:$ComputerName
#EndRegion Get-PrintManagement
#Region Get-PublicIP

    Generates your current Public IP Information

    Returns WhoIS public IP info for your location or any specified public IP. By Default, returns your current public IP info.

    Specify the IP Address to look up information for. This uses your current public IP by default.

    PS> Get-PublicIP

    Returns local Public IP Info


    PS> Get-PublicIP -IP
    Returns Public IP Info for

    Get-PublicIP -IP

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Get-PublicIP() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]$IP

    try {
        if ($IP) {
            $ipinfo = Invoke-RestMethod$IP/json
        else {
            $ipinfo = Invoke-RestMethod
        $PublicIP = @{
            IP           = $ipinfo.ip
            City         = $
            Region       = $ipinfo.region
            Country      = $
            Coord        = $ipinfo.loc
            Organization = $
            Postal       = $ipinfo.Postal
            TimeZone     = $ipinfo.timezone
        $PublicIP.getenumerator() | Sort-Object Key
    catch {
        Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion Get-PublicIP
#Region Get-RebootLogs

    Get the System Event logs for reboot ID 1074.
    This will pull system event logs for the local or remote computer.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to pull logs from.
    PS> Get-RebootLogs

    This will generate a list of all System Reboot log events with ID 1074 on the local system.
    PS> Get-RebootLogs -ComputerName Some-Remote-Computer | Select -First 5

    This will get the System Reboot logs from `Some-Remote-Computer` and only show the first 5 results.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

function Get-RebootLogs() {
    param (
        [string] $ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
    begin {}
    process {
        try {
            $params = @{
                LogName      = 'System'
                ComputerName = $ComputerName.ToUpper()
                ErrorAction  = 'SilentlyContinue'
                Verbose      = $Verbose
            Write-Verbose "Gathering $($params.LogName) logs from $($params.ComputerName) with ID 1074."
            Get-WinEvent @params | Where-Object { $_.ID -eq '1074' }
        catch {
            Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message)"

    end {}
#EndRegion Get-RebootLogs
#Region Get-WindowsBuild

    Gets Windows Build information.
    This will query the local PC OR an array of remote PC's
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify the remote computer to query.
        You must specify the value for Credential. You cannot pipe a value to this function.
        There are no outputs.
    PS> ConnectTeams
    This will attempt a connection to This will prompt you for account information like what password to use.
    PS> ConnectTeams -Credential ''
    This will attempt a connection to This will prompt you for account information like what password to use.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

function Get-WindowsBuild() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true
        [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    begin {
        $Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
        $Table.Columns.AddRange(@("ComputerName", "Windows Edition", "Version", "OSBuild"))

    process {
        Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            $Code = {
                $ProductName = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name ProductName).ProductName
                try {
                    $Version = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name ReleaseID -ErrorAction Stop).ReleaseID
                catch {
                    $Version = "N/A"
                $CurrentBuild = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name CurrentBuild).CurrentBuild
                $UBR = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name UBR).UBR
                $OSVersion = $CurrentBuild + "." + $UBR
                $TempTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
                $TempTable.Columns.AddRange(@("ComputerName", "Windows Edition", "Version", "OSBuild"))
                [void]$TempTable.Rows.Add($env:COMPUTERNAME, $ProductName, $Version, $OSVersion)
                return $TempTable
            if ($Computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
                $Result = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Code
                [void]$Table.Rows.Add($Result.Computername, $Result.'Windows Edition', $Result.Version, $Result.'OSBuild')
            else {
                if (Test-Connection $Computer -count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                    try {
                        $Result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock $Code -ErrorAction Stop
                        [void]$Table.Rows.Add($Result.Computername, $Result.'Windows Edition', $Result.Version, $Result.'OSBuild')
                    catch {
                else {
                    [void]$Table.Rows.Add($Computer, "OFFLINE", "OFFLINE", "OFFLINE")
    end {
        Return $Table
#EndRegion Get-WindowsBuild
#Region grep
$DetectedOS = switch($true) {
    $IsWindows {'Windows'}
    $IsLinux   {'Linux'}
    $IsMacOS   {'MacOS'}
    DEFAULT    {'Windows'}

If ($DetectedOS -eq 'Windows') {

        Basic version of the linux command `grep` on Windows.
        This is a windows version of the linux `grep` command. I still need to figure out how to NOT import this command when on a linux system.
        This is basically a shorter `Select-String`, and does not support other grep flags as on a Linux system.
    .PARAMETER Regex
        Specify the regex pattern to filter for.
        Get-Process | grep powershell
        This will filter the `Get-Process` output with the regex 'powershell'.
        Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
        Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

        You can either submit a [PR](
            or create an [Issue](
            on this GitHub project at

    Function grep() {
        # [CmdletBinding()] # This is to pass the advanced function pester tests.

        process {
            $_ | Where-Object { $_ -match $regex }
#EndRegion grep
#Region Invoke-Speech

    Translate a string into an audible message.
    This function calls the SAPI.SPVoice class to invoke audio given a string. This is useful when running long processes, you can audibly be alerted that a task is finished.
    Specify the message to have voiced.
    PS> Get-SomeDataThatTakesAnHour;Invoke-Speech -Message "Your data is ready, sir."
    This will generated audio for the string 'Your data is ready, sir." depending on your volume level.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Invoke-Speech() {
    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {
        #Set Variables for the Invoke-Speech Function
        $voice = New-Object -ComObject SAPI.SPVoice
        $voice.Rate = -2

    process {
        $voice.Speak($Message) | out-null;    
#EndRegion Invoke-Speech
#Region LL

    This is a colorized version of Get-ChildItem (dir, ls).
    This function will change the color of object names using Get-ChildItem based on the object type or extension.
    You can define more extensions and their associated colors if you wish.
.PARAMETER Directory
    Specify the directory to get items for. Default is '.' or current directory.
    Essentially this is a `-Force` switch on Get-ChildItem. By default this is set to $false.
    PS> LL C:\Temp
    Display a colorized output for `Get-ChildItem` at C:\Temp.
    PS> ll
    Display a colorized output for `Get-ChildItem` at the current working directory.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function LL() {
    param (
        [String] $Directory = ".", 
        $All = $false
    $originalForeground = $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor 
    if ( $All ) { 
        $toList = Get-ChildItem -force $Directory 
    else { 
        $toList = Get-ChildItem $Directory 
    foreach ($Item in $toList) { 
        Switch ($Item.Extension) {
            ".Exe" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Yellow" } 
            ".cmd" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Red" } 
            ".lnk" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Red" }
            ".msh" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Red" } 
            ".vbs" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Red" }
            ".ps1" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Cyan" }
            ".psm1" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Cyan" }
            ".psd1" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Cyan" }
            ".ps1xml" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Cyan" }
            ".txt" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "DarkCyan" }
            ".xml" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".cvs" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".doc" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".csv" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".bat" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Yellow" }
            ".docx" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".pdf" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".xls" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".xlsx" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Magenta" }
            ".log" { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "DarkCyan" }
            Default { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = $originalForeground } 
        if ($item.Mode.StartsWith("d")) { $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = "Green" }
    $host.ui.rawui.foregroundColor = $originalForeground 
#EndRegion LL
#Region LLM

    This is a quick way to lock your workstation.
    LLM is to stand for 'Lock Local Machine'. This will lock the current session on a windows workstation. Will need to add functionality to lock a linux or mac.
    PS> llm
    This will quickly lock the current workstation.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function llm() {
    param ()
    $signature = @"
    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern bool LockWorkStation();
    Write-Host "Locking local machine: $Env:COMPUTERNAME" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $LockWorkStation = Add-Type -memberDefinition $signature -name "Win32LockWorkStation" -namespace Win32Functions -passthru  
    $LockWorkStation::LockWorkStation() | Out-Null
#EndRegion LLM
#Region Locate

Quickly search a location for a file, folder, hidden file, etc...
This should return the same object that Get-ChildItem returns.

This function takes a -Filter and applies dual-wildcards for maximum search results.
By default this will search recursively in the local directory, but you can specify
any custom location.

.PARAMETER Directory [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets directories (folders).

To get only directories, use the Directory parameter and omit the File parameter. To exclude directories, use
the File parameter and omit the Directory parameter.

To get directories, use the Directory parameter.

.PARAMETER File [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets files.

To get only files, use the File parameter and omit the Directory parameter. To exclude files, use the
Directory parameter and omit the File parameter.

To get files, use the File parameter.

.PARAMETER Hidden [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets only hidden files and directories (folders). By default, Get-ChildItem gets only non-hidden items, but
you can use the Force parameter to include hidden items in the results.

To get only hidden items, use the Hidden parameter. To exclude hidden items, omit the Hidden parameter.

.PARAMETER ReadOnly [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets only read-only files and directories (folders).

To get only read-only items, use the ReadOnly parameter, its "ar" alias, or the ReadOnly value of the
Attributes parameter. To exclude read-only items, use the Attributes parameter.

.PARAMETER System [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets only system files and directories (folders).

To get only system files and folders, use the System parameter.

.PARAMETER Force [<SwitchParameter>]
Gets hidden files and folders. By default, hidden files and folder are excluded. You can also get hidden files
and folders by using the Hidden parameter or the Hidden value of the Attributes parameter.

.PARAMETER Exclude <String[]>
Specifies, as a string array, an item or items that this cmdlet excludes in the operation. The value of this
parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path element or pattern, such as *.txt. Wildcards are

.PARAMETER Include <String[]>
Specifies, as a string array, an item or items that this cmdlet includes in the operation. The value of this
parameter qualifies the Path parameter. Enter a path element or pattern, such as *.txt. Wildcards are

The Include parameter is effective only when the command includes the Recurse parameter or the path leads to
the contents of a directory, such as C:\Windows\*, where the wildcard character specifies the contents of the
C:\Windows directory.

.PARAMETER Filter <String>
Specifies a filter in the provider's format or language. The value of this parameter qualifies the Path
parameter. The syntax of the filter, including the use of wildcards, depends on the provider. Filters are more
efficient than other parameters, because the provider applies them when retrieving the objects, rather than
having Windows PowerShell filter the objects after they are retrieved.

.PARAMETER Path <String[]>
Specifies a path to one or more locations. Wildcards are permitted. The default location is the current
directory (.).

.PARAMETER Recurse [<SwitchParameter>]
Indicates that this cmdlet gets the items in the specified locations and in all child items of the locations.

In Windows PowerShell 2.0 and earlier versions of Windows PowerShell, the Recurse parameter works only when
the value of the Path parameter is a container that has child items, such as C:\Windows or C:\Windows\ , and
not when it is an item does not have child items, such as C:\Windows\ .exe.

By Default, this is set to True. Use -Recurse:$false to turn off recursive results.

    PS> Locate AdminToolkit.psd1 -Recurse
    This will search from the current working directory for files or folders mathing the filter 'AdminToolkit.psd1'
    PS> locate foo.txt C:\temp
    This will search for the file foo.txt in the directory C:\temp.
    PS> locate test -Recurse -Exclude *.tests.*

    Directory: C:\Temp\HelpDesk\Functions\Public

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a--- 8/5/2020 11:51 AM 6985 Test-Administrator.ps1

    Directory: C:\Temp\HelpDesk

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    d---- 8/5/2020 2:07 PM Tests
    This will search recursively using the filter 'test' and exclude files/folders that match '*.tests.*'
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.
Function Locate() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [string]$Path = (Get-Location),
    if (-Not($PSBoundParameters.Filter)) {
        $PSBoundParameters.Filter = '*'
    } else {
        $PSBoundParameters.Filter = "*$Filter*"

    Get-ChildItem @PSBoundParameters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#EndRegion Locate
#Region New-Folder

    Easily create a new folder in the current working directory.
    This will create a new directory in the current working directory.
    Spedify the name for the new folder.
    PS> New-Folder Foobar
    This will create a new folder 'Foobar' if there currently is not a folder of the same name.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function New-Folder() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Name

    process {
        New-Item $Name -ItemType Directory
#EndRegion New-Folder

#Region PSRemote

    Starts an Enter-PSSession with the specified Server.
    PSRemote will attempt to enter a PSSession with a specified host with a specified account. If no Credential is specified, it will use the currently signed in account to connect.
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    This parameter specifies what host to attempt an Enter-PSSession with.
.PARAMETER Credential
    This parameter is used to change the current account for the PSSession.
.PARAMETER IncludeModule
    This parameter specifies any local installed / imported modules to be defined in the remote scope. Essentially bringing any local modules with you without installing them on the remote machine.
.PARAMETER IncludeProfile
    Specify a local profile to load in the remote session.
        You must specify the value for Computername. You cannot pipe a value to this function.
        There are no outputs except for Write-Host messages.
    PS> PSRemote -ComputerName Computer1 -Credential matthewjd
    This will attempt to start a PSSession with Computer1 as matthewjd. This will prompt for a password for matthewjd.
    PS> PSRemote Computer1 -IncludeModule AdminToolkit
    This will use the currently signed in account to connect to attempt a connection with Computer1 and import the module Helpdesk.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at
    Change Log:
    Version: 2.0 - Added -IncludeModule parameter. This will allow you to import a local module into your remote session.
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function PSRemote() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    begin {
        function Import-ModuleRemotely {
            Param (
                [string] $moduleName,
                [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $session
            Import-Module $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $Script = @"
            if (get-module $moduleName)
                remove-module $moduleName;
            New-Module -Name $moduleName { $($(Get-Module $moduleName).Definition) } | Import-Module

            Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
                . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($Script))
            } -ArgumentList $Script

    process {
        try {
            if ($Credential) {
                $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop
            else {
                $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IncludeProfile')) {
                Invoke-Command -FilePath $IncludeProfile -Session $Session -ErrorAction Stop
            if ($IncludeModule) {
                foreach ($Module in $IncludeModule) {
                    Import-ModuleRemotely -moduleName $Module -session $Session
            Enter-PSSession -Session $Session -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message) - Line Number: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"
#EndRegion PSRemote
#Region Push-LocalScheduledTask

    Deploy a local scheduled task to a remote machine

    This function exports the XML for a local scheduled task and creates that task on a remote machine.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    This parameter specifies the remote host(s) to create the task(s) on. This parameter supports tab-completion based on the current domain.
    I can type '-ComputerName cgo-2' and this will tab-complete computer objects in the current domain that match the string 'cgo-2'

    This parameter specifies the local task name to export and create on a remote machine. I have not tested how to export nested tasks (See Register-ScheduledTask '-TaskPath' parameter)
    You can specify multiple task names, separated by comma please.

.PARAMETER Credential
    Specifies a user account that has permission to perform this action. The default is the current user.
    This credential is used for a task against the local pc, and the remote PC. because of this, the account used must have rights to do the required tasks on all computers involved.

    Type a user name, such as User01 or Domain01\User01 , or enter a PSCredential object generated by
    the `Get-Credential` cmdlet. If you type a user name, you're prompted to enter the password.

    Credentials are stored in a PSCredential
    (/dotnet/api/ and the password is stored as a
    SecureString (/dotnet/api/

    > [!NOTE] > For more information about SecureString data protection, see > How secure is
    SecureString? (/dotnet/api/

    Instructs the cmdlet to perform the operation without prompting for confirmation.
    Additionally this will overwrite any remote tasks with the same name.
    If you attempt to deploy a local task on a remote machine without using -Force, the export will fail.

    I haven't gotten this switch to be accurate. Currently this function will ALWAYS spit out Scheduled Task objects that it creates whether -PassThru is present or not.
    The goal is to have the function not return objects if -PassThru is not present... like every other advanced function.

    PS>Deploy-LocalScheduledTask -ComputerName Computer1,Computer2 -TaskName "Task1","Task2"

    This will export both Task1 and Task2 scheduled tasks to both Computer1 and Computer2.

    PS>Deploy-LocalScheduledTask -ComputerName Computer1 -TaskName "Task1" -Credential (Get-Credential) -Force

    This will export the task Task1 to Computer1 using the provided credentials. You can also save the results of Get-Credential to a variable and use the '-Credential $cred' method.
    This will also overwrite a possible existing task named Task1 since -Force is used.

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Push-LocalScheduledTask() {
        [string[]] $ComputerName,

        [string[]] $TaskName,

        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [switch] $Force,

        #? Should this switch just be tossed?
        #TODO This switch doesn't do anything. Need to figure out how to supress Invoke-Command output for Register-ScheduledTask command.
        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {
        $ComputerName = foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            else {
                Write-Warning "Test-Connection to '$ComputerName' failed."

    process {
        try {
            foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
                $InvokeParams = @{
                    ComputerName = $Computer
                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) { $InvokeParams += @{Credential = $Credential } }
                foreach ($Task in $TaskName) {
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential')) {
                        $TaskXML = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -Credential $Credential -Command { Export-ScheduledTask $using:Task | Out-String }
                    else {
                        $TaskXML = Export-ScheduledTask $Task | Out-String

                    $TaskParams = @{
                        Xml      = $TaskXML
                        TaskName = $Task
                    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Force')) { $TaskParams += @{Force = $true } }
                    if (-Not($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PassThru'))) { $TaskParams += @{InformationAction = 'Ignore' } }

                    Invoke-Command @InvokeParams -ScriptBlock {
                        Register-ScheduledTask @using:TaskParams
        catch {
            Write-Error "$($_.Exception.Message) - Line Number: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

    end {}
#EndRegion Push-LocalScheduledTask
#Region Remove-AllTempFiles

    Generic Cleanup of temp files on a computer.

    This Command removes log files, temp files, and empties the recycle bin. Access denied errors do not indicate a failure of the script. Run for the local or a remote PC.

.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Specify a remote computer to run against.

    PS> Remove-All

    Free up space on the local computer

    PS> Remove-All -Computer Test-PC-01

    Free up space on a remote PC. May be more effective if run locally depending on in place security.

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Remove-AllTempFiles() {
    param (

    #Statement of Free Space before Cleaning
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Free Space Before Cleaning" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Get-CimInstance win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype=3" -computer $ComputerName |
    Format-Table -Property DeviceID, Volumename, `
    @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Size / 1GB) } }, `
    @{Name = "FreeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Freespace / 1GB, 2) } }, `
    @{Name = "PercentFree"; Expression = { [math]::Round(($_.Freespace / $_.size) * 100, 2) } }

    #Statement that the function is freeing up space
    Write-Host "Freeing up space. Enjoy your Coffee!" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Green

    #Free up space on the local or remote computer
    if ($null -ne $ComputerName) {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName TrustedInstaller | Stop-Service -Force
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\windows\logs" -Include '*.log' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\windows\logs" -Include '*.cab' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER" -Include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\`$recycle.bin" -Include '*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\" -include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\" -include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        $tempfolders = @("\\$ComputerName\C$\Windows\Temp\*", "\\$ComputerName\C$\Windows\Prefetch\*", "\\$ComputerName\C$\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\temp\*", "\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Temp\*")
        Remove-Item $tempfolders -force -recurse -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        $tempinternetfolders = @("\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*", "\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\*", "\\$ComputerName\C$\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*")
        Remove-Item $tempinternetfolders -force -recurse -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name TrustedInstaller | Start-Service

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

        Write-Host " "
        Write-Host "Free Space After Cleaning" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Get-CimInstance win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype=3" -computer $ComputerName |
        Format-Table -Property DeviceID, Volumename, `
        @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Size / 1GB) } }, `
        @{Name = "FreeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Freespace / 1GB, 2) } }, `
        @{Name = "PercentFree"; Expression = { [math]::Round(($_.Freespace / $_.size) * 100, 2) } }

    else {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

        Stop-Service TrustedInstaller -Force
        Get-ChildItem -path "C:\windows\" -Include '*.log' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "C:\windows\logs" -Include '*.cab' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER" -Include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "c:\`$recycle.bin" -Include '*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\" -include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        Get-ChildItem -path "C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\" -include '*.*' -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
        $tempfolders = @("C:\Windows\Temp\*", "C:\Windows\Prefetch\*", "C:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\temp\*", "C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Temp\*")
        Remove-Item $tempfolders -force -recurse -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        $tempinternetfolders = @("C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\*", "C:\Users\*\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\*", "C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*")
        Remove-Item $tempinternetfolders -force -recurse -errorAction SilentlyContinue
        powercfg.exe /hibernate off
        Remove-Item c:\hiberfil.sys -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Start-Service TrustedInstaller

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'

        Write-Host " "
        Write-Host "Free Space After Cleaning" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Get-CimInstance win32_logicaldisk -filter "drivetype=3" -computer $ComputerName |
        Format-Table -Property DeviceID, Volumename, `
        @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Size / 1GB) } }, `
        @{Name = "FreeGB"; Expression = { [math]::Round($_.Freespace / 1GB, 2) } }, `
        @{Name = "PercentFree"; Expression = { [math]::Round(($_.Freespace / $_.size) * 100, 2) } }
#EndRegion Remove-AllTempFiles
#Region Remove-Application

    Attempt to Uninstall an application.

    This command uninstalls an application. Good for when elevated privileges are needed from a user session.

.PARAMETER Application
    Specify the application name to delete.

    Specify the installed application being uninstalled. The full application name must be used.

    Remove-AppName -Application 'App Name has spaces'
    Find application using Get-Applications and pipe the correct item into Remove-Application.
    Get-Applications | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match 'vim' } | Remove-Application

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function Remove-Application() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
    Begin {}
    Process {
        if ($_ -is [PSCustomObject]) {
            $AppToRemove = $_
        else {
            $AppToRemove = Get-Applications | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match $Application }
        switch ($true) {
            { $AppToRemove.QuietUninstallString } {
                Write-Output "Running Quiet Uninstall String: $($AppToRemove.QuietUninstallString)"
                & $AppToRemove.QuietUninstallString
            { $AppToRemove.UninstallString } {
                Write-Output "Running Uninstall String: $($AppToRemove.UninstallString)"
                & $AppToRemove.UninstallString
            DEFAULT { Write-Error "No Uninstall String is provided for this application." }
#EndRegion Remove-Application

#Region Remove-OlderThan

    Remove files in a directory recursively based on how many days since the files was changed. Use negative values for -DaysBack.

    This scripts function is to delete files and folders older than x days recursively.

    Specify the root path to delete items from.
    Specify the amount of days old since a file was edited to delete.
    Search recursively for files.

    Delete-OlderThan -Path "C:\Folder" -DaysBack 90

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function Remove-OlderThan() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Path,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateScript( { $_ -gt 0 })][int]$DaysBack,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Switch]$Recurse
    $CurrentDate = Get-Date
    $DatetoDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays("-$Daysback")
    Get-ChildItem $Path | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item -Force
#EndRegion Remove-OlderThan
#Region Remove-Path

    Deletes folder recursively, so be careful. If -Include is empty, it will delete all files, otherwise it will delete only the ones you -Include.

    This command deletes all files recursively in a path that match the included filename.

    Specify the path to recursively delete.

    Restrict the deletion to specific file names, types, etc.. by specifying them in this parameter.
    See `Get-Help Get-ChildItem -Parameter Include` for more information.

    PS>Remove-Path C:\temp

    Specify the parent folder from which the command runs and specify file names to include. Wildcards are supported.

    Remove-Path -path c:\Folder -include "*.logs"

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Remove-Path() {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Path,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Include

    Get-ChildItem -path "$Path" -Include "$Include" -Recurse -force | Remove-Item -force -Recurse
#EndRegion Remove-Path
#Region Remove-PrintQueue

    Quickly clear print que from all installed printers.
    This command clears print queues for all printers, including network printers. If you specify a single printer using -Printer, you will NOT clear all installed printers.
    Specify the printer name to clear.
    PS> Remove-PrintQueue -Printer Some_printer_name1
    This will delete all of the current print jobs on the network printer 'Some_printer_name1'
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function Remove-PrintQueue() {
    param (

    if ($Printer) {
        $Printers = Get-Printer -Name *$Printer*
    else {
        $Printers = Get-Printer 

    foreach ($printer in $printers) {
        $printjobs = Get-PrintJob -PrinterObject $printer
        foreach ($printjob in $printjobs) {
            Remove-PrintJob -InputObject $printjob
#EndRegion Remove-PrintQueue
#Region Reset-NetworkAdapter

    Reset a network interface.

    Reset a specified interface with -Interface.

.PARAMETER Interface
    Specify the name of the network interface name to reset.

    Reset-NetworkAdapter -Interface "Local Area Connection"

    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function Reset-NetworkAdapter() {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Interface

    netsh.exe interface set interface $Interface admin=disable
    netsh.exe interface set interface $Interface admin=enable
#EndRegion Reset-NetworkAdapter
#Region Reset-NetworkStack

    Reset Network Stack. Will require a reboot.
    Resets the TCP/IP and Winsock Stacks
    PS> Reset-NetworkStack
    This will reset the winsock and ip, ipv4, and ipv6 interfaces.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

    Change Log:
    Version: 1.0 - Function Creation.

Function Reset-NetworkStack() {
    param (

    netsh.exe winsock reset
    netsh.exe int ip reset
    netsh.exe int ipv4 reset reset.log
    netsh.exe int ipv6 reset reset.log
    Write-Output "[-] You will need to restart this computer."
#EndRegion Reset-NetworkStack
#Region SU
$DetectedOS = switch($true) {
    $IsWindows {'Windows'}
    $IsLinux   {'Linux'}
    $IsMacOS   {'MacOS'}
    DEFAULT    {'Windows'}

If ($DetectedOS -eq 'Windows') {
        Windows version of the linux command `SU`
        Immitate SU on Linux. This creates new PoSH Session as an admin.
        Default `su` will close the current session and launch a new one as admin
        Specify `-NoExit` to keep the non-admin shell running.
        PS> su
        Depending on what edition of powershell is running, this will start an elevated process and close the original process.
        PS> su -NoExit
        This will keep the non-admin shell running and you will have two processes open.
        Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
        Handle: @matthewjdegarmo
        You can either submit a [PR](
            or create an [Issue](
            on this GitHub project at

    function su() {
        param (
            [Switch] $NoExit
        switch ($($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)) {
            "Desktop" { 
                $Parent = (Get-Process -Id $PID)
                Switch($Parent.ProcessName) {
                    'powershell_ise' {
                        Start-Process $Parent.Path -Verb RunAs 
                    'Code' {
                        #TODO: Detect VSCode running powershell.exe somehow
                    DEFAULT {
                        Start-Process Powershell -Verb RunAs 
            "Core" {
                $Parent = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Parent
                Switch($Parent.ProcessName) {
                    'WindowsTerminal' {
                        Start-Process wt.exe -Verb RunAs
                        If (-Not($NoExit.IsPresent)) {
                    'Code' {
                        Start-Process $Parent.Path -Verb RunAs
                    DEFAULT {
                        Start-Process Pwsh -Verb RunAs

#EndRegion SU
#Region TimeStamp

This is to pass the cmdlet exporting pester tests since this is a filter
Function TimeStamp() {

    This is a filter used to place colorized timestamps on any output messages.
    The function `TimeStamp` is a colorized version of this command `DateStamp`, but `TimeStamp` output cannot be written to a file. You will want to use `DateStamp` if you are going to output your messages into a log or txt file.
    Specify the color to display the message text.
    See `[System.ConsoleColor].GetEnumNames()` for full list of colors.
    Specify this to change the color of the first segment of text, and not the rest. See Example #3.

    "ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script" | TimeStamp

    [08/04/2020 11:55:39] : ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script

    This line will place a time stamp at the beginning of the line that can only be written to the console and not to a file.
    "ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script" | TimeStamp Red

    [08/04/2020 11:56:40] : ERROR: Something bad happened on this line of the script

    This will colorize the timestamp, and turn the provided string red. You can provide any color usable by Write-Host -ForegroundColor.
    "ERROR: " | TimeStamp Red NoNewLine;"Something bad happened on this line fo the script"

    [08/04/2020 11:58:54] : ERROR: Something bad happened on this line fo the script

    This will colorize the TimeStamp, and make "ERROR: " Red, and with `NoNewLine` provided, you can add additional non-colorized text to the same line.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Filter TimeStamp($color, $NoNewLine) {
    # [CmdletBinding()] # This is to pass the advanced function pester tests.
    # param () # This is to pass the advanced function pester tests.
    # Function # This is to pass the advanced function pester tests.
    if ($color -eq 'NoNewLine') {
        $color = 'White'
        $NoNewLine = 'NoNewLine'
    Write-Host "[" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine
    Write-Host $(Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") -ForegroundColor Green -NoNewLine
    Write-Host "] " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine
    Write-Host ": " -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewLine
    if ($NoNewLine) {
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor $color -NoNewline
    elseif (!$Color) {
        Write-Host "$_"
    else {
        Write-Host "$_" -ForegroundColor $color
#EndRegion TimeStamp
#Region Update-PowerShell

    This will both Install the latest release of PowerShell or update your current PowerShell.
    This one-liner is provided by [Tyler Leonhardt]( I have added some parameters to help customize the install of the .MSI
    Specifying this switch will install the latest preview version of PowerShell. Otherwise this will install / update the latest stable release.
    Specifying this switch will install or update quietly with no gui popup, taking all defaults of the install. You need to run as admin to use this switch.
    PS> Update-Powershell -Preview
    This will update or install PowerShell with the latest Preview release.
    PS> Update-Powershell -Quiet
    This will update or install the latest General Release version of PowerShell.
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Update-PowerShell() {
        [switch] $Preview,
        [switch] $Quiet
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Preview')) { $PreviewOption = '-Preview' }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Quiet')) { $QuietOption = '-Quiet' }
    Invoke-Expression -Command "& {$(Invoke-RestMethod} -UseMSI $PreviewOption $QuietOption"
#EndRegion Update-PowerShell
#Region Watch-Command

    Loop through a command forever until canceled (Ctrl + C)
    This is meant to be a powershell equivalent to the linux `watch` command.
    This parameter takes in a command to evaluate. This parameter takes in a string, and uses Invoke-Expression to run the command. This means that complex commands must be wrapped within quotation marks.
.PARAMETER WaitSeconds
    This parameter takes in an Int (number) which equates to the number of seconds to wait after the completion of the command before executing again.
.PARAMETER Differences
    This switch will not overwrite the original text displayed if something in the output has changed. It will place a timestamp in between the previous output and the current (changed) output. This also breaks out what items were `Added` or `Removed` from the previous output to assist with monitoring visually.
    PS> Watch-Command -Command Get-Process

    This will run Get-Process, wait 5 seconds (the default amount of time) and run it again.
    PS> Watch-Command "Get-Process | Select-Object -First 12" -Differences -WaitSeconds 3

    This will run the Get-Process command through the pipeline, and monitor for differences every 3 seconds. Notice this command is treated as a string and `"wrapped in quotes"`
    Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo
    Handle: @matthewjdegarmo

    You can either submit a [PR](
        or create an [Issue](
        on this GitHub project at

Function Watch-Command() {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Command,

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        [int] $WaitSeconds = 5,

        [switch] $Differences
    begin {
        $Output = $null
        $PreviousOutput = $null
        $Difference = $null
        $SaveX = [console]::CursorLeft
        $SaveY = [console]::CursorTop + 1
    process {
        try {                
            Write-Output "Watching command: '$Command' | Interval: $WaitSeconds`s | Time: $([datetime]::Now)"
            While ($true) {
                [console]::SetCursorPosition($SaveX, $SaveY)
                $Output = (Invoke-Expression -Command $Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
                if ($PreviousOutput -and $Output -and $Differences.IsPresent) {
                    # $Properties = $PreviousOutput | Get-Member -MemberType "*Property*"
                    $Difference = (Compare-Object $PreviousOutput $Output -PassThru)
                    if ($Difference) {
                        ($PreviousOutput | Out-String).Trim()
                        "|-------------------------------| |-----------------|"
                        "There was a change in the output: $([datetime]::Now)"
                        "|-------------------------------| |-----------------|"
                        $AddedDifferences = $Difference | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "=>" }
                        $RemovedDifferences = $Difference | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq "<=" }
                        if ($AddedDifferences) { "Added:"; ($AddedDifferences | Out-String).Trim(); "" }
                        if ($RemovedDifferences) { "Removed:"; ($RemovedDifferences | Out-String).Trim(); "" }
                        # ($Difference | Out-String).Trim()
                        # $Difference = $null
                        # $AddedDifferences = $null
                        # $RemovedDifferences = $null
                        ""; Write-Output "Watching command: '$Command' | Interval: $WaitSeconds`s | Time: $([datetime]::Now)"
                        $SaveX = [console]::CursorLeft
                        $SaveY = [console]::CursorTop
                if ($Differences.IsPresent) {
                    $PreviousOutput = $Output
                ($Output | Out-String).Trim()
                Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitSeconds
        finally {
            $SaveX = $null
            $SaveY = $null
            $Output = $null
            $PreviousOutput = $null
            # $Difference = $null
    end {}
#EndRegion Watch-Command