Function Get-GuestUsers { <# .DESCRIPTION This function will create an Excel report of guest users accounts from Azure AD, and groups they are a member of. .PARAMETER StaleGuests Get a list of guest users older than the given days old .PARAMETER RecentlyCreatedGuests Get a list of guest users older no older than x days .Example Shows all guest users accounts older than 90 days old Get-GuestUsers -StaleGuest 90 .Notes Requires the AzureAD and Import excel modules be imported and the AzureAD module connected .Link #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int]$StaleGuests, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][int]$RecentlyCreatedGuests ) try { $Result = "" $PrintedGuests = 0 $date = ((Get-Date -Format MM-dd-yyyy).ToString()) #Output file declaration $Exportxlsx = "$env:USERPROFILE\downloads\GuestUserReport_$date.xlsx" Write-Host Exporting Guest User Report -ForegroundColor Green #Getting guest users Get-AzureADUser -All $true -Filter "UserType eq 'Guest'" | ForEach-Object { $DisplayName = $_.DisplayName $Upn = $_.UserPrincipalName $GetCreationTime = $_.ExtensionProperty $CreationTime = $GetCreationTime.createdDateTime $AccountAge = (New-TimeSpan -Start $CreationTime).Days #Check for stale guest users if (($StaleGuests -ne "") -and ([int]$AccountAge -lt $StaleGuests)) { return } #Check for recently created guest users if (($RecentlyCreatedGuests -ne "") -and ([int]$AccountAge -gt $RecentlyCreatedGuests)) { return } $ObjectId = $_.ObjectId $Mail = $_.Mail $Company = $_.CompanyName if ($null -eq $Company) { $Company = "-" } $CreationType = $_.CreationType $InvitationAccepted = $_.UserState #Getting guest user's group membership $Groups = (Get-AzureADUserMembership -ObjectId $ObjectId).DisplayName #$Groups $GroupMembership = "" foreach ($Group in $Groups) { #$Group if ($GroupMembership -ne "") { $GroupMembership = $GroupMembership + "," } $GroupMembership = $GroupMembership + $Group } if ($GroupMembership -eq "") { $GroupMembership = "-" } #Export result to xlsx file $PrintedGuests++ $Result = @{'UserPrincipalName' = $upn; 'DisplayName' = $DisplayName; 'EmailAddress' = $Mail; 'Company' = $Company; 'CreationTime' = $CreationTime; 'AccountAge(days)' = $AccountAge; 'InvitationAccepted' = $InvitationAccepted; 'CreationType' = $CreationType; 'GroupMembership' = $GroupMembership } $Output = New-Object PSObject -Property $Result $Output | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Company, EmailAddress, CreationTime, AccountAge'(Days)', CreationType, InvitationAccepted, GroupMembership | Export-Excel -Path $Exportxlsx -FreezeTopRow -WorksheetName GuestUserReport -Append -TableName GuestUserReport } #Open output file after execution Invoke-Item "$Exportxlsx" } catch { Write-Warning "An Error Occurred because you are not connected to AzureAD. Connect to AzureAD and try again." Write-Host $_ Import-Module AzureAD Connect-AzureAD } } |