
function Get-Printers {

    This command returns a list of local or remote printers
    .Parameter computer
    Specifies a remote computer to pull a list of printers for
    .Parameter complex
    Specifies to additional information on the printers
    Returns printers for the local computer only.
    -Computer is used to pull printers from remote computers.
    Get-Printers -computer PCName
    Return long list of info on the printers
    Get-Printers -computer PCName -complex


    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$computer,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$complex

    if ($complex) {
        Get-CimInstance cim_printer -computer $computer | Select-Object Name, Drivername, Portname, Status, SystemName, local, shared, CapabilityDescriptions

    else {
        Get-CimInstance cim_printer -computer $computer | Select-Object Name, Drivername, Portname