
function Get-Office365 {


    Write-Host "Office 365 Functions"                                                                      -Foregroundcolor green
    Write-Host "Connect-Office365 ..Connects to Office 365 Module"                                -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Convert-MailboxToShared ..Convert Disabled mailbox to a Shared Mailbox"                 -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-AuthPolicy ..Gets Exchange Online Auth Policy"                             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-MFAStatus ..Gets Multifactor Settings for Msol Users"                     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Get-RoleMembers ..Gets Office 365 roles and their members"                      -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Invoke-Sync365 ..Invokes an Azure sync using a Non-Verbose alias remotely"     -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "New-AuthPolicy ..New Exchange Online Auth Policies Created"                    -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Set-AuthPolicy ..Sets Exchange Online Auth Policy"                             -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host "Start-AzureSync ..Starts an Azure AD and Local AD Sync"                         -Foregroundcolor cyan
    Write-Host " "