Function Get-VMFolderPaths { <# .DESCRIPTION Get's all VM respective Folders in Vcenter, exports that information to an excel file, and save the excel file your download folder. .PARAMETER MailboxAliases Array of aliases for mailboxes to pull a report from if not all .PARAMETER Path Where to export the excel file to .EXAMPLE Get-VMFolderPaths .NOTES Must have the VMWARE.PowerCLI module loaded #> $folders = Get-Folder | Sort-Object Name ForEach ($folder in $folders) { Get-Folder -Name $folder | Get-VM | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name | Export-Excel -WorksheetName "$Folder" -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\VMFolderPaths.xlsx" -FreezeTopRow -TableName "$Folder" -AutoSize } Start-Process $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\VMFolderPaths.xlsx } |