
function Get-Info {

    -Taylor Lee
    Modified 07162019
    A functions list for the Powershell Profile

    param (

    Write-Host " -------------------------------------------------------------------"                      -Foregroundcolor Green
    Write-Host " | "                                                                                       -Foregroundcolor Green -NoNewline
    Write-Host "Some functions "                                                                           -Foregroundcolor Yellow  -NoNewline
    Write-Host "require additional Powershell Modules "                                         -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "|"                                                                                         -Foregroundcolor Green
    Write-Host " | "                                                                                       -Foregroundcolor Green -NoNewline
    Write-Host "Use "                                                                                      -Foregroundcolor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "Get-Help <Command> -full "                                                                 -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
    Write-Host "to view any prerequisites "                                                       -Foregroundcolor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "|"                                                                                         -Foregroundcolor Green
    Write-Host " | "                                                                                       -Foregroundcolor Green -NoNewline
    Write-Host "Use "                                                                                      -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "Get-Help2 "                                                                                -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
    Write-Host "for a Graphical cmdlet explorer "                                        -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
    Write-Host "|"                                                                                         -Foregroundcolor Green
    Write-Host " -------------------------------------------------------------------"                      -Foregroundcolor Green
    Write-Host "Active Directoy Commands"                                                                  -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Get-ADInfo ..Gets info on local domain"                                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-DCLockoutEvents2 ..Gets endpoints causing user lockouts"                         -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-EndpointReport ..Gets a Report of AD Endpoints"                                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-LockedAccounts ..Gets locked AD accounts"                                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-PasswordExpired ..Gets AD accounts with Expired Passwords"                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-UserReport ..Gets a Report of AD Users"                                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Set-Password ..Sets an AD Password"                                          -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Unlock-Account ..Unlocks an AD account"                                        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Unlock-AllAccounts ..Unlocks all AD accounts"                                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Custom Modules"                                                                            -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "AdminToolbox ..Module with many useful tools"                                -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "FFTools ..Module for FFMpeg"                                            -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "PCSetup ..Module for PC Setup"                                          -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "VmwareAutomate ..Module for Automating VMware Tasks"                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Endpoint Management Commands"                                                              -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Add-LocalAdmin ..Adds a local admin to the endpoint"                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Disable-ShakeToMinimize ..Disables Annoying Shake to Minimize"                          -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Disable-Standby ..Disables Hibernate and Sleep"                                 -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Applications ..Gets a list of installed Applications"                        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Management ..Gets Computer Management for another endpoint"                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-PCInfo ..Gets info on targeted PC"                                     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Reset-NetworkStack ..Reset TCP/IP and Winsock"                                     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Reset-NetworkAdapter ..Reset Network Adapters"                                       -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Restart-Endpoint ..Restart the endpoint after X provided hours"                  -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Set-UAC ..Sets the UAC state"                                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Uninstall-Applications ..Uninstalls a selected Application"                            -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Exchange Commands"                                                                         -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Add-DistributionMember ..Adds a mailbox to a Distibution Group"                        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-MailLog ..Gets a csv of mail logs"                                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-UserDisabledMailboxes ..Gets mailboxes associated with disabled ad accounts"          -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-VirtualDirectories ..Gets IIS virtual directories for Exchange"                    -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Set-VirtualDirectories ..Sets IIS virtual directories for Exchange"                    -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "File Commands"                                                                             -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Get-FileOwner ..Gets CSV of file owners for a path"                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-FolderSize ..Gets FolderSize of a single folder quickly"                   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Find-ComputersFiles ..Finds queried files across 1 or more Computers"               -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-Robocopy ..Invokes a wrapped robocopy function containing presets"       -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Remove-All ..Removes many files quickly to free up space"                  -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Remove-DisabledADProfiles ..Removes local profiles of disabled AD users"                  -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Remove-OlderThan ..Removes folders and files older than"                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Networking Commands"                                                                       -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Clear-Arp ..Clears the local arp table"                                   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Clear-DNSClientCache ..Clears the DNS Cache"                                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-DNSClientCache ..Gets the DNS Cache"                                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-NetIPConfiguration ..Gets Network Interface Config"                                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-NetworkStatistics ..Gets active connections and associated processes"             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-PublicIP ..Gets Public Whois Info for specified address"                 -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-PSNmap ..Invoke nmap scan on targets"                                  -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-PSipcalc ..Invoke CIDR IP Calculator"                                    -ForegroundColor cyan
    Write-Host "Resolve-DNSName ..Resolves DNS and filter for record type"                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Start-Iperf ..Starts an Iperf client or host bandwidth test"                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Test-Netconnection ..Tests Ping, Traceroute, Route Diagnosing, and Port Testing"   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Office 365 Commands"                                                                       -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Connect-Office365 ..Connects to Office 365 Module"                                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Convert-MailboxToShared ..Convert Disabled mailbox to a Shared Mailbox"                 -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-AuthPolicy ..Gets Exchange Online Auth Policy"                             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "New-AuthPolicy ..New Exchange Online Auth Policies Created"                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Set-AuthPolicy ..Sets Exchange Online Auth Policy"                             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Start-AzureSync ..Starts an Azure AD and Local AD Sync"                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Print/er Management Commands"                                                              -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Get-Printers ..Gets printer information"                                     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-PrintManagement ..Gets Print Management"                                        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Remove-PrintQueue ..Removes all print queues"                                     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Remoting"                                                                                  -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Connect-SSH ..Connects to SSH Server"                                       -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Enable-PSRemoting ..Enables PSRemoting on local endpoint"                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Enable-Remoting ..Enables PSRemoting on remote endpoint"                        -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Install-SSH ..Installs OpenSSH Features"                                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-ServiceRecovery ..Invokes a Service Restart on all Endpoints"                   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Fun"                                                                                       -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Get-CloseEncounters ..Get Close Encounters"                                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Excuse ..Gets a joke"                                                  -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-ImperialMarch ..Get Imperial March"                                           -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-MissionImpossible ..Get Mission Impossible"                                       -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Mario ..Get Mario"                                                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Tetris ..Get Tetris"                                                   -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-Weather ..Get The Weather"                                              -Foregroundcolor cyan