Function Get-MFAStatus { <# .DESCRIPTION Get Multifactor Authentication Status for Microsoft Online users .NOTES Requires the Exchange Online module be installed, imported, and Connected. .Link #> #Check that the MSOnline and ImportExcel Module is loaded $Modulecheck = Get-Module msonline if ($Modulecheck) { } Else { try { Connect-MsolService } catch { Write-Warning "You must first install and import the MSOnline Module" } } #Get all accounts for filtering $MSOLUsers = Get-MsolUser -all | Where-Object { $_.IsLicensed -eq 'True' } #Process results into a PSCustom Object with relevant info ForEach ($User in $MSOLUsers) { #Get the UserPrinicipalname for precise object Filtering $UPN = $User.UserprincipalName #Filter Msol Users using their UPN object data $UserObject = get-msoluser -SearchString $UPN | Select-Object DisplayName, UserprincipalName, islicensed $UserObject2 = get-msoluser -SearchString $UPN | Select-Object -Expand StrongAuthenticationRequirements $UserObject3 = get-msoluser -SearchString $UPN | Select-Object -Expand StrongAuthenticationMethods | Where-Object { $_.IsDefault -eq "True" } <#Pull Administrator Statuses $ca = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator" $CompanyAdministrator = Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $ca.objectid | Where-Object { $_.EmailAddress -eq "$upn" } if ($null -ne $CompanyAdministrator) { $CaResult = $True } else { $CaResult = $False } $Ba = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Company Administrator" $BillingAdministrator = Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId $ba.objectid | Where-Object { $_.EmailAddress -eq "$upn" } if ($null -ne $BillingAdministrator) { $BiResult = $True } else { $BiResult = $False }#> #Output Custom Object Info [pscustomobject]@{ DisplayName = $UserObject.DisplayName UserprincipalName = $UserObject.UserprincipalName IsLicensed = $UserObject.islicensed MFAState = $UserObject2.State MFAMethodDefault = $UserObject3.Methodtype #IsCompanyAdministrator = $CaResult #IsBillingAdministrator = $BiResult } } } |