
    This function will Enable and Enforce per user MFA in Azure and Office 365
    One of the following roles are required
    Role | Manage user's auth methods | Manage per-user MFA | Manage MFA settings | Manage auth method policy | Manage password protection policy
    Authentication Administrator | Yes for some users (see above) | Yes for some users (see above) | No | No | No
    Privileged Authentication Administrator | Yes for all users | Yes for all users |No | No | No
    Authentication Policy Administrator | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes

function Invoke-PerUserMFAEnforced {

    Param (

    $upns = get-msoluser | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Select the users who you are Enforcing MFA for."

    $mf = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Online.Administration.StrongAuthenticationRequirement
    $mf.RelyingParty = "*"
    $mf.State = "Enforced"
    $mfa = @($mf)

    foreach ($upn in $upns) {
        Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $upn.UserPrincipalName -StrongAuthenticationRequirements $mfa