
Function Enable-MailboxAccess {

    This function permits full access to a user mailbox and launches a browser session to Outlook on the Web. The reason to use this function would be for an unlicensed global admin to access a user mailbox. The gui in that instance would not be an option.
    .Parameter MailboxIdentity
    The MailboxIdentity parameter specifies the mailbox where you want to assign permissions to the user. Use the user principal name (UPN)
    .Parameter ReaderIdentity
    The readerIdentity parameter specifies the mailbox where you want to assign permissions to the user. Use the user principal name (UPN)
    Enable-MailboxAccess -MailboxIdentity -ReaderIdentity
    Requires the Exchange Online Powershell Module be installed and an Active exchange online session running.
    This is intended for Management purposes only. If you abuse this function to abuse Microsofts EULA that is on you.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$MailboxIdentity,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$ReaderIdentity

    add-mailboxpermission -Identity $MailboxIdentity -user $ReaderIdentity -AccessRights fullaccess -Confirm:$false -verbose

    Write-Host " "

    Write-Host "Allow time for the permitted access to take effect" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host " "
    Write-Host "Access URL for the mailbox listed below" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Output "$MailboxIdentity/?offline=disabled"
    Write-Host " "
